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Lee WI  Khim M  Im IR  Shin O  Park JW  Choo SJ  Yun TJ  Kim SW  Lee H 《Tissue & cell》2011,43(2):108-114
Recently, human neonatal thymus-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (nTMSCs) have been recognized as a promising mesenchymal stem cell source for combined cell and gene therapy. While efficient gene transfer is crucial for optimizing therapeutic efficacy, almost no studies have yet reported on the characteristics of nTMSC in terms of genetic modification. The present study investigates and realizes the potential of self-complementary adeno-associated viruses (scAAVs) as an effective transduction tool for nTMSCs. Transduction efficiency (TE), cytotoxicity and functional characteristics were determined in nTMSCs isolated from thymic tissues and transduced with scAAV1-6 and -8 serotypes expressing GFP. Our study confirms MSC-typical characteristics in nTMSCs and additionally, suggests further therapeutic advantages of nTMSCs due to its particularities with lower levels of MHC class I protein and higher levels of CD31 and CD34 expression. Effective transduction by scAAV2 and scAAV5 was evident in the majority of nTMSCs that were GFP-positive at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 1000. TE was further improved by higher MOI treatments. Transduced cells also successfully maintained adipocyte and vessel-forming endothelial cell multi-potency and showed no evidence of gene delivery-related cytotoxicity. Collectively, the data strongly suggest that scAAVs are promising technical platforms for safe and effective transgene expression in nTMSCs.  相似文献   

Several biological events are controlled by Hedgehog (Hh) signaling, including osteoblast phenotype development. This study aimed at evaluating the gene expression profile of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) treated with the Hh agonist, purmorphamine, focusing on Hh signaling and osteoblast differentiation. hMSCs from bone marrow were cultured in non‐osteogenic medium with or without purmorphamine (2 µM) for periods of up to 14 days. Purmorphamine up‐regulated gene expression of the mediators of Hh pathway, SMO, PTCH1, GLI1, and GLI2. The activation of Hh pathway by purmorphamine increased the expression of several genes (e.g., RUNX2 and BMPs) related to osteogenesis. Our results indicated that purmorphamine triggers Hh signaling pathway in hMSCs, inducing an increase in the expression of a set of genes involved in the osteoblast differentiation program. Thus, we conclude that Hh is a crucial pathway in the commitment of undifferentiated cells to the osteoblast lineage. J. Cell. Biochem. 113: 204–208, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A morphological parameter of polygonal index was defined as the ratio of cell adhesion area versus the square of the major cell axis, and cells that had an adhesion area larger than 4000 mum(2) and a polygonal index larger than 0.3 were considered large polygonal cells. Cell morphology tended to change from fibroblast-like to polygonal and the percentage of the large polygonal cells increased almost in proportion to aggrecan mRNA expression level during the differentiation culture of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to chondrocytes. Approximately 80% of the large polygonal cells were negative for MSC marker (CD90, CD166) expression and the aggrecan mRNA expression level of the large polygonal cells was markedly higher than that of cells with other morphologies.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that the number and differentiating potential of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) decrease with age. Therefore, the search for alternative sources of MSCs is of significant value. In the present study, MSCs were isolated from umbilical cord blood (UCB) by combining gradient density centrifugation with plastic adherence. Cultured cells were treated with ascorbate acid-2-phosphate, dexamethasone, beta-glycerophosphate dexamethasone, insulin, 1-methyl-3-isobutylxamthine, indomethacin, beta-mercaptoethanol, butylated hydroxyanisole, FGF-4 and HGF. Differentiating characterization of UCB-derived MSCs were detected by cytochemistry, immunocytochemistry, radioimmunoassay, RT-PCR and urea assay. The results showed UCB-derived MSCs could differentiate into osteoblasts, adipocytes and neuron-like cells. When MSCs were cultured with FGF-4 and HGF, approximately 63.6% of cells became small, round and epithelioid on day 28 by morphology. Compared with the control, levels of AFP in the supernatant liquid increased significantly from day 12 and were higher on day 28 (P<0.01). Albumin increased significantly from day 16 (P<0.01). Urea was first detected on day 20 (P<0.01), and continued to increase on day 28 (P<0.01). Cells first expressed CK-18 on day 16 through immunocytochemistry analysis. RT-PCR analysis showed that differentiated cells could express a number of hepatocyte-specific genes in a time-dependent manner. Glycogen storage was first seen on day 24. Our results suggest that UCB-derived MSCs can differentiate not only into osteoblasts, adipocytes and neuron-like cells, but also into hepatocytes. Human UCB-derived MSCs are a new source of cell types for cell transplantation and therapy.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) constitute an interesting cellular source to promote brain regeneration after Parkinson’s disease. MSCs have significant advantages over other stem cell types, and greater potential for immediate clinical application. The aim of this study was to investigate whether MSCs from the human placenta could be induced to differentiate into dopaminergic cells. MSCs from the human placenta were isolated by digestion and density gradient fractionation, and their cell surface glycoproteins were analyzed by flow cytometry. These MSCs were cultured under conditions promoting differetiation into adipocytes and osteoblasts. Using a cocktail that includes basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), all trans retinoic acid (RA), ascorbic acid (AA) and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX), the MSCs were induced in vitro to become dopamine (DA) neurons. Then, the expression of the mRNA for the Nestin and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) genes was assayed via RT-PCR. The expression of the Nestin, dopamine transporter (DAT), neuronal nuclear protein (NeuN) and TH proteins was determined via immunofluorescence. The synthesized and secreted DA was determined via ELISA. We found that MSCs from the human placenta exhibited a fibroblastoid morphology. Flow cytometric analyses showed that the MSCs were positive for CD44 and CD29, and negative for CD34, CD45, CD106 and HLA-DR. Moreover, they could be induced into adipocytes and osteocytes. When the MSCs were induced with bFGF, RA, AA and IBMX, they showed a change in morphology to that of neuronal-like cells. The induced cells expressed Nestin and TH mRNA, and the Nestin, DAT, NeuN and TH proteins, and synthesized and secreted DA. Our results suggest that MSCs from the human placenta have the ability to differentiate into dopaminergic cells.  相似文献   

Pluripotent mesenchymal stem-like cell lines were established from lungs of 3–4 months old aborted fetus. The cells present the high ex vivo expansion potential of MSC, a typical fibroblast-like morphology and proliferate up to 15 passages without displaying clear changes in morphology. Immunological localization and flow cytometry analyses showed that these cells are positive for OCT4, c-Kit, CD11, CD29, CD44, telomerase, CD106, CD105, CD166, and SSEA1, weakly expression or negative for SSEA1, SSEA3, SSEA4, CD34, CD105 and CD106. These cells can give rise to the adipogenic as evidenced by accumulation of lipid-rich vacuoles within cells identified by Oil-red O when they were induced with 0.5 mM isobutylmethylxanthine, 200 μM indomethacin, 10−6 M dexamethasone, and 10 μg/ml of insulin in high-glucose DMEM. Osteogenic lineage cells were generated in 0.1 μM dexamethasone, 50 μg/ml ascorbic acid, 10 mM β-glycerophosphate, which are shaped as the osteoblastic morphology, expression of alkaline phosphatase (AP), and the formation of a mineralized extracellular matrix identified by Alizarin Red staining. Neural cells are observed when the cultures were induced with 2-mercapometal, which are positive for nestin, NF-100, MBP and GFAP. Additionally, embryoid bodies (EBs) and sperm like cells are obtained in vitro differentiation of these lung MSCs induced with 10−5 M retinoic acid (RA). These results demonstrated that these MSCs are pluripotent and may provide an in vitro model to study germ-cell formation and also as a potential source of sperms for male infertility.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal cells from various sources are pluripotent and are attractive sources for cell transplantation. In this study, we analyzed recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV)-mediated gene expression in human placenta-derived mesenchymal cells (hPDMCs), which reside in placental villi. After transduction of AV-CAG-EGFP, a rAAV expressing enhanced green fluorescence protein (EGFP), hPDMCs showed much higher level of EGFP expression than human umbilical vein endothelial cells or rat aortic smooth muscle cells. The number of EGFP-positive hPDMCs infected by AV-CAG-EGFP alone did not increase significantly by coinfection of adenovirus, which enhanced expression level of the rAAV vector. Moreover, flow cytometric analysis showed discrete positive fraction of EGFP-expressing hPDMCs, which is about 15-20% of the cells infected with AV-CAG-EGFP. Therefore, some cell population in hPDMCs might be highly susceptible to rAAV-mediated gene transduction. In addition, stable EGFP expressions were observed in about 1% of hPDMCs infected with AV-CAG-EGFP at 4 weeks post-infection. Collectively, hPDMCs have characters favorable for rAAV-mediated gene expression.  相似文献   

Human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were cultured in vitro in a cobweb-like biodegradable polymer scaffold: a poly(dl-lactic-co-glycolic acid)-collagen hybrid mesh in serum-free DMEM containing TGF-beta3 for 1-10 weeks. The cells adhered to the hybrid mesh, distributed evenly, and proliferated to fill the spaces in the scaffold. The ability of the cells to express gene encoding type I collagen decreased, whereas its ability to express type II collagen and aggrecan increased. Histological examination by HE staining indicated that the cells showed fibroblast morphology at the early stage and became round after culture for 4 weeks. The cartilaginous matrices were positively stained by safranin O and toluidine blue. Immunostaining with anti-type II collagen and anti-cartilage proteoglycan showed that type II collagen and cartilage proteoglycan were detected around the cells. In addition, a homogeneous distribution of cartilaginous extracellular matrices was detected around the cells. These results suggest the chondrogenic differentiation of the mesenchymal stem cells in the hybrid mesh. The PLGA-collagen hybrid mesh enabled the aggregation of mesenchymal stem cells and provided a promotive microenvironment for the chondrogenic differentiation of the MSCs.  相似文献   

Recent reports have suggested that mesenchymal cells derived from bone marrow may differentiate into not only mesenchymal lineage cells but also other lineage cells. There is possibility for insulin-producing cells (IPCs) to be differentiated from mesenchymal cells. We used self-functional repair stimuli of stem cells by partial injury. Rat pancreatic extract (RPE) from the regenerating pancreas (2 days after 60% pancreatectomy) was treated to rat mesenchymal cells. After the treatment of RPE, they made clusters like islet of Langerhans within a week and expressed four pancreatic endocrine hormones; insulin, glucagon, pancreatic polypeptide, and somatostatin. Moreover, IPCs released insulin in response to normal glucose challenge. Here we demonstrate that the treatment of RPE can differentiate rat mesenchymal cells into IPCs which can be a potential source for the therapy of diabetes.  相似文献   

Characterization of directed differentiation protocols is a prerequisite for understanding embryonic stem cell behavior, as they represent an important source for cell-based regenerative therapies. Studies have investigated the osteogenic potential of human embryonic stem cells (HESCs), building upon those using pre-osteoblastic cells, however no consensus exists as to whether differentiating HESCs behave in a similar manner to the traditionally used osteoblastic progenitors. Thus, the aim of the current investigation was to define the gene expression pattern of osteoblastic differentiating HESCs, treated with ascorbic acid phosphate, β-glycerophosphate and dexamethasone over a 25 day period. Characterization of the gene expression dynamics revealed a phasic pattern of bone-associated protein synthesis. Collagen type I and osteopontin were initially expressed in proliferating immature cells, whereas osterix was up-regulated at the end of active cellular proliferation. Subsequently, mineralization-associated proteins, bone sialoprotein and osteocalcin were detected. In light of this dynamic expression pattern, we concluded that two distinguishable phases occurred during osteogenic HESC differentiation; first, cellular proliferation and secretion of a pre-maturational matrix, and second the appearance of osteoprogenitors with characteristic extracellular matrix synthesis. Establishment of this model provided the foundation of a time-frame for the additional supplementation with growth factors, BMP2 and VEGF. BMP2 induced the expression of principle osteogenic factors, such as osterix, bone sialoprotein and osteocalcin, whereas VEGF had the converse effect on the gene expression pattern.  相似文献   



Intrathecal (IT) gene transfer is an attractive approach for targeting spinal mechanisms of nociception but the duration of gene expression achieved by reported methods is short (up to two weeks) impairing their utility in the chronic pain setting. The overall goal of this study was to develop IT gene transfer yielding true long-term transgene expression defined as ≥ 3 mo following a single vector administration. We defined "IT" administration as atraumatic injection into the lumbar cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) modeling a lumbar puncture. Our studies focused on recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV), one of the most promising vector types for clinical use.


Conventional single stranded rAAV2 vectors performed poorly after IT delivery in rats. Pseudotyping of rAAV with capsids of serotypes 1, 3, and 5 was tested alone or in combination with a modification of the inverted terminal repeat. The former alters vector tropism and the latter allows packaging of self-complementary rAAV (sc-rAAV) vectors. Combining both types of modification led to the identification of sc-rAAV2/l as a vector that performed superiorly in the IT space. IT delivery of 3 × 10e9 sc-rAAV2/l particles per animal led to stable expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) for ≥ 3 mo detectable by Western blotting, quantitative PCR, and in a blinded study by confocal microscopy. Expression was strongest in the cauda equina and the lower sections of the spinal cord and only minimal in the forebrain. Microscopic examination of the SC fixed in situ with intact nerve roots and meninges revealed strong EGFP fluorescence in the nerve roots.


sc-rAAVl mediates stable IT transgene expression for ≥ 3 mo. Our findings support the underlying hypothesis that IT target cells for gene transfer lack the machinery for efficient conversion of the single-stranded rAAV genome into double-stranded DNA and favor uptake of serotype 1 vectors over 2. Experiments presented here will provide a rational basis for utilizing IT rAAV gene transfer in basic and translational studies on chronic pain.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESc) are known for its pluripotency and self renewal capability, thus possess great potential in regenerative medicine. However, the lack of suitable xenofree extracellular matrix substrate inhibits further applications or the use of hESc in cell-based therapy. In this study, we described a new differentiation method, which generates a homogeneous population of mesenchymal progenitor cells (hESc–MPC) from hESc via epithelial–mesenchymal transition. The extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins from hESc–MPC had in turn supported the undifferentiated expansion of hESc. Immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry characterization of hESc–MPC revealed the presence of early mesenchymal markers. Tandem mass spectometry analysis of ECM produced by hESc–MPC revealed the presence of a mixture of extracellular proteins which includes tenascin C, fibronectin, and vitronectin. The pluripotency of hESc (MEL-1) cultured on the ECM was maintained as shown by the expression of pluripotent genes (FoxD3, Oct-4, Tdgf1, Sox-2, Nanog, hTERT, Rex1), protein markers (SSEA-3, SSEA-4, TRA-1-81, TRA-1-60, Oct-4) and the ability to differentiate into cells representative of ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm. In summary, we have established a xeno-free autogenic feeder free system to support undifferentiated expansion of hESc, which could be of clinical relevance.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) show a very short proliferative life span and readily lose the differentiation potential in culture. However, the growth rate and the proliferative life span of the stem cells markedly increased using tissue culture dishes coated with a basement membrane-like extracellular matrix, which was produced by PYS-2 cells or primary endothelial cells. Furthermore, the stem cells expanded on the extracellular matrix, but not those on plastic tissue culture dishes, retained the osteogenic, chondrogenic, and adipogenic potential throughout many mitotic divisions. The extracellular matrix had greater effects on the proliferation of MSC and the maintenance of the multi-lineage differentiation potential than basic fibroblast growth factor. Mesenchymal stem cells expanded on the extracellular matrix should be useful for regeneration of large tissue defects and repeated cell therapies, which require a large number of stem or progenitor cells.  相似文献   

Little is known about the role or identity of signaling molecules released by osteocytes to recruit MSCs to areas of matrix damage. Vascular disruption at fracture sites results in hypoxia which is known to up-regulate genes involved in cell migration including osteopontin (OPN). We examined the effect of conditioned media from hypoxic osteocytes on MSC migration. Hypoxic osteocyte media significantly increased MSC migration and expression of OPN was significantly increased in hypoxic osteocytes. OPN and CD44 neutralizing antibodies significantly reduced MSC migration. Further, recombinant OPN significantly increased MSC migration in a dose-dependent manner. Our data support the hypothesis that hypoxia at a fracture site stimulates the release of chemotactic factors, such as OPN, from osteocytes, that induce MSC migration to aid in fracture repair. To our knowledge, these are the first data to suggest a role for osteocytes and OPN in the recruitment of MSCs to aid in fracture repair.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have various roles in the body and cellular environment, and the cellular phenotypes of MSCs changes in different conditions. MSCs support the maintenance of other cells, and the capacity of MSCs to differentiate into several cell types makes the cells unique and full of possibilities. The involvement of MSCs in the epithelial-mesenchymal transition is an important property of these cells. In this review, the role of MSCs in cell life, including their application in therapy, is first described, and the signaling mechanism of MSCs is investigated for a further understanding of these cells.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs) have various roles in the body and cellular environment, and the cellular phenotypes of MSCs changes in different conditions. MSCs support the maintenance of other cells, and the capacity of MSCs to differentiate into several cell types makes the cells unique and full of possibilities. The involvement of MSCs in the epithelial-mesenchymal transition is an important property of these cells. In this review, the role of MSCs in cell life, including their application in therapy, is first described, and the signaling mechanism of MSCs is investigated for a further understanding of these cells.  相似文献   

The capacity of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to survive and engraft in the target tissue may lead to promising therapeutic effects. However, the fact that the majority of MSCs die during the first few days following transplantation complicates cell therapy. Hence, it is necessary to strengthen the stem cells to withstand the rigors of the microenvironment to improve the efficacy of cell therapy. In this study, we manipulated MSCs to express a cytoprotective factor, heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), to address this issue. Full-length cDNA of human HO-1 was isolated and cloned into TOPO vector by TOPO cloning reaction. Then, the construct was ligated to gateway adapted adenovirus expression vector by LR recombination reaction. Afterwards, the recombinant virus expressing HO-1 was produced in appropriate mammalian cell line and used to infect MSCs. The HO-1 engineered MSCs were exposed to hypoxic and oxidative stress conditions followed by evaluation of the cells’ viability and apoptosis. Transient expression of HO-1 was detected within MSCs. It was observed that HO-1 expression could protect MSCs against cell death and the apoptosis triggered by hypoxic and oxidative stress conditions. The MSCs-HO-1 retained their ability to differentiate into adipogenic, chondrogenic, or osteogenic lineages. These findings could be applied as a strategy for prevention of graft cell death in MSCs-based cell therapy and is a good demonstration of how an understanding of cellular stress responses can be used for practical applications.  相似文献   

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