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Las LLacerias Section in the western part of the Picos de Europa Unit (Cantabrian Zone) in northern Spain offers the best (essentially continuous) Upper Moscovian-Kasimovian succession in the Pennsylvanian of the Cantabrian Zone. The section consists almost entirely of limestones, and conodonts are scarce in general, but some Myachkovian levels are significantly more productive. Most specimens recovered are Pa pectiniform elements, and are generally well preserved. Idiognathodus, Streptognathodus, Gondolella, and Neognathodus are the most significant genera and Ubinates and Hindeodus are present. Idiognathodus is the dominant genus. Most of the idiognathodids differ morphologically from those elsewhere, and one, Idiognathodus covadongae, is formally recognized a new species. The presence of Idiognathodus eccentricus in the upper part of the Kreviakinian levels suggests a correlation with the lower Missourian of the United States. Neognathodus disappears in the upper part of the Myachkovian beds. Gondolella pohli was recovered from a short interval in the upper portion of the Myachkovian beds. Paleoecological conditions representing shallow, open, normal marine offshore deposits of the Idiognathodus-biofacies are interpreted for the lower portion of the Myachkovian interval.  相似文献   

Paleontological Journal - The Kasimovian Stage is a stage in the Pennsylvanian Subsystem, originally recognized in Russia. Its type area, despite the stage name (which is after the town of Kasimov...  相似文献   

Three new conodont species, Streptognathodus neverovensis, S. isakovae, and Idiognathodus mestsherensis, which are widespread in the Kasimovian Stage of central Russia, are described.  相似文献   

Pavel Kabanov 《Facies》2003,49(1):243-270
Summary The type upper Moscovian-basal Kasimovian argillaceous-carbonate succession of central European Russia contains regionally traced cyclothem-bounded subaerial exposure horizons (geosols) represented mainly by rendzina-type palaeosols. Palaeokarst profiles occurrarely and grade laterally to palaeosols. Composite subaerial profiles divided by one or two thin marine beds are called ‘multiple geosols’. The biofaces structure of the studied succession is defined by brachiopod and fusulinoid biofaces. The heterogeneous Choristites biofacies characterizes openmarine intervals, which constitute the bulk of the succession, and is defined by presence of Choristites. The Meekella biofacies with monospecific concentrations of Meekella shells and extreme rarity of other brachiopods characterises restricted peritidal intervals which commonly constitute the terminal regressive parts of major cyclothems. Three fusulinoid biofacies defined by Baranova and Kabanov (2003) include restricted peritidal Biofacies 1 with only small fusulinoids Fusiella and Schubertella present, open shoal-to-subtidal Biofacies 2 with the richest fusulinoid assemblages, and the most offshore Biofacies 3 with less diverse, sometimes Hemifusulina-dominated, fusulinoid assemblages. Bioturbation patterns and ichnofossils allow recognition of deeper subtidal Zoophycos and shallower non-Zoophycos ichnofacies. Among the latter, shallowest subtidal facies are characterized by presence of thalassinoid burrows. Intertidal laminated lithofacies with suppressed bioturbation contain Skolithos burrows. Seventeen lithofacies are recognized. Terrestrial lithofacies include topclays (upper clayey palaeosol horizons) and aeolian grainstones. Restricted peritidal lithofacies include cross-stratified skeletal-peloidal grainstones, fine-grained laminated grainstones-mudstones, and lagoonal mudstones. Open shoal lithofacies include ooidal grainstones (rare, only in Podolskian) and coarse skeletal-peloidal grainstones. The open subtidal lithofacies include skeletal packstones-rudstones, shallow subtidal packstones-wackestones, deeper subtidal packstones-wackestones, Ivanovia boundstones (only in Podolskian), proximal tempestites, distal tempestites, and skeletal wackestones-mudstones. The fossiliferous shale lithofacies is a miscellaneous group of marine shales lacking distinct features of the above-listed lithofacies. Conglomerates of cyclothem bases that are regarded as early transgressive lithofacies are variable in their palaeoenvironmental position and are characterized by concentrated pebbles derived from palaeosol reworking. The shallowest subtidal lithofacies of fine packstones-grainstones is considered as transitional between open subtidal and restricted peritidal lithofacies. The origin of stratiform dolostones is shown to be early diagenetic in the subsurface. The depositional model involves a shallow and broad epicontinental ramp, where through water circulation prevented stratification of the water column and allowed large skeletal benthos to colonize the entire spectrum of depositional environments. Storms are thought to be the principal water-mixing agent. The anti-estuarine circulation carrying oxygenated waters down-ward may explain the lack of anoxic features in the deepest facies that may have formed below storm wave base.  相似文献   

贵州罗甸纳水上石炭统(宾夕法尼亚亚系)地层的再研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文详细描述了贵州罗甸纳水上石炭统(宾夕法尼亚亚系)剖面的生物地层和年代地层,其牙形刺序列自上而下可详细划分为:Streptognathodus isolatus, S. wabaunsensis, S. tenuialveus, S. firmus, Idiognathodus nashuiensis , Streptognathodus simulator, S. guizhouensis , S. gracilis-S, excelsus , S. cancellosus , S. clavatulus , S. nodocarinatus , Idiognathodus podolskensis , Mesogondolella clarki -Idiognathodus robustus , Diplognathodus ophanus-D, ellesmerensis, Idiognathoides ouachitensis, Streptognathodus expansus, Idiognathoides sulcatus parva, Idiognathodus primulus-Neognathodus bassleri, Idiognathodus primulus-Neognathodus symmetricus, Neognathodus symmetricus, Idiognathoides corrugatus-I, pacificus, I. sinuatus, I. sulcatus sulcatus, Declinognathodus noduli ferus 和 Gnathodus bilineatus bollandensis 等带。 Declinognathodus noduliferus 和 Streptognathodus isolatus 的首次出现分别代表上石炭统(宾夕法尼亚亚系)和二叠系的开始。根据牙形刺和有孔虫的序列,罗甸纳水剖面的上石炭统(宾夕法尼亚亚系)地层自下而上可划分为罗苏阶(Luosuan)、滑石板阶(Huashibanian)、达拉阶(Dalaan)和马平阶(Mapingian),并可与俄罗斯的巴什基尔阶(Bashkirian)、莫斯科阶(Moscovian)、卡西莫夫阶(Kasimovian)和格舍尔阶(Gzhelian),北美的莫罗阶(Morrowan)、阿托克阶(Atokan)、得梅因阶(Desmoinesian)、密苏里阶(Missourian)和弗吉尔阶(Virgilian)进行对比。另外,本文也详细讨论了剖面中的石炭系中间界线及石炭-二叠系界线。  相似文献   

Two new species of flexible crinoids of the genus Cibolocrinus (Crinoidea, Flexibilia) from the Upper Carboniferous of the Moscow Region are described: C. kutasovi (Moscovian Stage, Podolskian Regional Substage) and C. gerassimovi (Gzhelian Stage, Dobryatinian Regional Substage). The first species, C. kutasovi, belongs to a group with low cone shaped cups that first appeared in the Moscow Basin and then spread to the Midcontinent of North America. In one specimen of C. gerassimovi the smallest infrabasal plate is situated in the A ray, which is not typical for flexible crinoids. A poorly preserved crown of Cibolocrinus sp. from the Upper Carboniferous (Gzhelian Stage) of the Darvaz Ridge (western Pamir, central Tajikistan) is also described. The described specimens of Cibolocrinus from the Moscow Region and the Darvaz Ridge are the first reliable specimens of this genus described from Europe and Asia.  相似文献   

A distinctive fungal endophyte, Cashhickia acuminata nov. gen. et sp., is described from permineralized calamite roots from the Upper Pennsylvanian Grand-Croix cherts of France. Heavily infected roots contain numerous intracellular hyphae in the outer cortex that arise from a meshwork-like mycelium extending between cortical cells. All intracellular hyphae are oriented toward the root center; none occur on the inner periclinal host cell walls. Other roots of the same type show localized infection by this fungus in which isolated cortical cells contain or give rise to intracellular fungal growth. Within the cortical cells are host responses in the form of callosities that indicate the roots were alive at the time of infection. Other endophytes are present in the same host tissue but are less frequent. The discovery of this association provides the first detailed account on the morphology of a Carboniferous fungal root endophyte, as well as the spatial distribution within the host, and infection pathways within the cortical tissues.  相似文献   

本文报道了在桂东仁义剖面中上泥盆统巴漆组中一段八十余米厚地层中发现的牙形石3属10种(包括亚种)和腕足动物16属17种(包括属种未定类型).根据牙形石的组合分布,识别出Schmidtognathus hermanni带、Polygnathus cristatus带和Klapperina disparilis带上亚带,表...  相似文献   

The Afanasievo Quarry, approximately 90 km southeast of Moscow and about 5 km southwest of Voskresensk, starts with Late Moscovian limestone of the Peski Formation, which is overlain by shallow-water carbonates of the Krevyakinian Horizon (Substage) (Suvorovo and Voskresensk formations) and the lower part of the Khamovnikian Horizon (Substage) (Ratmirovo and Neverovo formations). These rocks were formed under the strong influence of glacio-eustatic sea-level fluctuations and are separated by the palaeosol horizons and minor stratigraphic gaps. The Moscovian–Kasimovian transition interval contains fusulinids, brachiopods, bryozoans, corals, and conodonts. It was recently proposed [Villa, E., Task Group, 2005. Report of the Task Group to establish GSSPs at the Moscovian–Kasimovian and Kasimovian-Gzhelian boundaries. Newsletter on Carboniferous Stratigraphy 23, 9–10] that the appearance of the conodont Idiognathodus sagittalis Kozitskaya is one of the best markers for definition of the base of the Kasimovian on the global chronostratigraphic scale. The first appearance of this species is 2 m above the base of Neverovo Formation, and is close to the first appearance of the fusulinid Montiparus in the section. The possible ancestor of I. sagittalis occurs in the lower Suvorovo Formation, but is more abundant and more advanced in the middle to upper parts of the Voskresensk Formation. This lineage has potential for defining a GSSP at the first appearance of I. sagittalis.  相似文献   

Studies carried out for more than 10 years by the Task Group to establish GSSPs at the base of the Moscovian–Kasimovian and Kasimovian–Gzhelian boundaries have resulted in the proposal that the level at which the conodont species Idiognathodus simulator (Ellison, 1941) first appears be selected to mark the base of the Gzhelian Stage. This expands this eastern European chronostratigraphic unit to a global scale.I. simulator (sensu Barrick et al., 2008) has been identified so far in Midcontinent and eastern North America, the Moscow and Donets basins and southern Urals of eastern Europe, and in south-central China. Correlation of this level based on this species and other conodont species can be reinforced in some areas by ammonoid and fusulinid data.  相似文献   

Ten different types of microproblematic structures occur on the surfaces, and in epidermal and hypodermal cells of fern pinnules preserved in the Late Pennsylvanian Grand-Croix cherts from France. These include thick-walled spheres, some with a prominent exit site, aggregations of variously sized spheres that may be surrounded by a membrane or sheath, a cylindrical structure composed of polygonal compartments, and branched hyphae/filaments with intercalary swellings protruding from a small opening in the surface (probably a stomatal pore). Some of the structures likely were produced by some fungal group, and may represent (resting) spores, microsclerotia, and conidiophores. The affinities of the others, and sometimes even their biological nature, remain difficult to determine. Nevertheless, documenting these structures is important because it provides the first indication for vascular plant leaves that were colonized by different types of organisms in a late Paleozoic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Three new species of the genus Ulocrinus, which is recorded for the first time in the Upper Carboniferous of the Moscow Region, are described. These are U. neverovoensis sp. nov. and U. karchevskyi sp. nov. from the Kasimovian Stage and U. grishini sp. nov. from the Gzhelian Stage. Intraspecific variability and structural variations in arms are considered. The uniserial arm structure is established for the first time in juvenile Ulocrinus. The sequence and causes of the acquisition of biserial arms in cromyocrinids are discussed.  相似文献   

A new conodont species, Antognathus vjatsheslavi sp. nov., is described from the Famennian shallow-water carbonate deposits of the Bolshoi (Greater) Karatau Range in southern Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

Thomas Olszewski 《Facies》1996,35(1):81-103
Summary The Iola Limestone is the open-marine, carbonate portion of a Midcontinent cyclothem. It represents the transgressive and highstand systems tracts of a stratigraphic sequence. The sequence begins with a type 1 sequence boundary at the base of the Chanute Shale, which underlies the Iola. This surface can be recognized by the presence of a paleosol and as much as 15 m of incision. Part of the Chanute is probably an estuarine valley-fill package and represents the lowstand systems tract. The lowest member of the Iola Limestone is the Paola Limestone Member. Its base is sharp and locally has a thin shell lag. This contact is the transgressive surface and represents the onset of open-marine, clear-water carbonate sedimentation. It is a ravinement surface cut by a winnowing environment that appears as a ‘kink’ in the base-level surface. Landward of this ‘kink’, sediment accumulated to a subaerial base-level, but seaward of it sediment did not accumulate above a subtidal threshold probably controlled by wave base. Facies formed during regression also show the influence of a ‘kink’ in base-level. The Paola itself is the lower part of the transgressive facies tract. Overlying the Paola is the Muncie Creck Shale Member; its lower part is black and fissile, contains phosphate nodules, no unequivocally benthic fossils, and no discernible trace fossils. However, this facies is not present everywhere; in much of southeastern Kansas and just north of Kansas City, Missouri, it has been removed by submarine erosion. The only clues that this facies was ever deposited are reworked diagenetic phosphate nodules that occur as a lag on a hardground on top of the Paola. Where black shale and the immediately overlying, relatively unfossiliferous gray shale have been preserved, they are overlain by a shelly lag that incorporates bored and encrusted micritic cobbles-strong evidence of reworking. This erosional surface is interpreted as the maximum flooding surface. Such an interpretation suggests that the black shale formed during sea-level rise and coastal transgression rather than at sea-level highstand. This is further supported by geochemical properties of Midcontinent black shales. Overlying the maximum flooding surface are a thin gray shale (within the Muncie Creek) and the Raytown Lime-stone Member. In southern Kansas, the limestone contains an extensive phylloid-algal mound. In the subsurface, the elongate Raytown mound is perpendicular to the outcrop belt; it directly overlies a Precambrian structural element called the Bourbon arch, suggesting subtle tectonic control. In northern Missouri and in Nebraska, the upper Raytown contains carbonate tidal-flat deposits. The existence of these two facies suggests that the Raytown was deposited while base-level was stable rather than during base-level drop. The aggradational algal mound built into a positive sea-floor feature and did not shift position through the duration of the cycle. Progradational carbonate tidal flats had the chance to develop in the northern part of the field area; if base-level had been dropping, rapid regression would likely not have permitted accumulation of this facies at the top of the limestone. Coarse-grained deposits, an oncolite in southern Kansas and bioclastic packstones and grainstones in northern Kansas, indicate that the mound aggraded up to a subtidal base-level, presumably controlled by wave base. The carbonate tidal flats, on the other hand, filled accommodation space up to a subaerial base-level as they prograded out over this surface. There must have been two base-levels—one subtidal and the other subaerial—connected by the previously mentioned base-level ‘kink’ at the coastline. The Lane Shale, typically gray-green and silty, overlies the Iola. In a core from northern Missouri, the Lane Shale directly overlying the Raytown contains clay slickensides and a breccia of ‘fitted’ carbonate clasts, indicating subaerial exposure and qualifying the base of the Lane Shale as the top boundary of the Iola sequence. In northwestern Missouri, the Iola changes from a relatively clay-free limestone to mostly dark-gray, calcareous mudrocks with thin shell stringers. This represents a part of the basin dominated by clastic input. Stratigraphic interpretation implies that the Muncie Creek black shale formed during accommodation space increase and shoreline transgression. This is consistent with recent geochemical studies of Midcontinent black shales. This lithology formed as inland peat swamps underwent ravinement and organic matter was flushed onto the shelf. An influx of nutrients and plant material made available by sea-level rise and transgression while sediment was trapped in nearshore accommodation space was the primary cause of sediment starvation and anoxia in the basin.  相似文献   

The Jisu Honguer Formation (“Zhesi Formation”) is a North China marine carbonate unit of Permian age containing a mixed fauna of Tethyan, Boreal and endemic elements. The age of the Jisu Honguer Formation has been thought to range from Artinskian to Kazanian based on previous studies using mostly benthic macrofossils. A typical Mesogondolella aserrata conodont fauna is reported from the lower part of the upper member of the Jisu Honguer Formation in the Ulanqub District, Zhesi area, of northern China. The fauna indicates a Middle Permian (Guadalupian) age, most likely late Wordian to early Capitanian, for the strata yielding conodonts. The whole Jisu Honguer Formation could be assigned to the Wordian to early Capitanian age. The overlying Yihewusu Formation is probably of Capitanian age. There are no Wuchiapingian marine deposits in the Zhesi area. As characteristic of the open sea Guadalupian conodont faunas of the Tethys, smooth Mesogondolella dominate the fauna. The view that all Tethyan Guadalupian conodont faunas consist exclusively of serrated Mesogondolella cannot be confirmed. Three new species are described: Mesogondolella neoprolongata C. - y. Wang, Mesogondolella mandulaensis C. - y. Wang and Wardlawella jisuensis C. - y. Wang.  相似文献   

Thin continental Carboniferous sequences crop out sparsely in the western Southern Alps (Alpe Logone, Mesenzana, Grantola, Bosco Valtravaglia-Fabiasco, Val Tresa, etc.) and are currently the subject of a detailed litho- and biostratigraphic revision, to reconsider their chronological position with respect to previously published age constraints. The age of these Upper Palaeozoic sedimentary successions, scattered over a wide area and strongly tectonized along major structural lineaments, has long been debated between Westphalian and Stephanian. The present work focuses mainly on the palynology of the Brezzo di Bèdero section (Luino, Lake Maggiore). The recovered palynoflora is assigned to 42 spore genera and 76 species of which one genus and 10 species are newly proposed. Fifty-seven spore species and 19 pollen species are described and illustrated. Qualitatively, the Bèdero palynoflora shows strong affinities to those of Western Europe. The most abundant palynomorphs are trilete spores known to be characteristics of the late Westphalian and early Stephanian assemblages. These are characterized by the remarkable presence of Florinites and subordinately Wilsonites species, low numbers of Potonieisporites, rare Limitisporites and Vesicaspora, and very rare Latensina-Cordaitina pollen. The occurrence of diverse monolete spores Laevigatosporites, Punctatosporites, Spinosporites, Thymospora and Torispora, with common Lundbladispora gigantea, L. simonii, Stenozonotriletes rubius n. sp. together with the absence of plicate and taeniate pollen grains suggests a strong resemblance to the late Westphalian–early Stephanian interval assigned to the OT Zone of Western Europe. Variations in the quantitative composition can be likely attributed to variations in the environmental setting with regards to non-forming peat deposits. The palynological suite is indicative of the existence of a well-established lowland Cordaiteans vegetation and well settled pterophytic, pteridosperm and subordinately sphenophytic and lycophytic, hygrophytic plant communities.  相似文献   

Anna I. Antoshkina 《Facies》2006,52(4):611-625
Nine major microfacies and eight transgressive-regressive cycles have been recognized in the middle Frasnian-Famennian microbial mound of the Shar'yu River section in the Chernyshev Swell, Timan-northern Ural region. Rocks including Palaeomicrocodium at the top of each cycle show signs of brecciation, freshwater leaching, and vadose cementation. Palaeomicrocodium, an enigmatic structure, being close in nature to Microcodium, is useful as a palaeoenvironmental indicator and can also be used in regional correlations. Seven levels of subaerial expose surfaces with Palaeomicrocodium correspond to seven breaks in growth of the microbial mound in the Upper Devonian reef-like formation. The high-amplitude sea-level changes recognized are in good correlation with those in the Moscow Syneclise and are also fixed on the global eustatic curve.  相似文献   

Filtration models make several predictions concerning the distribution of crinoids among benthic habitats: (1) generally, higher energy shoreward settings should contain crinoid assemblages dominated by taxa with dense mesh filtration fans; (2) generally, lower energy offshore settings should be dominated by crinoids with open mesh filtration fans; (3) diversity should be highest in nearshore settings, which generally contain low energy microhabitats within high energy settings where both dense fan and open fan forms can co-occur, whereas offshore assemblages should be dominated by open fan taxa; thus, open fan forms should be more eurytopic than dense fan forms. Also, previous empirical models for crinoid distribution patterns note that nearshore assemblages are dominated by large forms whereas offshore assemblages are dominated by small forms. Filtration fan morphology and body size interact significantly to determine how and where crinoids feed and thus are used here as criteria for distinguishing late Paleozoic crinoid guilds. The distribution patterns of crinoid taxa and guilds among the benthic paleoenvironments of the Upper Pennsylvanian (Missourian) Stanton Formation were used to test the predictions of the filtration models.

The results of quantitative analyses show that large, dense fan crinoids are significantly more abundant in shoreward assemblages than smaller, open fan crinoids, which are more abundant in offshore assemblages; these results are consistent with the aforementioned models. However, diversity patterns are not consistent with the filtration models, indicating that mid-depth and aerobic offshore assemblages are more taxonomically and trophically diverse than nearshore and dysaerobic offshore assemblages, ostensibly due to the overlapping ranges of characteristically nearshore and offshore taxa. Analysis of guild distribution patterns also indicates some contradictions to predicted patterns of stenotopy and eurytopy, indicating additional complexities to late Paleozoic crinoid paleoecology.

Five recurrent crinoid assemblages, or biofacies, have been identified from the Stanton Formation of midcontinent North America. The guild structure and diversity of these biofacies are characterized here as: (1) a moderate diversity nearshore biofacies dominated by large calyx, dense fan guilds; (2) a high diversity midshelf biofacies characterized by equitable contributions of many taxa and guilds; (3) a moderate diversity offshore biofacies dominated by non-pinnulate and small calyx, open fan pinnulate guilds; (4) a low diversity offshore dysaerobic biofacies dominated by small calyx pinnulate guilds; (5) a depauperate offshore biofacies dominated by a unique stalkless species, Paragassizocrinus tarri. Except for Biofacies 5, the number of guilds appears to increase offshore; however, the equitability of taxa among and within the guilds generally decreases offshore. This pattern indicates that the heterogeneity of resources, or the recognition by taxa of different classes of resources, as reflected by the variety of functional types, increased from nearshore to offshore, but that the abundance or accessibility of these resources, and/or the relaxation of competition within guilds, increased from offshore to nearshore.  相似文献   

Alice Giannetti  Tom McCann 《Ichnos》2013,20(2):137-161
A systematic survey of intrastratal trace fossil distribution in flysch deposits shows that the ichnocoenoses form along two radically different modes: 1. Post‐turbidite ichnocoenoses begin with synchronous colonization. Further development of the tiered structure depends primarily on sediment composition, textural profile and oxygen levels. Different species respond to these factors according to their oxygen tolerances, penetration potentials and nutritional requirements.

2. Pre‐turbidite ichnocoenoses result from successional colonization, depending on the duration of background sedimentation. The depth of subsequent turbidite erosion determines which tier becomes preserved.


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