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Aldehyde dehydrogenase (EC has been purified from human brain; this constitutes the first purification to homogeneity from the brain of any mammalian species. Of the three isozymes purified two are mitochondrial in origin (Peak I and Peak II) and one is cytoplasmic (Peak III). By comparison of properties, the cytoplasmic Peak III enzyme could be identified as the same as the liver cytoplasmic E1 isozyme (N.J. Greenfield and R. Pietruszko (1977) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 483, 35-45). The Peak I and Peak II enzymes resemble the liver mitochondrial E2 isozyme, but both have properties that differ from those of the liver enzyme. The Peak I enzyme is extremely sensitive to disulfiram while the Peak II enzyme is totally insensitive; liver mitochondrial E2 isozyme is partially sensitive to disulfiram. The specific activity is 0.3 mumol/mg/min for the Peak I and 3.0 mumol/mg/min for the Peak II enzyme; the specific activity of the liver mitochondrial E2 isozyme is 1.6 mumol/min/mg under the same conditions. The Peak I enzyme is also inhibited by acetaldehyde at low concentrations, while the Peak II enzyme and the liver mitochondrial E2 isozyme are not inhibited under the same conditions. The precise relationship of brain Peak I and II enzymes to the liver E2 isozyme is not clear but it cannot be excluded at the present time that the two brain mitochondrial enzymes are brain specific.  相似文献   

黄方  迟英俊  何慧  喻德跃 《遗传》2010,32(5):492-497
通过基因芯片技术,从大豆中鉴定了一个花优势表达基因,其在大豆花中的表达量为叶片中的85倍。通过生物信息学方法,拼接了该基因的全长序列,并通过RT-PCR克隆了该基因。BLAST检索分析表明该基因编码醛脱氢酶,命名为GmALDH3-1。GmALDH3-1包含一个1485 bp的开放阅读框,编码494个氨基酸残基。GmADLH3-1与白杨的醛脱氢酶PtALDH3相似性最高(氨基酸相似率83%,一致率为68%),而与来自于人的ALDH3B的氨基酸一致率和相似率分别为39%和59%。系统发生分析表明GmALDH3-1与其它植物ALDH3亚家族成员位于一个分支,且与白杨PtALDH3和拟南芥AtALDH3F1亲缘关系最近。采用实时定量RT-PCR检测了GmALDH3-1基因在大豆叶、根和花中的表达,结果表明GmALDH3-1基因在花中高丰度表达,在根和叶中未检测到表达。运用基因芯片信息分析了GmALDH3-1在种子发育过程中的表达情况,结果表明GmALDH3-1在种子发育过程中的外表皮、内表皮、外胚珠和种脐中表达量较高。文章讨论了GmALDH3-1基因在大豆生殖器官发育中可能发挥的作用。  相似文献   

A novel putative aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) gene aldh1413 from Flammeovirga pacifica isolated from deep sea sediment was cloned, expressed, and characterized. The molecular weight of the ALDH1413 (479 amino acids) was estimated by SDS-PAGE to be 53 kDa. The optimum temperature and pH for ALDH1413 were 35°C and 9.0, respectively. In the presence of either NAD+ or NADP+, the enzyme could oxidize a number of aliphatic aldehydes, particularly C3-and C5-aliphatic aldehydes and aromatic aldehydes such as benzaldehyde, which indicates that the enzyme belongs to broad-specific (ALDH) superfamily. Steady-state kinetic study revealed that ALDH1413 had a K M value of 0.545 mM and a k cat value of 7.48 s?1 when propionaldehyde was used as the substrate. The Na+ could enhance ALDH1413 activity, which indicated it might be adapt to its habitat, marine environment.  相似文献   

We cloned a new functional ALDH gene (ALDHx) from a human genomic library in cosmid pWE-15 by screening with a 29-nucleotide probe partially matched to a conserved region of the ALDH1 and ALDH2 genes. The new ALDHx gene does not contain introns in the coding sequence for 517 amino acid residues. The degree of resemblance between the deduced amino acid sequences of the new ALDHx gene and the ALDH2 gene is 72.5% (alignment of 517 amino acid residues), while that between the ALDHx and the ALDH1 gene is 64.6% (alignment of 500 amino acid residues). The amino acid residues (Cys-162, Cys-302, Glu-268, Glu-487, Gly-223, Gly-225, Gly-229, Gly-245 and Gly-250), which exist in both ALDH1 and ALDH2 isozymes and have been implicated in functional and structural importance, are also preserved in the deduced sequence of the new ALDHx gene. Northern blot hybridization with ALDHx probe revealed the existence of a unique mRNA band (3.0 kilobases) in the human liver and testis tissues. Using the new ALDHx probe, we cloned the cDNA of the gene from a human testis cDNA library in lambda gt11 vector. The nucleotide sequence of the cDNA differs from that of the genomic sequence at three nucleotide positions resulting in the exchange of 2 deduced amino acid residues. These positions are polymorphic as further demonstrated by the PCR amplification of the targeted region followed by nucleotide sequence analysis of the genomic DNA from eight unrelated individuals. Alignment of the genomic and cDNA sequence indicates that although the ALDHx gene appears to have no intron in its coding sequence, an intron of 2.6 kilobases is found to interrupt the 5'-untranslated (5'-UT) sequence. Primary extension and S1 mapping analysis indicate the existence of at least two 5'-UT exons. The new ALDHx gene was assigned to chromosome 9 by Southern blot hybridization of DNA samples from a panel of rodent-human hybrid cell lines.  相似文献   

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide- and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-dependent dehydrogenase activities from rat liver mitochondria have been copurified to homogeneity using combined DEAE, Sepharose, and affinity chromatographic procedures. The enzyme has a native molecular weight of 240,000 and subunit molecular weight of 60,000. The enzyme is tetrameric consisting of four identical subunits as revealed by electrophoresis and terminal analyses. A partial summary of physical properties is provided. The amino acid composition by acid hydrolysis is reported. Specific activities for various NAD(P)+ analogs and alkanal substrates were compared. The action of the effectors chloral hydrate, disulfiram, diethylstilbestrol, and Mg2+ and K+ ions were also investigated.  相似文献   

Aldehyde dehydrogenase was purified 187-fold from cytosol of rat testis by chromatographic methods and gel filtration with a yield of about 50%. The enzyme exhibits absolute requirement for exogenous sulfhydryl compounds and strong dependence on temperature. Addition of 0.4mM Ca2 or Mg2 ions results in 50% inhibition. Optimally active at pH 8.5 and 50 degrees C, aldehyde dehydrogenase displays broad substrate specificity; saturation curves with acetaldehyde and propionaldehyde are non-hyperbolic, with Hill coefficients comprised between 0.8 and 0.7. Strong substrate inhibition can be observed with both aromatic and long-chain alyphatic aldehydes. According to mathematical models, Km decreases from 246 microM for acetaldehyde to 4 microM for capronaldehyde and Ki decreases from about 4mM for butyraldehyde to 0.2 mM for capronaldehyde.  相似文献   

Human erythrocyte aldehyde dehydrogenase (aldehyde:NAD+ oxidoreductase, EC was purified to apparent homogeneity. The native enzyme has a molecular weight of about 210,000 as determined by gel filtration, and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of this enzyme yields a single protein and with a molecular weight of 51,500, suggesting that the native enzyme may be a tetramer. The enzyme has a relatively low Km for NAD (15 microM) and a high sensitivity to disulfiram. Disulfiram inhibits the enzyme activity rapidly and this inhibition is apparently of a non-competitive nature. In kinetic characteristic and sensitivity to disulfiram, erythrocyte aldehyde dehydrogenase closely resembles the cytosolic aldehyde dehydrogenase found in the liver of various species of mammalians.  相似文献   

Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) is a widely distributed enzyme in nature. Although many ALDHs have been reported until now, the detailed enzymatic properties of ALDH from Archaea remain elusive. Herein, we describe the characterization of an ALDH from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii. The enzyme (stALDH) could utilize various aldehydes as substrates, and maximal activity was found with acetaldehyde and the coenzyme NAD. The optimal temperature and pH were 80 °C and 8, respectively, and high thermostability was found with the half-life at 90 °C to be 4 h. The enzyme was considerably resistant to nitroglycerin (GTN) inhibition, which could be restored by reducing agent DTT or (±)-??-lipoic acid. Coenzyme NAD or NADP could regulate the enzymatic thermostability, as well as the esterase activity. Molecular modeling suggested that the enzyme harbored similar structural arrangement with its eukaryotic and bacterial counterparts. Sequence alignment showed the conserved catalytic residues E240 and C274 and cofactor interactive sites N142, K165, I168 and E370, the function of which were verified by site-directed mutagenesis analysis. This is the most thermostable ALDH reported until now and the unique property of this enzyme is potentially beneficial in the fields of biotechnology and biomedicine.  相似文献   

【目的】研究假坚强芽胞杆菌OF4中乙醇脱氢酶和乙醛脱氢酶的酶学特性。【方法】通过引物设计,采用PCR技术从嗜碱芽胞杆菌OF4的基因组DNA中扩增获得乙醇脱氢酶(adh)基因和乙醛脱氢酶(aldh)基因,构建表达载体,通过异源原核表达,Ni-NTA柱层析纯化酶蛋白,分析其酶学特性。【结果】乙醛脱氢酶的最适反应温度为35℃,最适反应pH值为8.0,酶蛋白的活力为979.6 U/mg,其稳定性在25℃和35℃下比45℃稍好;尽管由于乙醇脱氢酶的表达量低而未能纯化获得酶蛋白,但通过双基因共表达及乙醇耐受性实验发现乙醇脱氢酶也具备较高的催化活性。【结论】成功地从假坚强芽胞杆菌OF4中克隆获得了乙醇脱氢酶和乙醛脱氢酶基因,二者共同作用能够较大提高宿主对乙醇的耐受性。  相似文献   

Usual human livers contain two major aldehyde dehydrogenase isozymes, cytosolic ALDH1 component and mitochondrial ALDH2 component, while human livers with "atypical" phenotype have only ALDH1 isozyme and are missing ALDH2 isozyme. Approximately 50% of orientals are atypical in respect to ALDH isozymes. We previously demonstrated an existence of enzymatically inactive but immunologically cross-reactive material (CRM) in atypical oriental livers. ALDH1 and ALDH2 isozymes were purified to homogeneity from usual livers, and ALDH1 and CRM were purified from atypical oriental livers. Amino acid compositions of ALDH1 and ALDH2 were similar to, but not identical with, each other. Amino acid compositions of ALDH2 and CRM were identical within analytical errors. Subunit molecular size of ALDH1 estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was 56,200 daltons, and that of ALDH2 was 52,600 daltons. The two isozymes did not contain a common subunit. Subunit molecular weight of CRM was identical with that of ALDH2. Double immunodiffusion precipitation revealed that ALDH1 and ALDH2 were immunologically analogous but not identical, and that CRM and ALDH2 were immunologically indistinguishable. These results support the genetic model that CRM is an abnormal defective protein resulting from a mutation of the ALDH2 locus.  相似文献   

The molecular biology and enzymology of aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) have been extensively investigated. However, most of the studies have been confined to the mammalian forms, while the sub-mammalian vertebrate ALDHs are relatively unexplored. In the present investigation, an ALDH was purified from the hepatopancreas of grass carp (Ctenopharygodon idellus) by affinity chromatographies on alpha-cyanocinnamate-Sepharose and Affi-gel Blue agarose. The 800-fold purified enzyme had a specific activity of 4.46 U/mg toward the oxidation of acetaldehyde at pH 9.5. It had a subunit molecular weight of 55000. Isoelectric focusing showed a single band with a pI of 5.3. N-terminal amino acid sequencing of 30 residues revealed a positional identity of approximately 70% with mammalian mitochondrial ALDH2. The kinetic properties of grass carp ALDH resembled those of mammalian ALDH2. The optimal pH for the oxidation of acetaldehyde was 9.5. The K(m) values for acetaldehyde were 0.36 and 0.31 microM at pH 7.5 and 9.5, respectively. Grass carp ALDH also possessed esterase activity which could be activated in the presence of NAD(+).  相似文献   

The molecular biology and enzymology of aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) have been extensively investigated. However, most of the studies have been confined to the mammalian forms, while the sub-mammalian vertebrate ALDHs are relatively unexplored. In the present investigation, an ALDH was purified from the hepatopancreas of grass carp (Ctenopharygodon idellus) by affinity chromatographies on α-cyanocinnamate-Sepharose and Affi-gel Blue agarose. The 800-fold purified enzyme had a specific activity of 4.46 U/mg toward the oxidation of acetaldehyde at pH 9.5. It had a subunit molecular weight of 55 000. Isoelectric focusing showed a single band with a pI of 5.3. N-terminal amino acid sequencing of 30 residues revealed a positional identity of ∼70% with mammalian mitochondrial ALDH2. The kinetic properties of grass carp ALDH resembled those of mammalian ALDH2. The optimal pH for the oxidation of acetaldehyde was 9.5. The Km values for acetaldehyde were 0.36 and 0.31 μM at pH 7.5 and 9.5, respectively. Grass carp ALDH also possessed esterase activity which could be activated in the presence of NAD+.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the membrane-bound aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) gene from an industrial vinegar producer, Acetobacter polyoxogenes, was determined. Comparison of the sequence with the NH2-terminal amino acid sequence of the mature ALDH and determination of the actual translational initiation codon by means of in vitro manipulation of the upstream and proximal regions of the cloned gene showed that ALDH was primarily translated as a 773-amino-acid protein and that the 44-amino-acid sequence at the NH2-terminus, which probably serves as a signal peptide, was processed during maturation and localization in the membrane. When ALDH was expressed in a large quantity in Escherichia coli cells after the coding region had been placed downstream of the lac promoter, the ALDH protein, which still contained the signal peptide and had no ALDH activity, was localized in the membrane fraction.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) -dependent glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) has been cloned by rapid amplification of cDNA ends from Dunaliella salina. The cDNA is 3032 base pairs long with an open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 701 amino acids. The polypeptide shows high homology with published NAD+ -dependent GPDHs and has at its N-terminal a chloroplast targeting sequence. RNA gel blot analysis was performed to study GPDH gene expression under different conditions, and changes of the glycerol content were monitored. The results indicate that the cDNA may encode an osmoregulated isoform primarily involved in glycerol synthesis. The 701-amino-acid polypeptide is about 300 amino acids longer than previously reported plant NAD+ -dependent GPDHs. This 300-amino-acid fragment has a phosphoserine phosphatase domain. We suggest that the phosphoserine phosphatase domain functions as glycerol 3-phosphatase and that, consequently, NAD+ -dependent GPDH from D. salina can catalyze the step from dihydroxyacetone phosphate to glycerol directly. This is unique and a possible explanation for the fast glycerol synthesis found in D. salina.  相似文献   

Ho KK  Weiner H 《Journal of bacteriology》2005,187(3):1067-1073
An aldehyde dehydrogenase was detected in crude cell extracts of Escherichia coli DH5alpha. Growth studies indicated that the aldehyde dehydrogenase activity was growth phase dependent and increased in cells grown with ethanol. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified enzyme identified the latter as an aldehyde dehydrogenase encoded by aldB, which was thought to play a role in the removal of aldehydes and alcohols in cells that were under stress. The purified enzyme showed an estimated molecular mass of 220 +/- 8 kDa, consisting of four identical subunits, and preferred to use NADP and acetaldehyde. MgCl2 increased the activity of the NADP-dependent enzyme with various substrates. A comparison of the effect of Mg2+ ions on the bacterial enzyme with the effect of Mg2+ ions on human liver mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase revealed that the bacterial enzyme shared kinetic properties with the mammalian enzyme. An R197E mutant of the bacterial enzyme appeared to retain very little NADP-dependent activity on acetaldehyde.  相似文献   

1. A series of aldehyde dehydrogenase isozymes (aldehyde:NAD (P)+ oxidoreductase, EC, has been purified from hepatomas induced in Sprague-Dawley rats by 2-acetylaminofluorene. 2. The functional hepatoma-specific aldehyde dehydrogenase isozymes exist as 105 000-dalton dimers composed to two subunits of 53 000 daltons. Isoelectric points of the purified isozymes are 6.9-7.2. 3. Antiserum to these purified hepatoma-specific aldehyde dehydrogenases has been produced and the immunological relationships of these isozymes to their normal liver counterpart have been studied. Results of Ouchterlony double diffusions, agar-gel immunoelectrophoresis and polyacrylamide gel and agar immunoelectrophoresis indicate that anti-hepatoma aldehyde dehydrogenase antiserum cross-reacts with normal liver aldehyde dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Summary Membrane-bound aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) was purified from the membrane fraction of an industrial-vinegar-producing strain, Acetobacter polyoxogenes sp. nov. NBI1028 by solubilization with Triton X-100 and sodium N-lauroyl sarcosinate and subsequent column chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B and hydroxyapatite. The purified enzyme was homogeneos on polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. Upon sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis, the enzyme showed the presence of two subunits with a molecular mass of 75 000 daltons and 19 000 daltons, respectively. From the absorption and fluorescence spectra, the absence of cytochrome c and the presence of pyrroloquinoline quinone in the purified enzyme were demonstrated. The ALDH preferentially oxidized aliphatic aldehyde with a straight carbon chain except for formaldehyde. The apparent K m for acetaldehyde was 12 mM. The optimum pH and temperature were 7.0 and 50°–60°C, respectively. The enzyme remained active after storage at 4°C for 20 days. p-Chloromercuribenzoic acid and heavy metal salts such as CuSO4 were inhibitory to the enzyme. Ferricyanide was effective as an electron acceptor.Offprint requests to: M. Fukaya  相似文献   

Cellulose acetate zymograms of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), aldehyde dehydrogenase (AHD), aldehyde reductase (AHR), aldehyde oxidase (AOX) and xanthine oxidase (XOX) extracted from horse tissues were examined. Five ADH isozymes were resolved: three corresponded to the previously reported class I ADHs (EE, ES and SS) (Theorell, 1969); a single form of class II ADH (designated ADH-C2) and of class III ADH (designated ADH-B2) were also observed. The latter isozyme was widely distributed in horse tissues whereas the other enzymes were found predominantly in liver. Four AHD isozymes were differentially distributed in subcellular preparations of horse liver: AHD-1 (large granules); AHD-3 (small granules); and AHD-2, AHD-4 (cytoplasm). AHD-1 was more widely distributed among the horse tissues examined. Liver represented the major source of activity for most AHDs. A single additional form of NADPH-dependent AHR activity (identified as hexonate dehydrogenase), other than the ADHs previously described, was observed in horse liver. Single forms of AOX and XOX were observed in horse tissue extracts, with highest activities in liver.  相似文献   

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