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This study investigated whether changes in lower limb muscle activity occurred in anticipation of a possible perturbation in 11 young (mean age 27 years) and 11 older (mean age 68 years) adults. Altered muscle activity could affect tripping responses and consequently the ecological validity of experimental results of studies on tripping. It was hypothesized that anticipatory muscle activity would be present immediately after a trip, and decrease after several subsequent unperturbed (forewarned) walking trials. Electromyograms of lower limb muscles were measured in 3 conditions: during normal walking, during forewarned walking immediately after a trip, and during forewarned walking several trials after a trip had occurred. Small but statistically significant differences in averaged muscle activity over a stride were found among conditions. Young adults showed slightly increased activity immediately after tripping (co-contraction) in hamstrings, quadriceps and tibialis anterior muscles. This increased activity diminished after several unperturbed trials, although it did not return to the baseline activity levels during normal walking. In older adults, an increased muscle activity among conditions was only discerned in tibialis anterior and soleus muscles. This suggested that older adults prefer to avoid contact with the obstacle over joint stiffening. Yet, for both age-groups, the increases in muscle activity were very small when compared to tripping responses reported in the literature. Therefore, anticipatory effects are not expected to jeopardize the validity of experiments in which subjects are perturbed more than once.  相似文献   

Given sufficient time and limited gene flow, evolutionary lineages tend to transform into separate species. Mechanisms preventing assimilation during repeated gene‐flow events include divergent adaptations and the development of pre‐ or postzygotic isolation. We analysed the morphological and genetic boundaries of three species of the rock lizard clade Darevskiarudis’ (Darevskia rudis, Darevskia valentini, and Darevskia portschinskii) in relation to the environment, and tried to reconstruct evolutionary pathways underlying the observed separation among the species. We studied the geographic distribution of the scalation traits, microsatellite genotypes, and mitochondrial haplotypes. Our analyses showed consistent morphological and genetic patterns at the centre of the ranges for each species, but asymmetric distribution of alleles and scalation characters within the current contact zones among the species. The genetic and morphological diversification of the clade has been shaped during glacial isolation in an area of Southern Caucasus, away from the Black Sea Coast. The ancestral lineage of D. portschinskii separated from the common D. rudis–D. valentini lineage in the middle Pleistocene, and the two latter lineages separated in relatively recent geological time. Neither of the lineages attained complete lineage sorting; moreover, isolation and migration modelling have helped to detect recombinant gene flow from D. rudis to D. portschinskii (but not to D. valentini). This is most likely linked with climatically more similar suitable habitats between D. rudis and D. portschinskii than between D. valentini and the other two species. In itself, the isolation period was insufficient for the development of intrinsic isolation mechanisms in the system studied. Thus, differential landscape‐dependent selection within the contact zones is likely to have triggered the rapid development of isolation mechanisms. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 876–892.  相似文献   

Herbivore fitness can be altered by a combination of interacting organisms, such as its food plant, conspecifics, and predators/parasitoids. Here, we tested relative effects of plant species, herbivore intraspecific competition type, and spatial distribution of the herbivore among plant units on herbivore survival and whether parasitoids modified these effects. We used an endophagous bruchine seed predator Callosobruchus maculatus for the herbivore, and a braconid wasp Heterospilus prosopidis for the parasitoid. The survival rate of C. maculatus was measured for each of 16 combinations of two plants (bean species, Vigna unguiculata and V. radiata), two competition types of C. maculatus larvae (contest and scramble), two spatial distributions of hosts [sparse (1 C. maculatus larva per seed over 20 seeds) and dense (2 C. maculatus larvae per seed over ten seeds)], and with/without a parasitoid pair. In the absence of the parasitoid, C. maculatus survival rate was lower with V. radiata and in the contest type. With the parasitoid, the proportion parasitized hosts was independent of total host density. Neither the proportion of parasitized hosts nor host survival rate was affected by plant species or host strain, but they were affected by host spatial distribution. When host distribution was dense, a higher proportion of hosts were parasitized, and C. maculatus survival rate was lower. Here we discuss parasitoid potential as a selective agent for the sparse within-pod distribution of its hosts in the field.  相似文献   

The amiloride-sensitiveepithelial sodium channel (ENaC) plays a critical role in fluid andelectrolyte homeostasis and is composed of three homologous subunits:, , and . Only heteromultimeric channels made of ENaCare efficiently expressed at the cell surface, resulting in maximallyamiloride-sensitive currents. To study the relative importance ofvarious regions of the - and -subunits for the expression offunctional ENaC channels at the cell surface, we constructedhemagglutinin (HA)-tagged --chimeric subunits composed of -and -subunit regions and coexpressed them with HA-tagged - and-subunits in Xenopus laevis oocytes. The whole cellamiloride-sensitive sodium current (Iami) andsurface expression of channels were assessed in parallel using thetwo-electrode voltage-clamp technique and a chemiluminescence assay.Because coexpression of ENaC resulted in largerIami and surface expression compared withcoexpression of ENaC, we hypothesized that the -subunit ismore important for ENaC trafficking than the -subunit. Usingchimeras, we demonstrated that channel activity is largely preservedwhen the highly conserved second cysteine rich domains (CRD2) of the- and -subunits are exchanged. In contrast, exchanging the wholeextracellular loops of the - and the -subunits largely reducedENaC currents and ENaC expression in the membrane. This indicates thatthere is limited interchangeability between molecular regions of thetwo subunits. Interestingly, our chimera studies demonstrated that theintracellular termini and the two transmembrane domains of ENaC aremore important for the expression of functional channels at the cellsurface than the corresponding regions of ENaC.


Estimating leaf temperature distributions (LTDs) in canopies is crucial in forest ecology. Leaf temperature affects the exchange of heat, water, and gases, and it alters the performance of leaf‐dwelling species such as arthropods, including pests and invaders. LTDs provide spatial variation that may allow arthropods to thermoregulate in the face of long‐term changes in mean temperature or incidence of extreme temperatures. Yet, recording LTDs for entire canopies remains challenging. Here, we use an energy‐exchange model (RATP) to examine the relative roles of climatic, structural, and physiological factors in influencing three‐dimensional LTDs in tree canopies. A Morris sensitivity analysis of 13 parameters showed, not surprisingly, that climatic factors had the greatest overall effect on LTDs. In addition, however, structural parameters had greater effects on LTDs than did leaf physiological parameters. Our results suggest that it is possible to infer forest canopy LTDs from the LTDs measured or simulated just at the surface of the canopy cover over a reasonable range of parameter values. This conclusion suggests that remote sensing data can be used to estimate 3D patterns of temperature variation from 2D images of vegetation surface temperatures. Synthesis and applications. Estimating the effects of LTDs on natural plant–insect communities will require extending canopy models beyond their current focus on individual species or crops. These models, however, contain many parameters, and applying the models to new species or to mixed natural canopies depends on identifying the parameters that matter most. Our results suggest that canopy structural parameters are more important determinants of LTDs than are the physiological parameters that tend to receive the most empirical attention.  相似文献   

Population divergence can occur due to mechanisms associated with geographic isolation and/or due to selection associated with different ecological niches. Much of the evidence for selection‐driven speciation has come from studies of specialist insect herbivores that use different host plant species; however, the influence of host plant use on population divergence of generalist herbivores remains poorly understood. We tested how diet breadth, host plant species and geographic distance influence population divergence of the fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea; FW). FW is a broadly distributed, extreme generalist herbivore consisting of two morphotypes that have been argued to represent two different species: black‐headed and red‐headed. We characterized the differentiation of FW populations at two geographic scales. We first analysed the influence of host plant and geographic distance on genetic divergence across a broad continental scale for both colour types. We further analysed the influence of host plant, diet breadth and geographic distance on divergence at a finer geographic scale focusing on red‐headed FW in Colorado. We found clear genetic and morphological distinction between red‐ and black‐headed FW, and Colorado FW formed a genetic cluster distinct from other locations. Although both geographic distance and host plant use were correlated with genetic distance, geographic distance accounted for up to 3× more variation in genetic distance than did host plant use. As a rare study investigating the genetic structure of a widespread generalist herbivore over a broad geographic range (up to 3,000 km), our study supports a strong role for geographic isolation in divergence in this system.  相似文献   

Pillay  Tiffany  Ward  David 《Plant Ecology》2021,222(2):149-158
Plant Ecology - Understanding the factors controlling tree seedling recruitment is an integral research priority for savanna ecosystems, particularly for the management of woody plant encroachment....  相似文献   

Background and aim: Many people use balance training as a rehabilitation or habilitation modality. Although the time course of changes to temporal and spatial aspects of postural sway over the initial weeks of such training is as yet unclear. Particularly, we sought to explore the effects of training on sway during a dynamic task of stance on an ultra-compliant surface. Such a task provides different mechanical, and thus sensorimotor, constraints compared to stance on a solid surface.

Methods: Center of pressure (COP) was measured on an ultra-compliant surface atop a force plate at the start of each of 18?days of a 6-week balance training program. Range and standard deviation quantified amount of sway while velocity and Lyapunov exponent (LyE) quantify speed and rhythmicity of sway, respectively.

Results: Trend analysis indicated quadratic changes in COP range and standard deviation, with initial reductions followed by returns to initial values by the end of training. Linear reduction of movement velocity and LyE continued through the duration of the program. Reduced LyE indicates regular (self-similar) structure of the COP path.

Conclusions: These results provide insight to the developing postural strategy necessary for maintaining upright stance within the dynamics created by interactions with an ultra-compliant surface. Participants showed sensitivity to surface properties, moving both more slowly and with a more regular movement pattern; suggesting that they were able to develop a more feed-forward approach to the maintenance of balance by exploiting task constraints.  相似文献   

The widely accepted hypothesis that the increased 1,2-diacylglycerol (DAG) in stimulated cells is derived from phosphoinositides was tested by comparing the pattern of molecular species of phosphatidylinositol (PI) to that of DAG in mast cells. For any glycerol-based lipid, molecular species are defined by unique combinations of the two fatty acids esterified to glycerol. The quantitative frequency distribution of these molecular species represent a "fingerprint" that provides a sensitive approach to assessing precursor/product relationships. Based on mass, the molecular species fingerprints PI, phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylserine were determined in unstimulated mast cells and compared to that of the DAG found after stimulation by IgE R bridging, compound 48/80 and the Ca+2 ionophore A23187. The molecular species fingerprint of DAG before stimulation was quite different from that of PI.IgE R cross-linking caused a 1.5 to 2-fold increase in DAG mass 1 to 3 min after stimulation with a concomitant shift in the pattern of DAG molecular species to one that bore only a partial resemblance to that of PI suggesting that considerably less than half of the incremental DAG is likely derived from PI. Ten to 20 min after Ag challenge, DAG levels became maximal (3.2- and 2.9-fold, respectively), but its molecular species pattern returned toward that seen in unstimulated cells suggesting that only perhaps 25% of the incremental DAG might be derived from PI. The molecular species fingerprint of DAG much more closely resembled that PC suggesting that as much as 75% of the incremental DAG might be derived from PC. Similar observations were made when 48/80 and A23187 were used as secretory agonists. These experiments indicate that the DAG participating in the "phosphoinositide cycle" represents a quantitatively modest fraction of the DAG accumulating in stimulated mast cells and suggest that mechanisms other than PI hydrolysis, including perhaps a "PC cycle," are more important than previously assumed in causing the rise in DAG during activation.  相似文献   

Shallow freshwater aquatic ecosystems are discrete feeding patches for fish eating birds. A unique feature of these ecosystems is that their physical conditions can change dramatically in a short period of time, particularly temperature, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen. Based on previous research we predicted that increasing turbidity will reduce the availability of fish to birds due to reduced visibility, while increasing temperature and decreasing dissolved oxygen will increase their availability through increases in activity and movement towards the more oxygenated surface areas, respectively. We also predicted that overall abundance of fish should increase feeding activity by terns. We measured these environmental variables, bird activity, and fish abundance from May to August from 2006 to 2008 in a marsh in southern Manitoba, Canada. Our results showed that only variation in dissolved oxygen levels affected feeding activity by terns. Since there was no relationship between bird and fish abundance either within or among years, these results suggest that it is the availability of prey (i.e. the upward movement of fish into the water column) and not their abundance per se that influences the number of avian predators present and hence the risk of predation to fish. These data demonstrate how the physical environment of aquatic ecosystems can impact terrestrial avian predators, and the link that exists between the physical environment and predator-prey interactions.  相似文献   

We created two new mutants of fission yeast cofilin to investigate why cytokinesis in many organisms depends on this small actin-binding protein. These mutant cofilins bound actin monomers normally, but bound and severed ADP-actin filaments much slower than wild-type cofilin. Cells depending on mutant cofilins condensed nodes, precursors of the contractile ring, into clumps rather than rings. Starting from clumped nodes, mutant cells slowly assembled rings from diverse intermediate structures including spiral strands containing actin filaments and other contractile ring proteins. This process in mutant cells depended on α-actinin. These slowly assembled contractile rings constricted at a normal rate but with more variability, indicating ring constriction is not very sensitive to defects in severing by cofilin. Computer simulations of the search-capture-pull and release model of contractile ring formation predicted that nodes clump when the release step is slow, so cofilin severing of actin filament connections between nodes likely contributes to the release step.  相似文献   

Falls are common and potentially disastrous for older adults. A novel approach that could augment current fall prevention procedures is to teach older adults movement strategies to reduce the risk of injury. The purpose of the study was to determine whether older adults can learn a movement strategy (“tuck-and-roll”) that reduces fall impact severity. Learning was quantified with short-term acquisition, bilateral transfer and 1-week-retention. 14 healthy older individuals participated (63.9 ± 5.6 years) in the investigation. Participants were randomly assigned into either training group (n = 7) or active control group (n = 7). All participants performed standardized sideway falls at baseline, immediately post intervention and 1-week-retention tests. During the falling assessments, kinetic and kinematic impact severity parameters were measured. The results for short-term learning revealed that the training group showed greater reduction in hip impact force (33% reduction) than the control group (16% reduction). Furthermore, there was partial bilateral transfer effect and 1-week retention observed in the training group. The observations provide preliminary evidence that teaching tuck-and-roll strategy to older adults has potential effect. The observations provide preliminary evidence that older adults might reduce impact severity utilizing tuck-and-roll strategy during unpredictably-timed sideway falls.  相似文献   

The impact of African elephantsLoxodonta africana Blumenbuch, 1797 on biodiversity is hotly debated in wildlife management circles with scientists polarised in their views. This polarisation is largely due to the individual experiences of researchers. We aimed to determine whether elephants or rainfall patterns drove changes in vegetation condition (Normalised Difference Vegetation Index; NDVI) by avoiding a site-specific approach and looking at the issue at a broader scale. We used published estimates of elephant population density from 30 sites and recorded the change in density from 1995–1999, from 1999–2002 and from 2002–2006. We also recorded the deviation of annual rainfall from the long-term mean for those periods. We modelled these variables against the change in NDVI between periods using mixed effects models. We found that elephants were more influential in driving change in vegetation condition than rainfall, and this also occurred at one of our individual test sites where long-term data were available (Kruger). Elephants and rainfall combined to drive change in vegetation condition at our other long-term test site (Amboseli). Management activities (fencing, water provision) may cause the differences between the two long-term study sites. Change in productivity driven by rainfall has ramifications for biodiversity, suggesting that elephant derived changes in vegetation productivity (NDVI) also impacts on biodiversity. Thus, this study supports previous findings from individual sites that elephants impact vegetation, however there is also a suggestion that these impacts may vary according to management actions.  相似文献   

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