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Y I Henis  O Gutman 《Biochemistry》1987,26(3):812-819
We have recently employed fluorescence photobleaching recovery (FPR) to demonstrate that the envelope glycoproteins of Sendai virions become laterally mobile on the surface of human erythrocytes following fusion [Henis, Y. I., Gutman, O., & Loyter, A. (1985) Exp. Cell Res. 160, 514-526]. In order to investigate whether this lateral mobilization is involved in the mechanism of virally mediated cell-cell fusion, or is merely a result of viral envelope-cell fusion, we have now performed FPR studies on erythrocytes fused with reconstituted Sendai virus envelopes (RSVE). These RSVE, which were prepared by solubilization of Sendai virions with Triton X-100 followed by removal of the detergent through adsorption to SM-2 Bio-beads, fused with human erythrocytes as efficiently as native virions but induced cell-cell fusion to a much lower degree. The fraction of the viral envelope glycoproteins that became laterally mobile in the erythrocyte membrane following fusion was markedly lower in the case of RSVE than in the case of native virions. The lower cell-cell fusion activity of the RSVE does not appear to be due to inactivation of the viral fusion protein, since the envelope-cell fusion and hemolytic activities of the RSVE were similar to those of native virions. Moreover, fusion with RSVE or with native virions resulted in the incorporation of rather similar amounts of viral glycoproteins into the cell membrane. Since the reduced fraction of laterally mobile viral glycoproteins correlates with the lower cell-cell fusion activity of the RSVE.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Y I Henis  T M Jenkins 《FEBS letters》1983,151(1):134-138
The subunit stoichiometry of the ATP synthetase (CF1-CF0) immunoprecipitated from Triton X-100 extracts of chloroplast thylakoid membranes was determined to be α3, β3, γ, δ, ? (CF1) and I0.3, II0.6–0.9, III4(6) (CF0). Antibodies against the polypeptides α, β, γ, δ, I, II and ? combined specifically with the isolated subunits as analysed by the protein blotting method. Applying this technique, antibodies against the CF1 subunits were found to form complexes with the corresponding polypeptides of thylakoids, whereas those against I (Mr 20 000) and II (Mr 17 000) combined with Mr 26 000 and Mr 24 500 membrane polypeptides, respectively. The Mr 26 000 polypeptide was identified as the major subunits of the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-protein (LHCP) complex and the Mr 24 500 component seems to be functionally connected with this complex. From the results it is concluded that the chloroplast ATP synthetase consists of the subunit of the α, β, γ, δ, ? and III (proteolipid only and that proteolytically altered LHCP polypeptides bind artifically to the protein complex during isolation.  相似文献   

Cell fusion activities of Hantaan virus envelope glycoproteins   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Hantaan virus (HTNV)-infected Vero E6 cells undergo cell fusion with both infected and uninfected cells under low-pH conditions. Flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy of HTNV-infected Vero E6 cells showed that envelope glycoproteins (GPs) were located both on the cell surface and in the cytoplasm. Neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against the G1 and G2 envelope GPs inhibited cell fusion, whereas nonneutralizing MAbs against G1 or G2 and MAbs against the nucleocapsid protein (NP) did not. Transfected Vero E6 cells that expressed GPs but not those that expressed NP fused and formed syncytia. These results indicate that HTNV GPs act as fusogens at the cell surface. No fusion activity was observed either in infected Vero cells that were passaged more than 150 times or in BHK-21 cells, although GPs appeared to localize to the cell surface. This variability in fusion induction suggests the involvement of host cell factors in the process of cell membrane fusion.  相似文献   

A proteolytic activity is shown to be associated with relatively purified preparations of intact Sendai virus particles or with their reconstituted envelopes which are vesicles containing mainly the viral glycoproteins. Intact Sendai virus as well as reconstituted Sendai virus envelopes have been shown to be able to hydrolyze various protein molecules such as the human erythrocyte membrane polypeptide designated as band 3 and soluble polypeptides such as histone and insulin B-chain. The results of the present work raise the possibility that a direct correlation exists between the virus-associated proteolytic activity and the ability of the virions to lyse cells, to fuse with their membranes, and to promote cell-cell fusion. Inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes such as phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, tosyllysinechloromethylketone and tosylamidephenylethylchloromethylketone, or combinations thereof, inhibit the virus-associated proteolytic activity concomitantly with inhibition of its hemolytic and fusogenic activities. Electron microscopic studies showed that the various inhibitors did not affect the binding ability of the virus preparations. The possible involvement of a protease in the process of virus-membrane fusion is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Erythroblasts from marrows of chicks infected with RNA-virus (strain Rerythroblastosis virus) were found to possess a small but consistent increase in the number of concanavalin A binding sites per cell compared to erythroblasts derived from the marrows of phenylhydrazine-treated birds. Both types of erythroblast possessed more surface glycoproteins per cell accessible to concanavalin A (Con A) than marrow and peripheral blood erythrocytes. Employment of concanavalin A conjugated to ferritin showed marked differences in the spatial arrangement of the Con A receptors between phenylhydrazine and virus-induced erythroblasts but little difference was observed in the surface density of the Con A sites between erythrocytes and erythroblasts, a result which agrees with the amount of bound labeled Con A when this data is expressed in terms of the cell surface.The amount of labeled Con A bound to erythrocytes derived from the marrow was greater than that derived from the peripheral circulation, a result which is substantiated by the ferritin Con A studies which show an increase in the density of Con A sites on the marrow blood cells. Trypsinization increases the number of sites and the agglutininability of the marrow cells.The increase in the susceptibility of the cells to agglutinate with concanavalin A paralleled the observed increase in the number of binding sites per cell.  相似文献   

B Aroeti  T M Jovin  Y I Henis 《Biochemistry》1990,29(39):9119-9125
The rotational mobility of Sendai virus envelope glycoproteins (F, the fusion protein, and HN, the hemagglutinin/neuraminidase) was determined by using erythrosin (ER)-labeled monovalent Fab' antibody fragments directed specifically against either F or HN. By use of time-resolved phosphorescence anisotropy, the rotational mobility of Er-Fab'-viral glycoprotein complexes was studied both in the envelopes of unfused virions bound to erythrocyte ghosts and in the target cell membrane after fusion had occurred. The rotational correlation times (phi) of Er-Fab'-labeled F and HN were rather similar in the envelopes of bound unfused virions, but highly different in membranes of fused cells. The different phi values indicate that F and HN diffuse separately in the target cell membrane and for the major part are not complexed together. The temperature dependence of the phi values of the Er-Fab'-viral glycoprotein complexes revealed a breakpoint at 22 degrees C for the F protein both in bound virions and in the membranes of fused cells, and for the HN proteins in the envelopes of bound virions. In all these cases, the phi values increased between 4 and 22 degrees C, demonstrating a reduction in the rate of rotational diffusion. Further elevation of the temperature reversed the direction of the change in phi. This phenomenon may reflect a temperature-dependent microaggregation of F and HN saturating at ca. 22 degrees C and presumably related to the fusion mechanism since the breakpoint temperature correlates closely with the threshold temperature for virus-cell and cell-cell fusion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) exterior envelope glycoprotein gp120 mediates receptor binding and is the major target for neutralizing antibodies. A broadly neutralizing antibody response is likely to be a critical component of the immune response against HIV-1. Although antibodies against monomeric gp120 are readily elicited in immunized individuals, these antibodies are inefficient in neutralizing primary HIV-1 isolates. As a chronic pathogen, HIV-1 has evolved to avoid an optimal host response by a number of immune escape mechanisms. Monomeric gp120 that has dissociated from the functional trimer presents irrelevant epitopes that are not accessible on functional trimeric envelope glycoproteins. The resulting low level of antigenic cross-reactivity between monomeric gp120 and the functional spike may contribute to the inability of monomeric gp120 to elicit broadly neutralizing antibodies. Attempts to generate native, trimeric envelope glycoproteins as immunogens have been frustrated by both the lability of the gp120-gp41 interaction and the weak association between gp120 subunits. Here, we present solid-phase HIV-1 gp160DeltaCT (cytoplasmic tail-deleted) proteoliposomes (PLs) containing native, trimeric envelope glycoproteins in a physiologic membrane setting. We present data that indicate that the gp160DeltaCT glycoproteins on PLs are trimers and are recognized by several relevant conformational ligands in a manner similar to that for gp160DeltaCT oligomers expressed on the cell surface. The PLs represent a significant advance over present envelope glycoprotein formulations as candidate immunogens for HIV vaccine design and development.  相似文献   

Nipah virus (NiV) and Hendra virus (HeV) are novel paramyxoviruses from pigs and horses, respectively, that are responsible for fatal zoonotic infections of humans. The unique genetic and biological characteristics of these emerging agents has led to their classification as the prototypic members of a new genus within the Paramyxovirinae subfamily called HENIPAVIRUS: These viruses are most closely related to members of the genus Morbillivirus and infect cells through a pH-independent membrane fusion event mediated by the actions of their attachment (G) and fusion (F) glycoproteins. Understanding their cell biological features and exploring the functional characteristics of the NiV and HeV glycoproteins will help define important properties of these emerging viruses and may provide new insights into paramyxovirus membrane fusion mechanisms. Using a recombinant vaccinia virus system and a quantitative assay for fusion, we demonstrate NiV glycoprotein function and the same pattern of cellular tropism recently reported for HeV-mediated fusion, suggesting that NiV likely uses the same cellular receptor for infection. Fusion specificity was verified by inhibition with a specific antiserum or peptides derived from the alpha-helical heptads of NiV or HeV F. Like that of HeV, NiV-mediated fusion also requires both F and G. Finally, interactions between the glycoproteins of the paramyxoviruses have not been well defined, but here we show that the NiV and HeV glycoproteins are capable of highly efficient heterotypic functional activity with each other. However, no heterotypic activity was observed with envelope glycoproteins of the morbilliviruses Measles virus and Canine distemper virus.  相似文献   

The Hantaan virus (HTNV) is an enveloped virus that is capable of inducing low pH-dependent cell fusion. We molecularly cloned the viral glycoprotein (GP) and nucleocapsid (NP) cDNA of HTNV and expressed them in Vero E6 cells under the control of a CMV promoter. The viral gene expression was assessed using an indirect immunofluorescence assay and immunoprecipitation. The transfected Vero E6 cells expressing GPs, but not those expressing NP, fused and formed a syncytium following exposure to a low pH. Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against envelope GPs inhibited cell fusion, whereas MAbs against NP did not. We also investigated the N-linked glycosylation of HTNV GPs and its role in cell fusion. The envelope GPs of HTNV are modified by N-linked glycosylation at five sites: four sites on G1 (N134, N235, N347, and N399) and one site on G2 (N928). Site-directed mutagenesis was used to construct eight GP gene mutants, including five single N-glycosylation site mutants and three double-site mutants, which were then expressed in Vero E6 cells. The oligosaccharide chain on residue N928 of G2 was found to be crucial for cell fusion after exposure to a low pH. These results suggest that G2 is likely to be the fusion protein of HTNV.  相似文献   

Entry of most paramyxoviruses is accomplished by separate attachment and fusion proteins that function in a cooperative manner. Because of this close interdependence, it was not possible with most paramyxoviruses to replace either of the two protagonists by envelope glycoproteins from related paramyxoviruses. By using reverse genetics of Sendai virus (SeV), we demonstrate that chimeric respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) fusion proteins containing either the cytoplasmic domain of the SeV fusion protein or in addition the transmembrane domain were efficiently incorporated into SeV particles provided the homotypic SeV-F was deleted. In the presence of SeV-F, the chimeric glycoproteins were incorporated with significantly lower efficiency, indicating that determinants in the SeV-F ectodomain exist that contribute to glycoprotein uptake. Recombinant SeV in which the homotypic fusion protein was replaced with chimeric RSV fusion protein replicated in a trypsin-independent manner and was neutralized by antibodies directed to RSV-F. However, replication of this virus also relied on the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) as pretreatment of cells with neuraminidase significantly reduced the infection rate. Finally, recombinant SeV was generated with chimeric RSV-F as the only envelope glycoprotein. This virus was not neutralized by antibodies to SeV and did not use sialic acids for attachment. It replicated more slowly than hybrid virus containing HN and produced lower virus titers. Thus, on the one hand RSV-F can mediate infection in an autonomous way while on the other hand it accepts support by a heterologous attachment protein.  相似文献   

Y I Henis  O Gutman 《FEBS letters》1988,228(2):281-284
Two independent methods demonstrated that resealed human erythrocyte ghosts undergo Sendai virus-mediated cell-cell fusion to a much lower degree (about 4%) than intact erythrocytes, in spite of similar levels of viral envelope-cell fusion in the two preparations. Fluorescence photobleaching recovery (FPR) showed similar lateral mobilities of the viral glycoproteins following fusion with either ghosts or whole erythrocytes. It is suggested that although viral glycoprotein mobilization in the cell membrane is essential for cell-cell fusion, the target cell properties are also important; in the absence of the required cellular parameters, the mobilization may not be a sufficient condition.  相似文献   

We have studied the internalization of targeted fusogenic liposome content to leukemic T cells (CEM) in vitro. We describe a method for the covalent coupling of T101 antibody to the surface of liposomes and the incorporation of fusogenic viral protein into the liposome membrane. Hygromycin B, an impermeant inhibitor of protein synthesis, was encapsulated in the targeted fusogenic liposomes and delivered directly to the cytoplasm of leukemic T cells by fusion between the two membranes. The cytotoxic effect was measured by [3H]thymidine incorporation. We show that CEM are rapidly and specifically killed by the drug encapsulated in the targeted fusogenic liposomes. This effect is due to the binding of the liposome by means of the antibody and then to the fusion of the liposome with the targeted cell membrane, mediated by F protein.  相似文献   

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