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L Snyder  K McWilliams 《Gene》1989,81(1):17-24
The rexA and rexB genes of bacteriophage lambda are expressed from the prophage and cause the exclusion of many superinfecting mutant phages. We cloned the rexA and rexB genes into a multicopy plasmid so that they were overexpressed from the inducible tac promoter. No obvious phenotypes were associated with overexpressing both rexA and rexB or overexpressing rexA in the absence of rexB expression. However, induction of rexA in the presence of limiting rexB activity caused an immediate cessation of cell growth. All macromolecular synthesis abruptly ceased and amino acid transport was severely inhibited. Intracellular levels of adenosine 5'-triphosphate also dropped. These phenotypes are similar to those observed after phage superinfection, leading us to propose that at least some of the exclusion caused by the Rex proteins could be due to a change in their ratio following superinfection.  相似文献   

When bacteriophage T1 was grown on bacteriophage lambda-lysogenic cells, phenotypically mixed particles were formed which had the serum sensitivity, host range, and density of T1 but which gave rise to lambda phage. T1 packaged lambda genomes more efficiently both when the length of the prophage was less than that of wild-type lambda and when the host cell was polylysogenic. Expression of the red genes of lambda or the recE system of Escherichia coli during T1 growth enhanced pickup of lambda by T1, whereas packaging was reduced in recB cells. If donors were singly lysogenic, the expression of transduced lambda genomes as a PFU required lambda-specified excisive recombination, whereas lambda genomes transduced from polylysogens required only lambda- or E. coli-specified general recombination to give a productive infection.  相似文献   

Genetic complementation by cloned bacteriophage T4 late genes.   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Bacteriophage T4 containing nonsense mutations in late genes was found to be genetically complemented by four conjugate T4 genes (7, 11, 23, or 24) located on plasmid or phage vectors. Complementation was at a very low level unless the infecting phage carried a denB mutation (which abolishes T4 DNA endonuclease IV activity). In most experiments, the infecting phage also had a denA mutation, which abolishes T4 DNA endonuclease II activity. Mutations in the alc/unf gene (which allow dCMP-containing T4 late genes to be expressed) further increased complementation efficiency. Most of the alc/unf mutant phage strains used for these experiments were constructed to incorporate a gene 56 mutation, which blocks dCTP breakdown and allows replication to generate dCMP-containing T4 DNA. Effects of the alc/unf:56 mutant combination on complementation efficiency varied among the different T4 late genes. Despite regions of homology, ranging from 2 to 14 kilobase pairs, between cloned T4 genes and infecting genomes, the rate of formation of recombinants after T4 den:alc phage infection was generally low (higher for two mutants in gene 23, lower for mutants in gene 7 and 11). More significantly, when gene 23 complementation had to be preceded by recombination, the complementation efficiency was drastically reduced. We conclude that high complementation efficiency of cloned T4 late genes need not depend on prior complete breakage-reunion events which transpose those genes from the resident plasmid to a late promoter on the infecting T4 genome. The presence of the intact gene 23 on plasmids reduced the yield of T4 phage. The magnitude of this negative complementation effect varied in different plasmids; in the extreme case (plasmid pLA3), an almost 10-fold reduction of yield was observed. The cells can thus be said to have been made partly nonpermissive for this lytic virus by incorporating a part of the viral genome.  相似文献   

The ability of phage lambda to complement the growth of T1am23, a T1 gene 4 mutant with a DNA arrest phenotype, has been shown to require both lambda Red functions, redX and redB. lambdagam function, however, is not required. Therefore, the lambda Red function can substitute for T1 gene 4 function. However, T1+ does not substitute for lambda Red in allowing lambda to grow in a polA host.  相似文献   

Hypothetical lambda protein ORF314 shows significant homology with the carboxyl end of phage T4 tail-fiber protein gp37. Homology can also be demonstrated between hypothetical lambda protein ORF194 and a fragment of bacteriophage T4 protein gp38. This sequence homology is also reflected in the genomic sequences of these two phages.  相似文献   

As in the induction of r mutants in bacteriophage T4 by gamma-rays, the radiation-induced reversion of T4 amber mutants to wild-type was found to depend on the product of the DNA-repair gene x of the phage. Neither the efficiency of induction of r mutants nor the efficiency of reversion of ambers was enhanced by the presence of oxygen during irradiation. T4 differed in this respect from phage T7, for which no indication has been found that gamma-ray mutagenesis results from error-prone repair of DNA damage. Notwithstanding the substantial contribution of misrepair to mutation induction in T4, the efficiency of induction per base-pair observed for irradiation under oxygen was lower than that found previously for T7.  相似文献   

The results of experiments investigating T1 macromolecular synthesis under N-mediated excluding conditions failed to demonstrate a substantial alteration in the T1 mRNA production in excluding cultures at any stage in the T1 infectious cycle. The number of T1 DNA sequences in the excluding culture was found to be one-third to one-half that found in T1-infected cultures. The most severe reduction in T1-specific macromolecules was seen in protein synthesis. Total incorporation of labeled amino acids was reduced sixfold, and gel experiments confirmed that the T1-specific proteins capable of detection are reduced in excluding cells.  相似文献   

Interaction of morphogenetic genes of bacteriophage T4   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

The resolution of lambia proteins was compared on the two types of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels commonly in use. The two kinds of gel differ essentially in the ratio of the cross-linker, N'-N-bismethylene-acrylamide (bisacrylamide), to acrylamide monomer. Several lambda proteins migrate relatively more slowly in gels with high bisacrylamide/acrylamide ratios (HB gels) than in gels with low ratios, although the two types of gel are of roughly equivalent porosity. This effect is illustrated by a change in relative position of both the Rex and Int proteins, with apparent increases in molecular weight of about 8 and 15%, respectively, in the HB gels. This work confirms that like repressor and Int, the 28.5-kilodalton protein, identified as Rex on HB gels, is postively regulated by the lambdacII and cIII products and negatively controlled Cro. An intact y site is required for Rex and repressor expression after infection, whereas their synthesis in a lysogen is dependent upon a functional maintenance promoter, Prm.  相似文献   

A Davidson  P Yau  H Murialdo    M Gold 《Journal of bacteriology》1991,173(16):5086-5096
The terminase enzyme of bacteriophage lambda is a hetero-oligomeric protein which catalyzes the site-specific endonucleolytic cleavage of lambda DNA and its packaging into phage proheads; it is composed of the products of the lambda Nul and A genes. We have developed a simple method to select mutations in the terminase genes carried on a high-copy-number plasmid, based on the ability of wild-type terminase to kill recA strains of Escherichia coli. Sixty-three different spontaneous mutations and 13 linker insertion mutations were isolated by this method and analyzed. Extracts of cells transformed by mutant plasmids displayed variable degrees of reduction in the activity of one or both terminase subunits as assayed by in vitro lambda DNA packaging. A method of genetically mapping plasmid-borne mutations in the A gene by measuring their ability to rescue various lambda Aam phages showed that the A mutations were fairly evenly distributed across the gene. Mutant A genes were also subcloned into overproducing plasmid constructs, and it was determined that more than half of them directed the synthesis of normal amounts of full-length A protein. Three of the A gene mutants displayed dramatically reduced in vitro packaging activity only when immature (uncut) lambda DNA was used as the substrate; therefore, these mutations may lie in the endonuclease domain of terminase. Interestingly, the putative endonuclease mutations mapped in two distinct locations in the A gene separated by a least 400 bp.  相似文献   

Summary An easy and sensitive way of measuring the proportion of E. coli cells which are lysogenized by lambda phage or lambda mutants has been devised. With this assay it was possible to analyse the lysogenic response as a function of the average phage input per cell. The results indicate that lysogenization of exponentially growing cells requires that the cells are infected by at least two phages able to replicate, or three or four phages unable to replicate.  相似文献   

Lambda bacteriophage containing yeast tyrosine transfer RNA genes were prepared by molecular recombination. These phage were identified by hybridization of 125I-labeled yeast tRNATyr to plaques from lambda-yeast recombinant phage pools. The cloned yeast EcoRI fragments that hybridize to 125I-labeled tRNATyr were compared in size with the fragments in total yeast DNA that hybridize to the same probe. These comparisons indicate that seven of the eight different tRNATyr genes have been isolated. Unambiguous evidence that these seven fragments contain tRNATyr coding regions was obtained by showing that they hybridize to aminoacylated [3H]Tyr-tRNATyr. Only one of the fragments hybridizes to 32P-labeled total yeast tRNA in the presence of competing unlabeled tRNATyr; the tRNATyr genes, therefore, are not predominantly organized into heteroclusters of tRNA genes.  相似文献   

A recombinant strain (D41) between phage T2 and T4 was isolated which possessed the T2 region of the genome between genes 32 and 39 and both the T4 genesgt + andgt + for glucosyltransferase. D41 was crossed with T4amber mutants in the genes for early functions and in some genes for late funcitions. The progeny of the crosses was examined for the frequency of theam + markers from D41. Genes 32, 60 and 39 in the T2 region of the recombinant strain were as sensitive to exclusion as those in standard-type T2. The T4 glucosylation of the DNA of these T2 genes did not protect them against partial exclusion by T4. However, genes in the region from gene 56 to 55 in the recombinant were resistent to exclusion. In standard-type T2 this region of the genome is sensitive to partial exclusion by T4. There are at least four exclusion sensitive sites in T2: one near gene 32, one near gene 60, one linked to gene 56 and one between genes 42 and 55.This investigation was carried out partially within the frame of the Association between Euratom and the University of Leiden, contract nr. 052-64-1-BIAN.  相似文献   

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