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Mounting evidence suggests that income inequality is associated with worse individual health. But does the visibility of inequality matter? Using data from a horticultural-foraging society of native Amazonians in Bolivia (Tsimane’), we examined whether village inequality in resources and behaviors with greater cultural visibility is more likely to bear a negative association with health than village inequality in less conspicuous resources. We draw on a nine-year annual panel (2002–2010) from 13 Tsimane’ villages for our main analysis, and an additional survey to gauge the cultural visibility of resources. We measured inequality using the Gini coefficient. We tested the robustness of our results using a shorter two-year annual panel (2008–2009) in another 40 Tsimane’ villages and an additional measure of inequality (coefficient of variation, CV). Behaviors with low cultural visibility (e.g., household farm area planted with staples) were less likely to be associated with individual health, compared to more conspicuous behaviors (e.g., expenditures in durable goods, consumption of domesticated animals). We find some evidence that property rights and access to resources matter, with inequality of privately-owned resources showing a larger effect on health. More inequality was associated with improved perceived health – maybe due to improved health prospects from increasing wealth – and worse anthropometric indicators. For example, a unit increase in the Gini coefficient of expenditures in durable goods was associated with 0.24 fewer episodes of stress and a six percentage-point lower probability of reporting illness. A one-point increase in the CV of village inequality in meat consumption was associated with a 4 and 3 percentage-point lower probability of reporting illness and being in bed due to illness, and a 0.05 SD decrease in age-sex standardized arm-muscle area. In small-scale, rural societies at the periphery of market economies, nominal economic inequality in resources bore an association with individual health, but did not necessarily harm perceived health. Economic inequalities in small-scale societies apparently matter, but a thick cultural tapestry of reciprocity norms and kinship ties makes their effects less predictable than in industrial societies.  相似文献   

We studied the sibling similarity in development of covariation among body size characters (body weight (W), body length (S) and head circumference (HC) in Tel Aviv infants from birth up to 2 years of age. We investigated the effects of parental geographic origin, profession, age, current residence, and of family size. Multiple regression analysis with "dummy" procedure established that none of these variables had any significant effect on the aforementioned anthropometric traits. The matrices of phenotypic and genetic correlations, based on sibling similarity data, among age-specific W, S, and HC (measured for 12 different ages) were subjected to principal component analysis in order to elucidate patterns over the age groups. The patterns of both analyses, phenotypic and genetic, were quite similar: one factor in each (first genetic and second phenotypic) had a high positive correlation with early, first 2-3 months of life, W, S, and HC. Three other extracted factors correlated strongly, each with late W, S, and HC, respectively. The results of additional principal component analyses of age-specific W, S, and HC matrices separately, indicate the possibility of existence of two genetic subsystems, the first determining early postnatal stages of human ontogeny, and the second, later phases of child development.  相似文献   

Growing evidence suggests that economic inequality in a community harms the health of a person. Using panel data from a small-scale, preindustrial rural society, we test whether individual wealth rank and village wealth inequality affects self-reported poor health in a foraging-farming native Amazonian society. A person's wealth rank was negatively but weakly associated with self-reported morbidity. Each step up/year in the village wealth hierarchy reduced total self-reported days ill by 0.4 percent. The Gini coefficient of village wealth inequality bore a positive association with self-reported poor health that was large in size, but not statistically significant. We found small village wealth inequality, and evidence that individual economic rank did not change. The modest effects may have to do with having used subjective rather than objective measures of health, having small village wealth inequality, and with the possibly true modest effect of a person's wealth rank on health in a small-scale, kin-based society. Finally, we also found that an increase in mean individual wealth by village was related to worse self-reported health. As the Tsimane' integrate into the market economy, their possibilities of wealth accumulation rise, which may affect their well-being. Our work contributes to recent efforts in biocultural anthropology to link the study of social inequalities, human biology, and human-environment interactions.  相似文献   

Research in industrial countries suggests that, with no other knowledge about a person, positive traits are attributed to taller people and correspondingly, that taller people have slightly better socioeconomic status (SES). However, research in some non-industrialized contexts has shown no correlation or even negative correlations between height and socioeconomic outcomes. It remains unclear whether positive traits remain attributed to taller people in such contexts. To address this question, here we report the results of a study in a foraging-farming society of native Amazonians in Bolivia (Tsimane')--a group in which we have previously shown little association between height and socioeconomic outcomes. We showed 24 photographs of pairs of Tsimane' women, men, boys, and girls to 40 women and 40 men >16 years of age. We presented four behavioral scenarios to each participant and asked them to point to the person in the photograph with greater strength, dominance, social concern, or knowledge. The pairs in the photographs were of the same sex and age, but one person was shorter. Tsimane' women and men attributed greater strength, dominance, and knowledge to taller girls and boys, but they did not attribute most positive traits to taller adults, except for strength, and more social concern only when women assessed other women in the photographs. These results raise a puzzle: why would Tsimane' attribute positive traits to tall children, but not tall adults? We propose three potential explanations: adults' expectations about the more market integrated society in which their children will grow up, height as a signal of good child health, and children's greater variation in the traits assessed corresponding to maturational stages.  相似文献   

In national samples of 9921 10 year olds and 3259 adults in Britain systolic blood pressure was inversely related to birth weight. The association was independent of gestational age and may therefore be attributed to reduced fetal growth. This suggests that the intrauterine environment influences blood pressure during adult life. It is further evidence that the geographical differences in average blood pressure and mortality from cardiovascular disease in Britain partly reflect past differences in the intrauterine environment. Within England and Wales 10 year olds living in areas with high cardiovascular mortality were shorter and had higher resting pulse rates than those living in other areas. Their mothers were also shorter and had higher diastolic blood pressures. This suggests that there are persisting geographical differences in the childhood environment that predispose to differences in cardiovascular mortality.  相似文献   

Shared polygenic effects (i.e., pleiotropy) are assumed to exist for such obesity-related phenotypes as blood pressure and adiposity. It is possible to identify these shared genetic effects through bivariate genetic analyses. This analysis of 1,342 adult Samoans, across 801 pedigrees, indicates that significant heritable components (P < 0.05) ranging from 29-58% exist for weight, height, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, triceps skinfold, subscapular skinfold, body mass index, and sum of skinfolds. In general, the anthropometric measurements share additive genetic effects, as do the anthropometric measures, with blood pressure. Heritabilities for central fat distribution are not significant in this population, which could be due to a lack of power. On the other hand, heritabilities have been found in Hispanics; hence the genes responsible for central fat distribution may not be evenly distributed among populations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To assess the association between sodium and potassium intake and the rise in blood pressure in childhood. DESIGN--Longitudinal study of a cohort of children with annual measurements during an average follow up period of seven years. SETTING--Epidemiological survey of the population of a suburban town in western Netherlands. SUBJECTS--Cohort of 233 children aged 5-17 drawn at random from participants in the population survey. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--At least six annual timed overnight urine samples were obtained. The mean 24 hour sodium and potassium excretion during the follow up period was estimated for each participant and the sodium to potassium ratio calculated. Individual slopes of blood pressure over time were calculated by linear regression analysis. RESULTS--No significant association was observed between sodium excretion and the change in blood pressure over time. The mean systolic blood pressure slopes, however, were lower when potassium intake was higher (coefficient of linear regression -0.045 mm Hg/year/mmol; 95% confidence interval -0.069 to -0.020), and the change in systolic pressure was greater when the urinary sodium to potassium ratio was higher (0.356 mm Hg/year/unit; 95% confidence interval 0.069 to 0.642). In relation to potassium this was interpreted as a rise in blood pressure that was on average 1.0 mm Hg (95% confidence interval -1.65 to -0.35) lower in children in the upper part of the distribution of intake compared with those in the lower part. The mean yearly rise in systolic blood pressure for the group as a whole was 1.95 mm Hg. Urinary electrolyte excretion was not associated with diastolic blood pressure. CONCLUSION--Dietary potassium and the dietary sodium to potassium ratio are related to the rise in blood pressure in childhood and may be important in the early pathogenesis of primary hypertension.  相似文献   

A total of 625 adolescents from three general practices participated in a cross-sectional study of cardiovascular disease risk factors. The girls had higher serum total and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol concentrations than the boys, while the boys had higher serum triglyceride concentrations. Smoking (equally prevalent in both sexes) was associated with lower HDL cholesterol concentrations, particularly in boys, while in girls use of oral contraceptives was associated with higher total cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol concentrations showed striking associations with age, height, and sexual maturation in boys, but not in girls. Triglyceride concentrations were associated with age in boys. Systolic blood pressure and serum urate concentrations were higher in boys and rose steeply with age, but no age association was seen for urate concentrations or systolic blood pressure in girls or for diastolic pressures in either sex. Girls, however, had higher diastolic pressures. There was a strong association between urate concentration and the other cardiovascular disease risk factors, especially HDL cholesterol. Adolescence is associated with considerable changes in cardiovascular disease risk factors, and there are striking sex differences in these changes.  相似文献   

Chronobiology, in its methodological evolution, developed data series analyses paying particular attention to blood pressure (BP), because of the importance of this biorhythmic variable for assessing the risk of developing hypertension. An example of the potentiality of the chronobiologic procedures is given in the present report which deals with the inferential analysis of the BP 24-h patterns in 3-12 year-old children. By using the chronobiologic methodology, time-qualified standards for BP are calculated. Rhythmometric parameters for circadian rhythm of systolic and diastolic components of BP are also computed. Data presented are a tangible outcome for emphasizing the introduction of chronobiology in epidemiology and pediatrics in order to optimize the primary prevention and care of hypertension taking as reference the chronobiologic standards of BP.  相似文献   

Blood samples were procured from the following populations of putatively pure Indians in Bolivia: 503 Aymará from the Altiplano and Yungas, 30 Chama, 11 Tacana, 14 Chácobo, 109 Itonama, 67 Moré, and 27 Sirionó from the Beni and lowland rainforest. Erythrocytes from these 761 specimens were tested for antigens in the A-B-O, M-N-S-s, P, Rh-Hr, Lutheran, Kell-Cellano, Lewis, Duffy, Kidd, and Diego systems, and for the Wright agglutinogen. The serum samples were tested for haptoglobins and transferrins; and hemolysates were prepared and examined for hemoglobin types. Results of these tests are presented as phenotypes and calculated gene frequencies on appropriate tables. A map is included to show the locations of the populations from which blood samples were obtained. Frequencies are generally high for the O gene, it being the only gene of the ABO system which appears in the Chama, Chácobo and Sirionó. The presence of A1, A2 or B genes in the Bolivian Indians is interpreted as being most probably of caucasoid introduction. Excepting the Sirionó the frequencies are high for M and low for N genes as is usual for Amerinds, the M gene being the only one detected in the Chama. The s gene frequency in high and the S low except in the small isolated Chácobo population in which S gene frequency is extremely high for Amerinds. Inbreeding and perhaps genetic drift in this small isolate may account for this aberrancy from normal. The Bolivian specimens presented the high frequencies for genes R1 (CDe) and R2 (cDE) and the low frequencies for genes r (cde) and R0 (cDe) usually observed in American Indians. The Lua factor was observed in only one of 120 Aymará at Santa Fe in the Yungas. The Lua factor, when observed in Amerinds, suggests foreign introduction of the responsible gene. Fya gene frequencies are consistently high and excepting the Aymará and Chama so also are Jka frequencies. Frequencies for the Diego (Dia) factor vary from 3.70% in 27 Sirionó to 73.33% in 30 Chama. No K, Mia, Vw or Wra antigens were demonstrable in the Indian blood samples from Bolivia. Phenotypes and calculated gene frequencies for haptoglobins and transferrins are presented. All Bolivian Indian bloods tested electrophoretically contained only hemoglobin (A) as a major component.  相似文献   

Although the vascular volume response of hypertensive men during exercise has been rather well characterized, the effect of resting heat exposure in this patient population has not been examined. This was done in the present report in seven men with high blood pressure (BP) (i.e., diastolic pressure greater than 12 kPa (90 mmHg) upon initial interview) and 5 normotensive control subjects. 50 min after each subject had consumed an amount of water equal to 1% of his body weight, he reclined on a cot. 10 min later the subject was carried into an environmental chamber equilibrated at Tdb = 45 degrees C, Twb = 28 degrees C. Free-flowing venous blood samples were obtained from a cubital vein, and BP and heart rate were measured, before the heat exposure and at 15 min intervals during the experiment. Within 30 min systolic, diastolic and mean BP of the high BP subjects had decreased to normal levels; no BP changes were detected in normotensive subjects. Accompanying this depressor response was an exaggerated elevation in plasma glucose concentration. No alterations were found with haematocrit, plasma osmolality or electrolytes, or total protein and albumin. The data suggest that heat exposure may have been more stressful for the subjects with high BP than for their controls. This finding implies that phasic depressor responses may be as important as phasic pressor episodes in the aetiology of established essential hypertension.  相似文献   

Variation in height and body proportions is relatively well-understood at the inter-population level, but less is known about intra-population variation. This study explores intra-population variation in body proportions among 172 (88 female; 84 male) adult rural Amazonians. We test the hypotheses that: (1) stunting is associated with changes in proportions and fatness; (2) the sexes express different proportions in response to similar environmental stress; and (3) female growth is negatively affected by the costs of reproduction. We examined height, sitting height, and total leg length in subsamples based on sex and nutritional status (stunted/nonstunted) in relation to biocultural factors including access to food and healthcare and female reproductive history parameters. Differences in proportions were examined using the Quick-Test (Tsutakawa and Hewett: Biometrics 33 (1977) 215-219); correlation analyses were used to detect associations between anthropometric data and body fatness, and female reproductive history parameters. We found significantly higher rates of stunting among females (X(2) = 5.31; P = 0.02; RR = 1.4). Stunted individuals exhibited relatively shorter legs than nonstunted individuals (P = 0.02), although this was not found in within-sex analyses. A significant negative correlation was found between leg length index and fatness (P < 0.01). Lastly, females exhibited relatively shorter legs than males (P = 0.0003) and, among females, height and leg length were significantly positively correlated with age-at-first-birth (P < 0.02) suggesting that adolescent pregnancy may negatively affect growth in this population. Our findings provide insights for the study of intra-population variation in body proportions and highlight the importance of biocultural data in interpreting the pattern of variation observed in living and past populations.  相似文献   

An anthropological investigation among the endogamous Telega population (106 adult individuals including 51 males and 55 females) in the district of Paschim Medinipur of West Bengal, India shows wide range of age-sex as well as diurnal variation of mean blood pressure (MBP) with reference to different nutritional status. Distribution of MBP shows distinct bias for sexes separately on different occasions and in association with age and other physiological conditions like menopause in females. Records of increase of blood pressure from morning to evening also indicate clear diurnal change in both male as well as in the female samples with some variations when compared between the two sexes. Results also help us to understand and to record the variation of blood pressure as a physiometric trait in the population under study. Data indicate that nearly 30% of males and more than 30% of females are living at the level of undernutrition. Nutritional status is measured by anthropometric measurements, e.g. height, weight, mid arm circumference (MUAC) and further calculation of body mass index (BMI). Distribution of MBP at different BMI and MUAC levels and Pearson correlation and regression analysis--all suggest that age, BMI and MUAC have significant impacts on BMI with some sex-related variations.  相似文献   

Gender differences in body composition, the prevalence in overweight and obesity as well as in physical activity patterns were tested among 3003 children and adolescents aging between 6 and 18 years (x = 12.1 +/- 3.6) in Vienna and rural parts of Eastern Austria. As to be expected, the absolute and relative amount of body fat was significantly higher among girls of nearly all age groups, while boys exhibited a significantly higher amount of lean or fat free body mass. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was markedly higher among prepubertal girls, however significantly lower among younger and older adolescent girls aging 11 years and older in comparison to their male counterparts. This was however only true of adolescents originating from Austria. Considering adolescents with a background of migration originating from Turkey or the Near East, a significantly higher amount of overweight and/or obesity was found among girls. Therefore, biocultural factors have to be considered to explain gender differences in obesity during childhood and adolescence.  相似文献   

Intrauterine and postnatal zinc restriction may result in an adverse environment for the development of cardiovascular and renal systems. This study evaluated the effects of moderate zinc deficiency during fetal life, lactation, and/or postweaning growth on systolic blood pressure, renal function, and morphology in adult life. Female Wistar rats received low (8 ppm) or control (30 ppm) zinc diets from the beginning of pregnancy up to weaning. After weaning, male offspring of each group of mothers were fed low or control zinc diet. Systolic blood pressure, creatinine clearance, proteinuria, renal morphology, renal apoptosis. and renal oxidative stress state were evaluated after 60 days. Zinc deficiency during pre- and postweaning growth induced an increase in systolic blood pressure and a decrease in the glomerular filtration rate associated with a reduction in the number and size of nephrons. Activation of renal apoptosis, reduction in catalase activity, glutathione peroxidase activity, and glutathione levels and increase in lipid peroxidation end products could explain these morphometric changes. Zinc deficiency through pre- and postweaning growth induced more pronounced renal alteration than postweaning zinc deficiency. These animals showed signs of renal fibrosis, proteinuria, increased renal apoptosis, and higher lipid peroxidation end products. A control diet during postweaning growth did not totally overcome renal oxidative stress damage, apoptosis, and fibrosis induced by zinc deficiency before weaning. In conclusion, zinc deficiency during a critical period of renal development and maturation could induce functional and morphological alterations that result in elevated blood pressure and renal dysfunction in adult life.  相似文献   

The correlations of blood pressure to various indices of muscularity and fatness were studied in 183 young healthy men (mean age 19.7, SD 2.1 years). Systolic pressure showed significant positive correlations with body fat percentage, isometric strength of trunk extensors, body mass index, lean body mass, strength of leg extensors, heart rate, and the sum of four skinfolds. Diastolic pressure had significant positive correlations with body mass index, lean body mass, body fat percentage, sum of skinfolds, strength of leg extensors, strength of trunk extensors, and age. A stepwise selective multiple regression analysis for systolic pressure resulted in four significantly correlating variables: body fat percentage (p less than 0.001), heart rate (p less than 0.01), lean body mass (p less than 0.05), and strength of trunk extensors per kg body weight (p less than 0.05). For diastolic pressure the analysis resulted in two explaining variables: body mass index (p less than 0.001) and age (p less than 0.05). In a regression equation with 13 variables the strength of trunk flexors was negatively correlated with diastolic pressure. It is concluded that both fatness and muscularity are factors related to blood pressure in young men. The muscularity effect is more clearly associated with trunk and leg extensor strength.  相似文献   

Instrumental social support, or aid in the form of labor or money, may exert a positive influence on economic welfare and food security. Several investigators have found a positive relationship between social support and nutritional status, while others have found a negative association between social support and central adiposity. In the rural Andes, extra‐household economic cooperation has long been an important adaptive strategy, and the breakdown of these relationships is one reason for high rates of rural‐to‐urban migration, including to the Bolivian city of El Alto. This research investigates the influence of instrumental support on women's body composition. Information was collected on individual perception of instrumental support and anthropometric indicators of nutritional status including percent body fat (bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)), BMI, and distribution of fat on trunk relative to limbs (Ratio of subscapular to triceps skinfold (STR)), and multiple linear regression analysis used to test the prediction that instrumental social support is positively related to body fat stores. Controlling for age and household socioeconomic status, perceived access to one or more sources of instrumental support was positively and significantly related to overall levels of adiposity. There is no evidence that STR mediates the relationship between instrumental social support and body composition. This analysis offers support for the prediction that economic social support has direct effects on women's energy stores. The interpretation of these results is somewhat ambiguous given the high levels of overweight and obesity in this population. Am J Phys Anthropol 152:51–57, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This investigation was designed to determine the role of intramuscular pressure-sensitive mechanoreceptors and chemically sensitive metaboreceptors in affecting the blood pressure response to dynamic exercise in humans. Sixteen subjects performed incremental (20 W/min) cycle exercise to fatigue under four conditions: control, exercise with thigh cuff occlusion of 90 Torr (Cuff occlusion), exercise with lower body positive pressure (LBPP) of 45 Torr, and a combination of thigh cuff occlusion and LBPP (combination). Indexes of central command (heart rate, oxygen uptake, ratings of perceived exertion, and electromyographic activity), cardiac output, stroke volume, and total peripheral resistance were not significantly different between the four conditions. Mechanical stimulation during LBPP and combination conditions resulted in significant elevations in intramuscular pressure and mean arterial pressure from control at rest and throughout the incremental exercise protocol (P < 0.05). Conversely, there existed no significant changes in mean arterial pressure when the metaboreflex was stimulated by cuff occlusion. These findings suggest that under normal conditions the mechanoreflex is tonically active and is the primary mediator of exercise pressor reflex-induced alterations in arterial blood pressure during submaximal dynamic exercise in humans.  相似文献   

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