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Oxidized low-density lipoprotein (OX-LDL) contributes significantly to the development of atherosclerosis. However, the mechanisms of OX-LDL-induced vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation are not completely understood. Therefore, we investigated the effect of OX-LDL on cell proliferation associated with a specific pattern of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) by [3H]thymidine incorporation and p42/p44 MAPK phosphorylation in canine cultured VSMCs. OX-LDL-induced [3H]thymidine incorporation and p42/p44 MAPK phosphorylation in a time- and concentration-dependent manner in VSMCs. Pretreatment of these cells with pertussis toxin (PTX) for 24 hours attenuated the OX-LDL-induced [3H]thymidine incorporation and p42/p44 MAPK phosphorylation, indicating that these responses were mediated through a receptor coupled to a PTX-sensitive G protein. In cells pretreated with PMA for 24 h and with either the PKC inhibitor staurosporine or the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein for 1h, substantially reduced the [3H]thymidine incorporation and p42/p44 MAPK phosphorylation in response to OX-LDL. Removal of Ca(2+) by addition of BAPTA/AM plus EGTA significantly inhibited OX-LDL-induced [3H]thymidine incorporation and p42/p44 MAPK phosphorylation, indicating the requirement of Ca(2+) for these responses. OX-LDL-induced [3H]thymidine incorporation and p42/p44 MAPK phosphorylation was completely inhibited by PD98059 (an inhibitor of MEK1/2) and SB203580 (an inhibitor of p38 MAPK). Furthermore, we also showed that overexpression of dominant negative mutants of Ras (RasN17) and Raf (Raf-301) completely suppressed MEK1/2 and p42/p44 MAPK activation induced by OX-LDL and PDGF-BB, indicating that Ras and Raf may be required for activation of these kinases. Taken together, these results suggest that the mitogenic effect of OX-LDL is mediated through a PTX-sensitive G-protein-coupled receptor that involves the activation o Ras/Raf/MEK/MAPK pathway similar to those of PDGF-BB in canine cultured VSMCs.  相似文献   

Kanda Y  Nishio E  Kuroki Y  Mizuno K  Watanabe Y 《Life sciences》2001,68(17):1989-2000
Thrombin is a potent mitogen for vascular smooth muscle cells. However, the signaling pathways by which thrombin mediates its mitogenic response are not fully understood. The ERK (extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase) and JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase) members of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) family are reported to be activated by thrombin. We have investigated the response to thrombin of another member of the MAPK family, p38 MAPK, which has been suggested to be activated by both stress and inflammatory stimuli in vascular smooth muscle cells. We found that thrombin induced time- and dose-dependent activation of p38 MAPK. Maximal stimulation of p38 MAPK was observed after a 10-min incubation with 1 unit ml(-1) thrombin. GF109203X, a protein kinase C inhibitor, and prolonged treatment with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate partially inhibited p38 MAPK activation. A tyrosine kinase inhibitor, genistein, also inhibited p38 MAPK activation in a dose-dependent manner. p38 MAPK activation was inhibited by overexpression of betaARK1ct (beta-adrenergic receptor kinase I C-terminal peptide). p38 MAPK activation was also inhibited by expression of dominant-negative Ras, not by dominant-negative Rac. We next examined the effect of a p38 MAPK inhibitor, SB203580, on thrombin-induced proliferation. SB203580 inhibited thrombin-induced DNA synthesis in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that thrombin activates p38 MAPK in a manner dependent on Gbetagamma, protein kinase C, a tyrosine kinase, and Ras, that p38 MAPK has a role in thrombin-induced mitogenic response in the cells.  相似文献   

Vascular smooth muscle contractile state is regulated by intracellular calcium levels. Nitric oxide causes vascular relaxation by stimulating production of cyclic GMP, which activates type I cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKGI) in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC), inhibiting agonist-induced intracellular Ca2+ mobilization ([Ca2+]i). The relative roles of the two PKGI isozymes, PKGIalpha and PKGIbeta, in cyclic GMP-mediated inhibition of [Ca2+]i in VSMCs are unclear. Here we have investigated the ability of PKGI isoforms to inhibit [Ca2+]i in response to VSMC activation. Stable Chinese hamster ovary cell lines expressing PKGIalpha or PKGIbeta were created, and the ability of PKGI isoforms to inhibit [Ca2+]i in response to thrombin receptor stimulation was examined. In Chinese hamster ovary cells stably expressing PKGIalpha or PKGIbeta, 8-Br-cGMP activation suppressed [Ca2+]i by thrombin receptor activation peptide (TRAP) by 98 +/- 1 versus 42 +/- 5%, respectively (p <0.002). Immunoblotting studies of cultured human VSMC cells from multiple sites using PKGIalpha- and PKGIbeta-specific antibodies showed PKGIalpha is the predominant VSMC PKGI isoform. [Ca2+]i following thrombin receptor stimulation was examined in the absence or presence of cyclic GMP in human coronary VSMC cells (Co403). 8-Br-cGMP significantly inhibited TRAP-induced [Ca2+]i in Co403, causing a 4-fold increase in the EC50 for [Ca2+]i. In the absence of 8-Br-cGMP, suppression of PKGIalpha levels by RNA interference (RNAi) led to a significantly greater TRAP-stimulated rise in [Ca2+]i as compared with control RNAi-treated Co403 cells. In the presence of 8-Br-cGMP, the suppression of PKGIalpha expression by RNAi led to the complete loss of cGMP-mediated inhibition of [Ca2+]i. Adenoviral overexpression of PKGIbeta in Co403 cells was unable to alter TRAP-stimulated Ca2+ mobilization either before or after suppression of PKGIalpha expression by RNAi. These results support that PKGIalpha is the principal cGMP-dependent protein kinase isoform mediating inhibition of VSMC activation by the nitric oxide/cyclic GMP pathway.  相似文献   

Cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase I (PKGI) mediates vascular relaxation by nitric oxide and related nitrovasodilators and inhibits vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) migration. To identify VSMC proteins that interact with PKGI, the N-terminal protein interaction domain of PKGIalpha was used to screen a yeast two-hybrid human aortic cDNA library. The formin homology (FH) domain-containing protein, FHOD1, was found to interact with PKGIalpha in this screen. FH domain-containing proteins bind Rho-family GTPases and regulate actin cytoskeletal dynamics, cell migration, and gene expression. Antisera to FHOD1 were raised and used to characterize FHOD1 expression and distribution in vascular cells. FHOD1 is highly expressed in human coronary artery, aortic smooth muscle cells, and in human arterial and venous endothelial cells. In glutathione S-transferase pull-down experiments, the FHOD1 C terminus (amino acids 964-1165) binds full-length PKGI. Both in vitro and intact cell studies demonstrate that the interaction between FHOD1 and PKGI is decreased 3- to 5-fold in the presence of the PKG activator, 8Br-cGMP. Immunofluorescence studies of human VSMC show that FHOD1 is cytoplasmic and is concentrated in the perinuclear region. PKGI also directly phosphorylates FHOD1, and studies with wild-type and mutant FHOD1-derived peptides identify Ser-1131 in the FHOD1 C terminus as the unique PKGI phosphorylation site in FHOD1. These studies demonstrate that FHOD1 is a PKGI-interacting protein and substrate in VSMCs and show that cyclic GMP negatively regulates the FHOD1-PKGI interaction. Based on the known functions of FHOD1, the data are consistent with a role for FHOD1 in cyclic GMP-dependent inhibition of VSMC stress fiber formation and/or migration.  相似文献   

Primary rat aortic cells, when treated with arginine vasopressin or depolarizing concentrations of K+, responded to atriopeptin II and 8-bromo-cGMP (8-Br-cGMP) with decreases in intracellular Ca2+ levels. The effects of atriopeptin and 8-Br-cGMP were diminished in cells which had been passaged many times. Low levels of cGMP-dependent protein kinase were present in soluble extracts prepared from the unresponsive cells in later passage compared with extracts from responsive cells. Unresponsive cells, when induced to incorporate cGMP-dependent protein kinase into the cytoplasm using the osmotic lysis procedure of Okada and Rechsteiner (Okada, C. Y., and Rechsteiner, M. (1982) Cell 29, 33-41), responded to atriopeptin and 8-Br-cGMP with reductions in peak Ca2+ levels in response to vasopressin and depolarizing concentrations of K+. Cells which were furnished with affinity-purified antibody to the cGMP-dependent protein kinase after the introduction of the kinase remained unresponsive to the effects of atriopeptin. In addition, antibody furnished to responsive primary cultured cells inhibited the effects of atriopeptin and 8-Br-cGMP on Ca2+ levels. These data suggest that repetitively passaged cultured rat aortic smooth muscle cells lose their responsiveness to cGMP concurrently with the loss of cGMP-dependent protein kinase. Restoration of kinase to the cells results in the restoration of responsiveness to cGMP. Thus cGMP-dependent protein kinase appears to be the mediator of the reduction in Ca2+ levels upon elevation of intracellular cGMP.  相似文献   

Excessive excitatory action of glutamate and nitric oxide (NO) has been implicated in degeneration of striatal neurons. Evidence had been provided that Na+K+-ATPase might be involved in this process. Here we investigated whether glutamate-regulated messengers, such as NO and cyclic GMP, could modulate the activity of membrane Na+K+-ATPase. Our results demonstrated that NO donors sodium nitroprusside (SNP at 30 and 300 microM) and S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP at 200 microM) increased alpha2,3Na+K+-ATPase activity which was blocked by the NO chelator, haemoglobin and was independent of [Na+]. This regulation was associated with cGMP synthesis and mimicked by glutamate (300 microM) and 8-Br-cyclic GMP (4 mM). 8-Br-cGMP-induced stimulation of Na+K+-ATPase activity could be blocked by KT5823 (an inhibitor of cGMP-dependent protein kinase, PKG), but not by KT5720 (an inhibitor of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, PKA). N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors appeared to be involved in the effect of glutamate, since MK-801 (NMDA receptor antagonist) produced a partial reduction in glutamate-induced activation of the enzyme. MK-801 was not synergistic to L-NAME (NOS inhibitor), suggesting that glutamate stimulates the NMDA-NOS pathway to activate alpha2,3 Na+K+-ATPase in rat striatum. This regulation was associated with cyclic GMP (but not cyclic AMP) synthesis. These data indicate the existence, in vitro, of a regulatory pathway by which glutamate, acting through NO and cGMP, can cause alterations in striatal alpha2,3 Na+K+-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Vanadate has been considered in the treatment of diabetes because of its insulin-like effects. However, it has severe toxic effects in both animal and man. In cultured cells, vanadate can either cause death or be growth stimulatory, depending on the cell type and growth conditions. Here, we report that in baboon aortic smooth muscle cells (SMCs), vanadate induced p42/p44 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activity. This effect was abolished in the presence of the specific MAPK kinase (MAPKK) inhibitor PD098059. Although activation of p42/p44MAPK/MAPKK is generally thought to be necessary for proliferation, in SMCs, vanadate did not promote DNA synthesis and inhibited thymidine incorporation stimulated by platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB in a dose dependent fashion (IC50: 30 M). Prolonged exposure to vanadate exerted cytotoxic effects. Cells retracted, rounded up and detached from the substratum. These vanadate-induced morphological changes were blocked in the presence of PD098059. The addition of PDGF-BB further activated p42/p44MAPK/MAPKK in the presence of vanadate and substantially increased vanadate toxicity. We conclude from these observations that activation of the p42/p44MAPK/MAPKK signalling module contributes to the cytotoxic effects induced by vanadate.  相似文献   

Cyclic-3',5'-guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) mediates the intracellular signaling cascade responsible for the nitric oxide (NO) initiated relaxation of vascular smooth muscle (VSM). However, the temporal dynamics, including the regulation of cGMP turnover, are largely unknown. Here we report new mechanistic insights into the kinetics of cGMP synthesis and hydrolysis in primary VSM cells by utilizing FRET-based cGMP-indicators [A. Honda, S.R. Adams, C.L. Sawyer, V. Lev-Ram, R.Y. Tsien, W.R. Dostmann, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 98 (5) (2001) 2437.]. First, 2-(N,N-Diethylamino)-diazenolate 2-oxide (DEA/NO) and 2,2'-(Hydroxynitrosohydrazono)-bis-ethanimine (DETA/NO) induced NO-concentration dependent, transient cGMP responses ("peaks") irrespective of their rates of NO release. The kinetic characteristics of these cGMP peaks were governed by the concerted action of the NO-sensitive guanylyl cyclase (GC) and phosphodiesterase type V (PDE5) as shown by their respective inhibition using 1H-[1,2,4]oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ) and Sildenafil. These responses occurred in the presence of moderately elevated cGMP (5-15% FRET ratio), and thus activated PKG and phosphorylated PDE5, suggesting a prominent role for GC in the maintenance and termination of cGMP peaks. Furthermore, cGMP transients could be elicited repeatedly without apparent desensitization of GC or by suppression of cGMP via long-term PDE5 activity. These results demonstrate a continuous sensitivity of the NO/cGMP signaling system, inherent to the phasic nature of smooth muscle physiology.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) has been proposed to be involved in the regulation of vascular smooth muscle (VSM) contractile activity. However, little is known in detail about the activation of this kinase or specific isozymes of this kinase by contractile stimuli in VSM. As an index of PKC activation, Ca(2+)- and phospholipid-dependent histone IIIS kinase activity was measured in the particulate fraction from individual strips of isometrically contracting carotid arterial smooth muscle. Phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDB) increased PKC activity in the particulate fraction (155% over resting value by 15 min) with a time course which paralleled or preceded force development. Stimulation with the agonist histamine (10(-5) M) resulted in rapid increases in both force and particulate fraction PKC activity which was maximal by 2 min (increase of 139%) and partially sustained over 45 min (increase of 41%). KCl (109 mM), which evokes a sustained contractile response, caused a slow increase (124% by 45 min) in particulate fraction PKC activity. No significant increases in activator-independent histone kinase activity were observed in response to any stimulus tested. PKC alpha and PKC beta were identified as the principal Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent PKC isozymes expressed in this tissue. In unstimulated arterial tissue, the ratio of immunodetectable isozyme content (alpha:beta) was estimated to be 1:1 in the particulate and 1.5:1 in the cytosolic fractions. Upon stimulation with each of the three contractile stimuli, particulate fraction PKC content assessed by immunoblotting increased with a time course and to an extent comparable to the observed changes in PKC activity. There was no evidence of differential regulation of the PKC alpha or -beta isozymes by PDB compared to the other contractile stimuli. These results indicate that diverse contractile stimuli are capable of tonically activating PKC in preparations of functional smooth muscle, and are consistent with a functional role for PKC alpha and/or -beta in the regulation of normal smooth muscle contractile activity.  相似文献   

Liu D  Lu JS  Yin XL 《生理学报》2000,52(6):483-486
观察pp60c-src在血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngⅡ)诱导血管平滑肌细胞(VSMCs)内丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)激活中的作用,以了解AngⅡ促VSMCs增殖的信号转导过程。将合成的反义c-src寡脱氧核苷酸(oligodeoxynucle-otides,ODNs)以脂质体包裹转染培养的大鼠VSMCs,用Western印迹测得细胞裂解液中pp60c-src含量明显下降,免疫沉淀方法测得pp60c-s  相似文献   

In order to ascertain the possible involvement of cyclic GMP in the physiological regulation of the function and development of brown fat of the rat, we have determined its tissue concentration in vivo under a variety of conditions. The steady-state concentration of cyclic GMP in interscapular brown adipose tissue of late foetus was about 80 pmol per g fresh weight. The concentration gradually declined during the first 2 weeks after birth to reach 40 pmol/g fresh weight and then remained constant into adulthood. The cyclic GMP content of brown fat was decreased by chemical sympathectomy and was increased after complete acclimatization of the animals to the cold. The activity of cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase was also highest in tissue from newborn and cold-acclimatized rats.Both acute cold stress and injection of norepinephrine resulted in a significant but temporary increase in the concentration of cyclic GMP in brown fat, which was followed by a depression of the concentration below values in untreated animals. The concentration of cyclic AMP showed similar pattern of changes. Injection of phenylephrine was followed by a pronounced increase in the cyclic GMP content of brown fat, with little effect upon cyclic AMP. Injection of isoproterenol raised the content of cyclic AMP but not that of cyclic GMP. The ability of norepinephrine and phenylephrine to increase the concentration of cyclic GMP was abolished by pre-treatment of the animals with phenoxybenzamine, but not by pre-treatment with propranolol. Conversely, propranolol but not phenoxybenzamine abolished the effects of norepinephrine on the cyclic AMP content of the tissue.Thus we have established the responsiveness of the cyclic GMP content of brown fat to physiological and pharmacological stimuli and have evidence of the possible participation by cyclic GMP in the α-adrenergic stimulation and in the regulation of proliferative processes in the tissue.  相似文献   

Exposure of vascular smooth muscle cells to arginine vasopressin (AVP) increases smooth muscle alpha-actin (SM-alpha-actin) expression through activation of the SM- alpha-actin promoter. The goal of this study was to determine the role of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP kinase) family in regulation of SM-alpha-actin expression. AVP activated all three MAP kinase family members: ERKs, JNKs, and p38 MAP kinase. Inhibition of JNKs or p38 decreased AVP-stimulated SM-alpha-actin promoter activity, whereas inhibition of ERKs had no effect. A 150-base pair region of the promoter containing two CArG boxes was sufficient to mediate regulation by vasoconstrictors. Mutations in either CArG box decreased AVP-stimulated promoter activity. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays using oligonucleotides corresponding to either CArG box resulted in a complex of similar mobility whose intensity was increased by AVP. Antibodies against serum response factor (SRF) completely super-shifted this complex, indicating that SRF binds to both CArG boxes. Overexpression of SRF increased basal promoter activity, but activity was still stimulated by AVP. AVP stimulation rapidly increased SRF phosphorylation. These data indicate that both JNKs and p38 participate in regulation of SM- alpha-actin expression. SRF, which binds to two critical CArG boxes in the promoter, represents a potential target of these kinases.  相似文献   

Various histone fractions from several sources differ markedly in their degree of dependence on protein kinase stimulatory modulator for maximum phosphorylation by rat liver cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase in the presence of cyclic GMP. DEAE-cellulose and QAE-Sephadex chromatography of arginine-rich and mixed histones resulted in the histones displaying increased dependence on the modulator. This increased dependence was apparently due to the removal of contaminating modulator as heat-stable modulator activity could be eluted from the DEAE-cellulose column. Lysine-rich histone was not markedly dependent on the modulator before or after QAE-Sephadex chromatography.  相似文献   

Eicosanoid production is reduced when the nitric oxide (NO·) pathway is inhibited or when the inducible NO synthase gene is deleted, indicating that the NO· and arachidonic acid pathways are linked. We hypothesized that peroxynitrite, formed by the reaction of NO· and superoxide anion, may cause signaling events leading to arachidonic acid release and subsequent eicosanoid generation. Western blot analysis of rat arterial smooth muscle cells demonstrated that peroxynitrite (100–500 µM) and 3-morpholinosydnonimine (SIN-1; 200 µM) stimulate phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), p38, and cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2). We found that peroxynitrite-induced arachidonic acid release was completely abrogated by the mitogen-activated protein/ERK kinase (MEK) inhibitor U0126 and by calcium chelators. With the p38 inhibitor SB-20219, we demonstrated that peroxynitrite-induced p38 phosphorylation led to minor arachidonic acid release, whereas U0126 completely blocked p38 phosphorylation. Addition of arachidonic acid caused p38 phosphorylation, suggesting that arachidonic acid or its metabolites are responsible for p38 activation. KN-93, a specific inhibitor of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII), revealed no role for this kinase in peroxynitrite-induced arachidonic acid release in our cell system. Together, these results show that in response to peroxynitrite the cell initiates the MEK/ERK cascade leading to cPLA2 activation and arachidonic acid release. Thus studies investigating the role of the NO· pathway on eicosanoid production must consider the contribution of signaling pathways initiated by reactive nitrogen species. These findings may provide evidence for a new role of peroxynitrite as an important reactive nitrogen species in vascular disease. reactive nitrogen species; prostaglandin H2 synthase; extracellular signal-regulated kinase; p38; cytosolic phospholipase A2  相似文献   

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