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按蚊属一新种描记(双翅目:蚊科)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文报道采自四川省筠连县牛房的按蚊一新种-筠连按蚊Anopheles(Anophelesjunlianensissp.nov.对其生活史各阶段(卵幼虫,蛹,成虫)的形态进行描述,并与相似蚊种八代按蚊An(Ano)。Yatsushiroensis,中华按蚊An(Ano)sinensis作和鉴别。  相似文献   

AProteinaseResponsibleforDegradingYolkProteinsinTussah(Antheraeapernyi)ZHAOXiao-fan;(赵小凡)WANGJin-xing(王金星)(DepartmentofBiolog...  相似文献   

薛玺  王永清 《植物研究》1994,14(4):424-433
本实验用普通小麦“中国春”和八种异细胞质“中国春”(Aegilops vavilovii)CS,(Ae.juvenalis)CS,(Ae.crassa)CS,(Ae.comosa)CS,(Ae.uniaristata)CS,(Ae.speltoides.M.)CS,(Ae.kotschyi)CS.(T.timopheevi)CS分别与八倍体小偃麦(Trititrigia 8x)“远中2”、“远中4  相似文献   

对普通小麦(TriticumaestivumL.)基因组(AABBDD)最可能的供体-T.uratrtuThum.(AA)、T.monoccumvar.boeoticum(Boiss.)MK(AA)、AegilopsspeltoidesTausch.和Ae.tauschii(Coss.(DD)的核糖体RNA基因ITS区进行了PCR扩增和克隆,并测定了ITS1和ITS2的DNA序列,讨论和纠正了前人  相似文献   

InhibitionofAcrosomalEnzymesbyGossypolIsRelatedtoItsAntifertilityActionYUANYu-ying;(袁玉英)ZHANGYan-lin;(张燕林)SHIQi-xian(石其贤)(Zhe...  相似文献   

InsituLocalizationandIsolationofActinFilamentsfromPollenTubesofAmaryllisvittataAitCAlXue(蔡雪);DONGYun-zhou(董云洲)(CollegeofLifeS...  相似文献   

本文对沟稃草属Anisebytron Merrill的系统分类进行了初步的整理与修订。认为Aulacolepis Hackel(1907)(Neoaulacolepis S.Rauschert(1982)pro nom.nov.Aulacdepis)non C.v.Eitingshausen(1893)、Aniselytron Merrill(1910)与Anisachne Keng(1958)是  相似文献   

本通过扫描电子显微镜,对东北地区蒿属(Artemisia)植物,莳萝蒿组(A.sect.Absinthium DC),艾蒿组(Sect.Abrotanum Bess),艾组(Sect.Artemisia),龙蒿组(Sect.Dracumculus Bess),牡蒿组(Sect.latiobus Y.R.Ling)36种成熟代表植物叶表皮形态学特征进行了详尽的比较研究。其中表皮细胞大小、形状不等。  相似文献   

农业系统生产力(ASP)的量化及其现状分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农业系统生产力(ASP)的量化及其现状分析卢进登,韩纯儒(北京农业大学农学系,100094)QuantificationofAgrosystemProductivity(ASP)andAnalysisonitsCurrentSituationinCbina¥.LuJin-deng;HanChunru(BeijingAgriculturalUniversityfBeijing100094).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(2):21-22.BasedonabriefanalysisontheformationprocessofASP,itsconceptisdescribedandanintegratedindi-catorforitsquantification—ASP2isputforwards.Fromthose,theASPlevelsinvariousregionsofChinaareanalyzedand8levelsaredividedbyusing.Hierarchicclusteringmethod.It’s:clarifiedthatAS-PIisamore  相似文献   

在全面修订五加科Song木属的基础上,对中国木几个问题的种,即A.chimensis L.,A.deca8isneana Hance,A.elata(Miq.)Seem.,A.stipulata Franch.,A.dasyphylloidea J.Wen,A.thomsonii Seen.ex Clarke.A.vietnamensis Ha,A.folilosa(Wall.)Seem.,A.a  相似文献   

Phytoplankton data consisting of 145 species from a limnological study of lakes from relatively undisturbed areas throughout Sweden were analysed in relation to 11 physical and chemical environmental variables. Three multivariate methods were applied: WPGMA clustering and TWINSPAN for classification, and detrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA), a recent technique which extracts ordination axes that can be related directly to variation in the environment. Three types of lakes were recognized consistently: acid humic lakes with Gonyostomum semen as the dominant species, very acid impoverished lakes with rather few, stress-tolerant species, and subarctic lakes with low total biomass but with a varied phytoplankton flora. DCCA allowed a straightforward display of the locations of lakes and species along environmental gradients (including the acidification gradient) reflected in phytoplankton composition. It is suggested that such analyses may be a useful tool for the early detection of environmental change.  相似文献   

The development of numerical syntaxonomy during its first 20 yr is reviewed. The use of methods of numerical classification and ordination is the dominating feature of the development. National and local phytosociological data banks were established, large data sets handled and many important vegetation monographs were methodically based on multivariate data analysis. Particularly the development in Italy, the Netherlands, Czechoslovakia, and Sweden contributed to new theoretical elements of numerical syntaxonomy. Ordination became a common tool of searching for reticulate synsystematic relations between community types. The most popular ordination techniques have been Principal Components Analysis and Detrended Correspondence Analysis. Hierarchical agglomerative techniques of clustering still prevail in classification, although the divisive strategy of TWINSPAN has also become an effective tool for phytosociological clustering and table sorting. Extensive program packages, also for personal computers have now become standard equipment for many vegetation scientists.  相似文献   

On the variation explained by ordination and constrained ordination axes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Total inertia (TI), the sum of eigenvalues for all ordination axes, is often used as a measure of total variation in a data set. By use of simulated data sets, I demonstrate that lack-of-fit of data to the response model implicit in any eigenvector ordination method results in polynomial distortion ordination axes, with eigenvalues that normally contribute 30–70% to TI (depending on data set properties). The amount of compositional variation extracted on ecologically interpretable ordination axes (structure axes) is thus underestimated by the eigenvalue-to-total-inertia ratio. I recommend that the current use of total inertia as a measure of compositional variation is discontinued. Eigenvalues of structure axes can, however, be used with some caution to indicate their relative importance. I also demonstrate that when the total inertia is partitioned on different sets of explanatory variables and unexplained variation by use of (partial) constrained ordination, (35) 50–85% of the variation ‘unexplained’ by the supplied explanatory variables represents lack-of-fit of data to model. Thus, the common interpretation of ‘unexplained variation’ as random variation (‘noise’) or coenoclinal variation caused by unmeasured explanatory variables, is generally inappropriate. I recommend a change of focus from the variation-explained-to-total inertia ratio and ‘unexplained’ variation to relative amounts of variation explained by different sets of explanatory variables.  相似文献   

采用协惯量分析(PCA-CA COIA)和典范对应分析(CCA)两种排序方法, 对北京小龙门林场的黄檗 (Phellodendron amurense)群落进行了分析, 并用Spearman秩相关系数检验了对应排序轴的相关性。两种排序方法得出的结果基本一致, 两者的第一排序轴都反映了海拔高度和坡向对群落分布的影响, 而各自第二、第三排序轴所代表的环境意义有所差异, 并出现了交叉, 但是两者的前3个排序轴均反映了海拔、坡位、土壤厚度和凋落物层厚度的变化趋势, 说明在环境因子个数较少或共线性效应不明显的情况下, 协惯量分析也能达到CCA的分析效果, 并且在排序轴特征值解释量上高于典范对应分析。  相似文献   

芦芽山亚高山草甸的数量分类与排序研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
芦芽山亚高山草甸是在华北地区最典型的山地草甸之一,该草甸在水土保持、生态旅游资源开发和生物多样性保护等方面发挥着重要作用。应用双向指示种分析法(TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析(DCA)相结合的方法,对山西芦芽山亚高山草甸进行数越分类和排序,将该草甸划分为13个群丛类型,分别位于不同的海拔高度。分类结果很好地反映了植物群丛类型与环境梯度之间的关系,并在DCA二维排序图上得到较好的验证。DCA排序轴反映了海拔、土壤湿度和坡向的梯度变化,表明海拔高度、水热条件和地形是影响植物群丛变化的主要生态因子。  相似文献   

玉米耐冷性的数值分类研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1928年,Sellschop和Salman研究了起源于热带的若干农作物的耐冷性反应,将其分为抗冷类型、中间类型和敏感类型。玉米是喜温作物,玉米种植受温度制约。随玉米耐冷性研究不断深入,运用多因子试验综合评估玉米耐冷性,为选育耐冷玉米品种提供依据。我们研究了8个玉米自交系的52个耐冷特征,结果表明,玉米自交系可分为耐冷性强、中等和弱三种类型。  相似文献   

卧龙自然保护区亚高山草甸的数量分类与排序   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
在野外植被调查的基础上,采用植被数量分析方法对岷江流域卧龙自然保护区亚高山草甸进行TWINSPAN分类和DCA排序,研究了植物种、植物群落与环境之间的关系.结果表明,该地区亚高山草甸共有植物139种,隶属于31科88属.应用数量分类方法将114个样方分为12个群落类型.在分析不同环境因子间的关系基础上,从定量的角度揭示了影响群落分布的主要因素是海拔梯度和土壤含水量.DCA排序图反映出排序轴的生态意义,第1轴反映了各群落类型所在环境的海拔梯度,从上到下,随着海拔的升高,植物群落或植物种的耐寒性越来越强;第2轴基本上反映了各群落类型所在环境的土壤含水量.排序结果与分类结果比较吻合,反映出植物群落类型和物种分布随环境因子梯度变化的趋势.  相似文献   

Individual differences scaling is a multidimensional scaling method for finding a common ordination for several data sets. An individual ordination for each data set can then be derived from the common ordination by adjusting the axis lengths so as to maximize the correlations between observed proximities and individual ordination distances. The importance of the various axes for each data set and the mutual similarities and goodness of fit for the individual data sets are described by weight plots. As an example, 46 soft-water lakes in eastern Finland are ordinated on two dimensions according to 3 chemical data sets (water in summer and autumn, sediment) and 4 biological sets (major phytoplankton groups, phytoplankton, surface sediment diatom and cladoceran assemblages). The method seems to be effective as a means of ordination for obtaining the common ordination for the data sets. The major taxonomic groups gave the ordination which differed most clearly from the ordinations of the other data sets. Phytoplankton was most poorly ordinated in all the analyses. The other data sets were fairly coherent. When only biological data sets were ordinated, the diatoms and cladocerans showed rather different patterns. It seems that the cladocerans are best correlated with water chemistry, both according to weights in the joint analysis, and according to correlation between the axes from the biological data sets and the chemical variables.Abbreviations CCA = Canonical correspondence analysis - IDS = Individual differences scaling - MDS = multidimensional scaling - PCA = Principal components analysis  相似文献   

Summary In vegetation research selection of a technique for the analysis of phosphate in soil frequently presents problems with respect to selection criteria. In plant communities of hayfields in Drenthe (The Netherlands) such a criterium has been found by means of drawing axes with different ordination techniques (9 techniques, 43 axes). Each numerical approach obtained one or two axes, which were evidently related to variation in phosphate. Five different extraction techniques were used (Ammonium lactate, EDTA, KF, NaHCO3 and water). The outcome of these analyses could be classified in two groups: 1. P-KF and P-W (correlated with the ground water level) and 2. P-AL, P-EDTA and P-NaHCO3 (correlated with pH). The first group showed clearer relations with the relevant ordination axes. Phosphate indicator values according to Kruijne (P-citric acid) were related to the first group only. P-KF had higher correlations with the ordination axes.  相似文献   

Summary The problems of allocating new vegetation stands to an existing classification are outlined. As one solution, the vegetation samples from an area may be ordinated by reciprocal averaging and classified by dividing the ordination into community-types. The ordination scores for a short list of species present in a new sample may then be averaged to locate that sample on the ordination axes and in one of the community-types. The method is tested by comparing estimates from incomplete species lists with that from a complete list of species in an forest stand in southern Ghana.We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Mr. M.O. Hill in the correct formulation of the coordinate estimation procedure.  相似文献   

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