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Rapid rainfall events can be responsible for a large proportion of annual nutrient and carbon loading from a watershed. The bioavailability of organic matter during these rapid loading events increases, suggesting that storms play a relevant role in the mobilization of potentially labile terrestrial carbon. A high correlation between river discharge rates and dissolved and particulate nutrient and carbon concentrations during autumn and winter storms was observed in several temperate Pacific Northwest rivers. Dissolved and particulate lignin concentrations also increased with river discharge; for example, in October 2009 dissolved lignin concentrations increased roughly 240% with a 200% increase in river discharge. During these storms a unique phenolic composition was observed for dissolved lignin that was rapidly mobilized from surface soils relative to the base flow of dissolved lignin. The observed increase in Ad/Al ratios with discharge indicates that rapidly mobilized dissolved lignin is more degraded than the base flow of dissolved lignin. Similarly, a marked increase in C/V ratios and decrease in the S/V ratio of dissolved lignin phenols with increasing river discharge was observed. These results may indicate a difference in source between mobilized and base flow pools, or, more likely, preferential degradation and mobilization/retention of specific lignin phenols. The cumulative results from this year-long data set indicate that a shallow nutrient-rich pool of particulate and dissolved organic matter accumulates in watersheds during periods of soil-saturation deficiency (summer). Autumn and winter storms mobilize this pool of accumulated nutrients from surface soils, which is exhausted with successive winter storms.  相似文献   

Weather extremes are one important element of ongoing climate change, but their impacts are poorly understood because they are, by definition, rare events. If the frequency and severity of extreme weather events increase, there is an urgent need to understand and predict the ecological consequences of such events. In this study, we aimed to quantify the effects of snow storms on nest survival in Antarctic petrels and assess whether snow storms are an important driver of annual breeding success and population growth rate. We used detailed data on daily individual nest survival in a year with frequent and heavy snow storms, and long term data on petrel productivity (i.e., number of chicks produced) at the colony level. Our results indicated that snow storms are an important determinant of nest survival and overall productivity. Snow storm events explained 30% of the daily nest survival within the 2011/2012 season and nearly 30% of the interannual variation in colony productivity in period 1985–2014. Snow storms are a key driver of Antarctic petrel breeding success, and potentially population dynamics. We also found state‐dependent effects of snow storms and chicks in poor condition were more likely to die during a snow storm than chicks in good condition. This stresses the importance of considering interactions between individual heterogeneity and extreme weather events to understand both individual and population responses to climate change.  相似文献   

This study compares obesity as assessed by Body Mass Index (BMI) and the relationship of BMI to hypertension and diabetes in adult females from three populations, the Mississippi Band of Choctaw (N=50), American Samoa (N=155), and an African American community in West Alabama (N=367). These groups were surveyed in the early to mid 1990s. All three groups of women have very high levels of overweight and obesity, with the Samoans being most extreme in this regard. While there are indications that all three groups of women consume a calorically dense diet, low activity appears to be the most likely causal factor in the high rates of obesity. Relaxed negative attitudes toward an overweight/obese body image may also play a role in the high rates. The prevalences of hypertension and diabetes are alarmingly high in all three groups. There are, however, very different associations between BMI, hypertension, and diabetes in the three groups of women. The Samoans are substantially more obese (and older), but they have lower rates of hypertension than the African American women and lower rates of diabetes than the Choctaw women. While the genetic background of the three groups no doubt plays a role, it is also likely that a BMI of 30+, the common cutoff for obesity, means different things in these different populations. These results provide further support for the idea of variation in the relationship of BMI to disease in different populations.  相似文献   

Climate change is causing more frequent and intense storms, and climate models predict this trend will continue, potentially affecting wildlife populations. Since 1960 the number of days with >20 mm of rain increased near Punta Tombo, Argentina. Between 1983 and 2010 we followed 3496 known-age Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) chicks at Punta Tombo to determine how weather impacted their survival. In two years, rain was the most common cause of death killing 50% and 43% of chicks. In 26 years starvation killed the most chicks. Starvation and predation were present in all years. Chicks died in storms in 13 of 28 years and in 16 of 233 storms. Storm mortality was additive; there was no relationship between the number of chicks killed in storms and the numbers that starved (P = 0.75) or that were eaten (P = 0.39). However, when more chicks died in storms, fewer chicks fledged (P = 0.05, R 2 = 0.14). More chicks died when rainfall was higher and air temperature lower. Most chicks died from storms when they were 9–23 days old; the oldest chick killed in a storm was 41 days old. Storms with heavier rainfall killed older chicks as well as more chicks. Chicks up to 70 days old were killed by heat. Burrow nests mitigated storm mortality (N = 1063). The age span of chicks in the colony at any given time increased because the synchrony of egg laying decreased since 1983, lengthening the time when chicks are vulnerable to storms. Climate change that increases the frequency and intensity of storms results in more reproductive failure of Magellanic penguins, a pattern likely to apply to many species breeding in the region. Climate variability has already lowered reproductive success of Magellanic penguins and is likely undermining the resilience of many other species.  相似文献   

Certain carbonate deposits in the Upper Jurassic succession of the western High Atlas mountains of Morocco are interpreted as having resulted from periodic storms operating on very shallow marine or supratidal sediments. Such storm deposits or “tempestites” are thought to be much more common than is usually recognized, and in certain climatic situations they are likely to be the rule rather than the exception.  相似文献   

Climate change scientists predict an increased intensity of storms (cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons) in the future. Intense storms facilitate plant invasion by increasing resource availability, reducing competition and increasing opportunities for propagule dispersal. We document here the state of current understanding about the response of invasive plant species to intense storms and suggest that the structure and function of forests in storm‐prone regions may be much altered in the future as a result of weed invasion. Intense storms provide a large spatial and temporal window of opportunity for invasion and empirical research demonstrates growth and recruitment rates of invasive species increase following such events, and they spread readily. In particular, lianas and woody invasive species that are shade tolerant and recruit from the seedling layer may constitute the greatest threat to tropical forests following storm events. Forests persisting in fragmented landscapes will be exposed to some of the most severe consequences of intense storms and subsequent weed invasion. In storm‐prone regions, forests of the future are likely to experience a decrease in diversity of native species and homogenization of communities at landscape and regional scales, slower rates of forest succession, increasing degradation of forest fragments and ultimately a decrease in ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Prolonged and severe periods of inclement weather can retard gonadal development in early spring or disrupt the breeding cycle in summer. Previous investigations on the endocrine responses of free-living avian species to storms have been restricted almost entirely to males. This communication presents the endocrine responses of free-living female Song sparrows, Melospiza melodia, during gonadal recrudescence after a severe winter, and during storms in early spring and summer. As in males, gonadal recrudescence was delayed by the severe winter weather, and this effect was exacerbated by an aseasonal snow storm in early spring. Unlike males, female Song sparrows did appear to be stressed by this snow storm, since body mass and fat deposit decreased, and plasma levels of corticosterone increased. A second storm in early summer did not, however, prove to be stressful to females, although males were apparently stressed by the same storm. At the time the early summer storm occurred, young had been fledged and were being fed mostly by the male. Females begin preparing for a second clutch of eggs and do not feed fledglings to the same extent as males. Thus it is possible that males are stressed by storms at this time, because they are feeding several young as well as themselves during a period of reduced availability of food, whereas females are feeding themselves only. These data suggest that, not only do the endocrine responses to inclement weather vary in relation to stage in the reproductive cycle when storms strike, but also that there are sex differences in those responses.  相似文献   

Damage due to wind‐storms and droughts is increasing in many temperate forests, yet little is known about the long‐term roles of these key climatic factors in forest dynamics and in the carbon budget. The objective of this study was to estimate individual and coupled effects of droughts and wind‐storms on adult tree mortality across a 31‐year period in 115 managed, mixed coniferous forest stands from the Western Alps and the Jura mountains. For each stand, yearly mortality was inferred from management records, yearly drought from interpolated fields of monthly temperature, precipitation and soil water holding capacity, and wind‐storms from interpolated fields of daily maximum wind speed. We performed a thorough model selection based on a leave‐one‐out cross‐validation of the time series. We compared different critical wind speeds (CWSs) for damage, wind‐storm, and stand variables and statistical models. We found that a model including stand characteristics, drought, and storm strength using a CWS of 25 ms?1 performed the best across most stands. Using this best model, we found that drought increased damage risk only in the most southerly forests, and its effect is generally maintained for up to 2 years. Storm strength increased damage risk in all forests in a relatively uniform way. In some stands, we found positive interaction between drought and storm strength most likely because drought weakens trees, and they became more prone to stem breakage under wind‐loading. In other stands, we found negative interaction between drought and storm strength, where excessive rain likely leads to soil water saturation making trees more susceptible to overturning in a wind‐storm. Our results stress that temporal data are essential to make valid inferences about ecological impacts of disturbance events, and that making inferences about disturbance agents separately can be of limited validity. Under projected future climatic conditions, the direction and strength of these ecological interactions could also change.  相似文献   

Climate models predict a dramatic increase in the annual frequency and severity of extreme weather events during the next century. Here we show that increases in the annual frequency of severe storms lead to a decrease in the diversity and complexity of food webs of giant kelp forests, one of the most productive habitats on Earth. We demonstrate this by linking natural variation in storms with measured changes in kelp forest food web structure in the Santa Barbara Channel using structural equation modeling (SEM). We then match predictions from statistical models to results from a multiyear kelp removal experiment designed to simulate frequent large storms. Both SEM models and experiments agree: if large storms remain at their current annual frequency (roughly one major kelp‐removing storm every 3.5 years), periodic storms help maintain the complexity of kelp forest food webs. However, if large storms increase in annual frequency and begin to occur year after year, kelp forest food webs become less diverse and complex as species go locally extinct. The loss of complexity occurs primarily due to decreases in the diversity and complexity of higher trophic levels. Our findings demonstrate that shifts in climate‐driven disturbances that affect foundation species are likely to have impacts that cascade through entire ecosystems.  相似文献   

Peripheral neuropathy is a common complication of diabetes and may appear as the first manifestation of the disease. It is likely to occur in even the mildest cases of diabetes.Careful regulation of diabetes is necessary for effective treatment of the neuropathy. In early cases the prognosis is excellent.The peripheral nerves, autonomic nerves, cranial nerves, spinal cord and brain are all frequently involved in diabetes.The possibility of diabetes should be considered in the differential diagnosis of many neurologic conditions.  相似文献   

《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1987,295(6596):479-481
The epidemiology of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus was evaluated to determine the degree to which the disease results from environmental agents and therefore might be prevented. The results of research indicate that insulin dependent diabetes can be produced in animal models by environmental factors, there are major geographical variations in diabetes, certain populations have shown rapid changes in incidence over time, migrants appear to take on the risk of diabetes in their new country, and certain viruses and chemicals cause insulin dependent diabetes in humans. The results of genetic and epidemiological studies also show that at least 60% of insulin dependent diabetes world wide, and perhaps over 95%, is environmentally determined and thus potentially avoidable. It is concluded that the primary worldwide determinants of diabetes are environmental not immunogenetic and that identifying and altering the diabetogenic environmental factor(s) are likely to be more effective and less risky in preventing insulin dependent diabetes than current immunogenetic approaches.  相似文献   

神经管畸形(neural tube defects,NTDs)是一种最常见的严重中枢神经系统先天性畸形,在世界各地均有发生。它是造成流产、死产的主要原因之一,即便胎儿存活,也严重影响患儿的生长发育和生活质量,同时给家庭和社会带来沉重的精神压力和经济负担。神经管畸形的发生绝大多数是由遗传因素与环境因素相互作用的结果,若孕妇在孕早期缺乏叶酸、高热、接触射线、服用药物、感染或发生妊娠期糖尿病等条件下,结合遗传因素作用,均有可能导致神经管畸形的发生,但其目前其的确切病因及其发病机制仍有待深入研究。大量研究表明,在孕妇血清中低叶酸、低维生素B12水平及高血浆同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)水平,都与NTDs的发生密切相关。本文主要围绕同型半胱氨酸的代谢,从分子水平和基因水平对与神经管畸形相关的各因素做一综述。  相似文献   

Ice storms cause periodic disturbance to temperate forests of eastern North America. They are the primary agents of disturbance in some eastern forests. In this paper, a forest gap model is employed to explore consequences of ice storms for the long‐term dynamics of Tsuga canadensis‐northem hardwoods forests. The gap model LINKAGES was modified to simulate periodic ice storm disturbance in the Adirondack Mountains of New York. To adapt the gap model for this purpose, field data on ice storm disturbance are used to develop a polytomous logistic regression model of tree damage. The logistic regression model was then incorporated into the modified forest gap model, LINK ADIR, to determine the type of damage sustained by each simulated tree. The logistic regression model predicts high probabilities of bent boles or severe bole damage (leaning, snapping, or uprooting) in small‐diameter trees, and increasing probability of canopy damage as tree size increases. Canopy damage is most likely on gentle slopes; the probability of severe bole damage increases with increasing slope angle. In the LINKADIR simulations, tree damage type determines the probability of mortality; trees with severe bole damage are assigned the highest mortality rate. LINKADIR predicts Tsuga canadensis dominance in mesophytic old‐growth forests not disturbed by ice storms. When ice storms are simulated, the model predicts Acer saccharum‐dominated forests with higher species richness. These results suggest that ice storms may function as intermediate disturbances that enhance species richness in forested Adirondack landscapes.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Projected global increases in temperature, sea level,storminess and atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) are likely tocause changes in reef coral communities which the present humangeneration will view as deleterious. It is likely coral communitytrajectories will be influenced as much by the reduction inintervals between extreme events as the projected increasesin means of environmental parameters such as temperature, atmosphericCO2 and sea-level. Depressed calcification rates in corals causedby reduced aragonite saturation state of water may increasevulnerability of corals to storms. Moreover, reduction in intervalsbetween storms and other extreme events causing mass mortalityin corals (coral predators, diseases, bleaching) are likelyto more frequently "set back" reef coral communities to earlysuccessional stages or alternate states characterized by non-calcifyingbenthos (plants, soft corals, sponges). The greater the areaand the longer the duration of dominance of putative "coral/corallinealgae" zones of coral reefs by non-calcifying stages, the lesswill be the reefs capacity to accrete limestone bulk lockedup in the big skeletal units of late successional stages (i.e.,very large old corals). Averaged over decades to centuries,the effects of such changes on the coral community's carryingcapacity for other biota such as fish are unpredictable. A "shiftingsteady-state mosaic" null model may provide a useful conceptualtool for defining a baseline and tracking changes from thatbaseline through time.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) was characterized during five basin-scale investigations (either after storms or in droughts) in Jiulong River, China that is affected by the Asian Monsoon, tropical storms and anthropogenic activities. Dissolved organic carbon concentration, DOM absorption and fluorescence (excitation-emission matrix spectra, EEMs) were measured. Parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) of EEMs identified three humic-like and two protein-like fluorescent components. DOM concentration was highest at two polluted stations in droughts while lowest in pristine headwaters (station N1). DOM concentration increased most evidently after storms in May, 2009, indicating effective flushing of DOM from land to the river close to the onset of flood season. The protein-like fraction in PARAFAC results decreased after storms in May and June, 2009, highlighting changes in DOM composition and thus its environmental role. Dam constructions likely increased the residence time of DOM in river, making the inflow of DOM during storms have more implications for the riverine (in comparison with estuarine) biogeochemical processes. The effect of storm in August, 2008 after intense DOM flushing during several preceding storms, was not evident. A severe dinoflagellate algal bloom occurred during the extreme drought in the lower watershed, which increased DOM concentration and the protein-like fraction at impacted stations. Different DOM compositions during and after algal bloom were discriminated using the two protein-like components. This study demonstrates the importance of hydrologic regimes and anthropogenic activities on freshwater DOM and its environmental role, which has implications for a number of other rivers that share similar characteristics.  相似文献   

Extending working lives is considered a viable solution to fiscal and macroeconomic challenges related to population ageing. Opportunities for sustained employment, however, are not experienced equally among older population, particularly among those with a health problem. This study aims to examine the longer-term effect of health on employment trajectories in later part of working life using a unique survey-administrative linked dataset for Canada. Specifically, we apply competing-risks models to analyze whether different aspects of health conditions at baseline predict subsequent exit routes, including nonemployment and early retirement. The nonparametric findings of the paper show that only about 33% of workers aged 50–62 with a health problem at baseline remained employed at age 64, compared to 55% of healthy workers. Exiting into nonemployment seemed more common among leavers with activity limitations, while early retirement was more likely among healthy leavers. These results are robust even when individuals’ preferences for work and financial factors were controlled for. Moreover, we identify differential impacts of specific chronic diseases on early work exit. Not all symptoms affect employment transitions to a similar extent. Older workers who reported the comorbidity of mental and musculoskeletal disorders faced an increased risk of nonemployment, while the presence of diabetes and cardiovascular problems at baseline were more predictive of early retirement.  相似文献   

Each year severe winter storms (≈ice storms) damage trees throughout the southern USA. Arkansas and Oklahoma have a history of severe winter storms. To extend that history back beyond the reach of written records, a distinctive tree ring pattern or signature is needed. Storm-caused breakage, branch loss and bending stress provide that signature. We found a severe storm signature in shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata). We used three published site chronologies, a set of five new site chronologies from a growth-and-yield study conducted by Oklahoma State University and the unpublished Shortleaf Canyon chronology from a master’s thesis at the University of Arkansas. Our method is based on two ring width values for the first and second growing seasons after the storm standardized to the ring widths of the seven growing seasons after the storm. Concordance between storm years predicted by tree ring patterns and actual storm years was tested using Cohen’s Kappa. Concern about confounding of ice storm signals by droughts led us to test concordance between severe storms and drought in July, August and September; results were inconclusive but stand as a warning that these two phenomena cannot be distinguished with certainty in the tree ring record. Damaging severe storms occurred in about 2.8% of all years. Two out of three storms identified as “severe” produced glaze icing.  相似文献   

Transient (TNDM) and Permanent (PNDM) Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus are rare conditions occurring in 1:300,000–400,000 live births. TNDM infants develop diabetes in the first few weeks of life but go into remission in a few months, with possible relapse to a permanent diabetes state usually around adolescence or as adults. The pancreatic dysfunction in this condition may be maintained throughout life, with relapse initiated at times of metabolic stress such as puberty or pregnancy. In PNDM, insulin secretory failure occurs in the late fetal or early post-natal period and does not go into remission. Patients with TNDM are more likely to have intrauterine growth retardation and less likely to develop ketoacidosis than patients with PNDM. In TNDM, patients are younger at the diagnosis of diabetes and have lower initial insulin requirements. Considerable overlap occurs between the two groups, so that TNDM cannot be distinguished from PNDM based on clinical features. Very early onset diabetes mellitus seems to be unrelated to autoimmunity in most instances. A number of conditions are associated with PNDM, some of which have been elucidated at the molecular level. Among these, the very recently elucidated mutations in the KCNJ11 and ABCC8 genes, encoding the Kir6.2 and SUR1 subunit of the pancreatic KATP channel involved in regulation of insulin secretion, account for one third to half of the PNDM cases. Molecular analysis of chromosome 6 anomalies (found in more than 60% in TNDM), and the KCNJ11 and ABCC8 genes encoding Kir6.2 and SUR1, provides a tool to identify TNDM from PNDM in the neonatal period. This analysis also has potentially important therapeutic consequences leading to transfer some patients, those with mutations in KCNJ11 and ABCC8 genes, from insulin therapy to sulfonylureas. Recurrent diabetes is common in patients with "transient" neonatal diabetes mellitus and, consequently, prolonged follow-up is imperative. Realizing how difficult it is to take care of a child of this age with diabetes mellitus should prompt clinicians to transfer these children to specialized centers. Insulin therapy and high caloric intake are the basis of the treatment. Insulin pump may offer an interesting therapeutic tool in this age group in experienced hands.  相似文献   

The rising global epidemic of diabetic nephropathy (DN) will likely lead to increase in the prevalence of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality posing a serious burden for public health care. Despite greater understanding of the etiology of diabetes and the development of novel treatment strategies to control blood glucose levels, the prevalence and incidence rate of DN is increasing especially in minority populations including Mexican–Americans. Mexican–Americans with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) are three times more likely to develop microalbuminuria, and four times more likely to develop clinical proteinuria compared to non-Hispanic whites. Furthermore, Mexican–Americans have a sixfold increased risk of developing renal failure secondary to T2DM compared to Caucasians. Prevention and better treatment of DN should be a high priority for both health-care organizations and society at large. Pathogenesis of DN is multi-factorial. Familial clustering of DN-related traits in MAs show that DN and related traits are heritable and that genes play a susceptibility role. While, there has been some progress in identifying genes which when mutated influence an individual’s risk, major gene(s) responsible for DN are yet to be identified. Knowledge of the genetic causes of DN is essential for elucidation of its mechanisms, and for adequate classification, prognosis, and treatment. Self-identification and collaboration among researchers with suitable genomic and clinical data for meta-analyses in Mexican–Americans is critical for progress in replicating/identifying DN risk genes in this population. This paper reviews the approaches and recent efforts made to identify genetic variants contributing to risk for DN and related phenotypes in the Mexican–American population.  相似文献   

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