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Alcanivorax borkumensis is a cosmopolitan marine bacterium that uses oil hydrocarbons as its exclusive source of carbon and energy. Although barely detectable in unpolluted environments, A. borkumensis becomes the dominant microbe in oil-polluted waters. A. borkumensis SK2 has a streamlined genome with a paucity of mobile genetic elements and energy generation-related genes, but with a plethora of genes accounting for its wide hydrocarbon substrate range and efficient oil-degradation capabilities. The genome further specifies systems for scavenging of nutrients, particularly organic and inorganic nitrogen and oligo-elements, biofilm formation at the oil-water interface, biosurfactant production and niche-specific stress responses. The unique combination of these features provides A. borkumensis SK2 with a competitive edge in oil-polluted environments. This genome sequence provides the basis for the future design of strategies to mitigate the ecological damage caused by oil spills.  相似文献   

Alcanivorax borkumensis strain SK2 is a cosmopolitan hydrocarbonoclastic marine bacterium, with a specialized metabolism adapted to the degradation of petroleum oil hydrocarbons. Transposon mutagenesis was used for functional genome analysis of Alcanivorax SK2 to reveal the genetic basis of other environmentally relevant phenotypes, such as biofilm formation, adaptation to UV exposure, and to growth at either low temperature or high salinity. Forty-eight relevant transposon mutants deficient in any one of these environmentally responsive functions were isolated, and the corresponding genes interrupted by the mini-Tn 5 element were sequenced using inverse PCR. Several cross connections between different phenotypes (e.g. biofilm and UV stress; biofilm and UV and osmoadaptation) on signal transduction level have been revealed, pointing at complex and tightly controlled cellular interactions involving oxygen as a primary messenger and cyclic-di-GMP as a secondary messenger required for Alcanivorax responses to environmental stresses. These results provide insights into bacterial function in a complex marine environment.  相似文献   

Alcanivorax borkumensis SK2T is an important obligate hydrocarbonoclastic bacterium (OHCB) that can dominate microbial communities following marine oil spills. It possesses the ability to degrade branched alkanes which provides it a competitive advantage over many other marine alkane degraders that can only degrade linear alkanes. We used LC–MS/MS shotgun proteomics to identify proteins involved in aerobic alkane degradation during growth on linear (n-C14) or branched (pristane) alkanes. During growth on n-C14, A. borkumensis expressed a complete pathway for the terminal oxidation of n-alkanes to their corresponding acyl-CoA derivatives including AlkB and AlmA, two CYP153 cytochrome P450s, an alcohol dehydrogenase and an aldehyde dehydrogenase. In contrast, during growth on pristane, an alternative alkane degradation pathway was expressed including a different cytochrome P450, an alcohol oxidase and an alcohol dehydrogenase. A. borkumensis also expressed a different set of enzymes for β-oxidation of the resultant fatty acids depending on the growth substrate utilized. This study significantly enhances our understanding of the fundamental physiology of A. borkumensis SK2T by identifying the key enzymes expressed and involved in terminal oxidation of both linear and branched alkanes. It has also highlights the differential expression of sets of β-oxidation proteins to overcome steric hinderance from branched substrates.  相似文献   

The marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas flavipulchra JG1 can synthesize various antibacterial metabolites, including protein and small molecules. The draft genome of JG1 is about 5.36 Mb and harbors approximate 4,913 genes, which will provide further insight into the synthesis of antimicrobial agents and antagonistic mechanisms of P. flavipulchra against pathogens.  相似文献   

Fibrella aestuarina BUZ 2(T) is the type strain of the recently characterized genus Fibrella. Here we report the draft genome sequence of this strain, which consists of a single scaffold representing the chromosome (with 11 gaps) and a 161-kb circular plasmid.  相似文献   

Vibrio sp. strain DS40M4 is a marine bacterium that was isolated from open ocean water. In this work, using genomic taxonomy, we were able to classify this bacterium as V. campbellii. Our genomic analysis revealed that V. campbellii DS40M4 harbors genes related to iron transport, virulence, and environmental fitness, such as those encoding anguibactin and vanchrobactin biosynthesis proteins, type II, III, IV, and VI secretion systems, and proteorhodopsin.  相似文献   

Symbiobacterium thermophilum is an uncultivable bacterium isolated from compost that depends on microbial commensalism. The 16S ribosomal DNA-based phylogeny suggests that this bacterium belongs to an unknown taxon in the Gram-positive bacterial cluster. Here, we describe the 3.57 Mb genome sequence of S.thermophilum. The genome consists of 3338 protein-coding sequences, out of which 2082 have functional assignments. Despite the high G + C content (68.7%), the genome is closest to that of Firmicutes, a phylum consisting of low G + C Gram-positive bacteria. This provides evidence for the presence of an undefined category in the Gram-positive bacterial group. The presence of both spo and related genes and microscopic observation indicate that S.thermophilum is the first high G + C organism that forms endospores. The S.thermophilum genome is also characterized by the widespread insertion of class C group II introns, which are oriented in the same direction as chromosomal replication. The genome has many membrane transporters, a number of which are involved in the uptake of peptides and amino acids. The genes involved in primary metabolism are largely identified, except those that code several biosynthetic enzymes and carbonic anhydrase. The organism also has a variety of respiratory systems including Nap nitrate reductase, which has been found only in Gram-negative bacteria. Overall, these features suggest that S.thermophilum is adaptable to and thus lives in various environments, such that its growth requirement could be a substance or a physiological condition that is generally available in the natural environment rather than a highly specific substance that is present only in a limited niche. The genomic information from S.thermophilum offers new insights into microbial diversity and evolutionary sciences, and provides a framework for characterizing the molecular basis underlying microbial commensalism.  相似文献   

Liu C  Wang W  Wu Y  Zhou Z  Lai Q  Shao Z 《Environmental microbiology》2011,13(5):1168-1178
Alcanivorax dieselolei strain B-5 is a marine bacterium that can utilize a broad range of n-alkanes (C(5) -C(36) ) as sole carbon source. However, the mechanisms responsible for this trait remain to be established. Here we report on the characterization of four alkane hydroxylases from A. dieselolei, including two homologues of AlkB (AlkB1 and AlkB2), a CYP153 homologue (P450), as well as an AlmA-like (AlmA) alkane hydroxylase. Heterologous expression of alkB1, alkB2, p450 and almA in Pseudomonas putida GPo12 (pGEc47ΔB) or P. fluorescens KOB2Δ1 verified their functions in alkane oxidation. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis showed that these genes could be induced by alkanes ranging from C(8) to C(36) . Notably, the expression of the p450 and almA genes was only upregulated in the presence of medium-chain (C(8) -C(16) ) or long-chain (C(22) -C(36) ) n-alkanes, respectively; while alkB1 and alkB2 responded to both medium- and long-chain n-alkanes (C(12) -C(26) ). Moreover, branched alkanes (pristane and phytane) significantly elevated alkB1 and almA expression levels. Our findings demonstrate that the multiple alkane hydroxylase systems ensure the utilization of substrates of a broad chain length range.  相似文献   

The Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) sequence is known to play a role in many recognition systems involved in cell-to-cell and cell-to-matrix adhesion. In our experiments we demonstrated that an RGD-dependent recognition is involved in sperm-oolemmal adhesion and egg penetration. Following coincubation of RGD-containing oligopeptides in a heterologous system (human sperm and zona-free hamster eggs), a significant decrease in the number of oolemma-adherent sperm was noted at 15 microM RGDV (Arg-Gly-Asp-Val) and at 5 microM GRGDTP (Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Thr-Pro), and fertilization was completely inhibited at 250 microM RGDV and 30 microM GRGDTP. In a homologous system (hamster sperm and zona-free hamster eggs), a concentration-dependent decrease in oolemmal adhesion and egg penetration was also noted, with complete inhibition of fertilization at 200 microM GRGDTP. The specificity of the receptor was confirmed by the fact that small changes in aminoacid composition impaired the peptide's effectiveness and that peptide-dependent inhibition of fertilization was partially reversible in competition studies. The presence of a molecule on the oolemma capable of binding the RGD sequence was demonstrated by using immunobeads coupled with an RGD-containing hexapeptide (GRGDTP), which rosetted over the egg surface in a manner reversible by the addition of free GRGDTP in the medium.  相似文献   

Members of the genus Blastococcus have been isolated from sandstone monuments, as well as from sea, soil, plant, and snow samples. We report here the genome sequence of a member of this genus, Blastococcus saxobsidens strain DD2, isolated from below the surface of a Sardinian wall calcarenite stone sample.  相似文献   

Tao F  Tang H  Gai Z  Su F  Wang X  He X  Xu P 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(24):7011-7012
Pseudomonas putida Idaho is an organic-solvent-tolerant strain which can degrade and adapt to high concentrations of organic solvents. Here, we announce its first draft genome sequence (6,363,067 bp). We annotated 192 coding sequences (CDSs) responsible for aromatic compound metabolism, 40 CDSs encoding phospholipid synthesis, and 212 CDSs related to stress response.  相似文献   

Li A  Geng J  Cui D  Shu C  Zhang S  Yang J  Xing J  Wang J  Ma F  Hu S 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(19):5531
Agrobacterium tumefaciens F2 is an efficient bioflocculant-producing bacterium. But the genes related to the metabolic pathway of bioflocculant biosynthesis in strain F2 are unknown. We present the draft genome of A. tumefaciens F2. It could provide further insight into the biosynthetic mechanism of polysaccharide-like bioflocculant in strain F2.  相似文献   

Jang Y  Oh HM  Kang I  Lee K  Yang SJ  Cho JC 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(13):3415-3416
Strain IMCC3088, cultivated from the Yellow Sea, is a novel isolate belonging to the OM60/NOR5 clade and is closely related to clone OM241, Congregibacter litoralis, and strain HTCC2080. Here, the genome sequence of strain IMCC3088 is presented, showing the absence of photosynthetic gene clusters and the presence of proteorhodopsin.  相似文献   

We present the draft genome of Haloplasma contractile, isolated from a deep-sea brine and representing a new order between Firmicutes and Mollicutes. Its complex morphology with contractile protrusions might be strongly influenced by the presence of seven MreB/Mbl homologs, which appears to be the highest copy number ever reported.  相似文献   

Ruegeria sp. strain KLH11, isolated from the marine sponge Mycale laxissima, produces a complex profile of N-acylhomoserine lactone quorum-sensing (QS) molecules. The genome sequence provides insights into the genetic potential of KLH11 to maintain complex QS systems, and this is the first genome report of a cultivated symbiont from a marine sponge.  相似文献   

Tao F  Zhao P  Li Q  Su F  Yu B  Ma C  Tang H  Tai C  Wu G  Xu P 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(22):6422-6423
Rhodococcus erythropolis strains have shown excellent characteristics in petroleum oil biodesulfurization. Here we present the first announcement of the draft genome sequence of an efficient biodesulfurizing bacterium named R. erythropolis XP (7,229,582 bp). The biodesulfurizing genes dszABC are located on a plasmid, while the flavin reductase gene dszD is located on the chromosome.  相似文献   

Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus SP17 forms biofilms specifically at the interface between water and hydrophobic organic compounds (HOCs) that are used as carbon and energy sources. Biofilm formation at the HOC-water interface has been recognized as a strategy to overcome the low availability of these nearly water-insoluble substrates. Here, we present the genome sequence of SP17, which could provide further insights into the mechanisms of enhancement of HOCs assimilation through biofilm formation.  相似文献   

This article reports on the full genome sequence of Paenibacillus terrae HPL-003, which is a gram-positive, endospore-forming, xylanase-producing bacterium isolated from soil found in forest residue on Gara Mountain. The strain HPL-003 contains 6,083,395 bp with a G+C content of 46.77 mol%, 2,633 protein-coding genes, and 117 structural RNAs.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas extremaustralis 14-3b presents genes involved in the synthesis of different polyhydroxyalkanoates, in tolerance and degradation of pollutants, and in microaerobic metabolism. Several genomic islands were detected. Genetic machinery could contribute to the adaptability to stressful conditions. This is the first genome sequence reported from a Pseudomonas isolated from cold environments.  相似文献   

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