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Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian–Tithonian) and Cretaceous (Berriasian–Barremian) strata of the Ukrainian part of the Carpathian Foredeep basement are rich, at least locally, in crinoid remains. Crinoids belonging to cyrtocrinids (Cyrtocrinida) are represented by whole cups, isolated remains of disarticulated cups, brachial plates and columnals. They are assigned to the following taxa: Cyrtocrinida indet., Eugeniacrinites cf. cariophilites (von Schlotheim), Lonchocrinus sp., Phyllocrinus stellaris Zaręczny, Ascidicrinus pentagonus (Jaekel), Gammarocrinites sp., Psalidocrinus armatus (Zittel), Psalidocrinus sp., and Hemibrachiocrinidae gen. indet. Cyrtocrinids are associated with other stalked (isocrinids, Isocrinida and millericrinids, Millericrinida) and stemless (saccocomids, Roveacrinida) crinoids. Columnals, pluricolumnals, brachial plates, and cirrals of isocrinids are assigned to Balanocrinus sp., Isocrinina fam. et subfam. indet., and columnals of millericrinids to Millericrinida indet. Free-living roveacrinids are assigned to Saccocoma sp. and Crassicoma sp. Knowledge on Jurassic and Cretaceous crinoids formerly described from Ukraine is discussed. Although majority of crinoids described herein seems to be allochthonous, autochthonous forms were also found with certainty in some intervals. These include some cyrtocrinids, which dominate in shallow-water environments of the Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep basement. Isocrinids are also common in this shallow marine environment, whereas sessile saccocomids are assigned to low-energy, mud-supported bottom, open marine, outer-platform/upper slope, and relatively deep environments.  相似文献   

Giuseppe Santi 《Ichnos》2013,20(1-2):91-104
In the Collio Formation (Lower Permian) of the South-Apine region (North Italy) paleobiodiversity consists of tetrapod footprints, invertebrate traces and rarer plants, and is characterized by an absolute poverty of taxa that becomes more acute from the lower to the upper part of the Collio Formation. Regionally, the drop in diversity can be explained by joint tectonic and climatic change; humid evergreen environments became mainly dry. Examination of ichnofossil distribution supports this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers are given of 15 species of the genusHieracium L. s. str., representing seven species groups (in the sense of Flora Europaea, roughly corresponding to Zahn's “species principales”) from the Krkono?e Mts., N. Bohemia and SW Poland. For the first time chromosome numbers are reported forH. melanocephalum Tausch (2n=27),H. tubulosum Tausch (2n=36),H. schustleri Zlatník (2n=36),H. fritzei F. Schultz (2n=27),H. rohlenae Zlatník (2n=27),H. nigrescens Willd. (2n=36),H. decipiens Tausch (2n=36),H. atrellum Juxip inSchischkin etBobrov (2n=27),H. subnigrescens (Fries exNorrlin)Dahlst. (2n=36),H. sudeticum Sternberg (2n=36),H. pedunculare Tausch (2n=36),H. glandulosodentatum Uechtr. (2n=36),H. wimmeri Uechtr. (2n=27). InHieracium alpinum L. s. str. the number 2n=27 has been confirmed. The results show a high proportion of tetraploid taxa; no diploids have been found.  相似文献   

The siliciclastic, up to 4,000 m thick Upper Triassic–Bajocian Shemshak Formation is widespread across the Iran Plate, especially in the Alborz Mountains of northern Iran. In contrast to its lower, generally non-marine part, the upper part is marine. Based on the Tazareh section of the eastern Alborz, an integrated analysis of this marine interval is presented. The 1,700 m thick marine sedimentary succession records a gradual deepening from inner to mid and outer shelf environments from the Middle Toarcian to early Late Aalenian. During the Late Aalenian–Early Bajocian, the trend was reversed and infilling of the basin by a large delta system occurred. This general facies development reflects a nearly symmetrical transgressive–regressive (T–R) megacycle, terminated by the inter-regional mid-Cimmerian tectonic event. A renewed transgression in the early Late Bajocian initiated a subsequent sedimentary megacycle. The bioturbated mid and outer shelf sediments contain a low to moderately diverse benthic fauna dominated by deep burrowing bivalves, often preserved in the growth position. A hierarchy of four orders of sedimentary cycles can be recognized (parasequences, parasequence sets, unconformity-bounded third-order depositional sequences, and the 13 ma long second-order T–R megacycle). A regional correlation with the Jajarm area (200 km to the east) shows a very similar temporal facies pattern of the upper Shemshak Formation. The eastern Alborz T–R cycle is completely out-of-phase with other (eustatic) sea-level curves, suggesting regional tectonic control. Rough estimates of subsidence rates give an average value of 126 m/ma. However, much higher values for the Aalenian (230 m/ma), particularly the Late Aalenian (700 m/ma), indicate a distinct increase in subsidence rate towards the Early Bajocian mid-Cimmerian tectonic event. These high subsidence rates suggest that the sediments of the Shemshak Formation of the eastern Alborz formed in a (young) rift basin.  相似文献   

Three sections of the Gachal Formation, Tang-e Vaveila, Rahdar, and Bakhshi, located in the Kalmard area near the Tabas town (Central Iran) are revised. Tang-e Vaveila is dated as latest Tournaisian (upper MFZ8) to early Viséan (upper MFZ9); Rahdar is latest Tournaisian (latest MFZ8); and Bakhshi exposes the whole early Viséan (lower and upper MFZ9) succession. The upper MFZ8 subzone is indicated by the presence of Eoparastaffellina ex gr. rotunda; the lower MFZ9 subzone by the appearance of Eoparastaffella ex gr. simplex, and the upper MFZ9 subzone by the more or less concomitant appearances of Eostaffella and Lapparentidiscus. Among the foraminiferal assemblages, the endothyroids and loeblichioids are diversified, whereas the eoparastaffellins, tournayelloids and lituotubelloids remain rare. Regionally, the tetrataxins are interesting, because five species of Tetrataxis succeed one another across the MFZ9 biozone. Rich populations of Eotextularia were also observed. Incertae sedis algae are relatively diversified with the classical moravamminales and aoujgaliales. An interesting true alga is mentioned, but left in open nomenclature, as Epimastoporeae indet. Among the other microfossils, Cryptophyllus, Hamulusella?, Draffania, and hexaphyllids are noteworthy. The new taxa are: Eoparastaffellinae n. subfam., Endolaxina paralaxa n. sp., and Vissarionovella? iranica n. sp.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2018,17(8):495-503
The Zabuk Formation of the Derik Group exposed over much of south-eastern Turkey presents a succession composed of shallow marine and fluvial siliciclastic sedimentary rocks. The Lower Cambrian assemblages containing abundant anemone-style trace fossils are known from most major palaeocontinents such as Laurentia, Baltica, and Gondwana. These have possible affinities with semi-infaunal dwelling anemones on siliciclastic mid-latitude shelves of West Gondwana in early Fortunian deposits. Among them is Bergaueria, characterized by plug-shaped burrows as exemplified by Bergaueria perata, that is, a characteristic trace fossil of the Cambrian globally.  相似文献   

Fefilova  E. B. 《Biology Bulletin》2021,48(8):1231-1235
Biology Bulletin - The morphological characters and biology of the copepod genus Nordodiaptomus Wilson from temporary waterbodies lying in the northern part of the middle taiga belt of the Komi...  相似文献   

The heptadecapeptide nociceptin/orphanin FQ (N/OFQ) is the endogenous ligand for the N/OFQ peptide (NOP) receptor. It is cleaved from a larger precursor identified as prepronociceptin (ppN/OFQ). NOP is a member of the seven transmembrane-spanning G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) family. ppN/OFQ and NOP receptors are widely distributed in different human tissues. Asthma is a complex heterogeneous disease characterized by variable airflow obstruction, bronchial hyper-responsiveness and chronic airway inflammation. Limited therapeutic effectiveness of currently available asthma therapies warrants identification of new drug compounds. Evidence from animal studies suggests that N/OFQ modulates airway contraction and inflammation. Interestingly up regulation of the N/OFQ–NOP system reduces airway hyper-responsiveness. In contrast, inflammatory cells central to the inflammatory response in asthma may be both sources of N/OFQ and respond to NOP activation. Hence paradoxical dysregulation of the N/OFQ–NOP system may potentially play an important role in regulating airway inflammation and airway tone. To date there is no data on N/OFQ–NOP expression in the human airways. Therefore, the potential role of N/OFQ–NOP system in asthma is unknown. This review focuses on its physiological effects within airways and potential value as a novel asthma therapy.  相似文献   

The amyloid-β(25-35) peptide plays a key role in the etiology of Alzheimer's disease due to its extreme toxicity even in the absence of aging. Because of its high tendency to aggregate and its low solubility in water, the structure of this peptide is still unknown. In this work, we sought to understand the early stages of aggregation of the amyloid-β(25-35) peptide by conducting simulations of oligomers ranging from monomers to tetramers. Our simulations show that although the monomer preferentially adopts a β-hairpin conformation, larger aggregates have extended structures, and a clear transition from compact β-hairpin conformations to extended β-strand structures occurs between dimers and trimers. Even though β-hairpins are not present in the final architecture of the fibril, our simulations indicate that they play a critical role in fibril growth. Our simulations also show that β-sheet structures are stabilized when a β-hairpin is present at the edge of the sheet. The binding of the hairpin to the sheet leads to a subsequent destabilization of the hairpin, with part of the hairpin backbone dangling in solution. This free section of the peptide can then recruit an extra monomer from solution, leading to further sheet extension. Our simulations indicate that the peptide must possess sufficient conformational flexibility to switch between a hairpin and an extended conformation in order for β-sheet extension to occur, and offer a rationalization for the experimental observation that overstabilizing a hairpin conformation in the monomeric state (for example, through chemical cross-linking) significantly hampers the fibrillization process.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》1988,152(4):241-249
The electronic absorption, EPR and MCD spectra of NO derivatives of both ferrous and ferric cytochrome c (horse heart) have been measured in the pH region 2.0 to 12.9, in order to elucidate the pH dependence of the stereochemistry around the heme group. The reaction products of NO with ferrous cytochrome c in equilibrium were as follows: in the region 2.0 ⩽ pH ⩽ 5.3, NO–ferrous cytochrome c; in the region 5.3 < pH ⩽ 11.0, a mixture of NO–ferrous cytochrome c and native ferrous cytochrome c; at pH 12.0, NO–ferrous cytochrome c. At pH 2.0, the NO–ferrous cytochrome c contained a five-coordinate nitrosylheme as the major component and a six-coordinate species as the minor component, and at the order pH values it contained only the six-coordinate species. The reaction products of NO with ferric cytochrome c in equilibrium were as follows: in the region 2.0 ⩽ pH ⩽ 7.2, NO–ferric cytochrome c with six-coordinate nitrosylheme; in the region 7.2 < pH ⩽ 11.0, a mixture of NO–ferrous cytochrome c and native ferrous cytochrome c; at pH 12.0, NO–ferrous cytochrome c. Thus, the reaction of NO with ferric cytochrome c results in the formation of NO–ferrous cytochrome c, which is a typical case of reductive nitrosylation.  相似文献   

The aim of the work was to compare the alder pollen seasons in the years 1997–2017 in Sosnowiec. The measurements of pollen concentration were taken with the volumetric method using Burkard’s apparatus. The impact of atmospheric conditions on the daily alder pollen grain concentration, the annual totals, and the duration of pollen seasons were studied. The dependency between each meteorological condition and different features of the alder pollen season was determined by using Pearson’s correlation coefficients, variance analysis with multiple comparison tests, and the linear regression model using backward elimination. It was proven that the temperatures directly preceding the pollination, i.e. the January and February temperatures as well as those from the period from 210 to 180 days preceding the beginning of the season, have the greatest impact on the beginning of the alder pollen season. The value of the daily alder pollen concentration in Sosnowiec showed a positive statistically significant correlation with the air temperature and sunshine duration and a negative correlation with the thickness of the snow cover and air relative humidity. The daily concentration also depended on the type of the weather front, direction of air mass inflow, and the type of the inflowing air mass. The season temperatures and the thermal conditions which were present in the summer of the preceding year impacted the annual totals (SPI) of the alder pollen grains.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton primary production, nutrient concentrations and turbidity were monitored at three stations in the Oosterschelde during 1980–1984 as part of an ecosystem study.From comparisons of dissolved nutrient ratios with the nutrient requirements of phytoplankton, and of ambient nutrient concentrations with half-saturation constants for nutrient uptake by natural phytoplankton populations it was concluded that silicate was a limiting nutrient for diatoms after the spring bloom until the end of the summer. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphate were not considered to be limiting to phytoplankton growth.In general, the phytoplankton growing season started during the first fortnight of April and ended at the end of September. Column production in the whole Oosterschelde varied between 201 and 540 g C m–2 yr–1 and was, on average, 25% higher in the western part than in the eastern part. Basin production in the Oosterschelde varied between 120 and 466 g C m–2 yr–1 and was, on average, 55% higher in the western part than in the eastern part; this difference could be explained by differences in the ratio of euphotic depth to mean depth of the compartments.Estimated carbon-specific growth rates in the eastern part varied between < 0.1 and 3 d–1 and in the western part between < 0.1 and 1 d–1. This difference could be explained by the great differences in depth of the compartments. Carbon-specific growth rates are discussed in relation to phytoplankton loss rates. It is suggested that in the eastern part sedimentation must be an important sink for phytoplankton.Communication no. 473 of the Delta Institute for Hydrobiological Research, Yerseke, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

The vertebrate fauna of the Cretaceous Blackleaf Formation of southwest Montana remains largely undocumented. A microsite (BL1) discovered in the Flood Member in the Lima Peaks area, Montana, consists of a green siltstone and yields taxa previously unreported from the formation, including several dinosaurs: a hypsilophodont, dromaeosaurid, tyrannosauroid, hadrosaurid and an ankylosaurian. Non-dinosaurian taxa include goniopholidid and Bernissartia crocodilians; Glyptops, cf. chelydrid and other turtles and at least two neopterygiian fish. This diversity corresponds well with the fluvial–deltaic–estuarine environment interpreted for the uppermost unit of the Flood Member. Taphonomic data and sedimentologic relationships suggest that this assemblage represents a floodplain depression accumulation. Comparisons with contemporaneous faunas from around the Western Interior of the USA suggest a remarkably consistent faunal makeup, at least at the family level, existed across western North America in the mid-Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Agayeva  L. N.  Abdinova  A. A.  Akhmedova  S. R.  Akhmedov  N. A. 《Biophysics》2021,66(4):531-534
Biophysics - The spatial structure of the ACTH-(7–10) molecule, a 7–10 fragment of the adrenocorticotropic hormone, with the Phe–Arg–Trp–Gly amino-acid sequence was...  相似文献   

This paper marks the silver jubilee in 1982 of the Limnological Institute, The Netherlands. It describes the history, present research programme and organisation of the Institute, as well as its cooperative studies with other institutes and its training facilities.Some remarks about its future plans of work are made.  相似文献   

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