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A model was developed to predict spatial glass transition temperature (T(g)) distributions in glassy maltodextrin particles during transient moisture sorption. The simulation employed a numerical mass transfer model with a concentration dependent apparent diffusion coefficient (D(app)) measured using Dynamic Vapor Sorption. The mass average moisture content increase and the associated decrease in T(g) were successfully modeled over time. Large spatial T(g) variations were predicted in the particle, resulting in a temporary broadening of the T(g) region. Temperature modulated differential scanning calorimetry confirmed that the variation in T(g) in nonequilibrated samples was larger than in equilibrated samples. This experimental broadening was characterized by an almost doubling of the T(g) breadth compared to the start of the experiment. Upon reaching equilibrium, both the experimental and predicted T(g) breadth contracted back to their initial value.  相似文献   

Hydrated soy-proteins display different macroscopic properties below and above approximately 25% moisture. This is relevant to the food industry in terms of processing and handling. Quasi-elastic neutron spectroscopy of a large globular soy-protein, glycinin, reveals that a similar moisture-content dependence exists for the microscopic dynamics as well. We find evidence of a transition analogous to those found in smaller proteins, when investigated as a function of temperature, at the so-called dynamical transition. In contrast, the glass transition seems to be unrelated. Small proteins are good model systems for the much larger proteins because the relaxation characteristics are rather similar despite the change in scale. For dry samples, which do not show the dynamical transition, the dynamics of the methyl group is probably the most important contribution to the QENS spectra, however a simple rotational model is not able to explain the data. Our results indicate that the dynamics that occurs above the transition temperature is unrelated to that at lower temperatures and that the transition is not simply related to the relaxation rate falling within the spectral window of the spectrometer.  相似文献   

Experimental and computer simulation studies have revealed the presence of a glass-like transition in the internal dynamics of hydrated proteins at approximately 200 K involving an increase of the amplitude of anharmonic dynamics. This increase in flexibility has been correlated with the onset of protein activity. Here, we determine the driving force behind the protein transition by performing molecular dynamics simulations of myoglobin surrounded by a shell of water. A dual heat bath method is used with which, in any given simulation, the protein and solvent are held at different temperatures, and sets of simulations are performed varying the temperature of the components. The results show that the protein transition is driven by a dynamical transition in the hydration water that induces increased fluctuations primarily in side chains in the external regions of the protein. The water transition involves activation of translational diffusion and occurs even in simulations where the protein atoms are held fixed.  相似文献   

Katkov II  Levine F 《Cryobiology》2004,49(1):62-82
The glass transition temperature (Tg) of a sample is an important parameter that determines its stability during storage. While Tg can be measured by a variety of methods, it is a time-consuming procedure, especially if the sample is to be kept at subzero temperatures, in anhydrous conditions, or if sampling a portion of the specimen for analysis is cumbersome. Hence, predicting rather than directly measuring Tg as a function of the content of the constituents of a blend, mixture, or solution can be a powerful tool. Two main models for predicting Tg have been proposed: Couchman-Karasz (C-K) and Gordon-Taylor (G-T) formalisms. However, many aspects of both are theoretical/terminological in nature, and substantial controversy exists about the various experimental approaches to measuring Tg as well. Here, we compare C-K and G-T formalisms, as well as related problems that arise from the variety of definitions and methods of measuring Tg. Water-trehalose solutions are used as an example for application of the analysis. However, the same conclusions can be expanded to any other solutions so thermodynamical parameters (Tg, DeltaCp, and k) of 20 other commonly used solutes are provided. Practical pitfalls related to determining water content, including experimental data on thermal gravimetry, are also discussed.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(20):3874-3882
The purpose of this study was to clarify the glass-transition behavior of bacteria (Cronobacter sakazakii) as a function of water activity (aw). From the water sorption isotherm (298 K) for C. sakazakii, monolayer water content and monolayer aw were determined to be 0.0724 g/g-dry matter and 0.252, respectively. Mechanical relaxation was investigated at 298 K. In a higher aw range of over 0.529, the degree of mechanical relaxation increased with an increase in aw. From the effect of aw on the degree of mechanical relaxation, the mechanical awc (aw at which mechanical glass transition occurs at 298 K) was determined to be 0.667. Mean-square displacement of atoms in the bacteria was investigated by incoherent elastic neutron scattering. The mean-square displacement increased gradually with an increase in temperature depending on the aw of samples. From the linear fitting, two or three dynamical transition temperatures (low, middle, and high Tds) were determined at each aw. The low-Td values (142–158 K) were almost independent from aw. There was a minor effect of aw on the middle Td (214–234 K) except for the anhydrous sample (261 K). The high Td (252–322 K) largely increased with the decrease in aw. From the aw dependence of the high Td, the dynamical awc was determined to be 0.675, which was almost equivalent to the mechanical awc. The high Td was assumed to be the glass-transition temperature (Tg), and anhydrous Tg was estimated to be 409 K. In addition, molecular relaxation time (τ) of the bacteria was calculated as a function of aw. From the result, it is suggested that the progress of metabolism in the bacterial system requires a lower τ than approximately 6 × 10?5 s.  相似文献   

Fibroblast activation protein (FAP) and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) are highly homologous serine proteases of the prolyl peptidase family and therapeutic targets for cancer and diabetes, respectively. Both proteases display dipeptidyl peptidase activity, but FAP alone has endopeptidase activity. FAP Ala657, which corresponds to DPP-4 Asp663, is important for endopeptidase activity; however, its specific role remains unclear, and it is unknown whether conserved DPP-4 substrate binding residues support FAP endopeptidase activity. Using site-directed mutagenesis and kinetic analyses, we show here that Ala657 and five conserved active site residues (Arg123, Glu203, Glu204, Tyr656, and Asn704) promote FAP endopeptidase activity via distinct mechanisms of transition state stabilization (TSS). The conserved residues provide marked TSS energy for both endopeptidase and dipeptidyl peptidase substrates, and structural modeling supports their function in binding both substrates. Ala657 also stabilizes endopeptidase substrate binding and additionally dictates FAP reactivity with transition state inhibitors, allowing tight interaction with tetrahedral intermediate analogues but not acyl-enzyme analogues. Conversely, DPP-4 Asp663 stabilizes dipeptidyl peptidase substrate binding and permits tight interaction with both transition state analogues. Structural modeling suggests that FAP Ala657 and DPP-4 Asp663 confer their contrasting effects on TSS by modulating the conformation of conserved residues FAP Glu204 and DPP-4 Glu206. FAP therefore requires the combined function of Ala657 and the conserved residues for endopeptidase activity.  相似文献   

Chen T  Bhowmick S  Sputtek A  Fowler A  Toner M 《Cryobiology》2002,44(3):1582-306
Although mixtures of HES and sugars are used to preserve cells during freezing or drying, little is known about the glass transition of HES, or how mixtures of HES and sugars vitrify. These difficulties may be due to the polydispersity between HES samples or differences in preparation techniques, as well as problems in measuring the glass transition temperature (T(g)) using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). In this report, we examine the T(g) of mixtures of HES and trehalose sugar with <1% moisture content using DSC measurements. By extrapolating these measurements to pure HES using the Gordon-Taylor and Fox equations, we were able to estimate the T(g) of our HES sample at 44 degrees C. These results were additionally confirmed by using mixtures of glucose-HES which yielded a similar extrapolated T(g) value. Our approach to estimating the glass transition temperature of HES may be useful in other cases where glass transitions are not easily identified.  相似文献   

Purpose: Coupling the potential for bone regeneration and the ability for in situ controlled drug release in a single device is a challenging field of research in bone tissue engineering; in an attempt to pursue this aim, mesoporous bioactive glass (MBG) membranes belonging to the SiO2-P2O5-CaO ternary system were produced and characterized. Methods: The glass was synthesized via a sol-gel route coupled with an evaporation-induced self-assembly process by using a non-ionic block co-polymer as a mesostructure former. MBG structure and morphology, as well as mesopores size and shape, were investigated by x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and N2 adsorption-desorption measurements. In vitro bioactivity was investigated by soaking MBG membranes in simulated body fluid (SBF) for different time frames. Ibuprofen was encapsulated into MBG pores and drug release kinetics in SBF were assessed. Biological tests by using SAOS-2 cells were performed to assess the material cytocompatibility. Results: The material revealed significant ability to induce hydroxyapatite formation on its surface (bioactivity). Drug release kinetics in SBF are very similar to those obtained for mesoporous silica having mesopore size comparable to that of the prepared MBG (~5 nm). No evidence of cell viability depression was detected during in vitro culture, which demonstrates the good biological compatibility of the material. Conclusions: The easiness of tailoring and shaping, the highly bioactive and biocompatible behavior, and the drug uptake/release ability of the prepared materials may suggest their use as "smart" multifunctional grafts for bone reconstructive surgery.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations using AMB06C, an in-house carbohydrate force field, (NPT ensembles, 1 atm) were carried out on a periodic cell that contained a cyclic 240 glucose residue amylose fragment (c-DP-240) and TIP3P water molecules. Molecular conformation and movement of the amylose fragment and water molecules at different temperatures were examined. The periodic cell volume, density, and potential energy were determined at temperatures above and below the glass transition temperature (Tg) in 25 K increments. The amorphous cell is constructed through successive dynamic equilibration steps at temperatures above the assumed Tg value and the temperature successively lowered until several temperature points were obtained below Tg. Molecular dynamics simulations were continued for at least 500 ps or until the volume drift stopped and remained constant for several hundred picoseconds. The Tg values were found by noting the discontinuity in slope of the volume (V), potential energy (PE), or density (ρ) versus 1/T. The changes in flexibility and motion of the amylose chain as well as differences in self diffusion coefficients of water molecules are described. The final average Tg value found (316 K) is in agreement with experimental values, i.e. 320 K.  相似文献   

Park JW  Green MM 《Chirality》2002,14(2-3):209-214
This short review and interpretation of work conducted in the authors' laboratory concerns the use of atropisomeric 1,1'-binaphthyl derivatives to gain information about the glassy properties of polymers. Bridged binaphthyls appended with oligophenyl paddles are found to yield a series of probes whose racemization kinetics reveal new kinds of information concerning the basis of the time scale and length scale for the restrictions to motion and the heterogeneity of the polymeric glassy state. Because the time scale of the racemization is slower than all other glass probes used previously, new kinds of information were gained for the first time below the glass transition temperature.  相似文献   

Developing a detailed understanding of the structure and energetics of protein folding transition states is a key step in describing the folding process. The phi-value analysis approach allows the energetic contribution of side-chains to be mapped out by comparing wild-type with individual mutants where conservative changes are introduced. Studies where multiple substitutions are made at individual sites are much rarer but are potentially very useful for understanding the contribution of each element of a side-chain to transition state formation, and for distinguishing the relative importance of specific packing versus hydrophobic interactions. We have made a series of conservative mutations at multiple buried sites in the N-terminal domain of L9 in order to assess the relative importance of specific side-chain packing versus less specific hydrophobic stabilization of the transition state. A total of 28 variants were prepared using both naturally occurring and non-naturally occurring amino acids at six sites. Analysis of the mutants by NMR and CD showed no perturbation of the structure. There is no correlation between changes in hydrophobicity and changes in stability. In contrast, there is excellent linear correlation between the hydrophobicity of a side-chain and the log of the folding rate, ln(k(f)). The correlation between ln(k(f)) and the change in hydrophobicity holds even for substitutions that change the shape and/or size of a side-chain significantly. For most sites, the correlation with the logarithm of the unfolding rate, ln(k(u)), is much worse. Mutants with more hydrophobic amino acid substitutions fold faster, and those with less hydrophobic amino acid substitutions fold slower. The results show that hydrophobic interactions amongst core residues are an important driving force for forming the transition state, and are more important than specific tight packing interactions. Finally, a number of substitutions lead to negative phi-values and the origin of these effects are described.  相似文献   

Cellular genomes are vulnerable to an array of DNA-damaging agents, of both endogenous and environmental origin. Such damage occurs at a frequency too high to be compatible with life. As a result cell death and tissue degeneration, aging and cancer are caused. To avoid this and in order for the genome to be reproduced, these damages must be corrected efficiently by DNA repair mechanisms. Eukaryotic cells have multiple mechanisms for the repair of damaged DNA. These repair systems in humans protect the genome by repairing modified bases, DNA adducts, crosslinks and double-strand breaks. The lesions in DNA are eliminated by mechanisms such as direct reversal, base excision and nucleotide excision. The base excision repair eliminates single damaged-base residues by the action of specialized DNA glycosylases and AP endonucleases. Nucleotide excision repair excises damage within oligomers that are 25 to 32 nucleotides long. This repair utilizes many proteins to remove the major UV-induced photoproducts from DNA, as well as other types of modified nucleotides. Different DNA polymerases and ligases are utilized to complete the separate pathways. The double-strand breaks in DNA are repaired by mechanisms that involve DNA protein kinase and recombination proteins. The defect in one of the repair protein results in three rare recessive syndromes: xeroderma pigmentosum, Cockayne syndrome, and trichothiodystrophy. This review describes the biochemistry of various repair processes and summarizes the clinical features and molecular mechanisms underlying these disorders.  相似文献   

Small deformation dynamic oscillation was used to develop an index of physical significance for the rationalisation of the mechanical properties of high co-solute/biopolymer systems during vitrification. The index is based on the combined framework of Williams–Landel–Ferry equation with the free volume theory and is called the ‘rheological glass transition temperature, Tg’ thus differentiating it from the empirical calorimetric Tg used in thermal analysis. The rheological Tg is located at the conjunction of two distinct molecular processes, namely: free-volume effects in the glass transition region and the predictions of the reaction-rate theory in the glassy state. The method of reduced variables was used to shift the mechanical spectra of shear moduli to composite curves. The temperature dependence of shift factors for all materials was identical provided that they were normalised at suitably different reference temperatures, which reflect iso-free-volume states. The treatment makes free volume the overriding parameter governing the mechanical relaxation times during vitrification of high co-solute/biopolymer systems regardless of physicochemical characteristics. We believe that potential applications resulting from this fundamental work are numerous for the food and pharmaceutical industries.  相似文献   

The paper constitutes an attempt to overcome the empiricism prevalent in the estimation of the glass transition temperature (Tg) of gelatin networks using rheological techniques. In doing so, it presents a study of the viscoelastic properties of a well-characterised gelatin sample covering the structural properties from the rubbery region to the glassy state. The pattern of oscillatory behaviour on shear is given by a master curve produced by shifting data obtained at different temperatures along the logarithmic time scale. Data reduction does not hold for all temperatures thus giving rise to thermorheological complexity. Within the temperature range at which molecular processes are represented by a simple distribution of relaxation times, a fundamental argument is developed to pinpoint the mechanical Tg. This should improve confidence in measured glassy properties over the empirical indicators found in the literature. As a demonstration, the glass transition temperature of gelatin at "zero moisture" obtained using the proposed framework of analysis is contrasted with earlier attempts to identify the mechanical Tg of gelatin solids.  相似文献   

The glass transition behaviour of amorphous malto-oligomers from dimer to hexamer was investigated as a function of diluent (water) concentration using differential scanning calorimetry. The glass transition temperatures of the pure compounds ranged from 364 K for maltose to 448 K for maltohexaose. At low diluent concentrations the addition of water strongly depressed Tg. From the measurement of Tg and the heat capacity increment, delta Cp, of the transition for the pure compounds it was possible to predict the Tg of the malto-oligomer/water mixtures using a thermodynamic approach developed by Couchman. From the measurements on the malto-oligomers it was possible to obtain, by extrapolation, the high DP limits of delta Cp and Tg, which are appropriate to amylose and amylopectin. The predicted variation of Tg with diluent concentration for these materials was compared with the experimentally observed behaviour.  相似文献   

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