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Almost all studies that estimate phylogenies from DNA sequencedata under the maximum-likelihood (ML) criterion employ an approximateapproach. Most commonly, model parameters are estimated on someinitial phylogenetic estimate derived using a rapid method (neighbor-joiningor parsimony). Parameters are then held constant during a treesearch, and ideally, the procedure is repeated until convergenceis achieved. However, the effectiveness of this approximationhas not been formally assessed, in part because doing so requirescomputationally intensive, full-optimization analyses. Here,we report both indirect and direct evaluations of the effectivenessof successive approximations. We obtained an indirect evaluationby comparing the results of replicate runs on real data thatuse random trees to provide initial parameter estimates. Forsix real data sets taken from the literature, all replicateiterative searches converged to the same joint estimates oftopology and model parameters, suggesting that the approximationis not starting-point dependent, as long as the heuristic searchesof tree space are rigorous. We conducted a more direct assessmentusing simulations in which we compared the accuracy of phylogeniesestimated using full optimization of all model parameters oneach tree evaluated to the accuracy of trees estimated via successiveapproximations. There is no significant difference between theaccuracy of the approximation searches relative to full-optimizationsearches. Our results demonstrate that successive approximationis reliable and provide reassurance that this much faster approachis safe to use for ML estimation of topology.  相似文献   

Roshan et al. recently described a "divide-and-conquer" technique for parsimony analysis of large data sets, Rec-I-DCM3, and stated that it compares very favorably to results using the program TNT. Their technique is based on selecting subsets of taxa to create reduced data sets or subproblems, finding most-parsimonious trees for each reduced data set, recombining all parts together, and then performing global TBR swapping on the combined tree. Here, we contrast this approach to sectorial searches, a divide-and-conquer algorithm implemented in TNT. This algorithm also uses a guide tree to create subproblems, with the first-pass state sets of the nodes that join the selected sectors with the rest of the topology; this allows exact length calculations for the entire topology (that is, any solution N steps shorter than the original, for the reduced subproblem, must also be N steps shorter for the entire topology). We show here that, for sectors of similar size analyzed with the same search algorithms, subdividing data sets with sectorial searches produces better results than subdividing with Rec-I-DCM3. Roshan et al.'s claim that Rec-I-DCM3 outperforms the techniques in TNT was caused by a poor experimental design and algorithmic settings used for the runs in TNT. In particular, for finding trees at or very close to the minimum known length of the analyzed data sets, TNT clearly outperforms Rec-I-DCM3. Finally, we show that the performance of Rec-I-DCM3 is bound by the efficiency of TBR implementation for the complete data set, as this method behaves (after some number of iterations) as a technique for cyclic perturbations and improvements more than as a divide-and-conquer strategy.  相似文献   

A method to assess the cost of character state transformations based on their congruence is proposed. Measuring the distortion of different transformations with a convex increasing function of the number of transformations, and choosing those reconstructions which minimize the distortion for all transformations, may provide a better optimality criterion than the linear functions implemented in currently used methods for optimization. If trees are optimized using such a measure, transformation costs are dynamically determined during reconstructions; this leads to selecting trees implying that the possible state transformations are as reliable as possible. The present method is not iterative (thus avoiding the concern of different final results for different starting points), and it has an explicit optimality criterion. It has a high computational cost; algorithms to lessen the computations required for optimizations and searches are described.  相似文献   

Likelihood applications have become a central approach for molecular evolutionary analyses since the first computationally tractable treatment two decades ago. Although Felsenstein's original pruning algorithm makes likelihood calculations feasible, it is usually possible to take advantage of repetitive structure present in the data to arrive at even greater computational reductions. In particular, alignment columns with certain similarities have components of the likelihood calculation that are identical and need not be recomputed if columns are evaluated in an optimal order. We develop an algorithm for exploiting this speed improvement via an application of graph theory. The reductions provided by the method depend on both the tree and the data, but typical savings range between 15%and 50%. Real-data examples with time reductions of 80%have been identified. The overhead costs associated with implementing the algorithm are minimal, and they are recovered in all but the smallest data sets. The modifications will provide faster likelihood algorithms, which will allow likelihood methods to be applied to larger sets of taxa and to include more thorough searches of the tree topology space.  相似文献   

Methods for Quick Consensus Estimation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A method that allows estimating consensus trees without exhaustive searches is described. The method consists of comparing the results of different independent superficial searches. The results of the searches are then summarized through a majority rule, consensed with the strict consensus tree of the best trees found overall. This assumes that to the extent that a group is recovered by most searches, it is more likely to be actually supported by the data. The effect of different parameters on the accuracy and reliability of the results is discussed. Increasing the cutoff frequency decreases the number of spurious groups, although it also decreases the number of correct nodes recovered. Collapsing trees during swapping reduces the number of spurious groups without significantly decreasing the number of correct nodes recovered. A way to collapse branches considering suboptimal trees is described, which can be extended as a measure of relative support for groups; the relative support is based on the Bremer support, but takes into account relative amounts of favorable and contradictory evidence. More exhaustive searches increase the number of correct nodes recovered, but leave unaffected (or increase) the number of spurious groups. Within some limits, the number of replications does not strongly affect the accuracy of the results, so that using relatively small numbers of replications normally suffices to produce a reliable estimation.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: When analyzing protein sequences using sequence similarity searches, orthologous sequences (that diverged by speciation) are more reliable predictors of a new protein's function than paralogous sequences (that diverged by gene duplication), because duplication enables functional diversification. The utility of phylogenetic information in high-throughput genome annotation ('phylogenomics') is widely recognized, but existing approaches are either manual or indirect (e.g. not based on phylogenetic trees). Our goal is to automate phylogenomics using explicit phylogenetic inference. A necessary component is an algorithm to infer speciation and duplication events in a given gene tree. RESULTS: We give an algorithm to infer speciation and duplication events on a gene tree by comparison to a trusted species tree. This algorithm has a worst-case running time of O(n(2)) which is inferior to two previous algorithms that are approximately O(n) for a gene tree of sequences. However, our algorithm is extremely simple, and its asymptotic worst case behavior is only realized on pathological data sets. We show empirically, using 1750 gene trees constructed from the Pfam protein family database, that it appears to be a practical (and often superior) algorithm for analyzing real gene trees. AVAILABILITY: http://www.genetics.wustl.edu/eddy/forester.  相似文献   

This study describes novel algorithms for searching for most parsimonious trees. These algorithms are implemented as a parsimony computer program, PARSIGAL, which performs well even with difficult data sets. For high level search, PARSIGAL uses an evolutionary optimization algorithm, which feeds good tree candidates to a branch-swapping local search procedure. This study also describes an extremely fast method of recomputing state sets for binary characters (additive or nonadditive characters with two states), based on packing 32 characters into a single memory word and recomputing the tree simultaneously for all 32 characters using fast bitwise logical operations. The operational principles of PARSIGAL are quite different from those previously published for other parsimony computer programs. Hence it is conceivable that PARSIGAL may be able to locate islands of trees that are different from those that are easily located with existing parsimony computer programs.  相似文献   

Quantifying branch support using the bootstrap and/or jackknife is generally considered to be an essential component of rigorous parsimony and maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses. Previous authors have described how application of the frequency-within-replicates approach to treating multiple equally optimal trees found in a given bootstrap pseudoreplicate can provide apparent support for otherwise unsupported clades. We demonstrate how a similar problem may occur when a non-representative subset of equally optimal trees are held per pseudoreplicate, which we term the undersampling-within-replicates artifact. We illustrate the frequency-within-replicates and undersampling-within-replicates bootstrap and jackknife artifacts using both contrived and empirical examples, demonstrate that the artifacts can occur in both parsimony and likelihood analyses, and show that the artifacts occur in outputs from multiple different phylogenetic-inference programs. Based on our results, we make the following five recommendations, which are particularly relevant to supermatrix analyses, but apply to all phylogenetic analyses. First, when two or more optimal trees are found in a given pseudoreplicate they should be summarized using the strict-consensus rather than frequency-within-replicates approach. Second jackknife resampling should be used rather than bootstrap resampling. Third, multiple tree searches while holding multiple trees per search should be conducted in each pseudoreplicate rather than conducting only a single search and holding only a single tree. Fourth, branches with a minimum possible optimized length of zero should be collapsed within each tree search rather than collapsing branches only if their maximum possible optimized length is zero. Fifth, resampling values should be mapped onto the strict consensus of all optimal trees found rather than simply presenting the ≥ 50% bootstrap or jackknife tree or mapping the resampling values onto a single optimal tree.  相似文献   

The problem of determining an optimal phylogenetic tree from a set of data is an example of the Steiner problem in graphs. There is no efficient algorithm for solving this problem with reasonably large data sets. In the present paper an approach is described that proves in some cases that a given tree is optimal without testing all possible trees. The method first uses a previously described heuristic algorithm to find a tree of relatively small total length. The second part of the method independently analyses subsets of sites to determine a lower bound on the length of any tree. We simultaneously attempt to reduce the total length of the tree and increase the lower bound. When these are equal it is not possible to make a shorter tree with a given data set and given criterion. An example is given where the only two possible minimal trees are found for twelve different mammalian cytochrome c sequences. The criterion of finding the smallest number of minimum base changes was used. However, there is no general method of guaranteeing that a solution will be found in all cases and in particular better methods of improving the estimate of the lower bound need to be developed.  相似文献   

Given a collection of rooted phylogenetic trees with overlapping sets of leaves, a compatible supertree $S$ is a single tree whose set of leaves is the union of the input sets of leaves and such that $S$ agrees with each input tree when restricted to the leaves of the input tree. Typically with trees from real data, no compatible supertree exists, and various methods may be utilized to reconcile the incompatibilities in the input trees. This paper focuses on a measure of robustness of a supertree method called its ``radius" $R$. The larger the value of $R$ is, the further the data set can be from a natural correct tree $T$ and yet the method will still output $T$. It is shown that the maximal possible radius for a method is $R = 1/2$. Many familiar methods, both for supertrees and consensus trees, are shown to have $R = 0$, indicating that they need not output a tree $T$ that would seem to be the natural correct answer. A polynomial-time method Normalized Triplet Supertree (NTS) with the maximal possible $R = 1/2$ is defined. A geometric interpretion is given, and NTS is shown to solve an optimization problem. Additional properties of NTS are described.  相似文献   

A stepwise algorithm for finding minimum evolution trees   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
A stepwise algorithm for reconstructing minimum evolution (ME) trees from evolutionary distance data is proposed. In each step, a taxon that potentially has a neighbor (another taxon connected to it with a single interior node) is first chosen and then its true neighbor searched iteratively. For m taxa, at most (m-1)!/2 trees are examined and the tree with the minimum sum of branch lengths (S) is chosen as the final tree. This algorithm provides simple strategies for restricting the tree space searched and allows us to implement efficient ways of dynamically computing the ordinary least squares estimates of S for the topologies examined. Using computer simulation, we found that the efficiency of the ME method in recovering the correct tree is similar to that of the neighbor-joining method (Saitou and Nei 1987). A more exhaustive search is unlikely to improve the efficiency of the ME method in finding the correct tree because the correct tree is almost always included in the tree space searched with this stepwise algorithm. The new algorithm finds trees for which S values may not be significantly different from that of the ME tree if the correct tree contains very small interior branches or if the pairwise distance estimates have large sampling errors. These topologies form a set of plausible alternatives to the ME tree and can be compared with each other using statistical tests based on the minimum evolution principle. The new algorithm makes it possible to use the ME method for large data sets.   相似文献   

Algorithms to speed up tree searches under Sankoff parsimony are described. For T terminal taxa, an exact algorithm allows calculating length during searches T to 2T times faster than a complete down-pass optimization. An approximate but accurate method is from 3T to 8T times faster than a down-pass. Other algorithms that provide additional increases of speed for simple symmetrical transformation costs are described.  相似文献   

Incomplete lineage sorting can cause incongruence between the phylogenetic history of genes (the gene tree) and that of the species (the species tree), which can complicate the inference of phylogenies. In this article, I present a new coalescent-based algorithm for species tree inference with maximum likelihood. I first describe an improved method for computing the probability of a gene tree topology given a species tree, which is much faster than an existing algorithm by Degnan and Salter (2005). Based on this method, I develop a practical algorithm that takes a set of gene tree topologies and infers species trees with maximum likelihood. This algorithm searches for the best species tree by starting from initial species trees and performing heuristic search to obtain better trees with higher likelihood. This algorithm, called STELLS (which stands for Species Tree InfErence with Likelihood for Lineage Sorting), has been implemented in a program that is downloadable from the author's web page. The simulation results show that the STELLS algorithm is more accurate than an existing maximum likelihood method for many datasets, especially when there is noise in gene trees. I also show that the STELLS algorithm is efficient and can be applied to real biological datasets.  相似文献   

The Parsimony Ratchet, a New Method for Rapid Parsimony Analysis   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
The Parsimony Ratchet 1 1 This method, the Parsimony Ratchet, was originally presented at the Numerical Cladistics Symposium at the American Museum of Natural History, New York, in May 1998 (see Horovitz, 1999) and at the Meeting of the Willi Hennig Society (Hennig XVII) in September 1998 in São Paulo, Brazil.
is presented as a new method for analysis of large data sets. The method can be easily implemented with existing phylogenetic software by generating batch command files. Such an approach has been implemented in the programs DADA (Nixon, 1998) and Winclada (Nixon, 1999). The Parsimony Ratchet has also been implemented in the most recent versions of NONA (Goloboff, 1998). These implementations of the ratchet use the following steps: (1) Generate a starting tree (e.g., a “Wagner” tree followed by some level of branch swapping or not). (2) Randomly select a subset of characters, each of which is given additional weight (e.g., add 1 to the weight of each selected character). (3) Perform branch swapping (e.g., “branch-breaking” or TBR) on the current tree using the reweighted matrix, keeping only one (or few) tree. (4) Set all weights for the characters to the “original” weights (typically, equal weights). (5) Perform branch swapping (e.g., branch-breaking or TBR) on the current tree (from step 3) holding one (or few) tree. (6) Return to step 2. Steps 2–6 are considered to be one iteration, and typically, 50–200 or more iterations are performed. The number of characters to be sampled for reweighting in step 2 is determined by the user; I have found that between 5 and 25% of the characters provide good results in most cases. The performance of the ratchet for large data sets is outstanding, and the results of analyses of the 500 taxon seed plant rbcL data set (Chase et al., 1993) are presented here. A separate analysis of a three-gene data set for 567 taxa will be presented elsewhere (Soltis et al., in preparation) demonstrating the same extraordinary power. With the 500-taxon data set, shortest trees are typically found within 22 h (four runs of 200 iterations) on a 200-MHz Pentium Pro. These analyses indicate efficiency increases of 20×–80× over “traditional methods” such as varying taxon order randomly and holding few trees, followed by more complete analyses of the best trees found, and thousands of times faster than nonstrategic searches with PAUP. Because the ratchet samples many tree islands with fewer trees from each island, it provides much more accurate estimates of the “true” consensus than collecting many trees from few islands. With the ratchet, Goloboff's NONA, and existing computer hardware, data sets that were previously intractable or required months or years of analysis with PAUP* can now be adequately analyzed in a few hours or days.  相似文献   

In phylogenetic analyses with combined multigene or multiprotein data sets, accounting for differing evolutionary dynamics at different loci is essential for accurate tree prediction. Existing maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian approaches are computationally intensive. We present an alternative approach that is orders of magnitude faster. The method, Distance Rates (DistR), estimates rates based upon distances derived from gene/protein sequence data. Simulation studies indicate that this technique is accurate compared with other methods and robust to missing sequence data. The DistR method was applied to a fungal mitochondrial data set, and the rate estimates compared well to those obtained using existing ML and Bayesian approaches. Inclusion of the protein rates estimated from the DistR method into the ML calculation of trees as a branch length multiplier resulted in a significantly improved fit as measured by the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). Furthermore, bootstrap support for the ML topology was significantly greater when protein rates were used, and some evident errors in the concatenated ML tree topology (i.e., without protein rates) were corrected. [Bayesian credible intervals; DistR method; multigene phylogeny; PHYML; rate heterogeneity.].  相似文献   

Bergeron JA  Spence JR  Volney WJ 《ZooKeys》2011,(147):577-600
Spatial associations between species of trees and ground-beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) involve many indirect ecological processes, likely reflecting the function of numerous forest ecosystem components. Describing and quantifying these associations at the landscape scale is basic to the development of a surrogate-based framework for biodiversity monitoring and conservation. In this study, we used a systematic sampling grid covering 84 km(2) of boreal mixedwood forest to characterize the ground-beetle assemblage associated with each tree species occurring on this landscape. Projecting the distribution of relative basal area of each tree species on the beetle ordination diagram suggests that the carabid community is structured by the same environmental factors that affects the distribution of trees, or perhaps even by trees per se. Interestingly beetle species are associated with tree species of the same rank order of abundance on this landscape, suggesting that conservation of less abundant trees will concomitantly foster conservation of less abundant beetle species. Landscape patterns of association described here are based on characteristics that can be directly linked to provincial forest inventories, providing a basis that is already available for use of tree species as biodiversity surrogates in boreal forest land management.  相似文献   

The success of resampling approaches to branch support depends on the effectiveness of the underlying tree searches. Two primary factors are identified as key: the depth of tree search and the number of trees saved per resampling replicate. Two datasets were explored for a range of search parameters using jackknifing. Greater depth of tree search tends to increase support values because shorter trees conflict less with each other, while increasing numbers of trees saved tends to reduce support values because of conflict that reduces structure in the replicate consensus. Although a relatively small amount of branch swapping will achieve near‐accurate values for a majority of clades, some clades do not yield accurate values until more extensive searches are performed. This means that in order to maximize the accuracy of resampling analyses, one should employ as extensive a search strategy as possible, and save as many trees per replicate as possible. Strict consensus summary of resampling replicates is preferable to frequency‐within‐replicates summary because it is a more conservative approach to the reporting of replicate results. Jackknife analysis is preferable to bootstrap because of its closer relationship to the original data.© The Willi Hennig Society 2010.  相似文献   

The SPR distance between two trees is the minimum number of SPR moves required to convert one tree into the other. It has been proven as an NP-complete problem. A heuristic to calculate SPR distances between trees is described. It performs favorably when compared with other existing heuristics, RIATA-HGT and EEEP. Compared with RIATA-HGT, the new method tends to produce better estimations when the trees are relatively similar, and worse estimations when the trees are very different (e.g., random trees); it produces results rather similar to those of EEEP, but orders of magnitude faster. A measure of tree-similarity based on SPR distances is proposed, obtained by calculating the minimum number of weighted SPR moves (with moves to closer nodes being less costly). The resulting measure of similarity is symmetric (i.e., Dij = Dji, for any two trees i,j).
© The Willi Hennig Society 2007.  相似文献   

Even when the maximum likelihood (ML) tree is a better estimate of the true phylogenetic tree than those produced by other methods, the result of a poor ML search may be no better than that of a more thorough search under some faster criterion. The ability to find the globally optimal ML tree is therefore important. Here, I compare a range of heuristic search strategies (and their associated computer programs) in terms of their success at locating the ML tree for 20 empirical data sets with 14 to 158 sequences and 411 to 120,762 aligned nucleotides. Three distinct topics are discussed: the success of the search strategies in relation to certain features of the data, the generation of starting trees for the search, and the exploration of multiple islands of trees. As a starting tree, there was little difference among the neighbor-joining tree based on absolute differences (including the BioNJ tree), the stepwise-addition parsimony tree (with or without nearest-neighbor-interchange (NNI) branch swapping), and the stepwise-addition ML tree. The latter produced the best ML score on average but was orders of magnitude slower than the alternatives. The BioNJ tree was second best on average. As search strategies, star decomposition and quartet puzzling were the slowest and produced the worst ML scores. The DPRml, IQPNNI, MultiPhyl, PhyML, PhyNav, and TreeFinder programs with default options produced qualitatively similar results, each locating a single tree that tended to be in an NNI suboptimum (rather than the global optimum) when the data set had low phylogenetic information. For such data sets, there were multiple tree islands with very similar ML scores. The likelihood surface only became relatively simple for data sets that contained approximately 500 aligned nucleotides for 50 sequences and 3,000 nucleotides for 100 sequences. The RAxML and GARLI programs allowed multiple islands to be explored easily, but both programs also tended to find NNI suboptima. A newly developed version of the likelihood ratchet using PAUP* successfully found the peaks of multiple islands, but its speed needs to be improved.  相似文献   

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