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The question of whether virus-induced immunosuppression includes the antibody response against the infecting virus itself was evaluated in a model situation. Transgenic mice expressing the T-cell receptor (TCR) specific for peptide 32-42 of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) glycoprotein 1 presented by Db reacted with a strong transgenic cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response starting on day 3 after infection with a high dose (10(6) PFU intravenously [i.v.]) of the WE strain of LCMV (LCMV-WE); LCMV-specific antibody production in the spleen was suppressed in these mice. Low-dose (10(2) PFU i.v.) infection resulted in an antiviral antibody response comparable to that of the transgene-negative littermates. The induction of suppression of LCMV-specific antibody responses was specifically mediated by CD8+ TCR transgenic CTLs, since the LCMV-8.7 variant virus (which is not recognized by transgenic TCR-expressing CTLs because of a point mutation) did not induce suppression. In addition, treatment with CD8 monoclonal antibody in vivo abrogated suppression. Once suppression had been established, it was found to be nonspecific. The abrogation of antibody responses depended on the relative kinetics of the antibody response involved and the kinetics of the anti-LCMV CTL response. Analysis of T- and B-cell subpopulations showed no significant changes, but immunohistochemical analysis of spleens revealed extensive destruction of follicular organization in lymphoid tissue by day 4 in transgenic mice infected with LCMV-WE but not in those infected with the CTL escape mutant LCMV-8.7. Impairment of antigen presentation rather than of T or B cells was also suggested by adoptive transfer experiments, showing that transferred infected macrophages may improve the anti-LCMV antibody response in LCMV-immunosuppressed transgenic recipients; also, T and B cells from suppressed transgenic mice did respond in irradiated and virus-infected nontransgenic mice with antibody formation to LCMV. Such virus-triggered, T-cell-mediated immunopathology causing the suppression of B cells and of protective antibody responses, including those against the infecting virus itself, may permit certain viruses to establish persistent infections.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotides containing unmethylated CpG motifs (cytosine-phosphorothioate-guanine oligodeoxynucleotide (CpG ODN)) are potent immunostimulatory agents capable of enhancing the Ag-specific Th1 response when used as immune adjuvants. We evaluated the cellular mechanisms responsible for this effect. Development of a CTL response was enhanced when mice were immunized with peptide-pulsed dendritic cells (DCs) treated with CpG ODN. However, in vitro, CpG ODN had no direct effect on highly purified T cells. In vitro, CpG ODN treatment of peptide- or protein-pulsed DCs enhanced the ability of the DCs to activate class I-restricted T cells. The presence of helper T cells enhanced this effect, indicating that treatment with CpG ODN does not obviate the role of T cell help. The enhanced ability of CpG ODN-treated DCs to activate T cells was present but blunted when DCs derived from IL-12 knockout mice were used. Fixation of Ag-pulsed, CpG ODN-treated DCs limited their ability to activate T cells. In contrast, fixation had little effect on DC activation of T cells when DCs were not exposed to CpG ODN. This indicates that production of soluble factors by DCs stimulated with CpG ODN plays a particularly important role in their ability to activate class I-restricted T cells. We conclude that CpG ODN enhances the development of a cellular immune response by stimulating APCs such as DCs, to produce IL-12 and other soluble factors.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) are potent APCs for naive T cells in vivo. This is evident by inducing T cell responses through adoptive DC transfer. Priming specific CTL responses in vivo often requires "help". We study alternative sources of help in DC-dependent priming of MHC class I-restricted CTL. Priming an anti-viral CTL response in naive B6 mice by adoptive transfer of antigenic peptide-pulsed DC required CD4(+) T cell help. CTL priming was facilitated by providing MHC class II-dependent specific help. Furthermore, transfers of MHC class II-deficient pulsed DC into naive, normal hosts, or DC transfers into naive, CD4(+) T cell-depleted hosts primed CTL inefficiently. Pretreatment of DC with immune-stimulating oligodeoxynucleotides rendered them more efficient for CD4(+) T cell-independent priming of CTL. DC copresenting a K(b)-binding antigenic peptide and the CD1d-binding glycolipid alpha-galactosyl-ceramide efficiently primed CTL in a class II-independent way. To obtain NKT cell-dependent help in CTL priming, the same DC had to present both the peptide and the glycolipid. CTL priming by adoptive DC transfer was largely NK cell-dependent. The requirement for NK cells was only partially overcome by recruiting NKT cell help into DC-dependent CTL priming. NKT cells thus are potent helper cells for DC-dependent CTL priming.  相似文献   

Subtle differences oppose CD4+ to CD8+ T cell physiologies that lead to different arrays of effector functions. Interestingly, this dichotomy has also unexpected practical consequences such as the inefficacy of many MHC class II tetramers in detecting specific CD4+ T cells. As a mean to study the CD4+ anti-OVA response in H-2(d) and H-2(b) genetic backgrounds, we developed I-A(d)- and I-A(b)-OVA recombinant MHC monomers and tetramers. We were able to show that in this particular system, despite normal biological activity, MHC class II tetramers failed to stain specific T cells. This failure was shown to be associated with a lack of cooperation between binding sites within the tetramer as measured by surface plasmon resonance. This limited cooperativeness translated into a low "functional avidity" and very transient binding of the tetramers to T cells. To overcome this biophysical barrier, recombinant artificial APC that display MHC molecules in a lipid bilayer were developed. The plasticity and size of the MHC-bearing fluorescent liposomes allowed binding to Ag-specific T cells and the detection of low numbers of anti-OVA T cells following immunization. The same liposomes were able, at 37 degrees C, to induce the full reorganization of the T cell signaling molecules and the formation of an immunological synapse. Artificial APC will allow T cell detection and the dissection of the molecular events of T cell activation and will help us understand the fundamental differences between CD4+ and CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

Tcrb-V-specific positive and negative selection of T cells has been well documented. In contrast, nothing is known about Tcra-V-specific selection. Using Tcra-V8-specific KT50 antibody Tcra-V8-specific selection of T cells has been examined. The CD8+ T cell subpopulation bearing Tcra-V8 are shown to be negatively selected by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I H-2Kd and H-2Dd/Ld molecules. Furthermore, percentages of these T cells are also influenced by Tcra-V haplotypes. Involvement of non-H-2 self (super)antigens in this MHC class I restricted negative selection, however, remains to be determined.  相似文献   

To identify prostate cancer-associated Ags, tumor-reactive T lymphocytes were generated using iterative stimulations of PBMC from a prostate cancer patient with an autologous IFN-gamma-treated carcinoma cell line in the presence of IL-2. A CD8+ T cell line and TCR alphabeta+ T cell clone were isolated that secreted IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha in response to autologous prostate cancer cells but not to autologous fibroblasts or lymphoblastoid cells. However, these T cells recognized several normal and malignant prostate epithelial cell lines without evidence of shared classical HLA molecules. The T cell line and clone also recognized colon cancers, but not melanomas, sarcomas, or lymphomas, suggesting recognition of a shared epithelium-associated Ag presented by nonclassical MHC or MHC-like molecules. Although Ag recognition by T cells was inhibited by mAb against CD8 and the TCR complex (anti-TCR alphabeta, CD3, Vbeta12), it was not inhibited by mAb directed against MHC class Ia or MHC class II molecules. Neither target expression of CD1 molecules nor HLA-G correlated with T cell recognition, but beta2-microglobulin expression was essential. Ag expression was diminished by brefeldin A, lactacystin, and cycloheximide, but not by chloroquine, consistent with an endogenous/cytosolic Ag processed through the classical class I pathway. These results suggest that prostate cancer and colon cancer cells can process and present a shared peptidic Ag to TCR alphabeta+ T cells via a nonclassical MHC I-like molecule yet to be defined.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscles account for more than 30% of the human body, yet mechanisms of immunological tolerance to this tissue remain mainly unexplored. To investigate the mechanisms of tolerance to muscle-specific proteins, we generated transgenic mice expressing the neo-autoantigen OVA exclusively in skeletal muscle (SM-OVA mice). SM-OVA mice were bred with OT-I or OT-II mice that possess a transgenic TCR specific for OVA peptides presented by MHC class I or class II, respectively. Tolerance to OVA did not involve clonal deletion, anergy or an increased regulatory T cell compartment. Rather, CD4+ T cell tolerance resulted from a mechanism of ignorance revealed by their response following OVA immunization. In marked contrast, CD8+ T cells exhibited a loss of OVA-specific cytotoxic activity associated with up-regulation of the immunoregulatory programmed death-1 molecule. Adoptive transfer experiments further showed that OVA expression in skeletal muscle was required to maintain this functional tolerance. These results establish a novel asymmetric model of immunological tolerance to muscle autoantigens involving Ag ignorance for CD4+ T cells, whereas muscle autoantigens recognized by CD8+ T cells results in blockade of their cytotoxic function. These observations may be helpful for understanding the breakage of tolerance in autoimmune muscle diseases.  相似文献   

The ex vivo priming and expansion of human CTL by APC, such as autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DC), has the potential for use in immunotherapy for infectious diseases and cancer. To overcome the difficulty of obtaining sufficient number of autologous DC from patients, we have developed cell-based artificial APC (aAPC), designated Med-APC. These aAPC rapidly activate and expand the corresponding Ag-specific CD8+ T cells when pulsed with CTL epitope peptide(s) as efficiently as mature DC (mDC). We have also shown that Med-APC possess an innate cellular machinery that is sufficient to support the processing of complete Ag into immunodominant peptides, which considerably extends the usefulness of this technology. In addition, we have developed a novel expression vector system that expresses ubiquitinated Ag, resulting in an enhanced APC function of this system. Genetically encoded Ag can be easily introduced into Med-APC by transfection with this vector. Med-APC transfected with ubiquitinated Ag can efficiently expand the corresponding Ag-specific CTL without exogenous peptides. Therefore, Med-APC may have important therapeutic implications for adoptive immunotherapy and can be used for the detection of Ag-specific CTL for immunomonitoring.  相似文献   

Multicolor flow cytometric analysis for the expression of three effector molecules, i.e., perforin (Per), granzyme A (GraA), and granzyme B (GraB), in human CD8(+) T cells demonstrated that they included five subpopulations, implying the following pathway for the differentiation of CD8(+) T cells: Per(-)GraA(-)GraB(-)-->Per(-)GraA(+)GraB(-)-->Per(low)GraA(+)GraB(-)--> Per(low)GraA(+)GraB(+)-->Per(high)GraA(+)GraB(+). The analysis of the expression of these molecules in the subsets classified by the combination of the expression of CCR7 and CD45RA or by that of CD27, CD28, and CD45RA showed that functional CD8(+) T cell subsets could be partially identified by these phenotypic classifications. However, the functional subsets could be precisely identified by the classification using five cell surface markers or three cell surface markers and three cytolytic molecules. Per(-)GraA(-)GraB(-) and Per(-/low)GraA(+)GraB(-) cells were predominantly found in CCR5(-)CCR7(+) and CCR5(high/low)CCR7(-) subsets, respectively, of CD8(+) T cells expressing the CD27(+)CD28(+)CD45RA(-) phenotype, whereas Per(low)GraA(+)GraB(+) cells were found in the CCR5(low)CCR7(-) subset of those expressing this phenotype and in a part of the CCR5(-/low)CCR7(-) subset of those expressing the CD27(-/low)CD28(-)CD45RA(-/+) phenotype. Ex vivo EBV-specific CD8(+) T cells, which were Per(low/-)GraA(+)GraB(-/+) cells, hardly or very weakly killed the target cells, indicating that these were not effector T cells. These findings suggest that the Per(-)GraA(-)GraB(-), Per(-/low)GraA(+)GraB(-), and Per(low)GraA(+)GraB(+) cells were central memory, early effector memory, and late effector memory T cells, respectively. Per(-/low)GraA(+)GraB(-) cells gained GraB expression after TCR stimulation, indicating that early effector memory T cells could differentiate into late effector and effector T cells. The present study showed the existence of three memory subsets and the pathway for their differentiation.  相似文献   

Mouse spleen contains three distinct mature dendritic cell (DC) populations (CD4(+)8(-), CD4(-)8(-), and CD4(-)8(+)) which retain a capacity to take up particulate and soluble AGS: Although the three splenic DC subtypes showed similar uptake of injected soluble OVA, they differed markedly in their capacity to present this Ag and activate proliferation in OVA-specific CD4 or CD8 T cells. For class II MHC-restricted presentation to CD4 T cells, the CD8(-) DC subtypes were more efficient, but for class I MHC-restricted presentation to CD8 T cells, the CD8(+) DC subtype was far more effective. This differential persisted when the DC were activated with LPS. The CD8(+) DC are therefore specialized for in vivo cross-presentation of exogenous soluble Ags into the class I MHC presentation pathway.  相似文献   

Viral epitopes that are recognized by both HLA class I-restricted and class II-restricted T cells have been defined for a type A influenza virus nucleoprotein (NP) peptide. CD8+ and CD4+ CTL lines have been generated against a synthetic peptide encompassing residues 335 to 349 of NP that are restricted by HLA-B37 and HLA-DQw5, respectively. Both of these CTL populations were capable of specifically lysing influenza A virus-infected targets, indicating that a naturally processed NP peptide(s) was being mimicked by the NP (335-349) peptide. Amino acid residues that are critical for recognition of this NP determinant in the context of HLA-B37 and HLA-DQw5 were investigated by the use of panels of truncated and alanine-substituted NP peptides. The results demonstrate that: 1) truncations in the amino- or carboxy-terminal ends differentially affect CD8+ and CD4+ CTL recognition; 2) the NP (335-349) sequence contains two octapeptide epitopes that share a core of six amino acid residues (NP 338-343); and 3) alanine substitutions at five of these residues abrogated recognition by at least one of the CD8+ and CD4+ CTL lines. Thus, these class I- and class II-restricted CTL lines recognize similar but distinct epitopes, and different structural features of the NP peptide are required for presentation by HLA-B37 and HLA-DQw5. Comparison of the amino acid sequences of the NP peptide presented by HLA-B37 and HLA-DQw5 with other peptides known to be presented by both class I and class II molecules revealed a common motif among these peptides.  相似文献   

Cytolytic T cell-centric active specific and adoptive immunotherapeutic approaches might benefit from the simultaneous engagement of CD4(+) T cells. Considering the difficulties in simultaneously engaging CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells in tumor immunotherapy, especially in an Ag-specific manner, redirecting CD4(+) T cells to MHC class I-restricted epitopes through engineered expression of MHC class I-restricted epitope-specific TCRs in CD4(+) T cells has emerged as a strategic consideration. Such TCR-engineered CD4(+) T cells have been shown to be capable of synthesizing cytokines as well as lysing target cells. We have conducted a critical examination of functional characteristics of CD4(+) T cells engineered to express the alpha- and beta-chains of a high functional avidity TCR specific for the melanoma epitope, MART-1(27-35), as a prototypic human tumor Ag system. We found that unpolarized CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells engineered to express the MART-1(27-35) TCR selectively synthesize Th1 cytokines and exhibit a potent Ag-specific lytic granule exocytosis-mediated cytolytic effector function of comparable efficacy to that of CD8(+) CTL. Such TCR engineered CD4(+) T cells, therefore, might be useful in clinical immunotherapy.  相似文献   

B cell-activating factor belonging to the TNF family (BAFF, also called BLyS, TALL-1, zTNF-4, or THANK) is an important survival factor for B lymphocytes. In this study, we injected mouse abdominal cavity with human soluble BAFF (hsBAFF, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 2 mg/kg body mass) synthesized in Escherichia coli. On the 8th day after injection, we investigated the effects of hsBAFF on immune functional activities of splenic B lymphocytes, CD4(+) and CD8(+) T lymphocytes and natural killer (NK) cells in mice. The results showed that B lymphocyte proliferation significantly increased in hsBAFF-treated groups with dosages of 0.1 mg/kg (p<0.05), 0.5 and 2 mg/kg (p<0.01). We observed a dose-dependent increase of CD4(+) T lymphocyte percentage and significantly higher values in 0.5 and 2 mg/kg hsBAFF-treated groups (p<0.05 and p<0.001, respectively) compared to control group, but CD8(+) T lymphocyte percentage remained unchanged. The ratio of CD4(+) to CD8(+) T lymphocytes rose with increasing hsBAFF dosage (p<0.05 for 2 mg/kg hsBAFF vs. control). Significantly stronger NK cell activities were found in 0.5 and 2 mg/kg hsBAFF-treated groups (p<0.05). The main finding of this study is that the hsBAFF can enhance immune responses in the body by increasing B lymphocyte and CD4(+) T lymphocyte function as well as elevating NK cell activity.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta2-treated Ag-pulsed APC mimic APC from the immune privileged eye, and provide signals that generate regulatory T (Tr) cells and mediate peripheral tolerance. We postulated that TGF-beta2-treated Ag-pulsed APC (tolerogenic APC (tol-APC)) might also orchestrate regulation of immune mediated pathogenesis in nonimmune privileged tissues such as the lung. We used an adoptive transfer model of autoimmune pulmonary interstitial fibrosis called hapten immune pulmonary interstitial fibrosis (ADT-HIPIF) in this study. Mice that received 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid-sensitized cells and challenged (intratracheally) with the hapten developed pulmonary interstitial fibrosis. However, transfer (i.v.) of TGF-beta2-treated 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid-pulsed bone marrow-derived APC (tol-APC) to experimental mice 1 day after intratracheal challenge reduced the collagen deposition in the interstitium of the lung that usually follows challenge. Furthermore, ADT-HIPIF mice that received tol-APC developed Ag-specific efferent CD8+ Tr cells. Adoptive transfer of the Tr cells to another set of presensitized mice mediated suppression of the efferent phase of Th1 immune response and the subsequent immune dependent pulmonary interstitial fibrosis. Thus, tol-APC induced efferent CD8+ Tr cells in immune mice, and the regulation of the immune response limited the development of autoimmune pulmonary fibrosis in sensitized and pulmonary-challenged mice. Because ADT-HIPIF shares etiological and pathological characteristics with a variety of human immune inflammatory conditions in the lung that eventuate into interstitial fibrosis, these studies provide insight into potential therapy to alter the course of pulmonary fibrosis in humans.  相似文献   

The CD8 coreceptor is important for positive selection of major histocompatibility complex I (MHC-I)-restricted thymocytes and in the generation of pathogen-specific T cells. However, the requirement for CD8 in these processes may not be essential. We previously showed that mice lacking beta(2)-microglobulin are highly susceptible to tumors induced by mouse polyoma virus (PyV), but CD8-deficient mice are resistant to these tumors. In this study, we show that CD8-deficient mice also control persistent PyV infection as efficiently as wild-type mice and generate a substantial virus-specific, MHC-I-restricted, T-cell response. Infection with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), which is acutely cleared, also recruited antigen-specific, MHC-I-restricted T cells in CD8-deficient mice. Yet, unlike in VSV infection, the antiviral MHC-I-restricted T-cell response to PyV has a prolonged expansion phase, indicating a requirement for persistent infection in driving T-cell inflation in CD8-deficient mice. Finally, we show that the PyV-specific, MHC-I-restricted T cells in CD8-deficient mice, while maintained long term at near-wild-type levels, are short lived in vivo and have extremely narrow T-cell receptor repertoires. These findings provide a possible explanation for the resistance of CD8-deficient mice to PyV-induced tumors and have implications for the maintenance of virus-specific MHC-I-restricted T cells during persistent infection.  相似文献   

Lymphotactin is a potent chemotactic cytokine (chemokine) that is produced by and also attracts T and natural killer (NK) cells. We are studying whether chemokines that affect mainly T cells might also regulate immune responses by preferentially recruiting individual subsets or by affecting cytokine or other chemokine responses. In order to pursue these questions, we need to learn more about the mechanisms regulating lymphotactin production and the cell types capable of releasing this factor. We used new monoclonal antibodies against human lymphotactin to develop a sensitive antigen-capture enzyme linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA) that measures chemokine levels in culture fluids. Using this capture ELISA, we showed that lymphotactin could be produced by CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, but only after T cell-receptor-dependent stimulation using bacterial superantigens and not after treatment by inflammatory cytokines or lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Our data show that lymphotactin production responds mainly to T cell-receptor signals in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and suggests a mechanism whereby this chemokine could help to regulate T cell immune responses.  相似文献   

The secreted pore-forming toxin listeriolysin O (LLO) is an essential virulence factor that allows the food-borne bacterial pathogen Listeria monocytogenes to escape from the phagocytic vacuole and reach the host cytosol. This protein belongs to the group of cholesterol-binding sulfhydryl-activated toxins, expressed by a large number of Gram-positive bacteria. A protocol for large-scale expression and purification of recombinant LLO was previously optimized. By a simple two-step purification method, we achieved a high-level LLO synthesis (4.5 mg l(-1) of cell culture) in a hemolytically active form (1.2 x 10(6) HU mg(-1) of protein). This procedure can solve the problem of LLO isolation from L. monocytogenes cultures which is a difficult task, mainly owing to the low levels of toxin released in the culture media. Here we report the characterization of toxin properties and its preliminary application in an ELISA diagnostic test for listeriosis.  相似文献   

The immunological basis by which a mother tolerates her semi-allogeneic fetus remains poorly understood. Several mechanisms are likely to contribute to this phenomenon including active immune regulation by regulatory T cells. In this article, we report that human placental trophoblasts activate a clonal population of CD8(+) T cells with regulatory function. These cells are not MHC class I restricted, but require costimulation through a member of the carcinoembryonic Ag family present on early gestation trophoblasts. These regulatory T cells express the mucosal markers CD101 and CD103 and display selective usage of the TCR gene Vbeta9. CD8(+) T cells isolated from the peripheral blood of pregnant mothers (16-28 wk) also demonstrate expansions in the same Vbeta family (Vbeta9), signaling a possible role for these cells in preventing fetal rejection in vivo. We have previously characterized a subset of CD8(+) regulatory T cells activated by the combination of the nonclassical class I molecule CD1d and a costimulatory molecule of the carcinoembryonic Ag family present on the intestinal epithelium. These data support the concept that distinct regulatory T cell populations exist at different sites and may be regulated locally by unique restriction elements, costimulatory signals, and Ags.  相似文献   

Due to their potent immunostimulatory capacity, dendritic cells (DC) have become the centerpiece of many vaccine regimens. Immature DC (DCimm) capture, process, and present Ags to CD4(+) lymphocytes, which reciprocally activate DCimm through CD40, and the resulting mature DC (DCmat) loose phagocytic capacity, but acquire the ability to efficiently stimulate CD8(+) lymphocytes. Recombinant vaccinia viruses (rVV) provide a rapid, easy, and efficient method to introduce Ags into DC, but we observed that rVV infection of DCimm results in blockade of DC maturation in response to all activation signals, including CD40L, monocyte-conditioned medium, LPS, TNF-alpha, and poly(I:C), and failure to induce a CD8(+) response. By contrast, DCmat can be infected with rVV and induce a CD8(+) response, but, having lost phagocytic activity, fail to process the Ag via the exogenous class II pathway. To overcome these limitations, we used the CMV protein pp65 as a model Ag and designed a gene containing the lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1 targeting sequence (Sig-pp65-LAMP1) to target pp65 to the class II compartment. DCmat infected with rVV-Sig-pp65-LAMP1 induced proliferation of pp65-specific CD4(+) clones and efficiently induced a pp65-specific CD4(+) response, suggesting that after DC maturation the intracellular processing machinery for class II remains intact for at least 16 h. Moreover, infection of DCmat with rVV-Sig-pp65-LAMP1 resulted in at least equivalent presentation to CD8(+) cells as infection with rVV-pp65. These results demonstrate that despite rVV interference with DCimm maturation, a single targeting vector can deliver Ags to DCmat for the effective simultaneous stimulation of both CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells.  相似文献   

Following inoculation of Ag into the anterior chamber (a.c.), systemic tolerance develops that is mediated in part by Ag-specific efferent CD8(+) T regulatory (Tr) cells. This model of tolerance is called a.c.-associated immune deviation. The generation of the efferent CD8(+) Tr cell in a.c.-associated immune deviation is dependent on IL-10-producing, CD1d-restricted, invariant Valpha14(+) NKT (iNKT) cells. The iNKT cell subpopulations are either CD4(+) or CD4(-)CD8(-) double negative. This report identifies the subpopulation of iNKT cells that is important for induction of the efferent Tr cell. Because MHC class II(-/-) (class II(-/-)) mice generate efferent Tr cells following a.c. inoculation, we conclude that conventional CD4(+) T cells are not needed for the development of efferent CD8(+) T cells. Furthermore, Ab depletion of CD4(+) cells in both wild-type mice (remove both conventional and CD4(+) NKT cells) and class II(-/-) mice (remove CD4(+) NKT cells) abrogated the generation of Tr cells. We conclude that CD4(+) NKT cells, but not the class II molecule or conventional CD4(+) T cells, are required for generation of efferent CD8(+) Tr cells following Ag introduction into the eye. Understanding the mechanisms that lead to the generation of efferent CD8(+) Tr cells may lead to novel immunotherapy for immune inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

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