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Chromosomal replication is sensitive to the presence of DNA-damaging alkylating agents, such as methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). MMS is known to inhibit replication though activation of the DNA damage checkpoint and through checkpoint-independent slowing of replication fork progression. Using Xenopus egg extracts, we now report an additional pathway that is stimulated by MMS-induced damage. We show that, upon incubation in egg extracts, MMS-treated DNA activates a diffusible inhibitor that blocks, in trans, chromosomal replication. The downstream effect of the inhibitor is a failure to recruit proliferating cell nuclear antigen, but not DNA polymerase alpha, to the nascent replication fork. Thus, alkylation damage activates an inhibitor that intercepts the replication pathway at a point between the polymerase alpha and proliferating cell nuclear antigen execution steps. We also show that activation of the inhibitor does not require the DNA damage checkpoint; rather, stimulation of the pathway described here results in checkpoint activation. These data describe a novel replication arrest pathway, and they also provide an example of how subpathways within the DNA damage response network are integrated to promote efficient cell cycle arrest in response to damaged DNA.  相似文献   

Replication stress is a frequent and early event during tumorigenesis. Whereas the cellular responses to a persistent block of replication fork progression have been extensively studied, relatively little is known about how cells respond to low-intensity replication stress. However, transient replication fork perturbations are likely to occur even more frequently in tumor cells than a permanent replication arrest. We report here that transient, low intensity replication stress leads to a rapid activation of the DNA replication checkpoint but to a significantly delayed apoptotic response in a small but significant number of cells. This late apoptotic response was independent of p53 and we found evidence for cell death during mitosis in a proportion of cells. To further explore the role of p53 in the response to replication stress, we analyzed mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) deficient of p53 in comparison to wild-type or p63- or p73-deficient MEFs. We detected a significant increase of apoptosis and morphological signs of failed mitosis such as multinucleation in p53-deficient MEFs following replication stress, but not in wild-type or p63- or p73-deficient cells. Multinucleated p53-deficient MEFs frequently retained cyclin B1 expression indicating a persistently activated mitotic spindle checkpoint. Collectively, our results suggest that the cellular response to replication stress involves the mitotic spindle checkpoint in a proportion of cells. These findings imply that the mitotic spindle checkpoint may act in concert with DNA damage and cell-cycle checkpoints as an early anti-tumor barrier and provide a possible explanation for its frequent relaxation in human cancer.  相似文献   

Checkpoints were originally identified as signalling pathways that delay mitosis in response to DNA damage or defects in chromosome replication, allowing time for DNA repair to occur. The ATR (ataxia- and rad-related) and ATM (ataxia-mutated) protein kinases are recruited to defective replication forks or to sites of DNA damage, and are thought to initiate the DNA damage response in all eukaryotes. In addition to delaying cell cycle progression, however, the S-phase checkpoint pathway also controls chromosome replication and DNA repair pathways in a highly complex fashion, in order to preserve genome integrity. Much of our understanding of this regulation has come from studies of yeasts, in which the best-characterized targets are the stimulation of ribonucleotide reductase activity by multiple mechanisms, and the inhibition of new initiation events at later origins of DNA replication. In addition, however, the S-phase checkpoint also plays a more enigmatic and apparently critical role in preserving the functional integrity of defective replication forks, by mechanisms that are still understood poorly. This review considers some of the key experiments that have led to our current understanding of this highly complex pathway.  相似文献   

Claspin is a critical mediator protein in the DNA replication checkpoint, responsible for ATR-dependent activation of the effector kinase Chk1. Cdc7, an essential kinase required for the initiation of DNA replication, can also interact with and phosphorylate Claspin. In this study we use small-molecule inhibitors of Cdc7 kinase to further understand the relationship between Cdc7, Claspin and Chk1 activation. We demonstrate that inhibition of Cdc7 kinase delays HU-induced phosphorylation of Chk1 but does not affect the maintenance of the replication checkpoint once it is established. We find that while chromatin association of Claspin is not affected by Cdc7 inhibition, Claspin phosphorylation is attenuated following HU treatment, which may be responsible for the altered kinetics of HU-induced Chk1 phosphorylation. We demonstrate that Claspin is an in vitro substrate of Cdc7 kinase, and using mass-spectrometry, we identify multiple phosphorylation sites that help to define a Cdc7 phosphorylation motif. Finally, we show that the interaction between Claspin and Cdc7 is not dependent on Cdc7 kinase activity, but Claspin interaction with the DNA helicase subunit Mcm2 is lost upon Cdc7 inhibition. We propose Cdc7-dependent phosphorylation regulates critical protein-protein interactions and modulates Claspin’s function in the DNA replication checkpoint.  相似文献   

Zierhut C  Diffley JF 《The EMBO journal》2008,27(13):1875-1885
DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) can be repaired by non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) or homology-directed repair (HR). HR requires nucleolytic degradation of 5' DNA ends to generate tracts of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), which are also important for the activation of DNA damage checkpoints. Here we describe a quantitative analysis of DSB processing in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We show that resection of an HO endonuclease-induced DSB is less extensive than previously estimated and provide evidence for significant instability of the 3' ssDNA tails. We show that both DSB resection and checkpoint activation are dose-dependent, especially during the G1 phase of the cell cycle. During G1, processing near the break is inhibited by competition with NHEJ, but extensive resection is regulated by an NHEJ-independent mechanism. DSB processing and checkpoint activation are more efficient in G2/M than in G1 phase, but are most efficient at breaks encountered by DNA replication forks during S phase. Our findings identify unexpected complexity of DSB processing and its regulation, and provide a framework for further mechanistic insights.  相似文献   

The evolutionally conserved Fun30 chromatin remodeler in Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been shown to contribute to cellular resistance to genotoxic stress inflicted by camptothecin (CPT), methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and hydroxyurea (HU). Fun30 aids in extensive DNA resection of DNA double stranded break (DSB) ends, which is thought to underlie its role in CPT-resistance. How Fun30 promotes MMS- or HU-resistance has not been resolved. Interestingly, we have recently found Fun30 to also play a negative role in cellular tolerance to MMS and HU in the absence of the Rad5-dependent DNA damage tolerance pathway. In this report, we show that Fun30 acts to down regulate Rad9-dependent DNA damage checkpoint triggered by CPT or MMS, but does not affect Rad9-independent intra-S phase replication checkpoint induced by MMS or HU. These results support the notion that Fun30 contributes to cellular response to DSBs by preventing excessive DNA damage checkpoint activation in addition to its role in facilitating DNA end resection. On the other hand, we present evidence suggesting that Fun30’s negative function in MMS- and HU-tolerance in the absence of Rad5 is not related to its regulation of checkpoint activity. Moreover, we find Fun30 to be cell cycle regulated with its abundance peaking in G2/M phase of the cell cycle. Importantly, we demonstrate that artificially restricting Fun30 expression to G2/M does not affect its positive or negative function in genotoxin-resistance, but confining Fun30 to S phase abolishes its functions. These results indicate that both positive and negative functions of Fun30 in DNA damage response occur mainly in G2/M phase.  相似文献   

Obstructions to replication fork progression, referred to collectively as DNA replication stress, challenge genome stability. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, cells lacking RTT107 or SLX4 show genome instability and sensitivity to DNA replication stress and are defective in the completion of DNA replication during recovery from replication stress. We demonstrate that Slx4 is recruited to chromatin behind stressed replication forks, in a region that is spatially distinct from that occupied by the replication machinery. Slx4 complex formation is nucleated by Mec1 phosphorylation of histone H2A, which is recognized by the constitutive Slx4 binding partner Rtt107. Slx4 is essential for recruiting the Mec1 activator Dpb11 behind stressed replication forks, and Slx4 complexes are important for full activity of Mec1. We propose that Slx4 complexes promote robust checkpoint signaling by Mec1 by stably recruiting Dpb11 within a discrete domain behind the replication fork, during DNA replication stress.  相似文献   

DNA损伤检验点调控的分子机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Guo YH  Zhu YB 《生理科学进展》2007,38(3):208-212
多种因素可以引起DNA损伤而最终导致基因产生错义突变、缺失或错误重组。为确保遗传准确性,细胞形成了复杂的细胞周期监督机制,即细胞周期检验点。其中DNA损伤检验点由许多检验点相关蛋白组成,可以识别损伤的DNA,经复杂的信号转导途径引发蛋白激酶的级联反应,减慢或阻滞细胞周期进程,从而为细胞修复损伤的DNA赢得时间。  相似文献   

Formation of primed single‐stranded DNA at stalled replication forks triggers activation of the replication checkpoint signalling cascade resulting in the ATR‐mediated phosphorylation of the Chk1 protein kinase, thus preventing genomic instability. By using siRNA‐mediated depletion in human cells and immunodepletion and reconstitution experiments in Xenopus egg extracts, we report that the Y‐family translesion (TLS) DNA polymerase kappa (Pol κ) contributes to the replication checkpoint response and is required for recovery after replication stress. We found that Pol κ is implicated in the synthesis of short DNA intermediates at stalled forks, facilitating the recruitment of the 9‐1‐1 checkpoint clamp. Furthermore, we show that Pol κ interacts with the Rad9 subunit of the 9‐1‐1 complex. Finally, we show that this novel checkpoint function of Pol κ is required for the maintenance of genomic stability and cell proliferation in unstressed human cells.  相似文献   

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