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Functional evolution is often driven by positive natural selection. Although it is thought to be rare in evolution at the molecular level, its effects may be observed as the accelerated evolutionary rates. Therefore one of the effective ways to identify functional evolution is to identify accelerated evolution. Many methods have been developed to test the statistical significance of the accelerated evolutionary rate by comparison with the appropriate reference rate. The rates of synonymous substitution are one of the most useful and popular references, especially for large-scale analyses. On the other hand, these rates are applicable only to a limited evolutionary time period because they saturate quickly--i.e., multiple substitutions happen frequently because of the lower functional constraint. The relative rate test is an alternative method. This technique has an advantage in terms of the saturation effect but is not sufficiently powerful when the evolutionary rate differs considerably among phylogenetic lineages. For the aim to provide a universal reference tree, we propose a method to construct a standardized tree which serves as the reference for accelerated evolutionary rate. The method is based upon multiple molecular phylogenies of single genes with the aim of providing higher reliability. The tree has averaged and normalized branch lengths with standard deviations for statistical neutrality limits. The standard deviation also suggests the reliability level of the branch order. The resulting tree serves as a reference tree for the reliability level of the branch order and the test of evolutionary rate acceleration even when some of the species lineages show an accelerated evolutionary rate for most of their genes due to bottlenecking and other effects.  相似文献   

Newly metamorphosed juvenile sea urchins are highly variable across taxa. This contribution documents and illustrates structural, functional, and phylogenetic variation among newly metamorphosed juvenile sea urchins for 31 species from 12 ordinal or familial lineages. The classic juvenile with five primary podia, 20 interambulacral spines, and variable numbers of juvenile spines is found commonly among new metamorphs across lineages, but there are many examples, which depart from this pattern and most likely reflect adaptation to settlement habitats. At metamorphosis juveniles can have 5-25 functional podia. They can have 0-65 spines, 0 or 5 sphaeridia (balance organs). They may have zero or up to eight pedicellariae. While competent larvae that delay metamorphosis may continue to develop juvenile structures, variation across species is much greater than within species and there are strong phylogenetic and functional differences among juveniles. Heterochronic changes in expression of these structures can account for differences among taxa. Based on this sample, juvenile characters such as spines, podia, and larval pedicellariae are expressed in ways that suggest they are developmental modules whose expression can be readily changed relative to one another and to the time of metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Estimating Phylogenies of Species (EPoS) is a modular software framework for phylogenetic analysis, visualization and data management. It provides a plugin-based system that integrates a storage facility, a rich user interface and the ability to easily incorporate new methods, functions and visualizations. EPoS ships with persistent data management, a set of well-known phylogenetic algorithms and a multitude of tree visualization methods and layouts. Implemented algorithms cover distance-based tree construction, consensus trees and various graph-based supertree methods. The rendering system can be customized for, say, different edge and node styles.  相似文献   

Highlights? Many domains are erased along every lineage thus depriving genomes of building blocks. ? Novel domains are rare but spread rapidly in genomes and confer a high adaptive value. ? Novel domains arise in their own ORFs, by exonisation or extending ORFs. ? Rearrangements of proteins are evolutionary fast and drive molecular biodiversity. ? Rearrangements entail subtle but important adaptations, triggering gene family growth.  相似文献   

The main mechanisms shaping the modular evolution of proteins are gene duplication, fusion and fission, recombination and loss of fragments. While a large body of research has focused on duplications and fusions, we concentrated, in this study, on how domains are lost. We investigated motif databases and introduced a measure of protein similarity that is based on domain arrangements. Proteins are represented as strings of domains and comparison was based on the classic dynamic alignment scheme. We found that domain losses and duplications were more frequent at the ends of proteins. We showed that losses can be explained by the introduction of start and stop codons which render the terminal domains nonfunctional, such that further shortening, until the whole domain is lost, is not evolutionarily selected against. We demonstrated that domains which also occur as single-domain proteins are less likely to be lost at the N terminus and in the middle, than at the C terminus. We conclude that fission/fusion events with single-domain proteins occur mostly at the C terminus. We found that domain substitutions are rare, in particular in the middle of proteins. We also showed that many cases of substitutions or losses result from erroneous annotations, but we were also able to find courses of evolutionary events where domains vanish over time. This is explained by a case study on the bacterial formate dehydrogenases.  相似文献   

Live history evolution in Serpulimorph polychaetes: a phylogenetic analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The widely accepted hypothesis of plesiomorphy of planktotrophic, and apomorphy of lecithotrophic, larval development in marine invertebrates has been recently challenged as a result of phylogenetic analyses of various taxa. Here the evolution of planktotrophy and lecithotrophy in Serpulimorph polychaetes (families Serpulidae and Spirorbidae) was studied using a hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships in this group. A phylogenetic (parsimony) analysis of 36 characters (34 morphological, 2 developmental) was performed for 12 selected serpulid and 6 spirorbid species with known reproductive/developmental strategies. Four species of Sabellidae were used in the outgroup. The analysis yielded 4 equally parsimonious trees of 78 steps, with a consistency index (CI) of 0.654 (CI excluding uninformative characters is 0.625). Under the assumption of unweighted parsimony analysis, planktotrophic larvae are apomorphic and non-feeding brooded embryos are plesiomorphic in serpulimorph polychaetes. The estimated polarity of life history transitions may be strengthened by further studies demonstrating an absence of a unidirectional bias in planktotrophy-lecithotrophy transition in polychaetes.  相似文献   

apTreeshape: statistical analysis of phylogenetic tree shape   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
apTreeshape is a R package dedicated to simulation and analysis of phylogenetic tree topologies using statistical imbalance measures. It is a companion library of the R package 'ape', which provides additional functions for reading, plotting, manipulating phylogenetic trees and for connecting to public phylogenetic tree databases. One strength of the package is to include appropriate corrections of classical shape statistics as well as new tests based on the statistical theory of likelihood ratios.  相似文献   

Hahn MW 《Genome biology》2007,8(7):R141-9


Comparative genomic studies are revealing frequent gains and losses of whole genes via duplication and pseudogenization. One commonly used method for inferring the number and timing of gene gains and losses reconciles the gene tree for each gene family with the species tree of the taxa considered. Recent studies using this approach have found a large number of ancient duplications and recent losses among vertebrate genomes.


I show that tree reconciliation methods are biased when the inferred gene tree is not correct. This bias places duplicates towards the root of the tree and losses towards the tips of the tree. I demonstrate that this bias is present when tree reconciliation is conducted on both multiple mammal and Drosophila genomes, and that lower bootstrap cut-off values on gene trees lead to more extreme bias. I also suggest a method for dealing with reconciliation bias, although this method only corrects for the number of gene gains on some branches of the species tree.


Based on the results presented, it is likely that most tree reconciliation analyses show biases, unless the gene trees used are exceptionally well-resolved and well-supported. These results cast doubt upon previous conclusions that vertebrate genome history has been marked by many ancient duplications and many recent gene losses.  相似文献   

La D  Sutch B  Livesay DR 《Proteins》2005,58(2):309-320
In this report, we demonstrate that phylogenetic motifs, sequence regions conserving the overall familial phylogeny, represent a promising approach to protein functional site prediction. Across our structurally and functionally heterogeneous data set, phylogenetic motifs consistently correspond to functional sites defined by both surface loops and active site clefts. Additionally, the partially buried prosthetic group regions of cytochrome P450 and succinate dehydrogenase are identified as phylogenetic motifs. In nearly all instances, phylogenetic motifs are structurally clustered, despite little overall sequence proximity, around key functional site features. Based on calculated false-positive expectations and standard motif identification methods, we show that phylogenetic motifs are generally conserved in sequence. This result implies that they can be considered motifs in the traditional sense as well. However, there are instances where phylogenetic motifs are not (overall) well conserved in sequence. This point is enticing, because it implies that phylogenetic motifs are able to identify key sequence regions that traditional motif-based approaches would not. Further, phylogenetic motif results are also shown to be consistent with evolutionary trace results, and bootstrapping is used to demonstrate tree significance.  相似文献   

Study of structure/function relationships constitutes an important field of research, especially for modification of protein function and drug design. However, the fact that rational design (i.e. the modification of amino acid sequences by means of directed mutagenesis, based on knowledge of the three-dimensional structure) appears to be much less efficient than irrational design (i.e. random mutagenesis followed by in vitro selection) clearly indicates that we understand little about the relationships between primary sequence, three-dimensional structure and function. The use of evolutionary approaches and concepts will bring insights to this difficult question. The increasing availability of multigene family sequences that has resulted from genome projects has inspired the creation of novel in silico evolutionary methods to predict details of protein function in duplicated (paralogous) proteins. The underlying principle of all such approaches is to compare the evolutionary properties of homologous sequence positions in paralogs. It has been proposed that the positions that show switches in substitution rate over time--i.e., 'heterotachous sites'--are good indicators of functional divergence. However, it appears that heterotachy is a much more general process, since most variable sites of homologous proteins with no evidence of functional shift are heterotachous. Similarly, it appears that switches in substitution rate are as frequent when paralogous sequences are compared as when orthologous sequences are compared. Heterotachy, instead of being indicative of functional shift, may more generally reflect a less specific process related to the many intra- and inter-molecular interactions compatible with a range of more or less equally viable protein conformations. These interactions will lead to different constraints on the nature of the primary sequences, consistently with theories suggesting the non-independence of substitutions in proteins. However, a specific type of amino acid variation might constitute a good indicator of functional divergence: substitutions occurring at positions that are generally slowly evolving. Such substitutions at constrained sites are indeed much more frequent soon after gene duplication. The identification and analysis of these sites by complementing structural information with evolutionary data may represent a promising direction to future studies dealing with the functional characterization of an ever increasing number of multi-gene families identified by complete genome analysis.  相似文献   

Ren F  Ogishima S  Tanaka H 《Gene》2003,317(1-2):89-95
A new method for reconstructing phylogenetic relationships of within-host (patient) viral evolution from noncontemporaneous samples is presented. This method has two important features: noncontemporaneous viral samples can be dealt with by a simple computing algorithm, and both neutral and adaptive evolution patterns occurring during the process of viral evolution can be estimated. In our previous study, we proposed a preliminary formulation of this algorithm that was based on the maximum likelihood method. However, that preliminary formulation was difficult to use because the calculation of the likelihood required an extremely large amount of time and the number of possible tree topologies increased exponentially according to the increase in the number of viral variants. In this paper, we propose another new algorithm, referred to as a distance-based sequential-linking algorithm, in which the neighbor-joining method is employed for reconstruction of the longitudinal phylogenetic tree from serial viral samples. This algorithm is applied to a longitudinal data set of the env gene (V3 region) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) obtained over 7 years after the infection of a single patient. The results suggest that this method can successfully reconstruct a longitudinal phylogenetic tree from noncontemporaneous viral samples within a reasonable calculation time. This revised method proved to be a useful tool for estimating the dynamic process of within-host viral evolution.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic trees can be rooted by a number of criteria. Here, we introduce a Bayesian method for inferring the root of a phylogenetic tree by using one of several criteria: the outgroup, molecular clock, and nonreversible model of DNA substitution. We perform simulation analyses to examine the relative ability of these three criteria to correctly identify the root of the tree. The outgroup and molecular clock criteria were best able to identify the root of the tree, whereas the nonreversible model was able to identify the root only when the substitution process was highly nonreversible. We also examined the performance of the criteria for a tree of four species for which the topology and root position are well supported. Results of the analyses of these data are consistent with the simulation results.  相似文献   

Nucleotide transitions are frequently down-weighted relative to transversions in phylogenetic analysis. This is based on the assumption that transitions, by virtue of their greater evolutionary rate, exhibit relatively more homoplasy and are therefore less reliable phylogenetic characters. Relative amounts of homoplastic and consistent transition and transversion changes in mitochondrial protein coding genes were determined from character-state reconstructions on a highly corroborated phylogeny of mammals. We found that although homoplasy was related to evolutionary rates and was greater for transitions, the absolute number of consistent transitions greatly exceeded the number of consistent transversions. Consequently, transitions provided substantially more useful phylogenetic information than transversions. These results suggest that down-weighting transitions may be unwarranted in many cases. This conclusion was supported by the fact that a range of transition: transversion weighting schemes applied to various mitochondrial genes and genomic partitions rarely provided improvement in phylogenetic estimates relative to equal weighting, and in some cases weighting transitions more heavily than transversions was most effective.  相似文献   

PoInTree (Polar and Interactive Tree) is an application that allows to build, visualize, and customize phylogenetic trees in a polar, interactive, and highly flexible view. It takes as input a FASTA file or multiple alignment formats. Phylogenetic tree calculation is based on a sequence distance method and utilizes the Neighbor Joining (N J) algorithm. It also allows displaying precalculated trees of the major protein families based on Pfam classification. In PoInTree, nodes can be dynamically opened and closed and distances between genes are graphically represented. Tree root can be centered on a selected leaf. Text search mechanism, color-coding and labeling display are integrated. The visualizer can be connected to an Oracle database containing information on sequences and other biological data, helping to guide their interpretation within a given protein family across multiple species. The application is written in Borland Delphi and based on VCL Teechart Pro 6 graphical component (Steema software).  相似文献   

Distance-based methods are popular for reconstructing evolutionary trees of protein sequences, mainly because of their speed and generality. A number of variants of the classical neighbor-joining (NJ) algorithm have been proposed, as well as a number of methods to estimate protein distances. We here present a large-scale assessment of performance in reconstructing the correct tree topology for the most popular algorithms. The programs BIONJ, FastME, Weighbor, and standard NJ were run using 12 distance estimators, producing 48 tree-building/distance estimation method combinations. These were evaluated on a test set based on real trees taken from 100 Pfam families. Each tree was used to generate multiple sequence alignments with the ROSE program using three evolutionary models. The accuracy of each method was analyzed as a function of both sequence divergence and location in the tree. We found that BIONJ produced the overall best results, although the average accuracy differed little between the tree-building methods (normally less than 1%). A noticeable trend was that FastME performed poorer than the rest on long branches. Weighbor was several orders of magnitude slower than the other programs. Larger differences were observed when using different distance estimators. Protein-adapted Jukes-Cantor and Kimura distance correction produced clearly poorer results than the other methods, even worse than uncorrected distances. We also assessed the recently developed Scoredist measure, which performed equally well as more complex methods.  相似文献   



Orthology is one of the cornerstones of gene function prediction. Dividing the phylogenetic relations between genes into either orthologs or paralogs is however an oversimplification. Already in two-species gene-phylogenies, the complicated, non-transitive nature of phylogenetic relations results in inparalogs and outparalogs. For situations with more than two species we lack semantics to specifically describe the phylogenetic relations, let alone to exploit them. Published procedures to extract orthologous groups from phylogenetic trees do not allow identification of orthology at various levels of resolution, nor do they document the relations between the orthologous groups.  相似文献   

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