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1. K+ and Mg2+ concentrations were lower in larvae fed 2.5 mM canavanine-25 mM arginine-supplemented artificial diet (CAAM) than in larvae fed either control or 2.5 mM canavanine (CAV) diet2. Treatment differences for Na+ concentrations were not observed.3. Free amino acid concentrations in CAAM-fed larvae were higher and protein concentrations were lower than controls during the latter part of the feeding stage and the wandering larval stage; CAV-fed larvae exhibited intermediate concentrations.4. No difference in osmotic pressure was observed between treatments.  相似文献   

A series of analogues of insect juvenile hormone (four geometric isomers of methyl epoxyfarnesenate, several para-substituted epoxygeranyl phenyl ethers, and epoxyfarnesol and its acetate and haloacetate derivatives) was prepared to investigate the binding specificity of the hemolymph juvenile hormone binding protein from the tobacco hornworm Manduct sexta. The relative binding affinities were determined by a competition assay against radiolabeled methyl (E,E)-3,11-dimethyl-7-ethyl-cis-10,11-epoxytrideca-2,6-dienoate (JH I). The ratio of dissociation constants was estimated by plotting competitor data according to a linear transformation of the dissociation equations describing competition of two ligands for a binding protein. The importance of the geometry of the sesquiterpene hydrocarbon chain is indicated by the fact that the binding affinity is decreased as Z (cis) double bonds are substituted for E (trans) double bonds in the methyl epoxyfarnesenate series; the unepoxidized analogues do not bind. A carboxylic ester function is important although its orientation can be reversed, as indicated by the good binding of epoxyfarnesyl acetate. In the monoterpene series, methyl epoxygeranoate shows no affinity for the binding protein, but substitution of a phenyl or p-carbomethoxyphenyl ether for the ester function imparts a low, but significant affinity. These data taken together with earlier results indicate that the binding site for juvenile hormone in the hemolymph binding protein is characterized by a sterically defined hydrophobic region with polar sites that recognize the epoxide and the ester functions.  相似文献   

The larval hemolymph of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, contains a carrier protein that binds specifically and with high affinity the juvenile hormone, an important regulator of insect development. This protein serves to transport the hormone and to protect it from the action of degradative enzymes during early larval stages. Using hemolymph from the last larval stage, we have isolated a pure carrier protein using acetone precipitation, gel filtration, ion exchange chromatography, and preparative isoelectric focusing. Gel filtration, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate, and equilibrium ultracentrifugation established that the carrier protein is a single chain polypeptide of approximately 28,000 daltons. The amino acid composition is unexceptional, and no evidence for hexosamine has been obtained. An ion exchange filter disc assay method was used to determine the formation of the complex between the carrier protein and isotopically labeled juvenile hormone. With this technique it was shown that each carrier protein binds one hormone molecule with a dissociation constant of 4.4 +/- 0.2 X 10(-7) M at 0 degrees.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone (JH) esterase found primarily in the hemolymph and tissues of insects is a low abundance protein involved in the ester hydrolysis of insect juvenile hormones, JHs. The enzyme was purified from the larval plasma of wild-type Manduca sexta using an affinity column prepared by binding the ligand, 3-[(4'-mercapto)butylthio]-1,1,1-trifluoropropan-2-one (MBTFP), to epoxy-activated Sepharose. The purification was greater than 700-fold with a 72% recovery, and the purified enzyme appeared as a single protein on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, immunoelectrophoresis, reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography, and amino acid sequence analysis. The molecular weight was 66,000. The plasma JH esterase in wild-type, black, and white strains of M. sexta was similar when analyzed by immunotitration, wide range (pH 3.5-9.0) isoelectric focusing, and inhibition with MBTFP and 3-octylthio-1,1,1-trifluoropropan-2-one (OTFP). Inhibition studies revealed a sensitive and insensitive form (I50 = 10(-9) and 10(-6) M, respectively) in these three biotypes. Narrow range isoelectric focusing (pH 4.0-7.0) indicated the presence of two major isoelectric forms with pI values of 6.0 and 5.5, but their inhibition kinetics with OTFP and O,O-diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate were identical.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the pericardial athrocytes of fifth instar tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta L. (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) was examined by transmission electron microscopy. These cells are highly specialized for the maintenance of hemolymph homeostasis by synthesis and secretion of some proteins, and uptake and degradation of others. We observed a striking radial zonation with numerous labyrinthine channels extending into the cell providing a large surface area for enhanced efficiency of endocytosis. Granular material was imported into the endosomal compartment by fusion of endocytotic vesicles from the basal region. Anatomical evidence supports the hypothesis that proteins are transported from the endosome to the lysosome, by maturation of the early endosome to form the late endosome/lysosome, as opposed to vesicular transport. The presence of catalase in athrocyte lysosomes is reported for the first time. Endocytosis in the athrocytes of insects is compared with endocytosis in vertebrate systems.  相似文献   

Central projections of neurons innervating sensory structures on the head of larval Manduca sexta were traced by using methods of anterograde cobalt-diffusion. Regions of the deutocerebrum and tritocerebrum in the brain receive input from the antenna, labrum, maxilla, labial palps, hypopharynx and other unidentified regions of the buccal cavity. Antennal, maxillary and labial inputs project to the larval antennal centre (LAC) of the deutocerebrum. Stemmatal neurons and a few antennal neurons project into the protocerebrum. The suboesophageal ganglion (SEG) receives input from mechanosensory neurons in all parts of the head and its sensory appendages. Some mechanosensory neurons project further to the first thoracic ganglion. In addition to receiving input from chemosensory neurons of the maxilla, the SEG may also receive chemosensory input from epipharyngeal sensilla of the labrum.  相似文献   

Morphology of the ventral nerve cord of the hawkmoth, Manduca sexta (Lepidoptera : Sphingidae), changes at the larval-pupal transition as several separate larval ganglia fuse to form single ganglia characteristic of the adult. We examined in detail the time course of ganglionic fusion. Changes in the relative positions of the ganglia were studied by staining the tissue with methylene or toluidine blue. Alterations in the positions and structure of individual neurons were studied by filling neurons with a cobalt-lysine complex. The first gross morphological change, anterior movement of the first abdominal ganglion, is visible within the first 24 hr after pupal ecdysis. Adult ventral nerve cord morphology is recognizable 6 days later, approximately 12 days before the adult will emerge. The sequence in which the individual ganglia fuse is invariant. During ganglionic fusion, the neuronal cell bodies and associated neuropil move out of their former ganglionic sheath and through the sheath covering the connectives. Axons between the fusing ganglia form loops in the shortening connectives. The presence of looping axons is a morphological feature that identifies the boundaries between ganglia during intermediate stages of fusion. Some individual adult neurons also show looped axons at the boundaries of fused ganglia. These axonal loops may be a valuable morphological marker by which neurons can be characterized as conserved neurons.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the neuroanatomy of the sucking pump of Manduca sexta (Sphingidae) is valuable for studies of olfactory learning, pattern generators, and postembryonic modification of motor circuitry. The pump comprises a cibarial valve, a buccal pump, and an esophageal sphincter valve. Cibarial opener and closer muscles control the cibarial valve. Six pairs of dilator muscles and a compressor muscle operate the buccal pump. The cibarial opener and one pair of buccal dilator muscles are innervated by paired neurons in the tritocerebrum, and the cibarial opener has double, bilateral innervation. Their tritocerebral innervation indicates that these muscles evolved from labro-clypeal muscles. The remaining paired buccal dilator muscles each are innervated by an unpaired motor neuron in the frontal ganglion. These motor neurons project bilaterally through the frontal connectives to dendritic arborizations in the tritocerebrum. These projections also have a series of dendritic-like arborizations in the connectives. The cibarial closer and buccal compressor muscles are also innervated by motor neurons in the frontal ganglion, but only the closer muscle neuron projects bilaterally to the tritocerebrum. The innervation of the pump muscles indicates that they are associated with the stomodaeum, and, therefore, the buccal pump evolved from the anterior stomodaeum rather than from the cibarium.  相似文献   

从尚未涉及的昆虫种类中建立新的细胞系能为基础研究和生物技术应用提供重要资源。本实验通过细胞培养技术, 建立了3株来源于鳞翅目昆虫烟草天蛾Manduca sexta卵组织的新细胞系, 分别命名为QB-Ms1-8, QB-Ms2-2和QB-Ms2-7。这3株细胞已经培养在TNM-FH培养基中, 28℃条件下传代培养了约50代, 大部分细胞呈梭形, 细胞群体倍增时间分别为51, 31和49 h。虽然这3株细胞系对苜蓿银纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒(Autographa californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus, AcMNPV)不够敏感, 侵染后96 h感染率在33%~40%之间, 但是QB-Ms2-2细胞与BTI-Tn5B1-4细胞比较, 分泌型碱性磷酸酶(SEAP)活性表达更高。本研究从建立的3株烟草天蛾新细胞系中筛选出SEAP高表达的细胞系QB-Ms2-2, 为进一步细胞克隆和筛选提供了新资源。  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy of the developing Manduca sexta (Lepidoptera : Sphingidae) embryo reveals that the body wall of the insect undergoes considerable morphogenesis beginning at 20 hr post-oviposition. The elongated 19 hr embryo contracts in length, which gives rise to the formation of rudimentary segments. By 33 hr, many of the appendage anlagen are visible, the presumptive spiracles appear as bifurcate pits and the proctodeum begins invagination. During this same period, prior to katatrepsis, the body walls become established, and the segments and appendages develop. Between 50 and 60 hr post-oviposition, involution of the oral cavity and reorientation of the associated gnathal appendages occurs. During this same period, katatrepsis and provisional dorsal closure take place. Developmental polarity is evident as a distinctive wave of specialization proceeding posterior to anterior in the thorax/abdomen, and anterior to posterior in the head. Configuration of the oral cavity is strikingly prognathous until just prior to eclosion. Two embryonic molts are apparent, as determined by the remnants of ecdysed “embryonic cuticles”.  相似文献   

Most studies linking dietary variation with insect fitness focus on a single dietary component and late larval growth. We examined the effects of variation in multiple dietary factors over most life stages of the sphingid moth, Manduca sexta. Larvae received artificial diets in which protein, sucrose, and water content were varied. The relationship between larval size, growth and consumption rates differed significantly across diets. Larvae on control and low-sucrose diets grew most rapidly and attained the largest pupal and adult sizes. Conversely, larvae on low-water and low-protein diets initially grew slowly, but accelerated in the fifth instar and became pupae and adults comparable to control animals in size. There were no fundamental differences in protein:carbohydrate consumption patterns or strategies among experimental diets and larval instars. However, inadequate dietary water appeared to be more important for early than late instar larvae. Larvae on all artificial diets showed increasing fat content throughout all stages, including wandering and metamorphosis. Compensatory feeding among low-water and low-protein larvae was correlated with significantly higher fat content in larvae, pupae and adults, whereas low-sucrose animals were substantially leaner than those on the control diet. These differences may have strong effects on adult physiology, reproduction, and foraging patterns.  相似文献   

A new class of inhibitors of juvenile hormone epoxide hydrolase (JHEH) of Manduca sexta and further in vitro characterization of the enzyme are reported. The compounds are based on urea and amide pharmacophores that were previously demonstrated as effective inhibitors of mammalian soluble and microsomal epoxide hydrolases. The best inhibitors against JHEH activity so far within this class are N-[(Z)-9-octadecenyl]-N′-propylurea and N-hexadecyl-N′-propylurea, which inhibited hydrolysis of a surrogate substrate (t-DPPO) with an IC50 around 90 nM. The importance of substitution number and type was investigated and results indicated that N, N′-disubstitution with asymmetric alkyl groups was favored. Potencies of pharmacophores decreased as follows: amide>urea>carbamate>carbodiimide>thiourea and thiocarbamate for N, N′-disubstituted compounds with symmetric substituents, and urea>amide>carbamate for compounds with asymmetric N, N′-substituents. JHEH hydrolyzes t-DPPO with a Km of 65.6 μM and a Vmax of 59 nmol min−1 mg−1 and has a substantially lower Km of 3.6 μM and higher Vmax of 322 nmol min−1 mg−1 for JH III. Although none of these compounds were potent inhibitors of hydrolysis of JH III by JHEH, they are the first leads toward inhibitors of JHEH that are not potentially subject to metabolism through epoxide degradation.  相似文献   

Flying insects rely on the integration of feedback signals from multiple sensory modalities. Thus, in addition to the visual input, mechanosensory information from antennae is crucial for stable flight in the hawkmoth Manduca sexta. However, the nature of compensatory reflexes mediated by mechanoreceptors on the antennae is unknown. In this study we describe an abdominal flexion response mediated by the antennal mechanosensory input during mechanical body rotations. Such reflexive abdominal motions lead to shifts in the animal’s center of mass, and therefore changes in flight trajectory. Moths respond with abdominal flexion both to visual and mechanical rotations, but the mechanical response depends on the presence of the mass of the flagellum. In addition, the mechanically mediated flexion response is about 200° out of phase with the visual response and adds linearly to it. Phase-shifting feedback signals in such a manner can lead to a more stable behavioral output response when the animal is faced with turbulent perturbations to the flight path.  相似文献   

The tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta) is a model organism extensively studied for many aspects of its biology, including its anti-predator strategies. We report on a novel component of this caterpillar’s defence repertoire: sound production. Late instar caterpillars produce discrete clicking sounds in response to disturbance. Click trains range in duration from 0.3–20.0 s (mean 3.3 ± 4.8 s) and contain 2–41 clicks (mean 7.1 ± 9.5). Sounds are broadband with a dominant frequency of 29.8 ± 4.9 kHz. We investigated the mechanism of sound production by selectively ablating three identified sets of ridges on the mandibles, and determined that ridges on the inner face strike the outer and incisor ridges on the opposing mandible to produce multi-component clicks. We tested the hypothesis that clicks function in defence using simulated attacks with blunt forceps. In single attack trials 77% of larvae produced sound and this increased to 100% in sequential attacks. Clicks preceded or accompanied regurgitation in 93% of multiple attack trials, indicating that sound production may function in acoustic aposematism. Sound production is also accompanied by other behaviours including directed thrashing, head curling, and biting, suggesting that sounds may also function as a general warning of unprofitability.  相似文献   

Summary Moulting fluid ofManduca sexta contains high concentrations of potassium and bicarbonate (100 mM) and low concentrations of chloride (5 mM). This fluid begins to disappear from the exuvial space approximately 9–10 h before the actual shedding of the integument. During this time, the integument can be isolated in an Ussing cell and electrical properties measured in vitro. In a normal 32 mM KHCO3 saline, potential difference (PD) is around 10 mV, exuvial side positive, and short-circuit current (SCC) is 15–20 A cm–2. Substitution of chloride slightly reduces both PD and SCC, although resistance does not change significantly. Measurement of chloride transport in the absence of K+ indicates that 100% of the SCC can be accounted for by the net chloride flux (2 A cm–2). TheK m andJ max for transepithelial chloride transport are 14 mM and 0.1 Eq cm–2 h–1. Bilateral potassium addition stimulates chloride transport, doubling net chloride flux as potassium concentration increases from 2 to 5 mM. Chloride net flux is not inhibited by the presence of furosemide (1 mM), nor in HCO 3 -free saline by thiocyanate (1 or 10 mM) or acetazolamide (0.1 mM), but is inhibited by 100% N2. The pattern of chloride transport inM. sexta is similar to that previously reported for the rectum of locusts. As chloride is normally at low concentrations in the moulting fluid, it is suggested that this transport system acts to maintain low intracellular concentrations which may be necessary for enzymatic functions in the epidermal cells and has little importance in fluid transport.Abbreviations PD potential difference - PPI pharate pupal integument - SCC short circuit current In the time since this research was performed, A.M. Jungreis passed away. He will be missed by his friends and colleagues  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone esterase (JHE) is a highly specific enzyme important for regulating the onset of metamorphosis in lepidopteran insects. After affinity chromatography of the hemolymph proteins of Manduca sexta, the pure JHE protein was digested with Lys-C and the resultant peptides were purified by microbore HPLC. Two peptides were selected for sequencing. Based upon these amino acid sequences, degenerate RT-PCR was performed in order to amplify a partial cDNA sequence from mRNA from the fat body of M. sexta. A 1512bp partial cDNA was generated and found to be highly homologous to the JHE from Heliothis virescens. 5' and 3' RACE were performed to obtain the full length cDNA sequence. The cDNA has a total length of 2220bp, with a 1749bp coding region. The deduced protein sequence contains 573 amino acids.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1981,11(1):93-96
Tissues from Manduca sexta were examined for the presence of l-ascorbic acid and l-gulonolactone oxidase. l-Ascorbic acid was found in eggs, larval labial gland, haemolymph, gut, muscle, cuticle, adult nervous tissue and gonads at concentrations ranging from < 10 to > 150 mg per 100 g wet tissue. No ascorbate was detected in larval fat body and Malphigian tubule or adult salivary gland. Concentrations in labial gland and haemolymph increased 80- and 10-fold, respectively, during the fifth larval instar such that the labial gland surpassed all other tissues in ascorbate concentration. Since tissues from insects reared on an l-ascorbate-deficient diet contained no detectable vitamin C and l-gulonolactone oxidase was absent from tissue extracts, the hornworm apparently acquired l-ascorbate solely from the diet.  相似文献   

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