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Mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal muscle has been suggested to underlie the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Reduced mitochondrial capacity will contribute to the accumulation of lipid intermediates, desensitizing insulin signaling and leading to insulin resistance. Why mitochondrial function is reduced in the (pre-)diabetic state is, however, so far unknown. Although it is tempting to suggest that skeletal muscle insulin resistance may result from an inherited or acquired reduction in mitochondrial function in the pre-diabetic state, it cannot be excluded that mitochondrial dysfunction may in fact be the consequence of the insulin-resistant/diabetic state. Lipotoxicity, the deleterious effects of accumulating fatty acids in skeletal muscle cells, may lie at the basis of mitochondrial dysfunction: next to producing energy, mitochondria are also the major source of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Fatty acids accumulating in the vicinity of mitochondria are vulnerable to ROS-induced lipid peroxidation. Subsequently, these lipid peroxides could have lipotoxic effects on mtDNA, RNA and proteins of the mitochondrial machinery, leading to mitochondrial dysfunction. Indeed, increased lipid peroxidation has been reported in insulin resistant skeletal muscle and the mitochondrial uncoupling protein-3, which has been suggested to prevent lipid-induced mitochondrial damage, is reduced in subjects with an impaired glucose tolerance and in type 2 diabetic patients. These findings support the hypothesis that fat accumulation in skeletal muscle may precede the reduction in mitochondrial function that is observed in type 2 diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a process in which a photosensitizer (PS) is exposed to specific wavelengths and generates reactive oxygen species (ROS) which act within nanometers. The low invasive nature and directed cytotoxicity of this approach render it attractive to the treatment of different conditions, including the ones that affect the central nervous system (CNS). The effect of PDT on healthy neurons is one main concern over its use in the CNS, since neuronal-like cells were shown to be particularly sensitive to certain PSs. Among available PSs, 1,9-dimethyl-methylene blue (DMMB) stands out as being resistant to reduction to its inactive leuco form and by being able to produce high levels of singlet?oxygen. In this study, we aimed to investigate DMMB photodamage mechanisms in the hippocampal cell line HT22. Our results demonstrate that DMMB-PDT decrease in cell viability was linked with an increase in cell death and overall ROS production. Besides, it resulted in a significant increase in mitochondrial ROS production and decreased mitochondria membrane potential. Furthermore, DMMB-PDT significantly increased the presence of acidic autolysosomes, which was accompanied by an increase in ATG1 and ATG8 homologue GaBarap1 expression, and decreased DRAM1 expression. Taken together our results indicated that mitochondrial and autophagic dysfunction underlie DMMB-PDT cytotoxicity in neuronal cells.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction and heart disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rosenberg P 《Mitochondrion》2004,4(5-6):621-628

Mitochondria have an essential role in powering cells by generating ATP following the metabolism of pyruvate derived from glycolysis. They are also the major source of generating reactive oxygen species (ROS), which have regulatory roles in cell death and proliferation. Mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and dysregulation of mitochondrial metabolism have been frequently described in human tumors. Although the role of oxidative stress as the consequence of mtDNA mutations and/or altered mitochondrial functions has been demonstrated in carciongenesis, a causative role of mitochondria in tumor progression has only been demonstrated recently. Specifically, the subject of this mini-review focuses on the role of mitochondria in promoting cancer metastasis. Cancer relapse and the subsequent spreading of cancer cells to distal sites are leading causes of morbidity and mortality in cancer patients. Despite its clinical importance, the underlying mechanisms of metastasis remain to be elucidated. Recently, it was demonstrated that mitochondrial oxidative stress could actively promote tumor progression and increase the metastatic potential of cancer cells. The purpose of this mini-review is to summarize current investigations of the roles of mitochondria in cancer metastasis. Future development of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for patients with advanced cancer will benefit from the new knowledge of mitochondrial metabolism in epithelial cancer cells and the tumor stroma.  相似文献   

Neither the pathogenesis nor the aetiology of Down's syndrome (DS) are clearly understood. Numerous studies have examined whether clinical features of DS are a consequence of specific chromosome 21 segments being triplicated. There is no evidence, however, that individual loci are responsible, or that the oxidative damage in DS could be solely explained by a gene dosage effect. Using astrocytes and neuronal cultures from DS fetuses, a recent paper shows that altered metabolism of the amyloid precursor protein and oxidative stress result from mitochondrial dysfunction.1 These findings are consistent with considerable data implicating the role of the mitochondrial genome in DS pathogenesis and aetiology.  相似文献   

Increasing experimental evidence supports a connection between inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction. Both acute and chronic inflammatory diseases course with elevated free radicals production that may affect mitochondrial proteins, lipids, and mtDNA. The subsequent mitochondrial impairment produces more reactive oxygen species that further reduce the ATP generation, increasing the probability of cell death. Mitochondrial impairment in now considered a key factor in inflammation because (1) there are specific pathologies directly derived from mtDNA mutations, causing chronic inflammatory diseases such as neuromuscular and neurodegenerative disorders, (2) there are neurodegenerative, metabolic, and other inflammatory diseases in which their progression is accompanied by mitochondrial dysfunction, which is directly involved in the cell death. Recently, a direct implication of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species and, particularly, mtDNA in the innate immune response has been reported. Thus, the mitochondria should be considered targets for new therapies related to the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases, including the auto-inflammatory ones.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction in reproduction   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Jansen RP  Burton GJ 《Mitochondrion》2004,4(5-6):577-600
The mitochondrial genome passes from one generation to the next by way of the egg's cytoplasm, so ordinarily an individual's mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is entirely derived from his or her mother. A potential mother has a finite number of eggs, or oocytes, all of which were formed when she herself was still a fetus, many years before she can conceive. The eggs are progressively depleted through childhood and her reproductive years at a much faster rate than is accounted for by ovulation. Up to a decade before the ultimate depletion of ovarian follicles (and hence oocytes) at or soon after menopause, cytoplasmic senility of the remaining eggs leads to physiological sterility; a phenomenon that is suspected of being mitochondrially based and has been termed the oopause. When ovulation and conception occur, oxidative phosphorylation and other mitochondrial functions of the fertilized oocyte are thought to be essential to the early embryo well before it implants in the uterus. The competition between follicles to deliver the oocyte that will be fertilized and which will found a new generation could also be mitochondrially based, but the mechanism remains to be elucidated. Increasing experience with the culture of human embryos in vitro is highlighting the importance of mitochondrial metabolism generally, and the avoidance of excessive generation of reactive oxygen species in particular. Paradoxes abound in the experimental data, however. Although natural selection operates on mitochondria only in females (and in extreme cases through the survival of their offspring), reproductive disturbance from mitochondrial mutations is most obvious in males, who typically have reduced sperm motility. mtDNA point mutations such as T8993G, which is serious enough to cause the death of infants from Leigh disease in the first few years of life, can carry through the female germ line apparently unhindered; yet mtDNA deletions that cause a less severe phenotype, and which typically manifest at a later age, are effectively blocked from transmission to offspring--a phenomenon in accord with early experimental observations that deleted mtDNA species are less common in cleaving embryos than in unselected preovulatory oocytes. A mitochondrial basis for ooplasmic aging has not been convincingly established, but the novel IVF-based practice of micro-aspiration and transfer of ooplasm from younger eggs to older eggs, which includes the transfer of mitochondria, appears in preliminary studies to have some clinical efficacy in rejuvenating fertility in older women.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction in osteoarthritis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In osteoarthritis (OA) a time or age dependent process leads to aberrant cartilage structure which is characterized by reduced number of chondrocytes, loss of existing cartilage extracellular matrix, the production of matrix with abnormal composition and pathologic matrix calcification. Because chondrocyte matrix synthesis and mineralization are modulated by the balance between ATP generation and consumption, the mechanism by which chondrocytes generate energy have been a topic of interest. The analysis of mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC) activity in OA chondrocytes shows a significant decrease in complexes II and III compared to normal chondrocytes. On the other hand, mitochondrial mass is increased in OA, as demonstrated by a significant rise in CS activity. Furthermore, OA cells show a reduction in the mitochondrial membrane potential (deltapsim) as demonstrated by using the fluorescent probe JC-1. OA cartilage contains high number of apoptotic chondrocytes, and mitochondria play a key role in apoptosis. Interestingly, OA cartilages show markedly elevated Bcl-2 and caspasa-3 expression. This expression is also correlated with chondrocyte apoptosis and OA lesions. The pathogenesis of OA includes elaboration of increased amounts of NO as a consequence of up-regulation of chondrocyte-inducible NO synthase induced by IL-1, TNF-alpha and other factors. NO reduces chondrocyte survival and induces cell death with morphologic changes characteristic of chondrocyte apoptosis. NO reduces the activity of complex IV and decreases the deltapsim as measured as the ratio of red/green fluorescence. Furthermore, NO induces the mRNA expression of caspase-3 and -7, and it reduces the expression of mRNA bcl-2 and the bcl-2 protein synthesis. Some studies suggest that the chondrocyte mitochondria are specialized for calcium transport and are important in the calcification of the extracellular matrix. Mineral formation has been demonstrated in matrix vesicles (MV) and within mitochondria. Direct suppression of mitochondrial respiration promoted MV-mediated mineralization in chondrocytes. Regulation of MRC may be one of the signaling pathways by which NO modulates articular cartilage matrix biosynthesis and pathologic mineralization. After age 40, the incidence of OA in humans increases progressively with increasing age. Studies show a trend to statistic significance between the age and the reduction of complex I activity of human normal chondrocytes. However, the study of relation between age and deltapsim in normal chondrocytes do not demonstrate any significant correlation. It has been reported that as the number of population doublings increased, mitochondrial DNA was degraded and the number of mitochondria per chondrocyte decline. One approach for determining the role of mitochondria in OA is to determine the effects of the MRC inhibition and to compare them with the findings in OA. Inhibition of MRC with antimycin prevents the normal ability of TGFbeta to increase excretion of Pi, thereby worsening deposition of pathologic HA crystals. In chondrocytes, the inhibition of complex IV with NaN3 modified both the deltapsim and the survival of cells inducing apoptosis. Inhibition of complex I with rotenone increases the expression and synthesis of Bcl-2 and Cox-2, both effects are similar effects to produced by IL-1 in human chondrocytes.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction has been identified as one potential cause of epileptic seizures. Impaired mitochondrial function has been reported for the seizure focus of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and Ammon's horn sclerosis and of adult and immature animal models of epilepsy. Since mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation provides the major source of ATP in neurons and mitochondria participate in cellular Ca(2+) homeostasis and generation of reactive oxygen species, their dysfunction strongly affects neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission. Therefore, mitochondrial dysfunction is proposed to be highly relevant for seizure generation. Additionally, mitochondrial dysfunction is known to trigger neuronal cell death, which is a prominent feature of therapy-resistant epilepsy. For this reason mitochondria have to be considered as promising targets for neuroprotective strategies in epilepsy.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction in cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nearly a century of scientific research has revealed a number of notable differences in the structure and function of mitochondria between normal and cancer cells, including differences in metabolic activity, molecular composition, and mtDNA sequence. This article reviews several of these differences and discusses their clinical implications, especially with regard to the use of mitochondria as biomarkers for early detection of cancer, or as unique cellular targets for novel and selective anti-cancer agents.  相似文献   

High concentrations of neutrophil defensins from airway and blood have been reported in patients with inflammatory lung diseases, but their exact role is unclear. We investigated the direct effect of defensins on the lungs of mice. Intratracheal instillation of purified defensins (5-30 mg/kg) induced a progressive reduction in peripheral arterial O(2) saturation, increased lung permeability, and enhanced the lung cytochrome c content. These indexes of acute lung dysfunction were associated with an increased total cell number and a significant neutrophil influx into the lung [5.1 +/- 0.04% in control vs. 48.6 +/- 12.7% in the defensin (30 mg/kg) group, P < 0.05]. Elastase concentrations in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluids increased from 38 +/- 11 ng/ml (control) to 80 +/- 4 ng/ml (defensins, P < 0.05). Five hours after defensin instillation, concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and macrophage inflammatory protein-2 in BAL fluid were significantly increased. High levels of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in BAL fluid and plasma were also found after defensin stimulation. We conclude that intratracheal instillation of defensins causes acute lung inflammation and dysfunction, suggesting that high concentrations of defensins in the airways may play an important role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory lung diseases.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation induces intestinal epithelial hyporesponsiveness to secretagogues through an unknown mechanism. We investigated the role of the inducible isoform of nitric oxide (NO) synthase (iNOS)-derived NO in radiation-induced hyporesponsiveness. C57BL/6 mice were sham treated or exposed to 10-Gy gamma-radiation and were studied 3 days later. Tissues were mounted in Ussing-type diffusion chambers to assess chloride secretion in response to electrical field stimulation (EFS) and forskolin (10 microM). Transport studies were also repeated in iNOS-deficient mice. White blood cell counts were significantly lower in irradiated mice, and there was no inflammatory response as shown by myeloperoxidase activity and histological assessment. iNOS mRNA levels and nitrate/nitrite concentrations were significantly elevated in irradiated colons. iNOS immunoreactivity localized to the epithelium. Colons from irradiated wild-type, but not iNOS-deficient, mice exhibited a significant reduction in the responsiveness of the tissue to EFS and forskolin. The hyporesponsiveness was reversed by L-N(6)-(1-iminoethyl)lysine, 1400W, and dexamethasone treatments. iNOS-derived NO mediates colonic hyporesponsiveness 3 days after irradiation in the mouse in the absence of an inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Crouser ED 《Mitochondrion》2004,4(5-6):729-741
Sepsis is the leading cause of death in medical intensive care units. In most fatal cases of sepsis the patient experiences an insidious, progressive decline in vital organ function, i.e. multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), which is commonly associated with signs of accelerated anaerobic metabolism despite supernormal systemic oxygen delivery. Based on this clinical scenario, tissue hypoxia has long been considered the putative mechanism of MODS. However, efforts to enhance tissue oxygenation during severe sepsis have proved ineffective, and a growing body of evidence indicates that mitochondria contribute significantly to the pathogenesis of sepsis-induced MODS. In addition to dysregulation of oxygen metabolism ('cytopathic hypoxia'), sepsis-induced mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to organ injury through accelerated oxidant production and by promoting cell death. Advances in our understanding of the mechanisms of mitochondrial damage and in its detection could revolutionize the management of this devastating disease.  相似文献   

Whereas the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis has been intensively studied and described, the underlying events that initiate cardiovascular disease are not yet fully understood. A substantial number of studies suggest that altered levels of oxidative and nitrosoxidative stress within the cardiovascular environment are essential in the development of cardiovascular disease; however, the impact of such changes on the subcellular or organellar components and their functions that are relevant to cardiovascular disease inception are less understood. In this regard, studies are beginning to show that mitochondria not only appear susceptible to damage mediated by increased oxidative and nitrosoxidative stress, but also play significant roles in the regulation of cardiovascular cell function. In addition, accumulating evidence suggests that a common theme among cardiovascular disease development and cardiovascular disease risk factors is increased mitochondrial damage and dysfunction. This review discusses aspects relating mitochondrial damage and function to cardiovascular disease risk factors and disease development.  相似文献   

Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) is an autosomal recessive degenerative disorder caused in the vast majority of cases by a GAA triplet expansion in the FRDA gene on chromosome 9q13. The FRDA gene product, frataxin, is a widely expressed mitochondrial protein which is severely reduced in FRDA patients. Loss of the homologue of frataxin in yeast is associated with mitochondrial iron overload, increased sensitivity to oxidative stress and profound deficit of oxidative phosphorylation. The demonstration that the human pathology of FRDA is also characterised by mitochondrial iron accumulation, deficit of respiratory chain complex activities and in vivo deficit of tissue energy metabolism establishes FRDA as a 'new' nuclear encoded mitochondrial disease.  相似文献   

Metabolic syndrome is co-occurrence of obesity, insulin resistance, atherogenic dyslipidemia (high triglyceride, low high density lipoprotein cholesterol), and hypertension. It is a global health problem. An estimated 20%–30% of adults of the world have metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, myocardial infarction, and stroke. Thus, it is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. However, molecular pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome is not well known. Recently, there has been interest in the role of mitochondria in pathogenesis of metabolic problems such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to the oxidative stress and systemic inflammation seen in metabolic syndrome. Role of mitochondria in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome is intriguing but far from completely understood. However, a better understanding will be very rewarding as it may lead to novel approaches to control this major public health problem. This brief review explores pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome from a mitochondrial perspective.  相似文献   

The role of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) in mediating diabetic tissue damage to the periodontium was investigated in a novel model of chronic hyperglycemia, the Akita mouse. Induction of acute peritoneal inflammation in wild-type (WT) and Akita mice resulted in exaggerated IL-6 response in Akita mice (2.9-fold increase over WT values) and a markedly increased chemokine response (KC, 2.6-fold; MCP-1, 2.6-fold; and MIP-1alpha, 4.4-fold increase over WT values). Chemotaxis to both fMLP and WKYMVm was significantly reduced in isolated Akita PMN compared with WT PMN as measured in a Boyden chamber. Superoxide release in contrast was significantly increased in Akita PMN as measured with cytochrome c reduction. Bone marrow-derived Akita PMN showed partial translocation of p47phox to the cell membrane without external stimulation, suggesting premature assembly of the superoxide-producing NADPH oxidase in hyperglycemia. In vivo studies revealed that ligature-induced periodontal bone loss is significantly greater in Akita mice compared with WT. Moreover, intravital microscopy of gingival vessels showed that leukocyte rolling and attachment to the vascular endothelium is enhanced in periodontal vessels of Akita mice. These results indicate that chronic hyperglycemia predisposes to exaggerated inflammatory response and primes leukocytes for marginalization and superoxide production but not for transmigration. Thus, leukocyte defects in hyperglycemia may contribute to periodontal tissue damage by impairing the innate immune response to periodontal pathogens as well as by increasing free radical load in the gingival microvasculature.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are highly dynamic organelles which fulfill a plethora of functions. In addition to their prominent role in energy metabolism, mitochondria are intimately involved in various key cellular processes, such as the regulation of calcium homeostasis, stress response and cell death pathways. Thus, it is not surprising that an impairment of mitochondrial function results in cellular damage and is linked to aging and neurodegeneration. Many lines of evidence suggest that mitochondrial dysfunction plays a central role in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD), starting in the early 1980s with the observation that an inhibitor of complex I of the electron transport chain can induce parkinsonism. Remarkably, recent research indicated that several PD-associated genes interface with pathways regulating mitochondrial function, morphology, and dynamics. In fact, sporadic and familial PD seem to converge at the level of mitochondrial integrity.  相似文献   

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