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Cleft palate repair by double opposing Z-plasty 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
L T Furlow 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》1986,78(6):724-738
In an attempt to improve speech results following palate repair while allowing adequate maxillary growth, a palatoplasty using two opposing Z-plasties of the soft palate, one of the oral and one of the nasal layers, has been used in 22 infants. Eight patients had unilateral cleft lip and palate, eight had bilateral cleft lip and palate, and six had cleft palate. The Z-plasties facilitate effective dissection and redirection of the palatal muscles to produce an overlapping muscle sling and lengthen the velum without using tissue from the hard palate, which permits hard palate closure without pushback or lateral relaxing incisions. Of the 20 children old enough for speech evaluation, 18 have no velopharyngeal insufficiency. Two have very mild velopharyngeal insufficiency. None has required a pharyngeal flap. 相似文献
In E. coli, the SecM nascent polypeptide causes elongation arrest, while interacting with 23S RNA bases A2058 and A749-753 in the exit tunnel of the large ribosomal subunit. We compared atomic models fitted by real-space refinement into cryo-electron microscopy reconstructions of a pretranslocational and SecM-stalled E. coli ribosome complex. A cascade of RNA rearrangements propagates from the exit tunnel throughout the large subunit, affecting intersubunit bridges and tRNA positions, which in turn reorient small subunit RNA elements. Elongation arrest could result from the inhibition of mRNA.(tRNAs) translocation, E site tRNA egress, and perhaps translation factor activation at the GTPase-associated center. Our study suggests that the specific secondary and tertiary arrangement of ribosomal RNA provides the basis for internal signal transduction within the ribosome. Thus, the ribosome may itself have the ability to regulate its progression through translation by modulating its structure and consequently its receptivity to activation by cofactors. 相似文献
Yang Y Gu Y Zheng Q 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2012,130(2):362e-363e; author reply 363e-364e
A feruloylated arabinoxylan trisaccharide inhibited IAA-stimulatedelongation of cells in rice lamina joints. The de-esterifiedcompound, an arabinoxylan trisaccharide, did not inhibit suchelongation. This is the first report that feruloylated arabinoxylanfragments are involved in the regulation of plant growth. (Received September 18, 1991; Accepted January 13, 1992) 相似文献
Ca2+ has been proposed to mediate inhibition of root elongation. However, exogenous Ca2+ at 10 or 20 millimolar, applied directly to the root cap, significantly stimulated root elongation in pea (Pisum sativum L.) and corn (Zea mays L.) seedlings. Furthermore, Ca2+ at 1 to 20 millimolar, applied unilaterally to the caps of Alaska pea roots, caused root curvature away from the Ca2+ source, which was caused by an acceleration of elongation growth on the convex side (Ca2+ side) of the roots. Roots of an agravitropic pea mutant, ageotropum, responded to a greater extent. Roots of Merit and Silver Queen corn also responded to Ca2+ in similar ways but required a higher Ca2+ concentration than that of pea roots. Roots of all other cultivars tested (additional four cultivars of pea and one of corn) curved away from the unilateral Ca2+ source as well. The Ca2+-stimulated curvature was substantially enhanced by light. A Ca2+ ionophore, A23187, at 20 micromolar or abscisic acid at 0.1 to 100 micromolar partially substituted for the light effect and enhanced the Ca2+-stimulated curvature in the dark. Unilateral application of Ca2+ to the elongation zone of intact roots or to the cut end of detipped roots caused either no curvature or very slight curvature toward the Ca2+. Thus, Ca2+ action on root elongation differs depending on its site of application. The stimulatory action of Ca2+ may involve an elevation of cytoplasmic Ca2+ in root cap cells and may participate in root tropisms. 相似文献
Short repetitive DNA sequences are believed to be one of the primordial genetic elements that served as a source of complex large DNA found in the genome of modern organisms. However, the mechanism of its expansion (increase in repeat number) during the course of evolution is unclear. We demonstrate that the DNA polymerase of the hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus can elongate oligoDNA with several tandem repeats to very long DNA in vitro. For instance, 48mer repetitive oligoDNA (TACATGTA)6, which has 25% GC content and a palindromic sequence, can be elongated up to ~10 000 bases by DNA polymerase at 74°C without template DNA. OligoDNA having a different GC content or a quasi-palindromic sequence can also be elongated, but less efficiently. A spectroscopic thermal melting experiment with the oligoDNA showed that its hairpin–coil transition temperature was very close to the elongation reaction temperature (74°C), but was much higher than the temperature at which duplex oligoDNA can exist stably. Taken together, we conclude that repetitive oligoDNA with a palindromic or quasi-palindromic sequence is elongated extensively by a hyperthermophilic DNA polymerase through hairpin–coil transitions. We propose that such an elongation mechanism might have been a driving force to expand primordial short DNA. 相似文献
Hypocotyl elongation under white fluorescent light was aboutdoubled in dwarf watermelon (Citrullus lanatus0 (Thunb.) Matsu.and Nakai) seedlings treated with 0.1 to 0.3 µg apicaland 3 x 106 to 10.3 M root applications of 6-benzyladenine(BA). BA-enhancement of growth occurred primarily during thefirst 48 h after treatment. Increased hypocotyl length in BA-treatedseedlings was attributed more to longer cells than to an increasein cell number. Early hypocotyl growth of normal seedlings wasalso significantly enhanced by BA although final hypocotyl lengthwas not substantially affected. Benzyladenine caused expansion of cotyledons and, at higherdoses, lateral expansion of hypocotyls. BA-induced increasesin fresh weight of cotyledons and hypocotyls were accompaniedby an increase in dry weight of hypocotyls at the expense ofroots which had less dry matter than untreated seedlings. 相似文献
Reut Shalgi Jessica A. Hurt Irina Krykbaeva Mikko Taipale Susan Lindquist Christopher B. Burge 《Molecular cell》2013,49(3):439-452
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Elongation of teichuronic acid chains by a wall-membrane preparation from Micrococcus luteus.

A wall-plus-membrane preparation from Micrococcus luteus catalyzes the incorporation of [14C]glucose from UDP-[14C]glucose, into two fractions of teichuronic acid, which is the cell wall polysaccharide consisting of alternating residues of glucose and N-acetylmannosaminuronic acid (ManNAcUA). Membrane-associated teichuronic acid was extracted from the wall-membrane fraction of reaction mixtures by sodium dodecyl sulfate. The synthesis of membrane-associated teichuronic acid required UDP-glucose, UDP-ManNAcUA, and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine and was inhibited by tunicamycin. Glucose incorporated into wall-bound teichuronic acid remained in wall fragments after extraction with sodium dodecyl sulfate, and its incorporation required UDP-glucose and UDP-ManNAcUA (but not UDP-N-acetylglucosamine) and was insensitive to tunicamycin. Radioactive material incorporated into wall-bound teichuronic acid could be released by treatment with mild acid or by digestion with lysozyme, indicating that the wall-bound teichuronic acid was covalently linked to peptidoglycan. There were about 600 pmol of wall-bound teichuronic acid acceptor sites for glucose per mg of protein as measured in incorporation reaction mixtures lacking UDP-ManNAcUA. In the presence of both UDP-glucose and UDP-ManNAcUA, elongation of teichuronic acid acceptor sites occurred, with the addition of six to eight disaccharide units to each acceptor site. 相似文献
Higher concentrations of growth retardants, ancymidol and AMO-1718,were required to suppress root growth than hypocotyl growthin lettuce seedlings. Gibberellic acid (GA3) counteracted theeffect of these growth retardants, but complete recovery ofroot growth was obtained only in a narrow range of growth retardantconcentrations. A much lower concentration of GA3 (1 nM) wasneeded for recovery of root growth from ancymidol suppressionthan that for hypocotyl growth (100 (µM). GA3 synergisticallypromoted root growth at moderate concentrations (10100nM) with either ancymidol or AMO-1618. Ancymidol not only suppressed root elongation but also causedthickening of the elongation zone of the root, actions whichGA3 completely canceled. Microscopic observation showed theseeffects were mainly due to the lateral expansion and shorteningof epidermal and cortical cells. Growth kinetics of roots recorded by a computer-regulated rhizometerindicated that the lag times of both growth suppression by ancymidoland growth recovery by GA3 were about 4 h. -Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) did not counteract ancymidol suppressionof root and hypocotyl growth. These results support the concept that gibberellins play anindispensable role in root elongation at an extremely lowerconcentration than in hypocotyl elongation. (Received January 7, 1987; Accepted May 14, 1987) 相似文献
Cleft-palate repair by modified Furlow double-opposing Z-plasty: the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia experience 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Kirschner RE Wang P Jawad AF Duran M Cohen M Solot C Randall P LaRossa D 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》1999,104(7):1998-2010; discussion 2011-4
Although the optimal technique of cleft-palate repair remains controversial, several small series have suggested that superior speech results may be obtained with the Furlow double-opposing Z-plasty. To examine speech outcome in a large series of Furlow palatoplasties performed at a single center, we retrospectively reviewed the records of 390 cleft-palate patients who underwent Furlow palatoplasty at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia from 1979 to 1992. Speech outcome at 5 years of age or greater was available for 181 nonsyndromic patients and was scored using the Pittsburgh Weighted Values for Speech Symptoms Associated with Velopharyngeal Incompetence. No or mild hypernasality was noted in 93.4 percent of patients, with 88.4 percent demonstrating no or inaudible nasal escape and 97.2 percent demonstrating no errors in articulation associated with velopharyngeal incompetence. Secondary pharyngeal flap surgery was required in just 7.2 percent of patients. Age at palatoplasty, cleft type, and experience of the operating surgeon had no significant effect on speech results, although there was a trend toward better outcome in those undergoing palatal repair before 6 months of age and toward poorer outcome in those with Veau class I and II clefts. Overall, Furlow palatoplasty yielded outstanding speech results, with rates of velopharyngeal dysfunction that seem to improve upon those reported for other techniques. 相似文献