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Chordates comprise three major groups, cephalochordates (amphioxus), tunicates (urochordates), and vertebrates. Since cephalochordates were the early branching group, comparisons between amphioxus and other chordates help us to speculate about ancestral chordates. Here, I summarize accumulating data from functional studies analyzing amphioxus cis-regulatory modules (CRMs) in model systems of other chordate groups, such as mice, chickens, clawed frogs, fish, and ascidians. Conservatism and variability of CRM functions illustrate how gene regulatory networks have evolved in chordates. Amphioxus CRMs, which correspond to CRMs deeply conserved among animal phyla, govern reporter gene expression in conserved expression domains of the putative target gene in host animals. In addition, some CRMs located in similar genomic regions (intron, upstream, or downstream) also possess conserved activity, even though their sequences are divergent. These conservative CRM functions imply ancestral genomic structures and gene regulatory networks in chordates. However, interestingly, if expression patterns of amphioxus genes do not correspond to those of orthologs of experimental models, some amphioxus CRMs recapitulate expression patterns of amphioxus genes, but not those of endogenous genes, suggesting that these amphioxus CRMs are close to the ancestral states of chordate CRMs, while vertebrates/tunicates innovated new CRMs to reconstruct gene regulatory networks subsequent to the divergence of the cephalochordates. Alternatively, amphioxus CRMs may have secondarily lost ancestral CRM activity and evolved independently. These data help to solve fundamental questions of chordate evolution, such as neural crest cells, placodes, a forebrain/midbrain, and genome duplication. Experimental validation is crucial to verify CRM functions and evolution.  相似文献   

In chordates, early separation of cell fate domains occurs prior to the final specification of ectoderm to neural and non-neural as well as mesoderm to dorsal and ventral during development. Maintaining such division with the establishment of an exact border between the domains is required for the formation of highly differentiated structures such as neural tube and notochord. We hypothesized that the key condition for efficient cell fate separation in a chordate embryo is the presence of a positive feedback loop for Bmp signaling within the gene regulatory network (GRN), underlying early axial patterning. Here, we therefore investigated the role of Bmp signaling in axial cell fate determination in amphioxus, the basal chordate possessing a centralized nervous system. Pharmacological inhibition of Bmp signaling induces dorsalization of amphioxus embryos and expansion of neural plate markers, which is consistent with an ancestral role of Bmp signaling in chordate axial patterning and neural plate formation. Furthermore, we provided evidence for the presence of the positive feedback loop within the Bmp signaling network of amphioxus. Using mRNA microinjections we found that, in contrast to vertebrate Vent genes, which promote the expression of Bmp4, amphioxus Vent1 is likely not responsible for activation of cephalochordate ortholog Bmp2/4. Cis-regulatory analysis of amphioxus Bmp2/4, Admp and Chordin promoters in medaka embryos revealed remarkable conservation of the gene regulatory information between vertebrates and basal chordates. Our data suggest that emergence of a positive feedback loop within the Bmp signaling network may represent a key molecular event in the evolutionary history of the chordate cell fate determination.  相似文献   

 The hedgehog family of intercellular signalling molecules have essential functions in patterning both Drosophila and vertebrate embryos. Drosophila has a single hedgehog gene, while vertebrates have evolved at least three types of hedgehog genes (the Sonic, Desert and Indian types) by duplication and divergence of a single ancestral gene. Vertebrate Sonic-type genes typically show conserved expression in the notochord and floor plate, while Desert- and Indian-type genes have different patterns of expression in vertebrates from different classes. To determine the ancestral role of hedgehog in vertebrates, I have characterised the hedgehog gene family in amphioxus. Amphioxus is the closest living relative of the vertebrates and develops a similar body plan, including a dorsal neural tube and notochord. A single amphioxus hedgehog gene, AmphiHh, was identified and is probably the only hedgehog family member in amphioxus, showing the duplication of hedgehog genes to be specific to the vertebrate lineage. AmphiHh expression was detected in the notochord and ventral neural tube, tissues that express Sonic-type genes in vertebrates. This shows that amphioxus probably patterns its ventral neural tube using a molecular pathway conserved with vertebrates. AmphiHh was also expressed on the left side of the pharyngeal endoderm, reminiscent of the left-sided expression of Sonic hedgehog in chick embryos which forms part of a pathway controlling left/right asymmetric development. These data show that notochord, floor plate and possibly left/right asymmetric expression are ancestral sites of hedgehog expression in vertebrates and amphioxus. In vertebrates, all these features have been retained by Sonic-type genes. This may have freed Desert-type and Indian-type hedgehog genes from selective constraint, allowing them to diverge and take on new roles in different vertebrate taxa. Received: 20 July 1998 / Accepted: 23 September 1998  相似文献   

The neural crest is an embryonic cell population unique to vertebrates. During vertebrate embryogenesis, neural crest cells are first induced from the neural plate border; subsequently, they delaminate from the dorsal neural tube and migrate to their destination, where they differentiate into a wide variety of derivatives. The emergence of the neural crest is thought to be responsible for the evolution of many complex novel structures of vertebrates that are lacking in invertebrate chordates. Despite its central importance in understanding the origin of vertebrates, the evolutionary origin of the neural crest remains elusive. The basal chordate amphioxus (Branchiostoma floridae) occupies an outgroup position that is useful for investigating this question. In this review, I summarize recent genomic and comparative developmental studies between amphioxus and vertebrates and discuss their implications for the evolutionary origin of neural crest cells. I focus mainly on the origin of the gene regulatory network underlying neural crest development, and suggest several hypotheses regarding how this network could have been assembled during early vertebrate evolution.  相似文献   

We previously described the cDNA cloning and expression patterns of actin genes from amphioxus Branchiostoma floridae (Kusakabe, R., Kusakabe, T., Satoh, N., Holland, N.D., Holland, L.Z., 1997. Differential gene expression and intracellular mRNA localization of amphioxus actin isoforms throughout development: implications for conserved mechanisms of chordate development. Dev. Genes Evol. 207, 203–215). In the present paper, we report the characterization of cDNA clones for actin genes from a closely related species, Branchiostoma belcheri, and the exon–intron organization of B. floridae actin genes. Each of these two amphioxus species has two types of actin genes, muscle and cytoplasmic. The coding and non-coding regions of each type are well-conserved between the two species. A comparison of nucleotide sequences of muscle actin genes between the two species suggests that a gene conversion may have occurred between two B. floridae muscle actin genes BfMA1 and BfMA2. From the conserved positions of introns between actin genes of amphioxus and those of other deuterostomes, the evolution of deuterostome actin genes can be inferred. Thus, the presence of an intron at codon 328/329 in vertebrate muscle and cytoplasmic actin genes but not in any known actin gene in other deuterostomes suggests that a gene conversion may have occurred between muscle and cytoplasmic actin genes during the early evolution of the vertebrates after separation from other deuterostomes. A Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA revealed that the amphioxus genome contains multiple muscle and cytoplasmic actin genes. Some of these actin genes seem to have arisen from recent duplication and gene conversion. Our findings suggest that the multiple genes encoding muscle and cytoplasmic actin isoforms arose independently in each of the three chordate lineages and that gene duplications and gene conversions established the extant actin multigene family during the evolution of chordates.  相似文献   

The vertebrates share the ability to produce a skeleton made of mineralized extracellular matrix. However, our understanding of the molecular changes that accompanied their emergence remains scarce. Here, we describe the evolutionary history of the SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine) family, because its vertebrate orthologues are expressed in cartilage, bones and teeth where they have been proposed to bind calcium and act as extracellular collagen chaperones, and because further duplications of specific SPARC members produced the small calcium-binding phosphoproteins (SCPP) family that is crucial for skeletal mineralization to occur. Both phylogeny and synteny conservation analyses reveal that, in the eumetazoan ancestor, a unique ancestral gene duplicated to give rise to SPARC and SPARCB described here for the first time. Independent losses have eliminated one of the two paralogues in cnidarians, protostomes and tetrapods. Hence, only non-tetrapod deuterostomes have conserved both genes. Remarkably, SPARC and SPARCB paralogues are still linked in the amphioxus genome. To shed light on the evolution of the SPARC family members in chordates, we performed a comprehensive analysis of their embryonic expression patterns in amphioxus, tunicates, teleosts, amphibians and mammals. Our results show that in the chordate lineage SPARC and SPARCB family members were recurrently recruited in a variety of unrelated tissues expressing collagen genes. We propose that one of the earliest steps of skeletal evolution involved the co-expression of SPARC paralogues with collagenous proteins.  相似文献   

The single amphioxus Hox cluster contains 15 genes and may well resemble the ancestral chordate Hox cluster. We have sequenced the Hox genomic complement of the European amphioxus Branchiostoma lanceolatum and compared it to the American species, Branchiostoma floridae, by phylogenetic footprinting to gain insights into the evolution of Hox gene regulation in chordates. We found that Hox intergenic regions are largely conserved between the two amphioxus species, especially in the case of genes located at the 3' of the cluster, a trend previously observed in vertebrates. We further compared the amphioxus Hox cluster with the human HoxA, HoxB, HoxC, and HoxD clusters, finding several conserved noncoding regions, both in intergenic and intronic regions. This suggests that the regulation of Hox genes is highly conserved across chordates, consistent with the similar Hox expression patterns in vertebrates and amphioxus.  相似文献   

All vertebrates have directional asymmetries in the organization of their internal organs. In jawed vertebrates, development of asymmetry is controlled by a conserved molecular pathway that includes Pitx2, which is expressed by lateral plate mesoderm cells on the left side of the embryo. Pitx2 is a member of the Pitx homeobox gene family, the expression of which also marks stomodeal ectoderm and the adenohypophysis. Here we report the characterization of Pitx genes from Branchiostoma floridae (an amphioxus) and Ciona intestinalis (a urochordate), representatives of two basal chordate lineages and successively deeper outgroups to the vertebrates. Expression of B. floridae Pitx is similar to that reported from B. belcheri, a different amphioxus species. Expression of the Ciona Pitx ortholog in the embryonic primordial pharynx and adult neural complex leads us to propose the Ciona primordial pharynx and ciliated funnel are homologous to the adenohypophyseal placode and adenohypophysis, respectively. Additionally, in both species we identify asymmetrical left-sided expression of Pitx genes during embryonic development. This shows that asymmetrical Pitx gene expression, and by inference directional asymmetry, evolved before the radiation of living chordates and should be considered a chordate character.  相似文献   

All chordates share a basic body plan and many common features of early development. Anteroposterior (AP) regions of the vertebrate neural tube are specified by a combinatorial pattern of Hox gene expression that is conserved in urochordates and cephalochordates. Another primitive feature of Hox gene regulation in all chordates is a sensitivity to retinoic acid during embryogenesis, and recent developmental genetic studies have demonstrated the essential role for retinoid signalling in vertebrates. Two AP regions develop within the chordate neural tube during gastrulation: an anterior 'forebrain-midbrain' region specified by Otx genes and a posterior 'hindbrain-spinal cord' region specified by Hox genes. A third, intermediate region corresponding to the midbrain or midbrain-hindbrain boundary develops at around the same time in vertebrates, and comparative data suggest that this was also present in the chordate ancestor. Within the anterior part of the Hox-expressing domain, however, vertebrates appear to have evolved unique roles for segmentation genes, such as Krox-20, in patterning the hindbrain. Genetic approaches in mammals and zebrafish, coupled with molecular phylogenetic studies in ascidians, amphioxus and lampreys, promise to reveal how the complex mechanisms that specify the vertebrate body plan may have arisen from a relatively simple set of ancestral developmental components.  相似文献   

Subdivision of the neuroectoderm into three rows of cells along the dorsal-ventral axis by neural identity genes is a highly conserved developmental process. While neural identity genes are expressed in remarkably similar patterns in vertebrates and invertebrates, previous work suggests that these patterns may be regulated by distinct upstream genetic pathways. Here we ask whether a potential conserved source of positional information provided by the BMP signaling contributes to patterning the neuroectoderm. We have addressed this question in two ways: First, we asked whether BMPs can act as bona fide morphogens to pattern the Drosophila neuroectoderm in a dose-dependent fashion, and second, we examined whether BMPs might act in a similar fashion in patterning the vertebrate neuroectoderm. In this study, we show that graded BMP signaling participates in organizing the neural axis in Drosophila by repressing expression of neural identity genes in a threshold-dependent fashion. We also provide evidence for a similar organizing activity of BMP signaling in chick neural plate explants, which may operate by the same double negative mechanism that acts earlier during neural induction. We propose that BMPs played an ancestral role in patterning the metazoan neuroectoderm by threshold-dependent repression of neural identity genes.  相似文献   

Vertebrate Hairy genes are highly pleiotropic and have been implicated in numerous functions, such as somitogenesis, neurogenesis and endocrine tissue development. In order to gain insight into the timing of acquisition of these roles by the Hairy subfamily, we have cloned and studied the expression pattern of the Hairy gene(s) in amphioxus. The cephalochordate amphioxus is widely believed to be the living invertebrate more closely related to vertebrates, the genome of which has not undergone the massive gene duplications that took place early during vertebrate evolution. Surprisingly, we have isolated eight Hairy genes from the 'pre-duplicative' amphioxus genome. In situ hybridisation on amphioxus embryos showed that Hairy genes had experienced a process of subfunctionalisation that is predicted in the DDC model (for duplication-degeneration-complementation). Only the summation of four out of the eight Amphi-Hairy genes expression resembles the expression pattern of vertebrate Hairy genes, i.e. in the central nervous system, presomitic mesoderm, somites, notochord and gut. In addition, Amphi-Hairy genes expression suggest that amphioxus early somites are molecularly prefigured in an anteroposterior sequence in the dorsolateral wall of the archenteron, and the presence of a midbrain/hindbrain boundary. The expansion of the amphioxus Hairy subfamily request for caution when deducing the evolutionary history of a gene family in chordates based in the singularity of the amphioxus genome. Amphioxus may resemble the ancestor of the vertebrates, but it is not the ancestor, only its closest living relative, a privileged position that should not assume the freezing of its genome.  相似文献   

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