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The function of Tic40 during chloroplast protein import was investigated. Tic40 is an inner envelope membrane protein with a large hydrophilic domain located in the stroma. Arabidopsis null mutants of the atTic40 gene were very pale green and grew slowly but were not seedling lethal. Isolated mutant chloroplasts imported precursor proteins at a lower rate than wild-type chloroplasts. Mutant chloroplasts were normal in allowing binding of precursor proteins. However, during subsequent translocation across the inner membrane, fewer precursors were translocated and more precursors were released from the mutant chloroplasts. Cross-linking experiments demonstrated that Tic40 was part of the translocon complex and functioned at the same stage of import as Tic110 and Hsp93, a member of the Hsp100 family of molecular chaperones. Tertiary structure prediction and immunological studies indicated that the C-terminal portion of Tic40 contains a TPR domain followed by a domain with sequence similarity to co-chaperones Sti1p/Hop and Hip. We propose that Tic40 functions as a co-chaperone in the stromal chaperone complex that facilitates protein translocation across the inner membrane.  相似文献   

Tic110 is a major component of the chloroplast protein import translocon. Two functions with mutually exclusive structures have been proposed for Tic110: a protein‐conducting channel with six transmembrane domains and a scaffold with two N‐terminal transmembrane domains followed by a large soluble domain for binding transit peptides and other stromal translocon components. To investigate the structure of Tic110, Tic110 from Cyanidioschyzon merolae (CmTic110) was characterized. We constructed three fragments, CmTic110A, CmTic110B and CmTic110C, with increasing N‐terminal truncations, to perform small‐angle X‐ray scattering (SAXS) and X‐ray crystallography analyses and Dali structural comparison. Here we report the molecular envelope of CmTic110B and CmTic110C determined by SAXS, and the crystal structure of CmTic110C at 4.2 Å. Our data indicate that the C‐terminal half of CmTic110 possesses a rod‐shaped helix‐repeat structure that is too flattened and elongated to be a channel. The structure is most similar to the HEAT‐repeat motif that functions as scaffolds for protein–protein interactions.  相似文献   

The vast majority of chloroplast proteins are synthesized in precursor form on cytosolic ribosomes. Chloroplast precursor proteins have cleavable, N-terminal targeting signals called transit peptides. Transit peptides direct precursor proteins to the chloroplast in an organelle-specific way. They can be phosphorylated by a cytosolic protein kinase, and this leads to the formation of a cytosolic guidance complex. The guidance complex--comprising precursor, hsp70 and 14-3-3 proteins, as well as several unidentified components--docks at the outer envelope membrane. Translocation of precursor proteins across the envelope is achieved by the joint action of molecular machines called Toc (translocon at the outer envelope membrane of chloroplasts) and Tic (translocon at the inner envelope membrane of chloroplasts), respectively. The action of the Toc/Tic apparatus requires the hydrolysis of ATP and GTP at different levels, indicating energetic requirements and regulatory properties of the import process. The main subunits of the Toc and Tic complexes have been identified and characterized in vivo, in organello and in vitro. Phylogenetic evidence suggests that several translocon subunits are of cyanobacterial origin, indicating that today's import machinery was built around a prokaryotic core.  相似文献   

A multisubunit translocon of the inner envelope membrane, termed Tic, mediates the late stages of protein import into chloroplasts. Membrane proteins, Tic110 and Tic40, and a stromal chaperone, Hsp93, have been proposed to function together within the Tic complex. In Arabidopsis, single genes, atTIC110 and atTIC40, encode the Tic proteins, and two homologous genes, atHSP93-V and atHSP93-III, encode Hsp93. These four genes exhibited relatively uniform patterns of expression, suggesting important roles for plastid biogenesis throughout development and in all tissues. To investigate the roles played by these proteins in vivo, we conducted a comparative study of T-DNA knockout mutants for each Tic gene, and for the most abundantly expressed Hsp93 gene, atHSP93-V. In the homozygous state, the tic110 mutation caused embryo lethality, implying an essential role for atTic110 during plastid biogenesis. Homozygous tic110 embryos exhibited retarded growth, developmental arrest at the globular stage and a 'raspberry-like' embryo-proper phenotype. Heterozygous tic110 plants, and plants homozygous for the tic40 and hsp93-V mutations, exhibited chlorosis, aberrant chloroplast biogenesis, and inefficient chloroplast-import of both photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic preproteins. Non-additive interactions amongst the mutations occurred in double mutants, suggesting that the three components may cooperate during chloroplast protein import.  相似文献   

Tic40 is a component of the protein import apparatus of the inner envelope of chloroplasts, but its role in the import mechanism has not been clearly defined. The C terminus of Tic40 shares weak similarity with the C-terminal Sti1 domains of the mammalian Hsp70-interacting protein (Hip) and Hsp70/Hsp90-organizing protein (Hop) co-chaperones. Additionally, Tic40 may possess a tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) protein-protein interaction domain, another characteristic feature of Hip/Hop co-chaperones. To investigate the functional importance of different parts of the Tic40 protein and to determine whether the homology between Tic40 and co-chaperones is functionally significant, different Tic40 deletion and Tic40:Hip fusion constructs were generated and assessed for complementation activity in the Arabidopsis Tic40 knock-out mutant, tic40. Interestingly, all Tic40 deletion constructs failed to complement tic40, indicating that each part removed is essential for Tic40 function; these included a construct lacking the Sti1-like domain (DeltaSti1), a second lacking a central region, including the putative TPR domain (DeltaTPR), and a third lacking the predicted transmembrane anchor region. Moreover, the DeltaSti1 and DeltaTPR constructs caused strong dominant-negative, albino phenotypes in tic40 transformants, indicating that the truncated Tic40 proteins interfere with the residual chloroplast protein import that occurs in tic40 plants. Remarkably, the Tic40:Hip fusion constructs showed that the Sti1 domain of human Hip is functionally equivalent to the Sti1-like region of Tic40, strongly suggesting a co-chaperone role for the Tic40 protein. Supporting this notion, yeast two-hybrid and bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays demonstrated the in vivo interaction of Tic40 with Tic110, a protein believed to recruit stromal chaperones to protein import sites.  相似文献   

Recent studies demonstrated that lipids influence the assembly and efficiency of membrane-embedded macromolecular complexes. Similarly, lipids have been found to influence chloroplast precursor protein binding to the membrane surface and to be associated with the Translocon of the Outer membrane of Chloroplasts (TOC). We used a system based on chloroplast outer envelope vesicles from Pisum sativum to obtain an initial understanding of the influence of lipids on precursor protein translocation across the outer envelope. The ability of the model precursor proteins p(OE33)titin and pSSU to be recognized and translocated in this simplified system was investigated. We demonstrate that transport across the outer membrane can be observed in the absence of the inner envelope translocon. The translocation, however, was significantly slower than that observed for chloroplasts. Enrichment of outer envelope vesicles with different lipids natively found in chloroplast membranes altered the binding and transport behavior. Further, the results obtained using outer envelope vesicles were consistent with the results observed for the reconstituted isolated TOC complex. Based on both approaches we concluded that the lipids sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol (SQDG) and phosphatidylinositol (PI) increased TOC-mediated binding and import for both precursor proteins. In contrast, enrichment in digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG) improved TOC-mediated binding for pSSU, but decreased import for both precursor proteins. Optimal import occurred only in a narrow concentration range of DGDG.  相似文献   

Teng YS  Su YS  Chen LJ  Lee YJ  Hwang I  Li HM 《The Plant cell》2006,18(9):2247-2257
An Arabidopsis thaliana mutant defective in chloroplast protein import was isolated and the mutant locus, cia5, identified by map-based cloning. CIA5 is a 21-kD integral membrane protein in the chloroplast inner envelope membrane with four predicted transmembrane domains, similar to another potential chloroplast inner membrane protein-conducting channel, At Tic20, and the mitochondrial inner membrane counterparts Tim17, Tim22, and Tim23. cia5 null mutants were albino and accumulated unprocessed precursor proteins. cia5 mutant chloroplasts were normal in targeting and binding of precursors to the chloroplast surface but were defective in protein translocation across the inner envelope membrane. Expression levels of CIA5 were comparable to those of major translocon components, such as At Tic110 and At Toc75, except during germination, at which stage At Tic20 was expressed at its highest level. A double mutant of cia5 At tic20-I had the same phenotype as the At tic20-I single mutant, suggesting that CIA5 and At Tic20 function similarly in chloroplast biogenesis, with At Tic20 functioning earlier in development. We renamed CIA5 as Arabidopsis Tic21 (At Tic21) and propose that it functions as part of the inner membrane protein-conducting channel and may be more important for later stages of leaf development.  相似文献   

The transport of proteins into the plastid is a process that faces changing cellular needs such as the situation found in different plant organs or developing tissues. The plastid translocon must therefore be responsive to the changing cell environment to deliver efficiently different arrays of structurally diverse proteins. Although the Tic40-related envelope proteins appear to be translocon components designed to address the varying needs of protein translocation, details of their involvement remain elusive. This study was thus designed to combine plant-based experiments and yeast mitochondrion-based approaches for unveiling clues related to how the Tic40 components may behave during the protein translocation process. The main findings related to how Tic40 proteins may work are: 1) natural fluctuations are apparent in developing tissues, in different organs of the same plant, and in different species; 2) transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings can tolerate functionally a wide range of variations in Tic40 levels, from partial suppression to excessive production; 3) the Tic40 proteins themselves exhibit configurational changes in their association with yeast mitochondria in response to different carbon sources; 4) the presence of Tic40 proteins in yeast mitochondria influences regulatory aspects of the mitochondrial translocon; and 5) the Tic40 proteins associate with mitochondrial translocon components involved in regulatory-like events. The combined data provide evidence that Tic40 proteins possess modulating capabilities.  相似文献   

An anion channel of the chloroplast envelope was previously shown to be involved in protein import. Some gating characteristics of the channel are presented. The pore size of the channel is estimated to be around 6.5 A. Antibodies raised to Tic110 completely inactivate the protein import-related channel. These observations suggest that the channel is associated with the Tic machinery and can function as the protein conducting channel of the inner envelope membrane.  相似文献   

The vast majority of chloroplast proteins are synthesized in precursor form on cytosolic ribosomes. Chloroplast precursor proteins have cleavable, N-terminal targeting signals called transit peptides. Transit peptides direct precursor proteins to the chloroplast in an organelle-specific way. They can be phosphorylated by a cytosolic protein kinase, and this leads to the formation of a cytosolic guidance complex. The guidance complex--comprising precursor, hsp70 and 14-3-3 proteins, as well as several unidentified components--docks at the outer envelope membrane. Translocation of precursor proteins across the envelope is achieved by the joint action of molecular machines called Toc (translocon at the outer envelope membrane of chloroplasts) and Tic (translocon at the inner envelope membrane of chloroplasts), respectively. The action of the Toc/Tic apparatus requires the hydrolysis of ATP and GTP at different levels, indicating energetic requirements and regulatory properties of the import process. The main subunits of the Toc and Tic complexes have been identified and characterized in vivo, in organello and in vitro. Phylogenetic evidence suggests that several translocon subunits are of cyanobacterial origin, indicating that today's import machinery was built around a prokaryotic core.  相似文献   

The 34 kDa polypeptide of the outer envelope membranes from pea chloroplasts (OEP 34) is a major constituent of this membrane. OEP 34 is detected on polyacrylamide gels under non-reducing condition in association with OEP 75, the putative protein translocation pore. An antiserum against OEP 34 is able to co-immunoprecipitate the precursor of Rubisco small subunit from a partially purified import complex of chloroplast outer envelope membranes. A full-length cDNA clone coding for pea OEP 34 has been isolated. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence revealed typical and conserved sequence motifs found in GTP-binding proteins, making it a new and unique member of this superfamily. OEP 34 behaves as an integral constituent of the outer chloroplast envelope, which is anchored by its C-terminus into the membrane, while the majority of the protein projects into the cytoplasm. OEP 34 does not possess a cleavable N-terminal transit sequence but it is targeted to the chloroplasts and integrated into the outer membranes by internal sequence information which seems to be present in the C-terminal membrane anchor region. Productive integration of OEP 34 into the outer envelope requires, in contrast to other OEPs, protease-sensitive chloroplast surface components and is stimulated by ATR. The GTP binding specificity of OEP 34 is demonstrated by photo-affinity labelling in the presence of [α-32P]GTP. Overexpressed and purified OEP 34 possesses endogenous GTPase activity. These results indicate a possible regulatory function of OEP 34 in protein translocation into chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Reconstitution of a chloroplast protein import channel.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
S C Hinnah  K Hill  R Wagner  T Schlicher    J Soll 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(24):7351-7360
The chloroplastic outer envelope protein OEP75 with a molecular weight of 75 kDa probably forms the central pore of the protein import machinery of the outer chloroplastic membrane. Patch-clamp analysis shows that heterologously expressed, purified and reconstituted OEP75 constitutes a voltage-gated ion channel with a unit conductance of Lambda = 145pS. Activation of the OEP75 channel in vitro is completely dependent on the magnitude and direction of the voltage gradient. Therefore, movements of protein charges of parts of OEP75 in the membrane electric field are required either for pore formation or its opening. In the presence of precursor protein from only one side of the bilayer, strong flickering and partial closing of the channel was observed, indicating a specific interaction of the precursor with OEP75. The comparatively low ionic conductance of OEP75 is compatible with a rather narrow aqueous pore (dporeapproximately equal to 8-9 A). Provided that protein and ion translocation occur through the same pore, this implies that the environment of the polypeptide during the transit is mainly hydrophilic and that protein translocation requires almost complete unfolding of the precursor.  相似文献   

The majority of chloroplast proteins is nuclear-encoded and therefore synthesized on cytosolic ribosomes. In order to enter the chloroplast, these proteins have to cross the double-membrane surrounding the organelle. This is achieved by means of two hetero-oligomeric protein complexes in the outer and inner envelope, the Toc and Tic translocon. The process of chloroplast import is highly regulated on both sides of the envelope membranes. Our studies indicate the existence of an undescribed mode of control for this process so far, at the same time providing further evidence that the chloroplast is integrated into the calcium-signalling network of the cell. In pea chloroplasts, the calmodulin inhibitor Ophiobolin A as well as the calcium ionophores A23187 and Ionomycin affect the translocation of those chloroplast proteins that are imported with an N-terminal cleavable presequence. Import of these proteins is inhibited in a concentration-dependent manner. Addition of external calmodulin or calcium can counter the effect of these inhibitors. Translocation of chloroplast proteins that do not possess a cleavable transit peptide, that is outer envelope proteins or the inner envelope protein Tic32, is not affected. These results suggest that the import of a certain subset of chloroplast proteins is regulated by calcium. Our studies furthermore indicate that this regulation occurs downstream of the Toc translocon either within the intermembrane space or at the inner envelope translocon. A potential promoter of the calcium regulation is calmodulin, a protein well known as part of the plant's calcium signalling system.  相似文献   

Toc34, a 34-kDa integral membrane protein, is a member of the Toc (translocon at the outer-envelope membrane of chloroplasts) complex, which associates with precursor proteins during protein transport across the chloroplast outer membrane. Here we report the 2.0 A resolution crystal structure of the cytosolic part of pea Toc34 in complex with GDP and Mg2+. In the crystal, Toc34 molecules exist as dimers with features resembling those found in a small GTPase in complex with a GTPase activating protein (GAP). However, gel filtration experiments revealed that dimeric and monomeric forms of Toc34 coexisted in phosphate saline buffer solution at pH 7.2. Mutation of Arg 128, an essential residue for dimerization, to an Ala residue led to the formation of an exclusively monomeric species whose GTPase activity is significantly reduced compared to that of wild type Toc34. These results, together with a number of structural features unique to Toc34, suggest that each monomer acts as a GAP on the other interacting monomer.  相似文献   

A subunit of the preprotein translocon of the outer envelope of chloroplasts (Toc complex) of 64 kD is described, Toc64. Toc64 copurifies on sucrose density gradients with the isolated Toc complex. Furthermore, it can be cross-linked in intact chloroplasts to a high molecular weight complex containing both Toc and Tic subunits and a precursor protein. The 0 A cross-linker CuCl(2) yields the reversible formation of disulfide bridge(s) between Toc64 and the established Toc complex subunits in purified outer envelope membranes. Toc64 contains three tetratricopeptide repeat motifs that are exposed at the chloroplast cytosol interface. We propose that Toc64 functions early in preprotein translocation, maybe as a docking protein for cytosolic cofactors of the protein import into chloroplasts.  相似文献   

The development and maintenance of chloroplasts relies on the contribution of protein subunits from both plastid and nuclear genomes. Most chloroplast proteins are encoded by nuclear genes and are post-translationally imported into the organelle across the double membrane of the chloroplast envelope. Protein import into the chloroplast consists of two essential elements: the specific recognition of the targeting signals (transit sequences) of cytoplasmic preproteins by receptors at the outer envelope membrane and the subsequent translocation of preproteins simultaneously across the double membrane of the envelope. These processes are mediated via the co-ordinate action of protein translocon complexes in the outer (Toc apparatus) and inner (Tic apparatus) envelope membranes.  相似文献   

Import of chloroplast precursor proteins is controlled by the coordinate action of two homologous GTPases, Toc159 and Toc33, located at the cytosol-outer membrane interface. Recent studies in Arabidopsis showed that the cytosolic form of the precursor binding protein Toc159 is targeted to its receptor at the import machinery, Toc33, via heterodimerization of their GTP-binding domains. Toc33 may also form GDP-bound homodimers, as suggested by the crystal structure of its pea ortholog. Moreover, the structural data suggested that arginine 130 (Arg130) of Arabidopsis Toc33 may function as a GTPase-activating "arginine-finger" at the other monomer in the Toc33 dimer. Here, we demonstrate that Arg130 of Toc33 does not function as an Arginine-finger. A mutant, Toc33-R130A, binds and hydrolyzes GTP like the wild type. However, we demonstrate that Arg130 is involved in both homodimerization of Toc33 and in heterodimerization with the GTP-binding domain of Toc159. The dependence of Toc33 homodimerization on Arg130 is mutual, requiring the presence of Arg130 at both monomers. As the GTPase is not activated by dimerization, it may be activated independently at either monomer, possibly even before dimerization. Independent regulation of GTPase activity may serve to coordinate the interactions of the GTPases during the import of proteins into the chloroplast.  相似文献   

Aronsson H  Combe J  Jarvis P 《FEBS letters》2003,544(1-3):79-85
Arabidopsis Toc33 (atToc33) is a GTP-binding protein of the chloroplast outer envelope membrane. We studied its nucleotide-binding properties in vitro, and found that it binds GTP, GDP and XTP, with similar efficiencies, but not ATP. We further demonstrated that atToc33 has intrinsic GTPase activity. Mutations within the putative G4 motif of the atToc33 nucleotide-binding domain (D217N, D219N and E220Q) had no effect on nucleotide specificity or GTPase activity. Similarly, a mutation in the newly assigned G5 motif (E208Q) did not affect nucleotide specificity or GTPase activity. Furthermore, the D217N and D219N mutations did not affect atToc33 functionality in vivo. The data demonstrate that atToc33 belongs to a novel class of GTPases with unusual nucleotide-binding properties.  相似文献   

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