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Three enzymes contribute to the total hydroxylamine reductase activity of corn (Zea mays L.) scutellum extracts. Two of these resemble enzymes previously prepared from leaves, while the third, which accounts for a major part of the activity, appears to have no counterpart in leaf tissue. One of the hydroxylamine reductases found only in small amounts is associated with nitrite reductase and is induced, together with nitrite reductase, by nitrite. The other two enzymes are noninducible by nitrite and can be totally separated from nitrite reductase, which subsequently remains capable of catalyzing the reduction of nitrite to ammonia. Possible causes of the decline of hydroxylamine reductase activity during the induction of nitrite reductase are discussed.  相似文献   

Four recently described species of new genera of sulfate-reducing bacteria, Desulfobulbus propionicus, Desulfobacter postgatei, Desulfococcus multivorans and Desulfosarcina variabilis were examined with respect to adenylylsulfate reductase. All of the species examined contained the enzyme in sufficient concentrations to account for dissimilatory sulfate reduction.Adenylylsulfate reductase was enriched 17.1-fold from Desulfobulbus propionicus by ammonium sulfate fractionation, ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration. The molecular weight was 175,000 and the enzyme contained 1 mol of flavin, 8 mol of non heme iron and 8 mol of labile sulfide per mol enzyme. Either ferricyanide or cytochrome c could be used as electron acceptors; the pH optimum was 7.7 with ferricyanide and 8.8 with cytochrome c. K m values for AMP and sulfite were 90 M and 1.3 M with ferricyanide and 91 M and 71 M with cytochrome c as electron acceptor. K m values for ferricyanide and cytochrome c were 89 M and 21 M, respectively. The properties of the enzyme were compared with those of purified adenylylsulfate reductases from other microorganisms.Non-common abbreviation APS adenylylsulfate  相似文献   

Ion exchange resins and glass microscope slides were used to investigate factors affecting attachment of nitrifying bacteria to solid surfaces and the effect of attachment on inhibition ofNitrobacter by potassium ethyl xanthate. The ammonium oxidizerNitrosomonas attached preferentially to cation exchange resins while the nitrite oxidizerNitrobacter colonized anion exchange resins more extensively. Colonization was always associated with growth, and the site of substrate (NH4 + or NO2 ) adsorption was the major factor in attachment and colonization. The specific growth rate of cells colonizing either ion exchange resin beads or glass surfaces was greater than that of freely suspended cells, butNitrobacter populations colonizing glass surfaces were more sensitive to the inhibitor potassium ethyl xanthate. The findings indicate that surface growth alone does not protect soil nitrifying bacteria from inhibition by potassium ethyl xanthate and explain different patterns of inhibition for ammonium and nitrite oxidizers in the soil.  相似文献   

The genetic polymorphism of haemoglobin, transferrin, amylase, alkaline phosphatase, ceruloplasmin, beta-lactoglobulins and casein were studied. The relationship between the level of the heterozygosity of the blood polymorphic protein and enzyme systems was determined.  相似文献   

Hydrolytic enzymes of some periphytic marine bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The influence of the phosphate concentration on the specific growth rate and the duration of lag has been studied inNitrobacter winogradskyi andNitrosomonas europaea.The optimum phosphate concentration range for the specific growth rate was 10 to 30mm forNitrobacter and 10 to 100mm forNitrosomonas. In this range the lag was least. Depletion of the cell-P does not affect the relation between specific growth rate and phosphate concentration while the lag seems to increase as cell-P depletion proceeds.  相似文献   

Summary Nitrification as measured by the survival of nitrifying bacteria, was studied in 25 different soils from Argentine Patagonia, maintained in sterilized glass flasks in darkness for 5 years.Survival of nitrifying bacteria was related to environmental factors and to the level of mineral elements in the soils.The temperatures to which soils were submitted and the joint action of Ca and K in adequate quantities, were shown to be more important factors governing the survival of the nitrifying bacteria.P, Mg, and Cu did not influence in the initial number nor the survival of nitrifying bacteria nor did the content or organic matter and organic N and pH of the soil samples.  相似文献   

Ecophysiological interactions between the community members (i.e., nitrifiers and heterotrophic bacteria) in a carbon-limited autotrophic nitrifying biofilm fed only NH(4)(+) as an energy source were investigated by using a full-cycle 16S rRNA approach followed by microautoradiography (MAR)-fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Phylogenetic differentiation (identification) of heterotrophic bacteria was performed by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, and FISH probes were designed to determine the community structure and the spatial organization (i.e., niche differentiation) in the biofilm. FISH analysis showed that this autotrophic nitrifying biofilm was composed of 50% nitrifying bacteria (ammonia-oxidizing bacteria [AOB] and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria [NOB]) and 50% heterotrophic bacteria, and the distribution was as follows: members of the alpha subclass of the class Proteobacteria (alpha-Proteobacteria), 23%; gamma-Proteobacteria, 13%; green nonsulfur bacteria (GNSB), 9%; Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides (CFB) division, 2%; and unidentified (organisms that could not be hybridized with any probe except EUB338), 3%. These results indicated that a pair of nitrifiers (AOB and NOB) supported a heterotrophic bacterium via production of soluble microbial products (SMP). MAR-FISH revealed that the heterotrophic bacterial community was composed of bacteria that were phylogenetically and metabolically diverse and to some extent metabolically redundant, which ensured the stability of the ecosystem as a biofilm. alpha- and gamma-Proteobacteria dominated the utilization of [(14)C]acetic acid and (14)C-amino acids in this biofilm. Despite their low abundance (ca. 2%) in the biofilm community, members of the CFB cluster accounted for the largest fraction (ca. 64%) of the bacterial community consuming N-acetyl-D-[1-(14)C]glucosamine (NAG). The GNSB accounted for 9% of the (14)C-amino acid-consuming bacteria and 27% of the [(14)C]NAG-consuming bacteria but did not utilize [(14)C]acetic acid. Bacteria classified in the unidentified group accounted for 6% of the total heterotrophic bacteria and could utilize all organic substrates, including NAG. This showed that there was an efficient food web (carbon metabolism) in the autotrophic nitrifying biofilm community, which ensured maximum utilization of SMP produced by nitrifiers and prevented buildup of metabolites or waste materials of nitrifiers to significant levels.  相似文献   

Activities of succinate oxidase, fumarate reductase (FR) and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) under a set of defined conditions were determined in the mitochondrial isolate from Setaria digitata, the filarial parasite from the cattle Bos indicus. Presence of only two activities namely SDH and succinate--UQ reductase of the succinate oxidase system could be detected in S. digitata. In the absence of cytochromes, the 3rd enzyme of the complex namely cytochrome oxidase is absent and it is proposed that an alternative oxidase is responsible for completing the succinate oxidation expressed as succinate oxidase activity. Though SDH and FR catalyse reverse reactions, they responded differently to modulators such as oxaloacetate, aspartate, alanine, pyruvate and fumarate. The degree of response of the two activities against inhibitors of electron transport was also different. Interestingly fumarate caused only 50% inhibition of succinate oxidation, while the effect against FR was more convincing.  相似文献   

Abstract A review is presented of the special properties and behaviour of enzymes, ribosomes, metabolic systems, protein turnover and active transport systems that are associated with the ability of halophilic archaebacteria and eubacteria to grow in different salt concentrations.  相似文献   

Summary The induction of xylose reductase (XR) and xylitol dehydrogenase (XD) activities by D-xylose under different fermentation conditions was investigated in Neurospora crassa. The induction of NADPH-linked XR preceded NADH-linked XR and the ratio of NADH to NADPH-linked XR activity displayed variation from 0.02 to 0.2 suggesting the presence of two separate enzymes. Aerobic conditions were required by N. crassa for cell growth but not for ethanol production. Maximum ethanol of 0.3 g/g of D-xylose was produced when shifted to semiaerobic condition, where high NADH-linked XR and NAD-linked XD activities were observed.  相似文献   

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