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Embryoid bodies (EBs) are primitive embryonic structures derived from differentiating embryonic stem cells (ESCs). Many techniques have been used to obtain EBs. Improving the technique of EB formation can help in achieving better results in ESCs differentiation into neurons, myocardiocytes, haemopoeitic cells, and others. We evaluated the use of Sigmacote™ as a hydrophobic substrate to improve EB formation. CCE and P19 cell lines were used to obtain EBs and retinoic acid was used to induce neural differentiation. The results revealed that Sigmacote™, as a hydrophobic substrate, can improve EB formation from ESCs. Our results demonstrate that the silicon-coating of glass petri dishes by Sigmacote™ is an easy and reproducible technique to enhance EB formation from murine ESCs and EC cells.  相似文献   

The formation of embryoid bodies (EBs) is the principal step in the differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells. In this study, the morphological characteristics and gene expression patterns of EBs related to the sequential stages of embryonic development were well defined in four distinct developmental groups over 112 days of culture: early-stage EBs groups (1–7 days of differentiation), mid-stage EBs groups (9–15 days of differentiation), maturing EBs groups (17–45 days of differentiation) and matured EBs groups (50 days of differentiation). We first determined definite histological location of apoptosis within EBs and the sequential expression of molecular markers representing stem cells (Oct4, SSEA-1, Sox-2 and AKP), germ cells (Fragilis, Dazl, c-kit, StellaR, Mvh and Stra8), ectoderm (Neurod, Nestin and Neurofilament), mesoderm (Gata-1, Flk-1 and Hbb) and endoderm (AFP and Transthyretin). Our results revealed that developing EBs possess either pluripotent stem cell or germ cell states and that three-dimensional aggregates of EBs initiate mES cell differentiation during prolonged culture in vitro. Therefore, we suggest that this EB system to some extent recapitulates the early developmental processes occurring in vivo.  相似文献   

Feeder cells are usually used in culturing embryonic stem cells (ESCs) to maintain their undifferentiated and pluripotent status. To test whether mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) may be a source of feeder cells to support their own growth, 48 fibroblast-like cell lines were isolated from the same mouse embryoid bodies (mEBs) at three phases (10th day, 15th day, 20th day), and five of them, mostly derived from 15th day mEBs, were capable of maintaining mESCs in an undifferentiated and pluripotent state over 10 passages, even up to passage 20. mESCs cultured on the feeder system derived from these five cell lines expressed alkaline phosphatase and specific mESCs markers, including SSEA-1, Oct-4, Nanog, and formed mEBs in vitro and teratomas in vivo. These results suggest that mEB-derived fibroblasts (mEB-dFs) could serve as feeder cells that could sustain the undifferentiated growth and pluripotency of their own mESCs in culture. This study not only provides a novel feeder system for mESCs culture, avoiding a lot of disadvantages of commonly used mouse embryonic fibroblasts as feeder cells, but also indicates that fibroblast-like cells derived from mESCs take on different functions. Investigating the molecular mechanisms of these different functional fibroblast-like cells to act on mESCs will contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms of mESCs self-renewal.  相似文献   

Generation of insulin-expressing cells from mouse embryonic stem cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The therapeutic potential of transplantation of insulin-secreting pancreatic beta-cells has stimulated interest in using pluripotent embryonic stem (ES) cells as a starting material from which to generate insulin secreting cells in vitro. Mature beta-cells are endodermal in origin so most reported differentiation protocols rely on the identification of endoderm-specific markers. However, endoderm development is an early event in embryogenesis that produces cells destined for the gut and associated organs in the embryo, and for the development of extra-embryonic structures such as the yolk sac. We have demonstrated that mouse ES cells readily differentiate into extra-embryonic endoderm in vitro, and that these cell populations express the insulin gene and other functional elements associated with beta-cells. We suggest that the insulin-expressing cells generated in this and other studies are not authentic pancreatic beta-cells, but may be of extra-embryonic endodermal origin.  相似文献   

Kawamorita M  Suzuki C  Saito G  Sato T  Sato K 《Human cell》2002,15(3):178-182
Embryonic stem (ES) cells are pluripotent cells isolated from the inner cell mass of blastocysts. ES cells are able to differentiate into the three primitive layers (endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm) of the organism, including the germline. In recent reports mouse ES cells have been successfully applied in the treatment of spinal cord injury, hereditary myelin disorder of the central nervous system, and diabetes mellitus. In this study, we investigated the induction of mouse ES cell differentiation, using culture of embryoid bodies (EBs) into the diverse tissues. EBs were formed by culturing ES cells (129/SV strain) in DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS, in the absence of feeder cells and leukemia inhibitory factor (LF). EBs were induced to differentiate by treatment with retinoic acid (RA). In control medium (non-RA medium) beating muscles, blood vessels, hemocytes, and cartilages were frequently observed in EBs. Moreover, when EBs were cultured in medium including RA (5 x 10(-8) M, and 5 x 10(-9) M), differentiation of the optic vesicle, lens, retina, and neural groove was observed. In this study we demonstrated that an efficient system for inducing the differentiation of ES cells using EBs.  相似文献   

Cell surface carbohydrates present on BG01 human embryonic stem cells after 28 days of differentiation were examined using two classes of carbohydrate binding proteins: lectins and antibodies specific for carbohydrate epitopes. Specificity of lectin staining was verified using carbohydrate ligands to block lectin interaction, glycohydrolases to cleave specific sugar residues that are receptors for these proteins, and periodate oxidation to destroy susceptible sugar residues. Specific antibodies were used to identify various tissue types and germ layers present in the 12- and 28-day differentiating embryoid bodies. Results from 12 and 28-day differentiated embryoid bodies were compared to determine changes over time. A slight increase in the sialylation of α-GalNAc was seen between 12 and 28 days of differentiation due to the presence of sialyl Tn and/or other sialylated α-GalNAc residues. Increases were also observed in GalNAc, the T antigen (Gal β1,3 GalNAc), and difucosylated LacNAc residues during this time interval. Additionally, some distinct differences in the pattern of lectin staining between 12 and 28 days were observed. Not unexpectedly, the presence of most differentiated cell-types increased during this time period with the exception of neural progenitors, which decreased. Undifferentiated cells, which were prevalent in the 12-day EBs, were undetectable after 28 days. We conclude that several changes in glycosylation occurred during the differentiation of embryonic stem cells, and that these changes may play a role in embryonic development. Lectin abbreviations can be found in Table 1.  相似文献   

Retinoid signaling has been implicated in embryonic stem cell differentiation. Here we present a systematic analysis of gene expression changes in mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs), during their spontaneous differentiation into embryoid bodies and the effect of all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) on this process. We show that retinoic acid is present in the serum and is sufficient to activate retinoid signaling at a basal level in undifferentiated mESCs. This signal disappears during embryoid body formation. However exogenously added ATRA resets the spontaneous differentiation programs in embryoid bodies and initiates a distinct genetic program. These data suggest that retinoid signaling not only promotes a particular pathway but also acts as a context dependent general coordinator of the differentiation states in embryonic stem cells.  相似文献   

Stem cells were derived from hatched blastocyst-stage mouse embryos of the C57BL/6 strain employing a knockout serum replacement instead of the traditional fetal calf serum, thereby avoiding the use of immunosurgery. Although fetal calf serum was not good for isolation of stem cells, a combination of this serum plus knockout serum increased the expansion rate of the cell culture. The derived cells were capable of maintaining an undifferentiated state during several passages, as demonstrated by the presence of alkaline phosphatase activity, stage-specific embryonic antigen 1 (SSEA-1), and octamer binding protein 4 (Oct-4). Suspension culture in bacteriological dishes gave better results than the hanging drop method for differentiation by means of embryoid body formation. Mouse embryonic stem cells showed spontaneous differentiation into derivatives of the 3 germ layers in culture media supplemented with fetal calf serum but not with knockout serum.  相似文献   

In vitro growth and maintenance of embryonic stem (ES) cell lines derived from ICM cells of various blastocysts of 129 strain mice,the sustenance of their pluripotency and normal karyotype depend on the feeder layer of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF).Compared with the feeder layer of MEF cells,medium conditioned by Buffalo rat liver cells (BRL-CM) is able to maintain pluripotency and karyotypic normality of ES cells only in short term cell propagation.Besides,ES cells grown in BRL-CM are also capable of aggregation with 8-cell embryos of Swiss strain and develop into germ line chimaeras.Modification to the method of aggregating ES cells with early embryos by making a hole in agar layer on the top of MEF feeder cells was shown to be more converient and efficient than the conventional microdrop method.  相似文献   

Ceramides (Cers) are important in embryogenesis, but no comprehensive analysis of gene expression for Cer metabolism nor the Cer amounts and subspecies has been conducted with an often used model: mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) versus embroid bodies (EBs). Measuring the mRNA levels by quantitative RT-PCR and the amounts of the respective metabolites by LC-ESI/MS/MS, notable differences between R1 mESCs and EBs were: EBs have higher mRNAs for CerS1 and CerS3, which synthesize C18- and C≥24-carbons dihydroceramides (DH)Cer, respectively; EBs have higher CerS2 (for C24:0- and C24:1-); and EBs have lower CerS5 + CerS6 (for C16-). In agreement with these findings, EBs have (DH)Cer with higher proportions of C18-, C24- and C26- and less C16-fatty acids, and longer (DH)Cer are also seen in monohexosylCers and sphingomyelins. EBs had higher mRNAs for fatty acyl-CoA elongases that produce C18-, C24-, and C26-fatty acyl-CoAs (Elovl3 and Elovl6), and higher amounts of these cosubstrates for CerS. Thus, these studies have found generally good agreement between genomic and metabolomic data in defining that conversion of mESCs to EBs is accompanied by a large number of changes in gene expression and subspecies distributions for both sphingolipids and fatty acyl-CoAs.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells have the ability to differentiate into all germ layers, holding great promise not only for a model of early embryonic development but also for a robust cell source for cell-replacement therapies and for drug screening. Embryoid body (EB) formation from ES cells is a common method for producing different cell lineages for further applications. However, conventional techniques such as hanging drop or static suspension culture are either inherently incapable of large scale production or exhibit limited control over cell aggregation during EB formation and subsequent EB aggregation. For standardized mass EB production, a well defined scale-up platform is necessary. Recently, novel scenario methods of EB formation in hydrodynamic conditions created by bioreactor culture systems using stirred suspension systems (spinner flasks), rotating cell culture system and rotary orbital culture have allowed large-scale EB formation. Their use allows for continuous monitoring and control of the physical and chemical environment which is difficult to achieve by traditional methods. This review summarizes the current state of production of EBs derived from pluripotent cells in various culture systems. Furthermore, an overview of high quality EB formation strategies coupled with systems for in vitro differentiation into various cell types to be applied in cell replacement therapy is provided in this review. Recently, new insights in induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell technology showed that differentiation and lineage commitment are not irreversible processes and this has opened new avenues in stem cell research. These cells are equivalent to ES cells in terms of both self-renewal and differentiation capacity. Hence, culture systems for expansion and differentiation of iPS cells can also apply methodologies developed with ES cells, although direct evidence of their use for iPS cells is still limited.  相似文献   

Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells can be differentiated into neural lineage cells, but the differentiation efficiency remains low. This study revealed two important factors that influence the neural differentiation efficiency of mouse ES cells: the first is the quality of embryonic bodies (EBs); good quality of EBs consistently originated from a suspension culture of 1 × 105 ES cells/ml serum-free chemically defined neural inducing medium and they exhibited a smooth round shape, with a dark central region surrounded by a light band. Such EBs are capable of attaining high neural differentiation efficiency. However, poor quality EBs originated from a suspension culture of 1 × 106 ES cells/ml serum-free chemically defined neural inducing medium and exhibited an irregular shape or adhered to the bottom of the dish; they displayed low neural differentiation efficiency. The second factor is the seeding density of EBs: a low seeding density (5 EBs/cm2) induced cells to differentiate into a more caudalized subtypes compared to the cells obtained from high seeding density (20 EBs/cm2). These findings provided fresh insight into the neural induction of mouse ES cells.  相似文献   

CEACAM1 (carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1), a type I transmembrane glycoprotein involved in cell-cell adhesion has been shown to act as an angiogenic factor for mouse and human endothelial cells. Based on the ability of CEACAM1 to initiate lumen formation in human mammary epithelial cells grown in 3D culture (Matrigel), we hypothesized that murine CEACAM1 may play a similar role in vasculogenesis. In order to test this hypothesis, murine embryonic stem (ES) cells stimulated with VEGF were differentiated into embryoid bodies (EB) for 8 days (− 8-0 d) and transferred to Matrigel in the presence or absence of anti-CEACAM1 antibody for an additional 12 days (0-12 d). In the absence of anti-CEACAM1 antibody or in the presence of an isotype control antibody, the EB in Matrigel underwent extensive sprouting, generating lengthy vascular structures with well-defined lumina as demonstrated by confocal microscopy, electron microscopy, and immunohistochemical analysis. Both the length and architecture of the vascular tubes were inhibited by anti-CEACAM1 mAb CC1, a mAb that blocks the cell-cell adhesion functions of CEACAM1, thus demonstrating a critical role for this cell-cell adhesion molecule in generating and maintaining vasculogenesis. QRT-PCR analysis of the VEGF treated ES cells grown under conditions that convert them to EB revealed expression of Ceacam1 as early as − 5 to − 3 d reaching a maximum at day 0 at which time EBs were transferred to Matrigel, thereafter levels at first declined and then increased over time. Other markers of vasculogenesis including Pecam1, VE-Cad, and Tie-1 were not detected until day 0 when EBs were transferred to Matrigel followed by a steady increase in levels, indicating later roles in vasculogenesis. In contrast, Tie-2 and Flk-1 (VEGFR2) were detected on day five of EB formation reaching a maximum at day 0 on transfer to Matrigel, similar to Ceacam1, but after which Tie-2 declined over time, while Flk-1 increased over time. QRT-PCR analysis of the anti-CEACAM1 treated ES cells revealed a significant decrease in the expression of Ceacam1, Pecam1, Tie-1, and Flk-1, while VE-Cad and Tie-2 expression were unaffected. These results suggest that the expression and signaling of CEACAM1 may affect the expression of other factors known to play critical roles in vasculogenesis. Furthermore this 3D model of vasculogenesis in an environment of extracellular matrix may be a useful model for comparison to existing models of angiogenesis.  相似文献   

A molecular view on pluripotent stem cells   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Eiges R  Benvenisty N 《FEBS letters》2002,529(1):135-141
Pluripotent stem cells are undifferentiated cells that are capable of differentiating to all three embryonic germ layers and their differentiated derivatives. They are transiently found during embryogenesis, in preimplantation embryos and fetal gonads, or as established cell lines. These unique cell types are distinguished by their wide developmental potential and by their ability to be propagated in culture indefinitely, without loosing their undifferentiated phenotype. This short review intends to give a general overview on the pluripotent nature of embryo-derived stem cells with a focus on human embryonic stem cells.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) represent an important resource for novel cell-based regenerative medical therapies. hESCs are known to differentiate into mature cells of defined lineages through the formation of embryoid bodies (EBs) which are amenable to suspension culture for several weeks. However, EBs derived from hESCs in standard static cultures are typically non-homogeneous, leading to inefficient cellular development. Here, we systematically compare the formation, growth, and differentiation capabilities of hESC-derived EBs in stirred and static suspension cultures. A 15-fold expansion in total number of EB-derived cells cultured for 21 days in a stirred flask was observed, compared to a fourfold expansion in static (non-stirred) cultures. Additionally, stirred vessel mediated cultures have a more homogeneous EB morphology and size. Importantly, the EBs cultivated in spinner flasks retained comparable ability to produce hematopoietic progenitor cells as those grown in static culture. These results demonstrate the decoupling between EB cultivation method and EB-derived cells' ability to form hematopoietic progenitors, and will allow for improved production of scalable quantities of hematopoietic cells or other differentiated cell lineages from hESCs in a controlled environment.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells are omnipotent; they can differentiate into every cell type of the body. The development of culture conditions that allow their differentiation has made it conceivable to produce large numbers of cells with lineage-specific characteristics in vitro. Here, we describe a method by which murine ES cells can be differentiated into cells with characteristics of epidermal keratinocytes. Keratinocyte-like cells were isolated from embryoid bodies and grown in culture. Potential applications of this method are the in vitro differentiation of cells of interest from ES cells of mice with lethal phenotypes during embryonic development and the production of genetically modified epidermal keratinocytes that could be used as temporary wound dressing or as carriers of genes of interest in gene therapeutic treatments.  相似文献   

Pluripotent human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines are a promising model system in developmental and tissue regeneration research. Differentiation of hESCs towards the three germ layers and finally tissue specific cell types is often performed through the formation of embryoid bodies (EBs) in suspension or hanging droplet culture systems. However, these systems are inefficient regarding embryoid body (EB) formation, structural support to the EB and long term differentiation capacity. The present study investigates if agarose, as a semi solid matrix, can facilitate EB formation and support differentiation of hESC lines. The results showed that agarose culture is able to enhance EB formation efficiency with 10% and increase EB growth by 300%. The agarose culture system was able to maintain expression of the three germ layers over 8 weeks of culture. All of the four hESC lines tested developed EBs in the agarose system although with a histological heterogeneity between cell lines as well as within cell lines. In conclusion, a 3-D agarose culture of spherical hESC colonies improves EB formation and growth in a cost effective, stable and non-laborious technique.  相似文献   

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