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Little work has been done on the mechanism of low dose hyper-radiosensitivity (HRS) and later appeared radioresistance (termed induced radioresistance (IRR)) after irradiation with medium and high linear energy transfer (LET) particles. The aim of this study was to find out whether ATR pathway is involved in the mechanism of HRS induced by high LET radiation. GM0639 cells and two ATM deficient/mutant cells, AT5BIVA and AT2KY were irradiated by carbon ion beam. Thymidine block technique was developed to enrich the G2-phase population. Radiation induced early G2/M checkpoint was quantitatively assess with dual-parameter flow cytometry by detecting the cells positive for phospho-histone H3. The involvement of ATR pathway in HRS/IRR response was detected with pretreatment of specific inhibitors prior to carbon ion beam. The link between the early G2/M checkpoint and HRS/IRR under carbon ion beam was first confirmed in GM0639 cells, through the enrichment of cell population in G2-phase or with Aurora kinase inhibitor that attenuates the transition from G2 to M phase. Interestingly, the early G2/M arrest could still be observed in ATM deficient/mutant cells with an effect of ATR signaling, which was discovered to function in an LET-dependent manner, even as low as 0.2 Gy for carbon ion radiation. The involvement of ATR pathway in heavy particles induced HRS/IRR was determined with the specific ATR inhibitor in GM0639 cells, which affected the HRS/IRR occurrence similarly as ATM inhibitor. These data demonstrate that ATR pathway may cooperate with ATM in the mechanism of low dose hypersensitivity induced by carbon ion beam.  相似文献   

High linear energy transfer (LET) ionising radiation (IR) such as radon-derived alpha particles and high mass, high energy (HZE) particles of cosmic radiation are the predominant forms of IR to which humanity is exposed throughout life. High-LET forms of IR are established carcinogens relevant to human cancer, and their potent mutagenicity is believed, in part, to be due to a greater incidence of clustered DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) and associated lesions, as ionization events occur within a more confined genomic space. The repair of such DNA damage is now well-documented to occur with slower kinetics relative to that induced by low-LET IR, and to be more reliant upon homology-directed repair pathways. Underlying these phenomena is the relative inability of non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) to adequately resolve high-LET IR-induced DSBs. Current findings suggest that the functionality of the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK), comprised of the Ku70-Ku80 heterodimer and the DNA-PK catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs), is particularly perturbed by high-LET IR-induced clustered DSBs, rendering DNA-PK dependent NHEJ less relevant to resolving these lesions. By contrast, the NHEJ-associated DNA processing endonuclease Artemis shows a greater relevance to high-LET IR-induced DSB repair. Here, we will review the cellular response to high-LET irradiation, the implications of the chronic, low-dose modality of this exposure and molecular pathways that respond to high-LET irradiation induced DSBs, with particular emphasis on NHEJ factors.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase II is essential for cell proliferation and survival and has been a target of various anticancer drugs. ICRF-193 has long been used as a catalytic inhibitor to study the function of topoisomerase II. Here, we show that ICRF-193 treatment induces DNA damage signaling. Treatment with ICRF-193 induced G2 arrest and DNA damage signaling involving gamma-H2AX foci formation and CHK2 phosphorylation. DNA damage by ICRF-193 was further demonstrated by formation of the nuclear foci of 53BP1, NBS1, BRCA1, MDC1, and FANCD2 and increased comet tail moment. The DNA damage signaling induced by ICRF-193 was mediated by ATM and ATR and was restricted to cells in specific cell cycle stages such as S, G2, and mitosis including late and early G1 phases. Downstream signaling of ATM and ATR involved the phosphorylation of CHK2 and BRCA1. Altogether, our results demonstrate that ICRF-193 induces DNA damage signaling in a cell cycle-dependent manner and suggest that topoisomerase II might be essential for the progression of the cell cycle at several stages including DNA decondensation.  相似文献   

Curtis MJ  Hays JB 《DNA Repair》2011,10(12):1272-1281
Conserved DNA-damage responses (DDRs) efficiently cope with replication blocks and double-strand breaks (DSBs) in cultured eukaryotic cells; DDRs in tissues remain poorly understood. DDR-inactivating mutations lethal in animals are tolerated in Arabidopsis, whose root meristem provides a powerful stem-cell-niche model. We imaged UVB-induced death of specific meristem cells in single and double Arabidopsis mutants to elucidate cooperation among DNA translesion synthesis (TLS) polymerases (Polη, Polζ) and DNA-damage-activated protein kinases (ATR, ATM). Death was 100-fold higher in stem and progenitor (StPr) cells than in transiently amplifying cells. Quantitative analyses of dose-response plots showed that Polη and Polζ act redundantly to tolerate replication blocks and that Polζ-mediated TLS requires ATR. Deficient TLS resulted in ATM-signaled death, which first appeared 10-14 h post-UVB. Although ssDNA downstream of blocks was likely cleaved into DSBs throughout S phase, death pathways appeared to initiate late in S. In atm mutants death appeared much later, likely signaled by a slow ATR-dependent pathway. To bypass replication blocks, tissues may use TLS rather than error-free pathways that could generate genomic aberrations. Dynamic balances among ATR and ATM death-avoidance and death-signaling functions determine how many DSB-burdened StPr cells are killed. Their replacement by less-burdened quiescent-center cells then restores growth homeostasis.  相似文献   


Detrimental effects of ionizing radiation (IR) are correlated to the varying efficiency of IR to induce complex DNA damage. A double strand break (DSB) can be considered the simpler form of complex DNA damage. These types of damage can consist of DSBs, single strand breaks (SSBs) and/or non-DSB lesions such as base damages and apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP; abasic) sites in different combinations. Enthralling theoretical (Monte Carlo simulations) and experimental evidence suggests an increase in the complexity of DNA damage and therefore repair resistance with linear energy transfer (LET). In this study, we have measured the induction and processing of DSB and non-DSB oxidative clusters using adaptations of immunofluorescence. Specifically, we applied foci colocalization approaches as the most current methodologies for the in situ detection of clustered DNA lesions in a variety of human normal (FEP18-11-T1) and cancerous cell lines of varying repair efficiency (MCF7, HepG2, A549, MO59K/J) and radiation qualities of increasing LET, that is γ-, X-rays 0.3–1?keV/μm, α-particles 116?keV/μm and 36Ar ions 270?keV/μm. Using γ-H2AX or 53BP1 foci staining as DSB probes, we calculated a DSB apparent rate of 5–16 DSBs/cell/Gy decreasing with LET. A similar trend was measured for non-DSB oxidized base lesions detected using antibodies against the human repair enzymes 8-oxoguanine-DNA glycosylase (OGG1) or AP endonuclease (APE1), that is damage foci as probes for oxidized purines or abasic sites, respectively. In addition, using colocalization parameters previously introduced by our groups, we detected an increasing clustering of damage for DSBs and non-DSBs. We also make correlations of damage complexity with the repair efficiency of each cell line and we discuss the biological importance of these new findings with regard to the severity of IR due to the complex nature of its DNA damage.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and locally multiply damaged sites (LMDS) induced by ionizing radiation (IR) are considered to be very genotoxic in mammalian cells. LMDS consist of two or more clustered DNA lesions including oxidative damage locally formed within one or two helical turns by single radiation tracks following local energy deposition. They are thought to be frequently induced by IR but not by normal oxidative metabolism. In mammalian cells, LMDS are detected after specific enzymatic treatments transforming these lesions into additional DSBs that can be revealed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Here, we studied radiation-induced DSBs and LMDS in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO-K1). After addition of the iron chelator deferoxamine (DFO) or the antioxidant glutathione (GSH) to the cell lysis solution, we observed reduced spontaneous DNA fragmentation and a clear dose-dependent increase of radiation-induced DSBs. LMDS induction, however, was close to background levels, independently of dose, dose rate, temperature and radiation quality (low and high LET). Under these experimental conditions, artefactual oxidative DNA damage during cell lysis could not anymore be confounded with LMDS. We thus show that radiation-induced LMDS composed of oxidized purines or pyrimidines are much less frequent than hitherto reported, and suggest that they may be of minor importance in the radiation response than DSBs. We speculate that complex DSBs with oxidized ends may constitute the main part of radiation-induced clustered lesions. However, this needs further studies.  相似文献   

SUMOylation plays important roles in the DNA damage response. However, whether it is important for interstrand crosslink repair remains unknown. We report that the SLX4 nuclease scaffold protein is regulated by SUMOylation. We have identified three SUMO interaction motifs (SIMs) in SLX4, mutating all of which abrogated the binding of SLX4 to SUMO-2 and covalent SLX4 SUMOylation. An SLX4 mutant lacking functional SIMs is not recruited to PML nuclear bodies nor stabilized at laser-induced DNA damage sites. Additionally, we elucidated a novel role for PARylation in the recruitment of SLX4 to sites of DNA damage. Combined, our results uncover how SLX4 is regulated by post-translational modifications.  相似文献   

ATR and ATM kinases are central to the checkpoint activation in response to DNA damage and replication stress. However, the nature of the signal, which initially activates these kinases in response to UV damage, is unclear. Here, we have shown that DDB2 and XPC, two early UV damage recognition factors, are required for the damage-specific ATR and ATM recruitment and phosphorylation. ATR and ATM physically interacted with XPC and promptly localized to the UV damage sites. ATR and ATM recruitment and their phosphorylation were negatively affected in cells defective in DDB2 or XPC functions. Consequently, the phosphorylation of ATR and ATM substrates, Chk1, Chk2, H2AX, and BRCA1 was significantly reduced or abrogated in mutant cells. Furthermore, UV exposure of cells defective in DDB2 or XPC resulted in a marked decrease in BRCA1 and Rad51 recruitment to the damage site. Conversely, ATR- and ATM-deficiency failed to affect the recruitment of DDB2 and XPC to the damage site, and therefore did not influence the NER efficiency. These findings demonstrate a novel function of DDB2 and XPC in maintaining a vital cross-talk with checkpoint proteins, and thereby coordinating subsequent repair and checkpoint activation.  相似文献   

紫外线-B辐射对植物DNA及蛋白质的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大气平流层中的臭氧衰减,导致太阳辐射中的紫外辐射量有明显的增加,其中UV-B辐射对植物会产生不同程度的影响。分子生态学理论认为,UV-B辐射对植物造成的损伤,首先伤害植物的生物大分子,即进行光化学修饰。本文就臭氧衰减对生态环境和植物的影响途径进行了讨论,重点论述了UV-B辐射对植物蛋白质合成的抑制和DNA的损伤修复途径。并应用分子生物学技术研究植物对UV-B辐射的抗性机理和DNA修复技术的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

XPB and XPD subunits of TFIIH are central genome caretakers involved in nucleotide excision repair (NER), although their respective role within this DNA repair pathway remains difficult to delineate. To obtain insight into the function of XPB and XPD, we studied cell lines expressing XPB or XPD ATPase‐deficient complexes. We show the involvement of XPB, but not XPD, in the accumulation of TFIIH to sites of DNA damage. Recruitment of TFIIH occurs independently of the helicase activity of XPB, but requires two recently identified motifs, a R‐E‐D residue loop and a Thumb‐like domain. Furthermore, we show that these motifs are specifically involved in the DNA‐induced stimulation of the ATPase activity of XPB. Together, our data demonstrate that the recruitment of TFIIH to sites of damage is an active process, under the control of the ATPase motifs of XPB and suggest that this subunit functions as an ATP‐driven hook to stabilize the binding of the TFIIH to damaged DNA.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation damage to the genome of a non-cycling mammalian cell is analyzed using continuous time Markov chains. Immediate damage induced by the radiation is modeled as a batch Poisson arrival process of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). Different kinds of radiation, for example gamma rays or alpha particles, have different batch probabilities. Enzymatic modulation of the immediate damage is modeled as a Markov process similar to the processes described by the master equation of stochastic chemical kinetics. An illustrative example is the restitution/complete exchange model, which postulates that radiation induced DSBs can subsequently either undergo enzymatically mediated repair (restitution) or can participate pairwise in chromosome exchanges, some of which make irremediable lesions such as dicentric chromosome aberrations. One may have rapid irradiation followed by enzymatic DSB processing or have prolonged irradiation with both DSB arrival and enzymatic DSB processing continuing throughout the irradiation period. A complete solution of the Markov chain is known for the case that the exchange rate constant is negligible so that no irremediable chromosome lesions are produced and DSBs are the only damage to the genome. Using PDEs for generating functions, a perturbation calculation is made assuming the exchange rate constant is small compared to the repair rate constant. Some non-perturbative results applicable to very prolonged irradiation are also obtained using matrix methods: Perron-Frobenius theory, variational methods and numerical approximations of eigenvalues. Applications to experimental results on expected values, variances and statistical distributions of DNA lesions are briefly outlined.Continuous time Markov chain models are the most systematic of those current radiation damage models which treat DSB-DSB interactions within the cell nucleus as homogeneous (e.g. ignore diffusion limitations). They contain most other homogeneous models as special cases, limiting cases or approximations. However, applying the continuous time Markov chain models to studying spatial dependence of DSB interactions, which is generally believed to be very important in some situations, presents difficulties.  相似文献   

Summary The response of Neurospora crassa to DNA damage induced by UV irradiation has been studied using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-D PAGE). Whole cell extracts of irradiated and untreated cultures were compared. Five polypeptides that show changes in response to DNA damage have been identified.Several mutagen sensitive strains of Neurospora were also tested for polypeptide changes on 2-D PAGE. Profiles of whole cell extracts of these mutant strains were compared to wild type. Two changes were observed in the meiotic mutant, mei-3 and one change was detected in the excision repair mutant, upr-1. Two changes were also detected in the allelic mutants, uvs-3 and nuh-4. Profiles of uvs-3 and nuh-4 revealed one polypeptide that was missing and another polypeptide which appeared to shift to a more basis position. This same shift was detected in wild type after induction by UV irradiation or heat shock.  相似文献   

Despite intensive multimodal therapies, the overall survival rate of patients with ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas is still poor. The chemo- and radioresistance mechanisms of this tumor entity remain to be determined in order to develop novel treatment strategies. In cancer, endocytosis and membrane trafficking proteins are known to be utilized and they also critically regulate essential cell functions like survival and proliferation. On the basis of these data, we evaluated the role of the endosomal proteins adaptor proteins containing pleckstrin homology domain, phosphotyrosine binding domain and a leucine zipper motif (APPL)1 and 2 for the radioresistance of pancreatic carcinoma cells. Here, we show that APPL2 expression in pancreatic cancer cells is upregulated after irradiation and that depletion of APPL proteins by small interfering RNA (siRNA) significantly reduced radiation survival in parallel to impairing DNA double strand break (DSB) repair. In addition, APPL knockdown diminished radiogenic hyperphosphorylation of ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM). Activated ATM and APPL1 were also shown to interact after irradiation, suggesting that APPL has a more direct role in the phosphorylation of ATM. Double targeting of APPL proteins and ATM caused similar radiosensitization and concomitant DSB repair perturbation to that observed after depletion of single proteins, indicating that ATM is the central modulator of APPL-mediated effects on radiosensitivity and DNA repair. These data strongly suggest that endosomal APPL proteins contribute to the DNA damage response. Whether targeting of APPL proteins is beneficial for the survival of patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Pancreatic cancer (PC) is one of the most lethal types of cancer due to its asymptomatic nature in the early stages and consequent late diagnosis. Its mortality rate remains high despite advances in treatment strategies, which include a combination of surgical resection and adjuvant therapy. Although these approaches may have a positive effect on prognosis, the development of chemo‐ and radioresistance still poses a significant challenge for successful PC treatment. Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein C1/C2 (HNRNPC) and RhoA have been implicated in the regulation of tumour cell proliferation and chemo‐ and radioresistance. Our study aims to investigate the mechanism for HNRNPC regulation of PC radiation resistance via the RhoA pathway. We found that HNRNPC and RhoA mRNA and protein expression levels were significantly higher in PC tissues compared to adjacent non‐tumour tissue. Furthermore, high HNRNPC expression was associated with poor patient prognosis. Using HNRNPC overexpression and siRNA interference, we demonstrated that HNRNPC overexpression promoted radiation resistance in PC cells, while HNRNPC knockdown increased radiosensitivity. However, silencing of RhoA expression was shown to attenuate radiation resistance caused by HNRNPC overexpression. Next, we identified RhoA as a downstream target of HNRNPC and showed that inhibition of the RhoA/ROCK2‐YAP/TAZ pathway led to a reduction in DNA damage repair and radiation resistance. Finally, using both in vitro assays and an in vivo subcutaneous tumour xenograft model, we demonstrated that RhoA inhibition can hinder the activity of cancer‐related fibroblasts and weaken PC radiation resistance. Our study describes a role for HNRNPC and the RhoA/ROCK2‐YAP/TAZ signalling pathways in mediating radiation resistance and provides a potential therapeutic target for improving the treatment of PC.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, DNA damage triggers activation of checkpoint signaling pathways that coordinate cell cycle arrest and repair of damaged DNA. These DNA damage responses serve to maintain genome stability and prevent accumulation of genetic mutations and development of cancer. The p38 MAPK was previously implicated in cellular responses to several types of DNA damage. However, the role of each of the four p38 isoforms and the mechanism for their involvement in DNA damage responses remained poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrate that p38γ, but not the other p38 isoforms, contributes to the survival of UV-treated cells. Deletion of p38γ sensitizes cells to UV exposure, accompanied by prolonged S phase cell cycle arrest and increased rate of apoptosis. Further investigation reveal that p38γ is essential for the optimal activation of the checkpoint signaling caused by UV, and for the efficient repair of UV-induced DNA damage. These findings have established a novel role of p38γ in UV-induced DNA damage responses, and suggested that p38γ contributes to the ability of cells to cope with UV exposure by regulating the checkpoint signaling pathways and the repair of damaged DNA.  相似文献   

In temperate lakes, asynchronous cycles in surface water temperatures and incident ultraviolet (UV) radiation expose aquatic organisms to damaging UV radiation at different temperatures. The enzyme systems that repair UV‐induced DNA damage are temperature dependent, and thus potentially less effective at repairing DNA damage at lower temperatures. This hypothesis was tested by examining the levels of UV‐induced DNA damage in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia pulicaria in the presence and absence of longer‐wavelength photoreactivating radiation (PRR) that induces photoenzymatic repair (PER) of DNA damage. By exposing both live and dead (freeze‐killed) Daphnia as well as raw DNA to UV‐B in the presence and absence of PRR, we were able to estimate the relative importance and temperature dependence of PER (light repair), nucleotide excision repair (NER, dark repair), and photoprotection (PP). Total DNA damage increased with increasing temperature. However, the even greater increase in DNA repair rates at higher temperatures led net DNA damage (total DNA damage minus repair) to be greater at lower temperatures. Photoprotection accounted for a much greater proportion of the reduction in DNA damage than did repair. Experiments that looked at survival rates following UV exposure demonstrated that PER increased survival rates. The important implication is that aquatic organisms that depend heavily on DNA repair processes may be less able to survive high UV exposure in low temperature environments. Photoprotection may be more effective under the low temperature, high UV conditions such as are found in early spring or at high elevations.  相似文献   

增强UV-B辐射对大豆胚轴DNA损伤、修复和蛋白质含量的影响   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
大气平流层臭氧层减薄引起到达地表的 UV- B辐射增强。为探讨在增强 UV- B辐射下植物细胞 DNA的损伤修复和蛋白质含量的关系 ,利用 3H- Td R掺入法 ,研究了在 8.2 2 k J/(m2 d)和 12 .4 2 k J/(m2 d) U V- B辐射 (相当于兰州地区大气平流层臭氧减薄约 12 %和 2 0 % )胁迫下 ,大豆胚轴细胞 DNA合成和非按期合成 (UDS)变化 ,并测定了胚轴蛋白质含量变化 ,结果显示 ,UV- B辐射导致 DNA损伤 ,并诱导了 DNA损伤的修复 ,胚轴细胞 UDS效应增强 ,U DS指数增大。低 UV- B辐射强度下 ,胚轴蛋白质含量增加 ,可能是 U V- B诱导了一些与抗性有关的基因表达 ,导致一些新的与抗性有关的蛋白质合成 ;在高强度 UV- B辐射下 ,U DS指数与低强度辐射下无显著差异 (P=0 .0 5 ) ,但蛋白含量较低强度辐射下显著下降 (P=0 .0 5 ) ,说明高强度 UV- B辐射加重了 DNA损伤 ,而修复并未加强 ,并且高强度辐射抑制基因的正常表达和蛋白质合成。这些蛋白质的合成可能与大豆对 UV- B辐射的抗性有关。  相似文献   

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