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Distler AM  Kerner J  Hoppel CL 《Proteomics》2008,8(19):4066-4082
For the proteomic study of mitochondrial membranes, documented high quality mitochondrial preparations are a necessity to ensure proper localization. Despite the state-of-the-art technologies currently in use, there is no single technique that can be used for all studies of mitochondrial membrane proteins. Herein, we use examples to highlight solubilization techniques, different chromatographic methods, and developments in gel electrophoresis for proteomic analysis of mitochondrial membrane proteins. Blue-native gel electrophoresis has been successful not only for dissection of the inner membrane oxidative phosphorylation system, but also for the components of the outer membrane such as those involved in protein import. Identification of PTMs such as phosphorylation, acetylation, and nitration of mitochondrial membrane proteins has been greatly improved by the use of affinity techniques. However, understanding of the biological effect of these modifications is an area for further exploration. The rapid development of proteomic methods for both identification and quantitation, especially for modifications, will greatly impact the understanding of the mitochondrial membrane proteome.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are enveloped by two closely apposed boundary membranes with different properties and functions. It is known that they undergo fusion and fission, but it has remained unclear whether outer and inner membranes fuse simultaneously, coordinately or separately. We set up assays for the study of inner and outer membrane fusion in living human cells. Inner membrane fusion was more sensitive than outer membrane fusion to inhibition of glycolysis. Fusion of the inner membrane, but not of the outer membrane, was abolished by dissipation of the inner membrane potential with K+ (valinomycin) or H+ ionophores (cccp). In addition, outer and inner membrane fusion proceeded separately in the absence of any drug. The separate fusion of outer and inner membranes and the different requirements of these fusion reactions point to the existence of fusion machineries that can function separately.  相似文献   

Tim23, a key component of the mitochondrial preprotein translocase, is anchored in the inner membrane by its C-terminal domain and exposes an intermediate domain in the intermembrane space that functions as a presequence receptor. We show that the N-terminal domain of Tim23 is exposed on the surface of the outer membrane. The two-membrane-spanning topology of Tim23 is a novel characteristic in membrane biology. By the simultaneous integration into two membranes, Tim23 forms contacts between the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes. Tethering the inner membrane translocase to the outer membrane facilitates the transfer of precursor proteins from the TOM complex to the TIM23 complex and increases the efficiency of protein import.  相似文献   

Rat liver mitochondrial inner and outer membranes were subjected to the solubilizing effect of the nonionic detergent Triton X-100 under various conditions. After centrifugation, the supernatants (containing the solubilized fraction) and pellets were characterized chemically and/or ultrastructurally. The detergent seems to act by inducing a phase transition from membrane lamellae to mixed protein-lipid-detergent micelles. Different electron-micro-scopy patterns are shown by the inner membranes after treatment with different amounts of surfactant, whereas the corresponding images from outer membranes vary but slightly. Selective solubilization of various components is observed, especially in the case of the inner membrane. Some membrane lipids (e.g., cardiolipin) are totally solubilized at detergent concentrations when others, such as sphyngomyelin, remain in the membrane. Other inner-membrane components (flavins, cytochromes, coenzymeQ) show different solubilization patterns. This allows the selection of conditions for optimal solubilization of a given membrane component with some degree of selectivity. The influence of Triton X-100 on various mitochondrial inner-membrane enzyme activities was studied. The detergent seems to act especially through disruption of the topology of the functional complexes, although the activity of the individual enzymes appears to be preserved. Relatively simple enzyme activities, such as ATPase, are more or less solubilized according to the detergent concentration, whereas the more complex succinate-cytochromec reductase activity practically disappears even at low Triton X-100 concentrations.  相似文献   

The amino-terminal region of a 70 kDa mitochondrial outer membrane protein of yeast and the presequence of cytochrome c1, an inner membrane protein exposed to the intermembrane space, are thought to be responsible for localizing the proteins in their final destinations after synthesis in the cytosol. Gene fusion experiments were used to identify signals that are responsible for protein sorting between the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes. The submitochondrial localization of cytochrome c1 whose presequence was replaced by the amino-terminal region of the 70 kDa mitochondrial outer membrane protein has been investigated. We have also used an in vivo complementation assay to determine whether or not a 70k-cyt c1 fusion protein is functional. Both the first half and all of the presequence of cytochrome c1 can be replaced by the amino-terminal 12 or 29 residues of the 70 kDa protein for transport to the inner membrane and functional assembly into succinate-cytochrome c reductase. However, replacements by the amino-terminal 61 residues of the 70 kDa protein result in exclusive localization of the fusion proteins to the outer membrane, and the fusions cannot be assembled into the enzyme complex. These data indicate that a mitochondrial targeting signal alone is sufficient to direct cytochrome c1 of mature size to the inner membrane.  相似文献   

A protein fraction from rat liver cytoplasm, precipitable at 50-95% saturation of ammonium sulphate, binds phosphatidic acid from mitochondrial and microsomal membranes. Protein-bound phosphatidic acid was eluted from Sephadex G-75 in fractions corresponding to a molecular weight of about 10 000. No such binding was observed with mitochondrial soluble proteins, either total or precipitated with ammonium sulphate between 50 and 95% saturation. The transfer of phosphatidic acid from microsomes to mitochondria was increased by liver cytoplasmic proteins precipitable at 50-95% saturation of ammonium sulphate but not with mitochondrial soluble proteins. This increase by cytoplasmic proteins was pronounced in 200 mM sucrose but was negligible in 100 mM KCI where the spontaneous transfer was quite high. Cytoplasmic proteins stimulated the synthesis of cardiolipin and phosphatidylglycerol in mitochondria deprived of the outer membrane but not in intact mitochondria when phosphatidic acid was supplied either by microsomes or liposomes. It is suggested that the transfer of phosphatidic acid from the outer to the inner mitochondrial membrane is not mediated by transfer proteins but occurs either by direct contact of the membranes or as free diffusion through the aqueous phase.  相似文献   



Extensive DNA damage leads to apoptosis. Histones play a central role in DNA damage sensing and may mediate signals of genotoxic damage to cytosolic effectors including mitochondria.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have investigated the effects of histones on mitochondrial function and membrane integrity. We demonstrate that both linker histone H1 and core histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4 bind strongly to isolated mitochondria. All histones caused a rapid and massive release of the pro-apoptotic intermembrane space proteins cytochrome c and Smac/Diablo, indicating that they permeabilize the outer mitochondrial membrane. In addition, linker histone H1, but not core histones, permeabilized the inner membrane with a collapse of the membrane potential, release of pyridine nucleotides, and mitochondrial fragmentation.


We conclude that histones destabilize the mitochondrial membranes, a mechanism that may convey genotoxic signals to mitochondria and promote apoptosis following DNA damage.  相似文献   

Whilst investigating whether GTP hydrolysis may be required for the import of preproteins into mitochondria we have found that a GTP-binding protein is located at the contact sites between mitochondrial inner and outer membranes. When mitochondrial outer membranes purified from rat liver were UV-irradiated in the presence of [alpha-32P]GTP, a 52 kDa protein was radiolabelled, whereas [alpha-32P]ATP did not label this protein. GTP-binding proteins were also labelled in the cytosolic and microsomal fractions, but the 52 kDa protein was concentrated in mitochondrial membranes and was the only protein specifically labelled by GTP in these membranes. Fractionation of mitochondrial membrane vesicles into outer membranes, inner membranes and contact sites between outer and inner membranes showed that the GTP-binding activity was highly enriched in contact sites, the location at which preprotein import is believed to occur. A protein of almost identical size was also found to be labelled in mitochondria from yeast.  相似文献   

Addition of exogenous NADH to rotenone- and antimycin A-treated mitochondria, in 125 mM KCl, results in rates of oxygen uptake of 0.5-1 and 10-12 nanoatoms of oxygen X mg protein-1 X min-1 in the absence and presence of cytochrome c, respectively. During oxidation of exogenous NADH there is a fast and complete reduction of cytochrome b5 while endogenous or added exogenous cytochrome c become 10-15% and 100% reduced, respectively. The reoxidation of cytochrome b5, after exhaustion of NADH, precedes that of cytochrome c. NADH oxidation is blocked by mersalyl, an inhibitor of NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase. These observations support the view of an electron transfer from the outer to the inner membrane of intact mitochondria. Both the rate of exogenous NADH oxidation and the steady state level of cytochrome c reduction increase with the increase of ionic strength, while the rate of succinate oxidation undergoes a parallel depression. These observations suggest that the functions of cytochrome c as an electron carrier in the inner membrane and as an electron shuttle in the intermembrane space are alternative. It is concluded that aerobic oxidation of exogenous NADH involves the following pathway: NADH leads to NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase leads to cytochrome b5 leads to intermembrane cytochrome c leads to cytochrome oxidase leads to oxygen. It is suggested that the communication between the outer and inner membranes mediated by cytochrome c may affect the oxidation-reduction level of cytosolic NADH and the related oxidation-reduction reactions.  相似文献   

Effect of an electrophilous inhibitor, chlorophenacyl, on energy-dependent functions of submitochondrial particles is studied. Chlorophenacyl at concentrations up to 1 mM is found practically not to affect the generation of membrane potential under NADH and succinate oxidation and ATP hydrolysis and to be a strong inhibitor of oxidative phosphorylation and reverse electron transport. The mechanism of the inhibition of energy-dependent functions of submitochondrial particles with chlorophenacyl is different from that of electron transport inhibitor, energy transport inhibitors and classical uncoupling agents--protonophors. The data obtained are suggested to be due to the existence of two ways of proton translocation in submitochondrial particle membrane, phosphorylating and non-phosphorylating, the effect of chlorophenacyl being directed on phosphorylating way only.  相似文献   

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