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This review covers 214 marine natural compounds and 23 of their synthetic analogs, which were discovered and/or synthesized from mid-2009 to August 2014. The antifouling (AF) compounds reported have medium to high bioactivity (with a threshold of EC50 < 15.0 mg ml?1). Among these compounds, 82 natural compounds were identified as new structures. All the compounds are marine-derived, demonstrating that marine organisms are prolific and promising sources of natural products that may be developed as environmentally friendly antifoulants. However, this mini-review excludes more than 200 compounds that were also reported as AF compounds but with rather weak bioactivity during the same period. Also excluded are terrestrial-derived AF compounds reported during the last five years. A brief discussion on current challenges in AF compound research is also provided to reflect the authors’ own views in terms of future research directions.  相似文献   

We have synthesized the peptide TPLVTLFK corresponding to β-endorphin fragment 12–19 (dubbed octarphin) and its analogs (LPLVTLFK, TLLVTLFK, TPLVLLFK, TPLVTLLK, TPLVTLFL). The octarphin peptide was labeled with tritium (specific activity 28 Ci/mol), and its binding to murine peritoneal macrophages was studied. [3H]Octarphin was found to bind to macrophages with high affinity (K d = 2.3 ± 0.2 nM) and specificity. The specific binding of [3H]octarphin was inhibited by unlabeled β-endorphin and the selective agonist of nonopioid β-endorphin receptor synthetic peptide immunorphin (SLTCLVKGFY) (K i = 2.7 ± 0.2 and 2.4 ± 0.2 nM, respectively) and was not inhibited by unlabeled nalox-one, α-endorphin, γ-endorphin, or [Met5]enkephalin (K i > 10 μM). Inhibitory activity of unlabeled octarphin analogs was more than 100 times lower than that of unlabeled octarphin. Octarphin was shown to stimulate activity of murine immuno-competent cells in vitro and in vivo: at concentration of 1–10 nM it enhanced the adhesion and spreading of peritoneal macrophages as well as their ability to digest bacteria of Salmonella typhimurium virulent strain 415 in vitro; the peptide administered intraperitoneally at a dose of 20 μg/animal on day 7, 3, and 1 prior to isolation of cells increased activity of peritoneal macrophages as well as spleen T- and B-lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The DC-1 antigen has been isolated from the JY cell line (DR4, w6). The amino terminal sequences of its α and β chains are both reported and are homologous to the murine I-A antigens. The JY and previously reported LB DC-1 α chain sequences appear to be variants of the.DC α chains reported by other authors. The JY DC-1 β chain sequence appears to be identical with that deduced from a β chain cDNA clone and thus identifies this clone. The JY and LB DC-1 β-chains are clearly different since the latter has a blocked amino terminus.  相似文献   

The three cloned galanin receptors show a higher affinity for galanin than for galanin N-terminal fragments. Galanin fragment (1–15) binding sites were discovered in the rat Central Nervous System, especially in dorsal hippocampus, indicating a relevant role of galanin fragments in central galanin communication. The hypothesis was introduced that these N-terminal galanin fragment preferring sites are formed through the formation of GalR1–GalR2 heteromers which may play a significant role in mediating galanin fragment (1–15) signaling. In HEK293T cells evidence for the existence of GalR1–GalR2 heteroreceptor complexes were obtained with proximity ligation and BRET2 assays. PLA positive blobs representing GalR1–GalR2 heteroreceptor complexes were also observed in the raphe-hippocampal system. In CRE luciferase reporter gene assays, galanin (1–15) was more potent than galanin (1–29) in inhibiting the forskolin-induced increase of luciferase activity in GalR1–GalR2 transfected cells. The inhibition of CREB by 50 nM of galanin (1–15) and of galanin (1–29) was fully counteracted by the non-selective galanin antagonist M35 and the selective GalR2 antagonist M871. These results suggested that the orthosteric agonist binding site of GalR1 protomer may have an increased affinity for the galanin (1–15) vs galanin (1–29) which can lead to its demonstrated increase in potency to inhibit CREB vs galanin (1–29). In contrast, in NFAT reporter gene assays galanin (1–29) shows a higher efficacy than galanin (1–15) in increasing Gq/11 mediated signaling over the GalR2 of these heteroreceptor complexes. This disbalance in the signaling of the GalR1–GalR2 heteroreceptor complexes induced by galanin (1–15) may contribute to depression-like actions since GalR1 agonists produce such effects.  相似文献   

In this study, we compared the interactions of invasive and non-invasive strains of E. coli with clinical and environmental isolates of Acanthamoeba. The environmental isolate of Acanthamoeba exhibited significantly higher association with E. coli compared with the clinical isolates of Acanthamoeba. The ratio of E. coli per amoebae was more than 8-fold higher in the environmental isolate compared with the clinical isolates of Acanthamoeba. Interestingly, non-pathogenic environmental Acanthamoeba showed uptake and/or survival of the non-invasive E. coli. In contrast, clinical isolates of Acanthamoeba did not support uptake and/or survival of non-invasive E. coli. Using several mutants derived from K1, we demonstrated that outer membrane protein A (OmpA) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) are crucial bacterial determinants responsible for E. coli K1 interactions and in the intracellular survival of E. coli in Acanthamoeba. The use of Acanthamoeba as a model to study E. coli K1 pathogenesis and to understand bacterial immune evasion strategies is discussed further.  相似文献   


Ligand–receptor interactions can be implicated in many pathological events such as chronic neurodegenerative diseases. Thus, the discovery of molecules disrupting this type of interactions could be an interesting therapeutic approach. Polyphenols are well known for their affinity for proteins and several studies have characterized these direct interactions. But studying the direct influence of multi-therapeutic drugs on a ligand–receptor complex relevant to a neurodegenerative disorder is a challenging issue. Solution NMR, molecular modeling and iterative calculations were used to obtain information about the interaction between a phenolic compound, α-glucogallin (α-2) and a ligand/fragment receptor complex neurotensin (NT) and its receptor NTS1. The α-2 was shown to bind to NT and a peptidic fragment of its NTS1 receptor, independently. Although the formation of the corresponding ligand–receptor complex did not seem to be affected, this experimental modeling protocol will enable the evaluation of other anti-amyloidogenic compounds such as blockers of NT–NTS1 binding. These types of studies help in understanding the specificity and influence in binding and can provide information to develop new molecules with a putative pharmacological interest.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

The interaction of 4′-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole · 2 HCl with natural and synthetic polydeoxy- and polyribonucleotides of different base content and sequences was studied with circular dichroism, ultracentrifugation, viscosity and calorimetry. All the polymers show two types of binding. The strength of interaction and its resistence to ionic strength are related to the content of AT clusters in the chain. On the other hand, sedimentation measurements rule out an intercalation mechanism. A model of 4'-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole · 2 HCl interaction with DNA and double stranded RNA, similar to that displayed by distamycin and netropsin, is proposed.  相似文献   

Automated Edman degradation of reduced and carboxymethylated phospholipase A2-α from Crotalus adamanteus venom revealed a single amino acid sequence extending 30 residues into the protein from the amino terminus. The singularity of the sequence and the yields of the phenylthiohydantoin amino acids thus obtained indicate that the subunits comprising the phospholipase dimer are identical. Further chemical evidence in support of subunit identity was obtained by cleavage of phospholipase A2-α with cyanogen bromide. Compositional analysis of the protein revealed one residue of methionine per monomer and the sequence determination placed this amino acid at position 10 in the sequence of 133 amino acids. Cyanogen bromide cleavage of the protein, followed by reduction and carboxymethylation afforded the expected 2 fragments: an NH2-terminal decapeptide (CNBr-1) and a larger COOH-terminal fragment of 123 residues (CNBr-II). Automated Edman degradation of the latter has extended the sequence analysis to 54 residues in the NH2-terminal segment of the monomer chain. Comparison of this sequence with those derived for phospholipases from other snake venoms, from bee venom, and from porcine pancreas has revealed striking homologies in this region of the molecules. As expected on the basis of their phylogenetic classification, the phospholipases from the pit vipers C. adamanteus and Agkistrodon halys blomhoffii are more similar to one another in sequence than to the enzyme from the more distantly related viper, Bitis gabonica. Furthermore, the very close similarities in sequence observed among all of these phospholipases in regions corresponding to residues 24 through 53 in the C. adamanteus enzyme suggest that this segment of the polypeptide plays an important role in phospholipase function and probably constitutes part of the active site.  相似文献   

New series of N-modified analogues of the N/OFQ(1-13)NH(2) with aminophosphonate moiety have been synthesized and investigated for biological activity. These peptides were prepared by solid-phase peptide synthesis-Fmoc-strategy. The N/OFQ(1-13)NH(2) analogues were tested for agonistic activity in vitro on electrically stimulated rat vas deferens smooth-muscle preparations isolated from Wistar albino rats. Our study has shown that the selectivity of the peptides containing 1-[(methoxyphosphono)methylamino]cycloalkanecarboxylic acids to the N-side of Phe is not changed-they remain selective agonists of NOP receptors. The derivative with the largest ring (NOC-6) demonstrated efficacy similar to that of N/OFQ(1-13)NH(2), but in a 10-fold higher concentration. The agonistic activity of newly synthesized N-modified analogues of N/OFQ(1-13)NH(2) with aminophosphonate moiety was investigated for the first time.  相似文献   

Dicrocoelium dendriticum is the causative agent of a rare food-borne zoonosis of the human biliary tract, dicrocoeliasis, for which few human prevalence data are available. Infection occurs through the ingestion of ants containing metacercariae, whereas pseudo-infections (presence of D. dendriticum eggs in stool in the absence of adult worms) are due to the consumption of infected animal liver. Here, results from a cross-sectional survey carried out among 138 children aged 2-15 yr in a peri-urban area of Kyrgyzstan are reported. Each child provided 1 stool sample that was subjected to the FLOTAC technique. Eggs of D. dendriticum were diagnosed in 11 children (prevalence 8.0%; 95% confidence interval 4.5-13.7%). Although no distinction could be made between true and pseudo-infections, the prevailing animal husbandry system and the diet and hygienic conditions of the study area suggest that the social-ecological system in Kyrgyzstan is conducive for human transmission of D. dendriticum. There is a need to investigate the epidemiology of dicrocoeliasis in Kyrgyzstan, placing emphasis on the distinction between true and pseudo-infections.  相似文献   

Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) is a eukaryotic surveillance pathway that recognizes mRNAs with premature stop codons and targets them for rapid degradation. Evidence from previous studies has converged on UPF1 as the central NMD factor. In human cells, the SMG1 kinase phosphorylates UPF1 at the N-terminal and C-terminal tails, in turn allowing the recruitment of the NMD factors SMG5, SMG6 and SMG7. To understand the molecular mechanisms, we recapitulated these steps of NMD in vitro using purified components. We find that a short C-terminal segment of phosphorylated UPF1 containing the last two Ser-Gln motifs is recognized by the heterodimer of SMG5 and SMG7 14–3–3-like proteins. In contrast, the SMG6 14–3–3-like domain is a monomer. The crystal structure indicates that the phosphoserine binding site of the SMG6 14–3–3-like domain is similar to that of SMG5 and can mediate a weak phospho-dependent interaction with UPF1. The dominant SMG6–UPF1 interaction is mediated by a low-complexity region bordering the 14–3–3-like domain of SMG6 and by the helicase domain and C-terminal tail of UPF1. This interaction is phosphorylation independent. Our study demonstrates that SMG5–SMG7 and SMG6 exhibit different and non-overlapping modes of UPF1 recognition, thus pointing at distinguished roles in integrating the complex NMD interaction network.  相似文献   

The natural aroma chemicals 2-phenylethanol (2-PE) and 2-phenylethylacetate (2-PEAc) are of high industrial relevance and can be produced from l-phenylalanine in a yeast-based process with growth-associated product formation. Due to product inhibition, in situ product removal is mandatory to obtain economically interesting concentrations. A fed-batch approach using polypropylene glycol 1200 as in situ extractant and the precursor in a saturated concentration led to the highest 2-PE productivity reported for a bioprocess so far. With Kluyveromyces marxianus CBS 600, 26.5 g/l 2-PE and 6.1 g/l 2-PEAc in the organic phase were obtained, corresponding to space–time yields of 0.33 and 0.08 g/l h, respectively.  相似文献   

Protein–protein interactions (PPIs) are essential in the regulation of biological functions and cell events, therefore understanding PPIs have become a key issue to understanding the molecular mechanism and investigating the design of drugs. Here we highlight the major developments in computational methods developed for predicting PPIs by using types of artificial intelligence algorithms. The first part introduces the source of experimental PPI data. The second part is devoted to the PPI prediction methods based on sequential information. The third part covers representative methods using structural information as the input feature. The last part is methods designed by combining different types of features. For each part, the state-of-the-art computational PPI prediction methods are reviewed in an inclusive view. Finally, we discuss the flaws existing in this area and future directions of next-generation algorithms.  相似文献   

Yhc1 and U1-C are essential subunits of the yeast and human U1 snRNP, respectively, that stabilize the duplex formed by U1 snRNA at the pre-mRNA 5′ splice site (5′SS). Mutational analysis of Yhc1, guided by the human U1 snRNP crystal structure, highlighted the importance of Val20 and Ser19 at the RNA interface. Though benign on its own, V20A was lethal in the absence of branchpoint-binding complex subunit Mud2 and caused a severe growth defect in the absence of U1 subunit Nam8. S19A caused a severe defect with mud2▵. Essential DEAD-box ATPase Prp28 was bypassed by mutations of Yhc1 Val20 and Ser19, consistent with destabilization of U1•5′SS interaction. We extended the genetic analysis to SmD3, which interacts with U1-C/Yhc1 in U1 snRNP, and to SmB, its neighbor in the Sm ring. Whereas mutations of the interface of SmD3, SmB, and U1-C/Yhc1 with U1-70K/Snp1, or deletion of the interacting Snp1 N-terminal peptide, had no growth effect, they elicited synthetic defects in the absence of U1 subunit Mud1. Mutagenesis of the RNA-binding triad of SmD3 (Ser-Asn-Arg) and SmB (His-Asn-Arg) provided insights to built-in redundancies of the Sm ring, whereby no individual side-chain was essential, but simultaneous mutations of Asn or Arg residues in SmD3 and SmB were lethal. Asn-to-Ala mutations SmB and SmD3 caused synthetic defects in the absence of Mud1 or Mud2. All three RNA site mutations of SmD3 were lethal in cells lacking the U2 snRNP subunit Lea1. Benign C-terminal truncations of SmD3 were dead in the absence of Mud2 or Lea1 and barely viable in the absence of Nam8 or Mud1. In contrast, SMD3-E35A uniquely suppressed the temperature-sensitivity of lea1▵.  相似文献   

Synthetic peptides corresponding to the soluble Alzheimer-protein, i.e., 1–40 and 6-25, were utilized to investigate the association of aluminum using low-field27Al nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Addition of 1-40 or 6-25 to aqueous Al3+ gives rise to a27Al NMR signal corresponding to the association of Al3+ with the peptides; this effect is not easily reversed by EDTA. Based on the relative intensity of the Al3+-peptide signal between pH 4 and 6, there are at least 4 Al3+ ions associated with each peptide molecule. Microheterogeneity is observed with RP-HPLC on incubating solutions of Al3+ with 1-40 and 6-25. The27Al NMR spectra of chromatographically pure fractions of 1-40 and 6-25 indicate that the peptide-associated Al3+ is released below pH 3.5. We propose that soluble 1-40 provides an anchor for Al3+ to bind, eventually leading to an increased deposition of amyloid in the Alzheimer brain.  相似文献   

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - Activated allyl acetates (the Morita–Baylis–Hillman acetates) were confirmed as convenient electrophilic precursors of the...  相似文献   

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