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Sheep liver 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase is shown to be inactivated by diethylpyrocarbonate in a biphasic manner at pH 6.0, 25 degrees C. After allowing for the hydrolysis of the reagent, rate constants of 56 M-1 s-1 and 11.0 M-1 s-1 were estimated for the two processes. The complete reactivation of partially inactivated enzyme by neutral hydroxylamine, the elimination of the possibility that modification of cysteine or tyrosine residues are responsible for inactivation, and the magnitudes of the rate constants for inactivation relative to the experimentally determined value for the reaction of diethylpyrocarbonate with N alpha-acetylhistidine (2.2 M-1 s-1), all suggested that enzyme inactivation occurs solely by modification of histidine residues. Comparison of the experimental plot of residual fractional activity versus the number of modified histidine residues per subunit with simulated plots for three hypothetical models, each predicting biphasic kinetics, indicated that inactivation results from the modification of at most one essential histidine residue per subunit, although it appears that other (non-essential) histidines react independently. This histidine is thought to be His-242 and is present in the active site. Evidence in support of its role in catalysis is briefly discussed. Both 6-phosphogluconate and organic phosphate protect against inactivation, and a kinetic analysis of the protection indicated a dissociation constant of 2.1 X 10(-6) M for the enzyme--6-phosphogluconate complex. NADP+ also protected, but this might be due, at least in part, to a reduction in the effective concentration of diethylpyrocarbonate.  相似文献   

Chloroperoxidase from Caldariomyces fumago is well documented as an extremely versatile catalyst, and studies are currently being conducted to delineate the fine structural features that allow the enzyme to possess chemical and physical similarities to the peroxidases, catalases, and P-450 cytochromes. Earlier investigations of ligand binding to the heme iron of chloroperoxidase, along with the presence of an invariant distal histidine residue in the active site of peroxidases and catalases, have led to the hypothesis that chloroperoxidase also possesses an essential histidine residue that may participate in catalysis. To address this in a more direct fashion, chemical modification studies were initiated with diethylpyrocarbonate. Incubation of chloroperoxidase with this reagent resulted in a time-dependent inactivation of enzyme. Kinetic analysis revealed that the inactivation was due to a simple bimolecular reaction. The rate of inactivation exhibited a pH dependence, indicating that modification of a titratable residue with a pKa value of 6.91 was responsible for inactivation; this data provided strong evidence for histidine derivatization by diethylpyrocarbonate. To further support these results, inactivation due to cysteine, tyrosine, or lysine modification was ruled out. The stoichiometry of histidine modification was estimated by the increase in absorption at 246 nm, and it was found that more than 1 histidine residue was derivatized when chloroperoxidase was inactivated with diethylpyrocarbonate. However, it was shown that the rates of modification and inactivation were not equivalent. This was interpreted to reflect that both essential and nonessential histidine residues were modified by diethylpyrocarbonate. Kinetic analysis indicated that modification of a single essential histidine residue was responsible for inactivation of the enzyme. Studies with [14C]diethylpyrocarbonate provided stoichiometric support that derivatization of a single histidine inactivated chloroperoxidase. Based on sequence homology with cytochrome c peroxidase, histidine 38 was identified as a likely candidate for the distal residue. Molecular modeling, based on secondary structure predictions, allows for the construction of an active site peptide, and implicates a number of other residues that may participate in catalysis.  相似文献   

Aspartase purified from Escherichia coli W cells was inactivated by diethylpyrocarbonate following pseudo-first order kinetics. Upon treatment of the inactivated enzyme with NH2OH, the enzyme activity was completely restored. The difference absorption spectrum of the modified vs. native enzyme preparations exhibited a prominent peak around 240 nm. The pH-dependence of the inactivation rate suggested that an amino acid residue having a pK value of 6.6 was involved in the inactivation. These results indicate that the inactivation was due to the modification of histidine residues. L-Aspartate and fumarate, substrates for the enzyme, and the Cl- ion, an inhibitor, protected the enzyme against the inactivation. Inspection of the spectral change at 240 nm associated with the inactivation in the presence and absence of the Cl- ion revealed that the number of histidine residues essential for the enzyme activity was less than two. Partial inactivation did not result in an appreciable change in the substrate saturation profiles. These results suggest that one or two histidine residues are located at the active site of aspartase and participate in an essential step in the catalytic reaction.  相似文献   

3-Ketovalidoxylamine A C-N lyase was purified about 900-fold from the cell-free extract of Flavobacterium saccharophilum by ammonium sulfate fractionation, column chromatography on CM cellulose and gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200. The purified enzyme was homogeneous as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The molecular weight of the enzyme was estimated to be 36,000 by gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200 and by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, indicating that the enzyme is a monomer. The optimum pH was found at 9.0. The enzyme activity was inhibited by EDTA or ethyleneglycol bis(beta-aminoethylether)-N,N'-tetraacetic acid and the inhibition was reversed by Ca2+ ion. The enzyme was able to eliminate p-nitroaniline or p-nitrophenol from p-nitrophenyl-3-ketovalidamine (IV) or p-nitrophenyl-alpha-D-3-ketoglucoside (VI), but not from p-nitrophenyl-1-epi-3-ketovalidamine or p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-3-ketoglucoside. Apparent Km values for IV and VI were 0.24 mM and 0.5 mM, respectively.  相似文献   

Malonyl-CoA synthetase fromPseudomonas fluorescens was inactivated by diethylpyrocarbonate (DEP) with the second-order rate constant of 775 M?1 min?1 atpH 7.0, 25°C, showing a concomitant increase in absorbance at 242 nm due to the formation of N-carbethoxyhistidyl derivatives. The inactivated enzyme at low concentration of DEP (<0.2 mM) could be completely reactivated by hydroxylamine but not completely reactivated at high concentration (>0.5 mM), indicating that there may be another functional group modified by DEP. Complete inactivation of malonyl-CoA synthetase required the modification of seven residues per molecule of enzyme; however, only one is calculated to be essential for enzyme activity by a statistical analysis of the residual enzyme activity.pH dependence of inactivation indicated the involvement of a residue with apK a of 6.7, which is closely related to that of histidyl residue of proteins. Whena subunit treated with DEP was mixed with β subunits complex, the enzyme activity completely disappeared, whereas when β subunit complex treated with the reagent was mixed witha subunit, the activity remained. Inactivation of the enzyme by the reagent was protected by the presence of malonate and ATP. These results indicate that a catalytically essential histidyl residue is located at or near the malonate and ATP binding region ona subunit of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Malonyl-CoA synthetase fromPseudomonas fluorescens was inactivated by diethylpyrocarbonate (DEP) with the second-order rate constant of 775 M–1 min–1 atpH 7.0, 25°C, showing a concomitant increase in absorbance at 242 nm due to the formation of N-carbethoxyhistidyl derivatives. The inactivated enzyme at low concentration of DEP (<0.2 mM) could be completely reactivated by hydroxylamine but not completely reactivated at high concentration (>0.5 mM), indicating that there may be another functional group modified by DEP. Complete inactivation of malonyl-CoA synthetase required the modification of seven residues per molecule of enzyme; however, only one is calculated to be essential for enzyme activity by a statistical analysis of the residual enzyme activity.pH dependence of inactivation indicated the involvement of a residue with apK a of 6.7, which is closely related to that of histidyl residue of proteins. Whena subunit treated with DEP was mixed with subunits complex, the enzyme activity completely disappeared, whereas when subunit complex treated with the reagent was mixed witha subunit, the activity remained. Inactivation of the enzyme by the reagent was protected by the presence of malonate and ATP. These results indicate that a catalytically essential histidyl residue is located at or near the malonate and ATP binding region ona subunit of the enzyme.  相似文献   

An investigation, using specific chemical reagents, of the amino acids involved in the catalytic activity of the purified 5'-nucleotidase (5'-ribonucleotide phosphohydrolase, EC from bovine liver plasma membranes, was carried out. The enzyme was irreversibly inactivated by N-ethoxycarbonyl-2-ethoxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline (EEDQ). The inhibition kinetics were of the first-order type and decreased partially in the presence of nucleotides and divalent cations. These results indicate for the first time that a carboxyl group is essential for the catalytic process of 5'-nucleotidase. Moreover, chemical modification by diethylpyrocarbonate also produced inactivation of the enzyme and showed a differential spectrum with a peak at 240 nm characteristic of N-carbethoxyhistidine residues. This inactivation was efficiently released upon decarbethoxylation by hydroxylamine only when the extent of inactivation, due to low concentration of diethylpyrocarbonate, was limited. The time-dependent inactivation followed first-order kinetics and nucleotides afforded significant protection against diethylpyrocarbonate modification. The results indicate the involvement of the histidine residue in catalysis.  相似文献   

Spinach ferredoxin contains a single ferredoxin which can be chemically modified with diethylpyrocarbonate. By varying the concentration of diethylpyrocarbonate modified ferredoxins could be prepared which had only one or both of the imidazole nitrogens of the histidine modified. A small amount of tyrosine was also modified. Ferredoxin with only one of the imidazole nitrogens modified was fully active in NADP photoreduction by chloroplast membranes. This activity was lost as the second imidazole nitrogen was modified. The results suggest an essential role for the single histidine of ferredoxin.  相似文献   

Heat-stable malate dehydrogenase isolated from Thermus flavus AT62 was completely inactivated by treatment with diethylpyrocarbonate. The inactivation was accompanied by the loss of 1.2 histidine residues per subunit of the enzyme. The enzyme was protected from inactivation by NADH. The enzyme was also inactivated by dye-sensitized photooxidation. Methionine residues, in addition to histidine residues, were destroyed in the inactivated enzyme. Kinetic analyses of the inactivation indicated that the pK value of the residue involved in the inactivation was 8.20 at 25.0 degrees C and 7.52 at 60.0 degrees C. From the pK values and the heat of ionization calculated from the van't Hoff plot of pKs, a histidine residue was identified to be primarily involved in the inactivation. The effect of temperature on the pK value of the essential group in this enzyme from a thermophilic organism is discussed.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the pH dependence of the Michaelis-Menten constants (V and Km) of aryl sulfatase A (EC from rabbit liver indicates that at least two functional groups (pK's ~4.3 and ~7 in the enzyme-substrate complex) participate in the enzymic degradation of substrate. Aryl sulfatase A is inactivated by diethyl pyrocarbonate (ethoxyformic anhydride). The enzyme that has been modified with this reagent can in turn be reactivated by treatment with hydroxylamine. The pH dependence of inactivation reveals a reactive group having a pK of 6.5–7.0. The results indicate that at least one histidine plays an important catalytic role in rabbit liver aryl sulfatase A, consistent with the results of earlier workers who employed diazotized sulfanilic acid. Phosphate ion, a competitive inhibitor, partially protects the enzyme from inactivation by diethyl pyrocarbonate whereas sulfate ion, also a competitive inhibitor, increases the rate of inactivation by diethyl pyrocarbonate. This result is of particular significance in view of the anomalous kinetics of aryl sulfatase A. The kinetic effects of even small amounts of sulfate ion impurities in many commercial sulfate ester substrate preparations is also discussed.  相似文献   

The histidine residue essential for the catalytic activity of pancreatic cholesterol esterase (carboxylester lipase) has been identified in this study using sequence comparison and site-specific mutagenesis techniques. In the first approach, comparison of the primary structure of rat pancreatic cholesterol esterase with that of acetylcholinesterase and cholinesterase revealed two conserved histidine residues located at positions 420 and 435. The sequence in the region around histidine 420 is quite different between the three enzymes. However, histidine 435 is located in a 22-amino acid domain that is 47% homologous with other serine esterases. Based on this sequence homology, it was hypothesized that histidine 435 is the histidine residue essential for catalytic activity of cholesterol esterase. The role of His435 in the catalytic activity of pancreatic cholesterol esterase was then studied by the site-specific mutagenesis technique. Substitution of the histidine in position 435 with glutamine, arginine, alanine, serine, or aspartic acid abolished the ability of cholesterol esterase to hydrolyze p-nitrophenyl butyrate and cholesterol [14C]oleate. In contrast, mutagenesis of the histidine residue at position 420 to glutamine had no effect on cholesterol esterase enzyme activity. The results of this study strongly suggested that histidine 435 may be a component of the catalytic triad of pancreatic cholesterol esterase.  相似文献   

Modification of leucine aminotransferase by diethylpyrocarbonate or rose bengal-sensitized photo-oxidation caused rapid inactivation of the enzyme. The inactivation of leucine aminotransferase depended on the concentration of the reagent, the time of incubation and exhibited pseudo-first order kinetics. Rose bengal-sensitized photo-oxidation was maximum at pH 6.5 and 9. Substrates leucine and alpha-ketoglutarate protected the enzyme against inactivation by these reagents, thus suggesting participation of histidine residue at the substrate binding site.  相似文献   

1. Pig heart lactate dehydrogenase is inhibited by addition of one equivalent of diethyl pyrocarbonate. The inhibition is due to the acylation of a unique histidine residue which is 10-fold more reactive than free histidine. No other amino acid side chains are modified. 2. The carbethoxyhistidine residue slowly decomposes and the enzyme activity reappears. 3. The essential histidine residue is only slightly protected by the presence of NADH but is completely protected when substrate and substrate analogues bind to the enzyme-NADH complex. The protection is interpreted in terms of a model in which substrates can only bind to the enzyme in which the histidine residue is protonated and is thus not available for reaction with the acylating agent. 4. The apparent pK(a) of the histidine residue in the apoenzyme is 6.8+/-0.2. In the enzyme-NADH complex it is 6.7+/-0.2. 5. Acylated enzyme binds NADH with unchanged affinity. The enzyme is inhibited because substrates and substrate analogues cannot bind at the acylated histidine residue in the enzyme-NADH complex.  相似文献   

The interaction of streptokinase with diethylpyrocarbonate resulting in partial inactivation of the protein was studied. Eight histidine residues are blocked per streptokinase molecule by this reagent. Ethoxyformylation of streptokinase histidyls is characterized by a rate constant corresponding to modification of free L-histidine. No reactivation of streptokinase was achieved by treatment of the modified protein with hydroxylamine. The CD spectroscopy data suggest that the residues modified by diethylpyrocarbonate are of no consequence for the stabilization of the protein secondary structure. The specificity of modification of streptokinase histidine residues by diethylpyrocarbonate is discussed. Based on the gel chromatography data, it was assumed that partial inactivation of streptokinase depends on the formation of protein oligomers with a decreased activatory function.  相似文献   

The flavoprotein nitroalkane oxidase from Fusarium oxysporum catalyzes the oxidation of nitroalkanes to the respective aldehydes or ketones with production of nitrite and hydrogen peroxide. The enzyme is irreversibly inactivated by incubation with tetranitromethane, a tyrosine-directed reagent, at pH 7.3. The inactivation is time-dependent and shows first-order kinetics for two half-lives of inactivation. Further inactivation can be achieved upon a second addition of tetranitromethane. A saturation kinetic pattern is observed when the rate of inactivation is determined versus the concentration of tetranitromethane, indicating that a reversible enzyme-inhibitor complex is formed before irreversible inactivation occurs. Values of 0.096 +/- 0.013 min(-1) and 12.9 +/- 3.8 mM were determined for the first-order rate constant for inactivation and the dissociation constant for the reversibly formed complex, respectively. The competitive inhibitor valerate protects the enzyme from inactivation by tetranitromethane, suggesting an active-site-directed inactivation. The UV-visible absorbance spectrum of the inactivated enzyme is perturbed with respect to that of the native enzyme, suggesting that treatment with tetranitromethane resulted in nitration of the enzyme. Comparison of tryptic maps of nitroalkane oxidase treated with tetranitromethane in the presence and absence of valerate shows a single peptide differentially labeled in the inactivated enzyme. The spectral properties of the modified peptide are consistent with nitration of a tyrosine residue. The amino acid sequence of the nitrated peptide is L-L-N-E-V-M-C-(NO(2)-Y)-P-L-F-D-G-G-N-I-G-L-R. The possible role of this tyrosine in substrate binding is discussed.  相似文献   

1. Inactivation of yeast alcohol dehydrogenase for diethyl pyrocarbonate indicates that one histidine residue per enzyme subunit is necessary for enzymic activity. The inactivated enzyme regains its activity over a period of days. 2. Enzyme modified by diethyl pyrocarbonate can form the binary enzyme - NADH complex with the same maximum NADH-binding capacity as that of native enzyme. Modified enzyme cannot form normal ternary complexes of the type enzyme - NADH - acetamide and enzyme - NAD+ - pyrazole, which are characteristic of native enzyme. 3. The rate constant for the reaction of enzyme with diethyl pyrocarbonate has been determined over the pH range 5.5--9. The histidine residue involved has approximately the same pKa as free histidine, but is 10-fold more reactive than free histidine.  相似文献   

Chalcone isomerase form soybean is inactivated by treatment with diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEP). The competitive inhibitor 4',4-dihydroxychalcone provides kinetic protection against inactivation by DEP with a binding constant at the site of protection in agreement with its binding constant at the active site. Very high concentrations of the competitive inhibitors 4',4-dihydroxychalcone or morin hydrate offer a 10- to 40-fold maximal protection, suggesting a second slower mechanism for inactivation which cannot be prevented by blockage of the active site. Blockage of the only cysteine residue in chalcone isomerase with p-mercuribenzoate does not affect the rate constant for DEP-dependent inactivation and indicates that the modification of the cysteine residue is not responsible for the activity loss observed in the presence of DEP. Treatment of inactivated enzyme with hydroxylamine does not restore catalytic activity, indicating that the modification of histidine or tyrosine residues is not responsible for the activity loss. All five histidines of chalcone isomerase are modified by DEP at pH 5.7 and ionic strength 1.0 M. The rate constant for the modification of the histidine residues of chalcone isomerase is close to that for the reaction of N-acetyl histidine with DEP, indicating that the histidine residues are quite accessible to the modifying reagent. The rate of histidine modification is the same in native enzyme, in urea-denatured enzyme, and in the presence of a competitive inhibitor. In the presence of the competitive inhibitor morin hydrate, all of the histidine residues of chalcone isomerase can be modified without significant loss in catalytic activity. These results demonstrate that the histidine residues of chalcone isomerase are not essential for catalysis and therefore cannot function as nucleophilic catalysts as previously proposed.  相似文献   

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