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Antimycin, when added to resolved succinate-cytochrome c reductase complex in amounts sufficient to partially inhibit succinate-cytochrome c reductase activity, causes a decrease in inhibition of the residual succinate-cytochrome c reductase activity by 2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone. Antimycin has no effect on the inhibition of succinate-ubiquinone reductase activity by 2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone. We propose that antimycin increases the steady state concentration of ubisemiquinone in the reductase complex, and that 2-thenoyltrifluoracetone is competitive with ubisemiquinone.  相似文献   

In the succinate-cytochrome c reductase, the reduction of cytochrome b has been found to be triphasic: an initial rapid partial reduction was followed first by a rapid oxidation and then finally by a slow reduction. The initial reduction of cytochrome b was faster than that of cytochrome c1 and the final slow reduction of cytochrome b began when cytochrome c1 reduction was approaching completion. In presence of the inhibitors antimycin A or HQNO the reduction of cytochrome b became monophasic. Hysteresis or a kinetic cooperative effect of a factor controlling cytochrome b oxidation has been suggested as a possible explanation for the triphasic reduction of cytochrome b.  相似文献   

Two cytochrome b proteins were isolated from succinate-cytochrome c reductase and the cytochrome b-c1 complex. Their molecular weights were determined to be 37,000 and 17,000 daltons by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Spectral properties and amino acid composition of these two proteins are reported in the paper.  相似文献   

The triphasic course previously reported for the reduction of cytochrome b in the succinate-cytochrome c reductase by either succinate or duroquinol has been shown to be dependent on the redox state of the enzyme preparation. Prior reduction with increasing concentrations of ascorbate leads to partial reduction of cytochrome c1, and a gradual decrease in the magnitude of the oxidation phase of cytochrome b. At an ascorbate concentration sufficient to reduce cytochrome c1 almost completely, the reduction of cytochrome b by either succinate or duroquinol becomes monophasic. Owing to the presence of a trace amount of cytochrome oxidase in the reductase preparation employed, the addition of cytochrome c makes electron flow from substrate to oxygen possible. Under such circumstances, the addition of a limited amount of either succinate or duroquinol leads to a multiphasic reduction and oxidation of cytochrome b. After the initial three phases as described previously, cytochrome b becomes oxidized before cytochrome c1 when the limited amount of added substrate is being used up. However, at the end of the reaction when cytochrome c1 is being rapidly oxidized, cytochrome b becomes again reduced. The above observations support a cyclic scheme of electron flow in which the reduction of cytochrome b proceeds by two different routes and its oxidation controlled by the redox state of a component of the respiratory chain.  相似文献   

The reduction of cytochrome c by succinate-cytochrome c reductase was studied at very low cytochrome c concentrations where the reaction between cytochrome c1 and cytochrome c was rate limiting. The rate constant for the reaction was found to be independent of ionic strength up to 0.1 M chloride, and to decrease rapidly at higher ionic strength, suggesting that the interaction between cytochrome c1 and cytochrome c was primarily electrostatic. The reaction rates of cytochrome c derivatives modified at single lysine residues to form trifluoroacetylated or trifluoromethylphenylcarbamylated cytochromes c were studied to determine the role of individual lysines in the reaction. None of the modifications affected the reaction at low ionic strength, but at higher ionic strength the reaction rate was substantially decreased by modification of those lysines surrounding the heme crevice, lysine-8, -13, -27, -72, and -79. Modification of lysine-22, -25, -55, -99, and -100 had no effect on the rate. These results indicate that the binding site on cytochrome c for cytochrome c1 overlaps considerably with that for cytochrome oxidase, suggesting that cytochrome c might undergo some type of rotational diffusion during the electron-transport process.  相似文献   

The effects of bivalent cations on cytochrome b5 reduction by NADH:cytochrome b5 reductase and NADPH:cytochrome c reductase were studied with the proteinase-solubilized enzymes. Cytochrome b5 reduction by NADH:cytochrome b5 reductase was strongly inhibited by CaCl2 or MgCl2. When 1.2 microM-cytochrome b5 was used, the concentrations of CaCl2 and MgCl2 required for 50% inhibition (I50) were 8 and 18 mM respectively. The inhibition was competitive with respect to cytochrome b5. The extent of inhibition by CaCl2 or MgCl2 was much higher than that by KCl or other alkali halides. In contrast, cytochrome b5 reduction by NADPH:cytochrome c reductase was extremely activated by CaCl2 or MgCl2. In the presence of 5 mM-CaCl2, the activity was 24-fold higher than control when 4.4 microM-cytochrome b5 was used. The magnitude of activation by CaCl2 was 2-3-fold higher than that by MgCl2. The activation by these salts was much higher than that by KCl, indicating that bivalent cations play an important role in this activation. The mechanisms of inhibition and activation by bivalent cations of cytochrome b5 reduction by these two microsomal reductases are discussed.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial superoxide (O2*-) production is an important mediator of oxidative cellular injury. Succinate-cytochrome c reductase (SCR) of the electron transport chain has been implicated as an essential part of the mediation of O2*- generation and an alternative target of nitric oxide (NO) in the regulation of mitochondrial respiration. The Q cycle mechanism plays a central role in controlling both events. In the present work, O2*- generation by SCR was measured with the EPR spin-trapping technique using DEPMPO (5-diethoxylphosphoryl-5-methyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide) as the spin trap. In the presence of succinate, O2*- generation from SCR was detected as the spin adduct DEPMPO/*OOH. Inhibitors of the Q(o*-) site only marginally reduced (20-30%) this O2*- production, suggesting a secondary role of Q(o*-) in the mediation of O2*- generation. Addition of cyanide significantly decreased (approximately 70%) O2*- production, indicating the involvement of the heme component. UV-visible spectral analysis revealed that oxidation of ferrocytochrome b was accompanied by cytochrome c(1) reduction, and the reaction was mediated by the formation of an O2*- intermediate, indicating a direct role for cytochrome b in O2*- generation. In the presence of NO, DEPMPO/*OOH production was progressively diminished, implying that NO interacted with SCR or trapped the O2*-. The consumption of NO by SCR was investigated by electrochemical detection using an NO electrode. In the presence of succinate, SCR-mediated NO consumption was observed and inhibited by the addition of superoxide dismutase, suggesting the involvement of O2*-. Under the conditions of argon saturation, the NO consumption rate was not enhanced by succinate, suggesting a direct role for O2*- in the mediation of NO consumption. In the presence of succinate, oxidation of the ferrocytochrome b moiety of SCR was accelerated by the addition of NO, and was inhibited by argon saturation, indicating an indirect role for cytochrome b in the mediation of NO consumption.  相似文献   

Pentaheme cytochrome c nitrite reductase (ccNiR) catalyzes the six-electron reduction of nitrite to ammonia as the final step in the dissimilatory pathway of nitrate ammonification. It has also been shown to reduce sulfite to sulfide, thus forming the only known link between the biogeochemical cycles of nitrogen and of sulfur. We have found the sulfite reductase activity of ccNiR from Wolinella succinogenes to be significantly smaller than its nitrite reductase activity but still several times higher than the one described for dissimilatory, siroheme-containing sulfite reductases. To compare the sulfite reductase activity of ccNiR with our previous data on nitrite reduction, we determined the binding mode of sulfite to the catalytic heme center of ccNiR from W. succinogenes at a resolution of 1.7 A. Sulfite and nitrite both provide a pair of electrons to form the coordinative bond to the Fe(III) active site of the enzyme, and the oxygen atoms of sulfite are found to interact with the three active site protein residues conserved within the enzyme family. Furthermore, we have characterized the active site variant Y218F of ccNiR that exhibited an almost complete loss of nitrite reductase activity, while sulfite reduction remained unaffected. These data provide a first direct insight into the role of the first sphere of protein ligands at the active site in ccNiR catalysis.  相似文献   

The electron transfer complexes, succinate: ubiquinone reductase, ubiquinone: cytochrome c reductase, and cytochrome c: O2 oxidase were isolated from the mitochondrial membranes of Neurospora crassa by the following steps. Modification of the contents of the complexes in mitochondria by growing cells on chloramphenicol; solubilisation of the complexes by Triton X-100; affinity chromatography on immobilized cytochrome c and ion exchange and gel chromatography. Ubiquinone reductase was obtained in a monomeric form (Mr approximately 130 000) consisting of a flavin subunit (Mr 72 000) an iron-sulfur subunit (Mr 28 000) and a cytochrome b subunit (Mr probably 14 000). Cytochrome c reductase was obtained in a dimeric form (Mr approximately 550 000), the monomeric unit comprising the cytochromes b (Mr each 30 000), a cytochrome c1 (Mr 31 000), the iron-sulfur subunit (Mr 25 000), and six subunits without known prosthetic groups (Mr 9000, 11 000, 14 000, 45 000, 45 000, and 52 000). Cytochrome c oxidase was also isolated in a dimeric form (Mr approximately 320 000) comprising two copies each of seven subunits (Mr 9000, 12 000, 14 000, 18 000, 21 000, 29 000, and 40 000). The complexes were essentially free of phospholipid. Each bound one micelle of Triton X-100 (Mr approximately 90 000). After isolation, the bound Triton X-100 could be replaced by other nonionic detergents such as: alkylphenyl polyoxyethylene ethers, alkyl polyoxyethylene ethers and acyl polyoxyethylene sorbitan esters.  相似文献   

The reliability of monitoring the redox reactions of cytochrome b using the different wavelengths employed by different authors has been reexamined. It was found that 562-575 nm is suitable in succinate: cytochrome c reductase but not in mitochondria, in which case 562-540 nm is a better pair. Direct optical measurements of the redox reaction kinetics of the mitochondrial Q pool using a commercial dual-wavelength spectrophotometer are possible when succinate is used as the electron donor. Using the correct wavelength pair, and with malonate to slow down the electron input, the reduction course of cytochrome b was still triphasic but a plateau or a turn replaced the oxidation phase previously reported by several authors. At the same time, the reduction course of the Q pool was also triphasic, and in perfect match with that of cytochrome b. Destruction of the Rieske iron-sulfur cluster by British anti-Lewisite (BAL) + O2 treatment or prereduction of the high-potential components made the reduction of both Q and b monophasic. The plot of log (Q/QH2) against log (b3+/b2+) gave a straight line with an n value of 1.7 for cytochrome b at pH 7.4. This n value rose to 2.0 at pH 6.5 and dropped to 1.4 at pH 8.5. On the other hand, the mid-point potential of cytochrome b relative to that of the Q pool remained essentially unchanged between pH 6.5 and 8.4. BAL treatment had a small effect on the midpoint potential of cytochrome b relative to that of the Q pool and had no effect on the n value. Addition of quinone homologues and analogues extended the plateau phase in the reduction of cytochrome b, but exogenous quinones did not equilibrate rapidly with cytochrome b. It was concluded that the appearance of the plateau between the two reduction phases of Q and b is caused by the rapid delivery of electrons to the high-potential components of the respiratory chain as envisaged in the Q cycle; the unexpected n value for cytochrome b suggests a concerted reduction by QH2 of two species of cytochromes b-562.  相似文献   

NADPH-cytochrome c reductase and cytochrome b559 were purified from the membrane fraction of phorbol myristate acetate-stimulated porcine polymorphonuclear leukocytes. The highly purified reductase oxidized NADPH and generated superoxide when combined with partially purified cytochrome b559 in the presence of phosphatidylcholine. In the same system, but under the anaerobic condition, the reductase was found to reduce cytochrome b559.  相似文献   

The effect of antimycin on (i) the respiratory activity of the KCN-insensitive pathway of mitochondria of Neurospora grown on chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol-grown) with durohydroquinone and succinate or NADH as substrate, (ii) the electron transfer from the b-type cytochromes to ubiquinone with durohydroquinone as electron donor as well as (iii) the electron transfer from the b-type cytochromes to duroquinone with succinate as electron donor in chloramphenicol-grown Neurospora and beef heart submitochondrial particles was studied. All experiments were performed in the uncoupled state. 1. The respiratory chain of chloramphenicol-grown Neurospora mitochondria branches at ubiquinone into two pathways. Besides the cytochrome oxidase-dependent pathway, a KCN-insensitive branch equiped with a salicylhydroxamate-sensitive oxidase exists. Durohydroquinone, succinate or NADH are oxidized via both pathways. The durohydroquinone oxidation via the KCN-insensitive pathway is inhibited by antimycin, wheras the succinate or NADH oxidation is not. The titer for ful inhibition is one mol antimycin per mol cytochrome b-563 or cytochrome b-557. 2. The electron transfer from durohydroquinone to ubiquinone, which takes place in the KCN-inhibited state, does not occur in the antimycin-inhibited state. 3. The reduction of duroquinone by succinate in the presence of KCN is inhibited by antimycin. The titer for full inhibition is one mol antimycin per mol cytochrome b-566 or cytochrome b-562 for beef heart (or cytochrome b-563 or cytochrome b-557 for Neurospora). 4. When electron transfer from the b-type cytochromes to cytochrome C1, ubiquinone and duroquinone is inhibited by antimycin, the hemes of cytochrome b-566 and cytochrome b-562 (or cytochrome b-563 and cytochrome b-557) are in the reduced state. 5. The experimental results suggest that the two b-type cytochromes form a binary complex the electron transferring activity of which is inhibited by antimycin, the titer for full inhibition being one mol of antimycin per mol of complex. The electron transfer from the b-type cytochromes to ubiquinone is inhibited in a non-linear fashion.  相似文献   

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