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The anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) is an extra-embryonic tissue required for specifying anterior pattern in the mouse embryo. The AVE is induced at the distal tip of the 5.5 dpc embryo and then migrates to the prospective anterior, where it imparts anterior identity upon the underlying epiblast (the tissue that gives rise to the embryo proper). Little is known about how the AVE is induced and what directs its migration. In this paper, we describe an essential role for another extra-embryonic tissue, the extra-embryonic ectoderm (ExE), in patterning the AVE and epiblast. Removal of the ExE in pre-gastrulation embryos leads to ectopic AVE formation, to a failure of AVE cell migration and to the assumption by the entire epiblast of an anterior identity. Ectopic transplantation of ExE cells inhibits AVE formation and leads to an expansion of the posterior epiblast marker T. These results demonstrate that the ExE restricts the induction of the AVE to the distal tip of the mouse embryo and is required to initiate the migration of these cells to the prospective anterior. Together, these data reveal a novel role for the ExE in the specification of the anteroposterior axis of the mouse embryo.  相似文献   

Cell migration is regulated by the action of many signaling pathways that are activated in specific regions of migrating cells. Extracellular regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK) signaling can modulate the migration of cells by controlling the turnover of focal adhesions and the dynamics of actin polymerization. Focal adhesion turnover is necessary for cell migration, and the formation of strong actin stress fibers and mature focal adhesions puts the brakes on cell migration. We used F9 wild-type and vinculin null (vin-/-) parietal endoderm (PE) outgrowth to study the role of the ERK signaling pathway in cell migration. Upon plating of F9 embryoid bodies (EBs) onto laminin-coated dishes, PE cells migrate away from the EBs, providing an in vitro model for studying directed migration of this embryonic cell type. Our results suggest that the ERK pathway regulates PE cell migration by affecting the formation of focal adhesions and lamellipodia through the action of myosin light chain kinase (MLCK).  相似文献   

Anterior endoderm and head induction in early vertebrate embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Early work on the formation of the vertebrate body axis indicated the existence of separate head- and trunk-inducing regions in Spemann's organizer of the amphibian gastrula. In mammals some head-organizing activity may be located in anterior visceral (extraembryonic) endoderm (AVE). By analogy, the equivalent structure in the Xenopus laevis gastrula, the anterior endoderm, has been proposed to be the amphibian head organizer. Here we review recent data that challenge this notion and indicate that the involvement of AVE in head induction seems to be an exclusively mammalian characteristic. In X. laevis and chick, it is the prechordal endomesoderm that is the dominant source of head-inducing signals during early gastrulation. Furthermore, head induction in mammals needs a combination of signals from anterior primitive endoderm, prechordal plate, and anterior ectoderm. Thus, despite the homology of vertebrate anterior primitive endoderm, a role in head induction seems not to be conserved.  相似文献   

Fgf8 signalling is known to play an important role during patterning of the first pharyngeal arch, setting up the oral region of the head and then defining the rostral and proximal domains of the arch. The mechanisms that regulate the restricted expression of Fgf8 in the ectoderm of the developing first arch, however, are not well understood. It has become apparent that pharyngeal endoderm plays an important role in regulating craniofacial morphogenesis. Endoderm ablation in the developing chick embryo results in a loss of Fgf8 expression in presumptive first pharyngeal arch ectoderm. Shh is locally expressed in pharyngeal endoderm, adjacent to the Fgf8-expressing ectoderm, and is thus a candidate signal regulating ectodermal Fgf8 expression. We show that in cultured explants of presumptive first pharyngeal arch, loss of Shh signalling results in loss of Fgf8 expression, both at early stages before formation of the first arch, and during arch formation. Moreover, following removal of the endoderm, Shh protein can replace this tissue and restore Fgf8 expression. Overexpression of Shh in the non-oral ectoderm leads to an expansion of Fgf8, affecting the rostral-caudal axis of the developing first arch, and resulting in the formation of ectopic cartilage. Shh from the pharyngeal endoderm thus regulates Fgf8 in the ectoderm and the role of the endoderm in pharyngeal arch patterning may thus be indirectly mediated by the ectoderm.  相似文献   

Regional specification in the nervous system is a critical issue in nervous system morphogenesis. Along the dorsoventral axis of the spinal cord, ventral inductive signals of the notochord and floor plate, and dorsal ones of the epidermal ectoderm are essential. Collagen type XIV is uniquely distributed around the spinal cord with a gradient of dorsal high and ventral low at the early developmental stages of the chick embryo. In the present study it was found that collagen type XIV expression around the spinal cord was entirely regulated by the ectoderm and that even the ventralizing tissues, the notochord and floor plate, themselves could be influenced to express this molecule by the ectoderm.  相似文献   

This fate-mapping study reveals that the progenitors of all major parts of the embryonic gut are already present in endoderm of the early-head-fold to early-somite stage (1-9 somites) mouse embryo. The anterior endoderm contributes primarily to the anterior intestinal portal of the early-organogenesis stage (16-19 somites) embryo. Endoderm cells around and lateral to the node are allocated to the open “midgut” region of the embryonic gut. The posterior (post-nodal) endoderm contributes not only to the posterior intestinal portal but also the open “midgut”. Descendants of the posterior endoderm span a length of the gut from the level of the 3rd-5th somites to the posterior end of the embryonic gut. The formation of the anterior and posterior intestinal portals is accompanied by similar repertoires of morphogenetic tissue movement. We also discovered that cells on contralateral sides of the anterior endoderm are distributed asymmetrically to the dorsal and ventral sides of the anterior intestinal portal, heralding the acquisition of laterality by the embryonic foregut.  相似文献   



Reciprocal interactions between two extra-embryonic tissues, the extra-embryonic ectoderm and the visceral endoderm, and the pluripotent epiblast, are required for the establishment of anterior-posterior polarity in the mouse. After implantation, two visceral endoderm cell types can be distinguished, in the embryonic and extra-embryonic regions of the egg cylinder. In the embryonic region, the specification of the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) is central to the process of anterior-posterior patterning. Despite recent advances in our understanding of the molecular interactions underlying the differentiation of the visceral endoderm, little is known about how cells colonise the three regions of the tissue.  相似文献   

The regionalisation of cell fate in the embryonic ectoderm was studied by analyzing the distribution of graft-derived cells in the chimaeric embryo following grafting of wheat germ agglutinin--gold-labelled cells and culturing primitive-streak-stage mouse embryos. Embryonic ectoderm in the anterior region of the egg cylinder contributes to the neuroectoderm of the prosencephalon and mesencephalon. Cells in the distal lateral region give rise to the neuroectoderm of the rhombencephalon and the spinal cord. Embryonic ectoderm at the archenteron and adjacent to the middle region of the primitive streak contributes to the neuroepithelium of the spinal cord. The proximal-lateral ectoderm and the ectodermal cells adjacent to the posterior region of the primitive streak produce the surface ectoderm, the epidermal placodes and the cranial neural crest cells. Some labelled cells grafted to the anterior midline are found in the oral ectodermal lining, whereas cells from the archenteron are found in the notochord. With respect to mesodermal tissues, ectoderm at the archenteron and the distal-lateral region of the egg cylinder gives rise to rhombencephalic somitomeres, and the embryonic ectoderm adjacent to the primitive streak contributes to the somitic mesoderm and the lateral mesoderm. Based upon results of this and other grafting studies, a map of prospective ectodermal tissues in the embryonic ectoderm of the full-streak-stage mouse embryo is constructed.  相似文献   

As a sister group to Bilateria, Cnidaria is important for understanding early nervous system evolution. Here we examine neural development in the anthozoan cnidarian Nematostella vectensis in order to better understand whether similar developmental mechanisms are utilized to establish the strikingly different overall organization of bilaterian and cnidarian nervous systems. We generated a neuron-specific transgenic NvElav1 reporter line of N. vectensis and used it in combination with immunohistochemistry against neuropeptides, in situ hybridization and confocal microscopy to analyze nervous system formation in this cnidarian model organism in detail. We show that the development of neurons commences in the ectoderm during gastrulation and involves interkinetic nuclear migration. Transplantation experiments reveal that sensory and ganglion cells are autonomously generated by the ectoderm. In contrast to bilaterians, neurons are also generated throughout the endoderm during planula stages. Morpholino-mediated gene knockdown shows that the development of a subset of ectodermal neurons requires NvElav1, the ortholog to bilaterian neural elav1 genes. The orientation of ectodermal neurites changes during planula development from longitudinal (in early-born neurons) to transverse (in late-born neurons), whereas endodermal neurites can grow in both orientations at any stage. Our findings imply that elav1-dependent ectodermal neurogenesis evolved prior to the divergence of Cnidaria and Bilateria. Moreover, they suggest that, in contrast to bilaterians, almost the entire ectoderm and endoderm of the body column of Nematostella planulae have neurogenic potential and that the establishment of connectivity in its seemingly simple nervous system involves multiple neurite guidance systems.  相似文献   

In the present study, when carefully demarcated areas of blastula animal cap were combined with the vegetative yolk mass, PGCs occurred only in those combinations which included the equatorial marginal zone of the animal cap. Furthermore, removal of the vegetative yolk mass as early as stage 612 did not affect the formation of PGCs. On the basis of these and other observations it is suggested that in urodeles, as in anurans, PGCs may develop from specific cells which nevertheless differentiate into PGCs only when suitable mesodermal elements are formed.  相似文献   

During early embryogenesis, before the conceptus forms the placenta, maternal nutrients as well as signaling molecules must reach the embryo proper through a tightly sealed epithelial tissue, the visceral endoderm (VE). The VE serves as a signaling center for embryogenesis, where exocytic and endocytic processes integrate signal production, perception and termination. However, the endocytic process in this important tissue has not been well characterized. We show that endocytic delivery to the lysosomes occurs via RAB7-dependent microautophagy. This process is essential for early mammalian development.  相似文献   

The apical ectodermal ridge (AER) is a specialized ectodermal region essential for limb outgrowth. Msx2 expression patterns in limb development strongly suggest an important role for Msx2 in the AER. Our previous studies identified a 348-bp fragment of the chicken Msx2 gene with AER enhancer activity. In this study, the functions of four potential homeodomain binding TAAT sites in this enhancer were studied using transgenic mice and in vitro protein-DNA interactions. Transgenic studies indicate that the four TAAT sites are not redundant and that only the B-TAAT site is critical for AER enhancer activity. The expression patterns of Msx2 and Dlx5 genes in the AER suggest that they might be involved in the regulation of Msx2. In support of this hypothesis, we found that Msx2 and Dlx5 can bind to the B-TAAT site as well as to a fragment containing the D- and E-TAAT sites in the Msx2 AER enhancer sequences. (c)2002 Elsevier Science (USA).  相似文献   

The responses of the chorionic ectoderm and allantoic endoderm (from 8-day chick embryos) to dermal induction were compared through tissue recombinants grafted onto the chorioallantoic membrane. The chorionic epithelium formed the appropriate epidermis with a fully developed stratum corneum in response to both spur and scutate scale dermises. Analysis of these recombinant epidermal tissues by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) demonstrated that tissue-specific expression of the alpha (alpha) and beta (beta) keratin polypeptides occurred. In addition, indirect immunofluorescence studies with antisera to alpha or beta keratins showed that the beta stratum, which characterizes the epidermis of spurs and scutate scales, was formed, and the alpha keratins were distributed as in the normal epidermal tissues. In contrast, although the allantoic endoderm became stratified in association with either spur or scutate scale dermis, a stratum corneum with a beta stratum did not develop. SDS-PAGE analysis demonstrated that while the characteristic beta keratins of scutate scales and spur were not detected, most of the alpha keratins normally elaborated by these structures were present, suggesting that even without histogenesis of a stratum corneum the expression of alpha keratins of endoderm could be regulated in a tissue-specific manner by dermis. This study also demonstrated that there are differences in the abilities of the chorionic and allantoic epithelia to respond to the same dermal cues, which may reflect earlier restrictions in their developmental potentials.  相似文献   

The anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) plays an important role in anterior-posterior axis formation in the mouse. The AVE functions in part by expressing secreted factors that antagonize growth factor signaling in the proximal epiblast. Here we report that the Secreted frizzled-related protein 5 (Sfrp5) gene, which encodes a secreted factor that can antagonize Wnt signaling, is expressed in the AVE and foregut endoderm during early mouse development. At embryonic day (E) 5.5, Sfrp5 is expressed in the visceral endoderm at the distal tip region of the embryo and at E6.5 in the AVE opposite the primitive streak. In Lim1 embryos, which lack anterior neural tissue and sometimes form a secondary body axis, Sfrp5-expressing cells fail to move towards the anterior and remain at the distal tip of E6.5 embryos. When compared with Dkk1, which encodes another secreted Wnt antagonist molecule present in the visceral endoderm, Sfrp5 and Dkk1 expression overlap but Sfrp5 is expressed more broadly in the AVE. Between E7.5 and 8, Sfrp5 is expressed in the foregut endoderm underlying the cardiac mesoderm. At E8.5, Sfrp5 is expressed in the ventral foregut endoderm that gives rise to the liver. Additional domains of Sfrp5 expression occur in the dorsal neural tube and in the forebrain anterior to the optic placode. These findings identify a gene encoding a secreted Wnt antagonist that is expressed in the extraembryonic visceral endoderm and anterior definitive endoderm during axis formation and organogenesis in the mouse.  相似文献   

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