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报道了中国唇形科(Lamiaceae)刺蕊草属一新记录种--香薷状刺蕊草(Pogostemon elsholtzioides Benth.),该种在中国产于西藏墨脱县,凭证标本保存在PE。该种在喜马拉雅地区分布广泛,与特产于云南西北部地区的狭叶刺蕊草(P. dielsianus Dunn)的主要区别为:花萼钟形,长3~3.5 mm,花萼齿长为花萼筒的1/3~1/2,花冠长约4.5 mm。  相似文献   

Tipula paludosa (Diptera: Nematocera) is the major insect pest in grassland in Northwest Europe and has been accidentally introduced to North America. Oviposition occurs during late August and first instars hatch from September until mid-October. Laboratory and field trials were conducted to assess the control potential of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) (Steinernema carpocapsae and S. feltiae) and Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (Bti) against T. paludosa and to investigate whether synergistic effects can be exploited by simultaneous application of nematodes and Bti. Results indicate that the early instars of the insect are most susceptible to nematodes and Bti. In the field the neonates prevail when temperatures tend to drop below 10 °C. S. carpocapsae, reaching >80% control, is more effective against young stages of T. paludosa than S. feltiae (<50%), but the potential of S. carpocapsae might be limited by temperatures below 12 °C. Mortality of T. paludosa caused by Bti was not affected by temperature even at 4 °C but the lethal time increased with decreasing temperatures. Synergistic effects of Bti and EPN against T. paludosa were observed in 3 out of 10 combinations in laboratory assays but not in a field trial. The potential of S. carpocapsae was demonstrated in field trials against early instars in October reaching an efficacy of >80% with 0.5 million nematodes m−2 at soil temperatures ranging between 3 and 18 °C. Results with Bti were strongly influenced by the larval stage and concentration. Against early instars in autumn between 74 and 83% control was achieved with 13 kg ha−1 Bti of 5,700 International Toxic Units (ITUs) and 20 kg ha−1 of 3,000 ITUs. Applications in spring against third and fourth instars achieved between 0 and 32% reduction. The results indicate that application of Bti and nematodes will only be successful and economically feasible during the early instars and that the success of S. carpocapsae is dependent on temperatures >12 °C. Synergistic effects between S. carpocapsae and Bti require more detailed investigations in the field to determine maximal effect.  相似文献   

Pollen grains of 30 taxa of the genus Stachys (29 spp. and one subsp.), representing 9 of the currently recognized sections and 1 species of the closely related genus Sideritis (Si. montana) distributed in Iran were examined by light and scanning electron microscopy. Twenty-eight taxa are studied for the first time under aspects of pollen morphology. The basic shape of the pollen grains in most taxa studied is prolate-spheroidal, but subprolate, spheroidal and oblate-spheroidal pollen grains can also be found in few species. The grains are usually tricolpate (the amb triangular), but also tetracolpate (the amb circular to more or less square) in some species (S. iberica, S. atherocalyx and Si. montana). The surface is microreticulate (the frequent type), reticulate, perforate, foveolate-psilate or foveolate. The lumina are separated by smooth or sinuate muri which make them polygonal, more or less rounded and elongate. Major pollen morphological features of the taxa studied are compared and discussed on the basis of taxonomical concepts. In some cases, these characters are useful in delimitation of formerly introduced sections while they mostly provide further characters in separating related species from each other. For example, all members of S. sect. Aucheriana are characterized by elongated lumina. Based on the oblate-spheroidal shape of its pollen as well as tetracolpate aperture type, the results of the present study confirm sect. Pontostachys as including S. angustifolia, S. iberica, S. sparsipilosa as well as S. atherocalyx. Our results also suggest that although some species like S. fruticolosa and S. lavandulifolia are morphologically well characterized, they cannot be separated from other species of Stachys based on pollen morphology.  相似文献   

We used a double germination phenology or “move-along” experiment (sensu Baskin and Baskin, 2003) to characterize seed dormancy in two medicinal woodland herbs, Collinsonia canadensis L. (Lamiaceae) and Dioscorea villosa L. (Dioscoreaceae). Imbibed seeds of both species were moved through the following two sequences of simulated thermoperiods: (a) 30/15 °C→20/10 °C→15/6 °C→5 °C→15/6 °C→20/10 °C→30/15 °C, and (b) 5 °C→15/6 °C→20/10 °C→30/15 °C→20/10 °C→15/6 °C→5 °C. In each sequence, seeds of both species germinated to high rates (>85%) at cool temperatures (15/6 and 20/10 °C) only if seeds were previously exposed to cold temperatures (5 °C). Seeds kept at four control thermoperiods (5, 15/6, 20/10, 30/15 °C) for 30 d showed little or no germination. Seeds of both species, therefore, have physiological dormancy that is broken by 12 weeks of cold (5 °C) stratification. Morphological studies indicated that embryos of C. canadensis have “investing” embryos at maturity (morphological dormancy absent), whereas embryos of D. villosa are undeveloped at maturity (morphological dormancy present). Because warm temperatures are required for embryo growth and cold stratification breaks physiological dormancy, D. villosa seeds have non-deep simple morphophysiological dormancy (MPD). Neither species afterripened in a 6-month dry storage treatment. Cold stratification treatments of 4 and 8 weeks alleviated dormancy in both species but C. canadensis seeds germinated at slower speeds and lower rates compared to seeds given 12 weeks of cold stratification. In their natural habitat, both species disperse seeds in mid- to late autumn and germinate in the spring after cold winter temperatures alleviate endogenous dormancy.  相似文献   

中国沙棘主要分布于我国华北、西北、西南等地森林—草原过渡地带,是我国北方地区退耕还林、生态修复等工程的重要造林树种,对维持干旱、半干旱地区的生态环境稳定具有重要意义。探讨限制中国沙棘分布的主导气候因子,模拟其潜在适宜分布区,以期为中国沙棘在林业生态工程和生态经济林建设中的合理种植和推广提供理论依据。基于中国沙棘自然分布的328个地理样点,利用最大熵(MaxEnt)模型对中国沙棘的潜在分布区的主导气候因子进行分析,并预测中国沙棘的潜在分布范围。结果表明,基于气候变量的MaxEnt模型训练集和测试集受试者工作特征曲线下面积(AUC值)分别为0.962±0.001和0.949±0.001,均大于0.9,表明MaxEnt模型对中国沙棘潜在分布区的预测具有极高的准确度,可信度好。基于环境变量贡献率和刀切法的结果表明年降雨情况、生长季的水热状况、最干季降雨和最冷月最低温等是限制中国沙棘分布的主要气候因素,其中年降雨是限制中国沙棘分布的主导气候因子。通过模拟得到现代中国沙棘潜在地理分布的总适生区面积为165.1万km~2;其中高适生区和中适生区面积共93.3万km~2,主要集中分布于河北西部、北部,...  相似文献   

利用9条ISSR引物对四川牡丹(Paeonia decomposita)5个居群和圆裂四川牡丹(Paeonia decomposita subsp.rotundiloba)4个居群的遗传多样性进行了初步检测。结果表明:(1)四川牡丹在物种水平上的多态位百分率(PPB)为89.36%,Neis基因多样度(H)为0.291 4,Shannons多样性信息指数(I)为0.441 3;圆裂四川牡丹在物种水平上的多态位百分率(PPB)为81.91%,Neis基因多样度(H)为0.285 7,Shannons多样性信息指数(I)为0.428 5;圆裂四川牡丹的各项多样性参数略低于四川牡丹,而且居群水平上,四川牡丹与圆裂四川牡丹的遗传多样性相对较低。(2)四川牡丹和圆裂四川牡丹居群间遗传分化系数(Gst)分别为0.355 5和0.379 1,2个物种居群内的遗传分化都大于居群间的遗传分化;这2个物种居群间的基因流(Nm)非常有限,其中四川牡丹为0.906 5,圆裂四川牡丹为0.819 0。(3)经Mantel检测,四川牡丹居群间遗传距离与地理距离具有显著正相关关系(r=0.776,P=0.01),而圆裂四川牡丹则不存在显著相关性(r=-0.344,P=0.402)。(4)UPGMA聚类结果显示,四川牡丹与圆裂四川牡丹在分子水平上出现了明显分化,二者为相互独立的物种。研究表明,四川牡丹受到的人为干扰和自然灾害是其濒危的重要原因,与四川牡丹相比,圆裂四川牡丹居群受到的破坏更为严重;建议及时就地保护四川牡丹和圆裂四川牡丹居群的所有个体,而在迁地保护时,因遗传变异主要存在于居群内,应尽可能大量采样,达到最大限度保存其遗传多样性的目的。  相似文献   

【目的】母乳源乳双歧杆菌(Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis) Probio-M8具有优良的益生特性,本文拟从全基因组水平解析Probio-M8的遗传特征,并与已有益生功效的乳双歧杆菌的基因组进行比较分析。【方法】本研究基于NCBI已公开的21株乳双歧杆菌和1株模式菌株DSM10140T的基因组数据,构建了核心基因集与泛基因集,解析该群体的系统发育关系,比较分析Probio-M8的遗传特征及功能基因组。【结果】22株乳双歧杆菌的泛基因集包含1 618个基因,其中核心基因1 514个,占泛基因集的93.57%,表明乳双歧杆菌核心基因集高度保守。以1 514个核心基因构建系统发育树,发现22株乳双歧杆菌分为两个分支,AD011单独为一个分支,Probio-M8和其他菌株与模式菌株DSM10140T聚在同一分支,且Probio-M8与V9、BB-12、Bi-07、HN019的遗传距离极为接近。进一步分析耐药基因和毒力基因,在Probio-M8与V9、BB-12、Bi-07、HN019基因组上均检测到DfrA...  相似文献   

Cistus creticus L., an aromatic species from the Mediterranean area, contains various diterpenes bearing the labdane skeleton. The production of essential oil from this species has potential economic value, but so far, it has not been optimized. In order to contribute to a better knowledge of this species and to its differentiation, the morphological characters, volatile chemical composition and genetic data of two subspecies (C. creticus subsp. eriocephalus and C. creticus subsp. corsicus) were investigated. The leaf trichomes were studied using scanning electron microscopy. The chemical composition of Corsican essential oil (C. creticus subsp. corsicus) has been reported using GC, GC/MS and 13C NMR; the main constituents were oxygenated labdane diterpenes (33.9%) such as 13-epi-manoyl oxide (18.5%). Using plant material (54 samples) collected from 18 geographically distinct areas of the islands of Corsica and Sardinia, the basis of variation in the headspace solid-phase microextraction volatile fraction and an inter-simple sequence repeat genetic analysis were also examined. It was shown that the two subspecies of C. creticus differed in morphology, essential oil production, volatile fraction composition and genetic data.  相似文献   

We compared the kinetics of activation and antimicrobial activities of MAPK-p38 and MAPK-ERK in bovine monocytes infected with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) and Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium (Maa). Monocytes were incubated with MAP or Maa organisms with or without a specific inhibitor of the MAPK-p38 pathway (SB203580), and MAPK phosphorylation and antimicrobial functions of monocytes were evaluated. At early time points MAPK-p38 phosphorylation was greater in MAP-infected bovine monocytes than in Maa-infected monocytes. At later time points MAPK-p38 phosphorylation by both organisms was similar. MAPKp38 phosphorylation in MAP-infected monocytes was similar to negative control cells, whereas in Maa-infected this activation remained greater than negative control cells. Increase phosphorylation MAPK-ERK was similar at all time points for both organisms. Bovine monocytes had minimal capacity to kill MAP organisms, to acidify MAP-containing phagosomes, or to form phagolysosome. Alternatively, bovine monocytes were able to kill Maa organisms. Addition of SB203580 to monocyte cultures increased phagosome acidification, phagolysosome formation, and killing of MAP and Maa organisms. Taken together these data indicate that early transient activation of MAPK-p38 in bovine mononuclear phagocytes by MAP organisms may be a key mechanism involved in the capacity of MAP to survive in bovine monocytes.  相似文献   

【背景】马链球菌兽疫亚种(Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus,SeZ)是引起马腺疫的主要病原,还可引起猪链球菌病,加强该菌的地方株分子流行病学监测对有效防控相关疫病十分必要。【目的】对新疆地区2个马场SeZ分离株进行鉴定和药敏特性分析,并分析3株新疆分离株的分子流行与菌株的遗传进化特征。【方法】对分离纯化的3株病原菌(ZHZ113、ZHZ211和ZHZ523)进行染色观察、生化及药敏特性检测,对16S rRNA和SeM基因进行遗传进化分析,以链球菌7个管家基因arcC、nrdE、proS、spi、tdk、tpi和yqiL为目的基因对3株分离菌进行多位点序列分型(Multilocus Sequence Typing,MLST)研究。【结果】3株SeZ的药敏结果显示这3株分离菌对不同抗生素的耐药程度不同,但均对头孢西丁、庆大霉素、链霉素、红霉素、左氧氟沙星、环丙沙星、土霉素等11种药物敏感。16SrRNA基因序列分析显示这3株分离菌均属于Ⅱ群(兽疫链球菌)。3株菌的MLST分型结果分别为ST39、ST419、ST421型,其中ST419和ST42...  相似文献   

为研究StP5CS基因在结球甘蓝中的耐盐作用,以结球甘蓝下胚轴为外植体,采用农杆菌介导法将耐盐基因StP5CS和抗除草剂Bar基因导入结球甘蓝基因组中,在双丙氨膦的筛选下扩繁、生根,共获得了36株抗性植株。PCR扩增和Southern印迹杂交检测表明:目的基因StP5CS和Bar基因已经成功导入结球甘蓝基因组中。RT-PCR检测表明:StP5CS基因在转录水平也有表达。转基因植株耐盐试验结果显示:高浓度盐处理(400mmol/L NaCl)下,对照植株整株枯死,而转基因植株仍能正常生长;转基因植株的SOD活性、脯氨酸含量和相对膜透性均随盐浓度的升高呈上升趋势,均在400mmol/L NaCl处理下达到最大。结果表明转基因植株对高盐环境有一定的耐受性。  相似文献   

Fresh leaves of 150 individuals from 15 populations representing five putative species of Stachys sect. Fragilicaulis, subsect. Fragiles distributed in the Zagros mountains in western Iran were analyzed for isoenzyme variation. Four enzyme systems (peroxidase, esterase, superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase) have been studied and a total of 32 bands representing seven putative loci have been analyzed by UPGMA using the Euclidean distances. UPGMA analysis resulted in the recognition of three distinct clusters among the considered populations. The average value of Shannon diversity index (H′) estimated for each population ranged from 0.05 to 2.17. The mean number of bands per isoenzyme ranges from 1.60 to 2.50. The value of Euclidean distance ranges from 0.85 to 3.79. The analysis of isoenzyme variation patterns suggests recognizing following species in Stachys sect. Fragilicaulis subsect. Fragiles: Stachys benthamiana (including Stachys megalodonta), Stachys kurdica (including Stachys ballotiformis) and Stachys asterocalyx. These data also suggest paying more attention to geographical distribution of taxa in Stachys for their taxonomic delimitation. This study provides another strong support for application of electrophoretic analysis of isoenzymes in taxonomy at species level.  相似文献   

张振  常维山  丁家波 《微生物学报》2016,56(10):1530-1536
副结核分枝杆菌常引起感染牛的产奶量下降、持续性消瘦、顽固性下痢甚至死亡,给畜牧业带来了巨大的经济损失。牛通常在幼年期经口感染该菌并具有一个较长的亚临床期,后期才表现出临床症状,感染前期以细胞免疫为主并伴随着间歇排菌,经过一个2到5年的亚临床期后体液免疫应答增强,同时排菌量明显增加。目前对牛副结核病常用的检测方法有病原学检测方法,基于细胞免疫反应和基于体液免疫反应的检测方法。由于不同方法的反应原理不同,加之副结核分枝杆菌感染动物的特定免疫应答规律,在某一时间内各方法之间敏感性差异较大。本文简要阐述了牛副结核分枝杆菌的传播途径以及牛感染后的免疫应答特点,对牛副结核病的常见诊断方法进行了综述。  相似文献   

Pollen grains of 30 taxa of the genus Salvia, belonging to sections Salvia, Horminum, Drymosphace, Plethiosphace and Hemisphace from Turkey were examined by light (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Detailed pollen morphological characteristics are provided for these taxa. Among the studied taxa, S. verticillata subsp. verticillata from sect. Hemisphace has the smallest pollen grains, and S. pachystachys from sect. Salvia possesses the largest ones. The basic shape of the pollen grains in most taxa is suboblate, oblate-spheroidal or prolate-spheroidal. However subprolate pollen grains are recorded for S. macrochlamys from sect. Salvia. The grains are hexacolpate in all taxa, but in S. recognita from sect. Salvia also octacolpate pollen was found. Three distinct exine sculpturing types exist, reticulate-perforate (the common type), reticulate-granulate and bireticulate. The reticulate-perforate and bireticulate sculpturing patterns can be divided into subtypes based on the number of perforations and the number of secondary lumina in each primary lumen. Pollen morphological characteristics of the taxa studied are compared and discussed on the basis of taxonomical concepts. In some cases, these characters are useful in distinguishing the sections. For instance, the presence of 1-2 large central secondary lumina per primary lumen is a significant character of sect. Horminum separating it from the other sections. As well, the presence of holes on colpus membrane ornamentation can be used as a diagnostic taxonomic character for sectional division between sect. Hemisphace and others. S. ballsiana from sect. Salvia is clearly distinct from the other taxa examined by its unique pollen morphology. Further, for several macromorphologically similar taxa pollen structures provide additional evidence to delimite them from each other.  相似文献   

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