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We present here one systematic strategy to optimize the preliminary purification of the recombinant 18kDa-hsp from Mycobacterium leprae at laboratory level in order to design a scaling up process. In a few steps a pure protein-as determined by western blot- was obtained. The overall process recovered 33% of the 18kDa-hsp.Supported by FAPESP and UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Disease (TDR).  相似文献   

Fourier -transform infrared microscopic spectra of scrapie-infected nervous tissue measured at high spatial resolution (approximately 6 microm) were compared with those obtained from the purified, partly proteinase K digested scrapie isoform of the prion protein isolated from nervous tissue of hamsters infected with the same scrapie strain (263K) to elucidate similarities/dissimilarities between prion structure investigated in situ and ex vivo. A further comparison is drawn to the recombinant Syrian hamster prion protein SHaPrP(90-232) after in vitro conformational transition from the predominantly alpha-helical isoform to beta-sheet-rich structures. It is shown that prion protein structure can be investigated within tissue and that detectability of regions with elevated beta-sheet content as observed in microspectra of prion-infected tissue strongly depends on spatial resolution of the experiment.  相似文献   

重组蛋白为疾病治疗提供了新手段,同时创造了可观的经济效益。利用经济作物(主要是烟草)、谷类作物、豆科作物和蔬菜作物生产具有药用价值的重组蛋白是“分子农业”最热门的研究内容。尽管许多重组蛋白已在植物中表达,但只有一小部分已成功投入使用。为了极大地克服限制植物生产重组蛋白发展的问题,研究人员改进表达系统以增加重组蛋白的产量。本文从分析植物产生重组蛋白产量低和/或生物活性低等问题入手,综述了近些年来解决这些问题的优化策略,同时提出了提高植物生产重组蛋白产量的研究方向。  相似文献   

The current state-of-the-art in control of cultivation processes for recombinant protein production is examined including the quantitative knowledge that can be activated for this purpose and the measurement techniques that can be employed for control at industrial manufacturing sites.  相似文献   

The demand for high-throughput recombinant protein production has markedly increased with the increased activity in the field of proteomics. Within the Human Protein Atlas project recombinantly produced human protein fragments are used for antibody production. Here we describe how the protein expression and purification protocol has been optimized in the project to allow for handling of nearly 300 different proteins per week. The number of manual handling steps has been significantly reduced (from 18 to 9) and the protein purification has been completely automated.  相似文献   

Until recently, low accumulation levels have been the major bottleneck for plant-made recombinant protein production. However, several breakthroughs have been described in the past few years allowing for very high accumulation levels, mainly through chloroplast transformation and transient expression, coupled with subcellular targeting and protein fusions. Another important factor influencing our ability to use plants for the production of recombinant proteins is the availability of quick and simple purification strategies. Recent developments using oleosin, zein, ELP and hydrophobin fusion tags have shown promise as efficient and cost-effective methods for non-chromatographic separation. Furthermore, plant glycosylation is a major barrier to the parenteral administration of plant-made biopharmaceuticals because of potential immunogenicity concerns. A major effort has been invested in humanizing plant glycosylation, and several groups have been able to reduce or eliminate immunogenic glycans while introducing mammalian-specific glycans. Finally, biosafety issues and public perception are essential for the acceptance of plants as bioreactors for the production of proteins. Over recent years, it has become clear that food and feed plants carry an inherent risk of contaminating our food supply, and thus much effort has focused on the use of non-food plants. Presently, Nicotiana benthamiana has emerged as the preferred host for transient expression, while tobacco is most frequently used for chloroplast transformation. In this review, we focus on the main issues hindering the economical production of recombinant proteins in plants, describing the current efforts for addressing these limitations, and we include an extensive list of recent patents generated with the intention of solving these limitations.  相似文献   

Although many different crop species have been used to produce a wide range of vaccines, antibodies, biopharmaceuticals and industrial enzymes, tobacco has the most established history for the production of recombinant proteins. To further improve the heterologous protein yield of tobacco platforms, transient and stable expression of four recombinant proteins (i.e. human erythropoietin and interleukin-10, an antibody against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and a hyperthermostable α-amylase) was evaluated in numerous species and cultivars of Nicotiana. Whereas the transient level of recombinant protein accumulation varied significantly amongst the different Nicotiana plant hosts, the variety of Nicotiana had little practical impact on the recombinant protein concentration in stable transgenic plants. In addition, this study examined the growth rate, amount of leaf biomass, total soluble protein levels and the alkaloid content of the various Nicotiana varieties to establish the best plant platform for commercial production of recombinant proteins. Of the 52 Nicotiana varieties evaluated, Nicotiana tabacum (cv. I 64) produced the highest transient concentrations of recombinant proteins, in addition to producing a large amount of biomass and a relatively low quantity of alkaloids, probably making it the most effective plant host for recombinant protein production.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2010,45(11):1816-1820
In this study, we describe a process for protein expression and purification from plants and insect cells based on the accumulation of recombinant proteins in protein bodies. This technology is using Zera®, which sequence has the capacity to trigger in vivo the formation of dense, non-secretory storage protein body-like organelles derived from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). With this method, recombinant human growth hormone (hGH) was expressed and purified from protein bodies accumulated in plants (Nicotiana benthamiana) and in insect cells (Spodoptera frugiperda). We found that recombinant Zera-hGH are stored in large quantity inside those proteins bodies and can be easily recovered during a one-step process from plant and insect cell biomass. After solubilization of recombinant protein bodies and cleavage of Zera tag from the fusion protein, active hGH was finally purified by a single chromatography step. These results indicate that recombinant proteins derived from Zera-fusion could provide both an efficient protein production system and eased purification downstream process.  相似文献   

Our studies on the bases of codons from 11 completely sequenced archaeal genomes show that, as we move from GC-rich to AT-rich protein-coding gene-containing species, the differences between G and C and between A and T, the purine load (AG content), and also the overall persistence (i.e. the tendency of a base to be followed by the same base) within codons, all increase almost simultaneously, although the extent of increase is different over the three positions within codons. These findings suggest that the deviations from the second parity rule (through the increasing differences between complementary base contents) and the increasing purine load hinder the chance of formation of the intra-strand Watson-Crick base-paired secondary structures in mRNAs (synonymous with the protein-coding genes we dealt with), thereby increasing the translational efficiency. We hypothesize that the ATrich protein-coding gene-containing archaeal species might have better translational efficiency than their GC-rich counterparts.  相似文献   

The aim of this work has been to compare social smiling in Down syndrome (mongolism) and normal infants, attending especially to the brow movements that appear before it. Facial responses of eight Down syndrome and eight normal infants from three to five months were analized by means of an anatomically based measurement technique during face-to-face interactions with their mothers. Despite their mental retardation, Down syndrome infants showed identical muscle movements as normal infants before and during smiling. However, some differences were found in smile frequency and leght, as well as in the brow movements frequency before smiling. Results are discussed in terms of the psychophisiological dysfunction of Down syndrome infants that are originated by a chromosome imbalance.  相似文献   

A complete set of genetic tools is still being developed for the micro-alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Yet even with this incomplete set, this photosynthetic single-celled plant has demonstrated significant promise as a platform for recombinant protein expression. In recent years, techniques have been developed that allow for robust expression of genes from both the nuclear and plastid genome. With these advances, many research groups have examined the pliability of this and other micro-algae as biological machines capable of producing recombinant peptides and proteins. This review describes recent successes in recombinant protein production in Chlamydomonas, including production of complex mammalian therapeutic proteins and monoclonal antibodies at levels sufficient for production at economic parity with existing production platforms. These advances have also shed light on the details of algal protein production at the molecular level, and provide insight into the next steps for optimizing micro-algae as a useful platform for the production of therapeutic and industrially relevant recombinant proteins.  相似文献   

The production of recombinant proteins in the milk of non-transgenic goats can be achieved by transducing the mammary gland with recombinant adenoviral vectors. However, this process involves several regulatory issues. The current study evaluates the biosafety of this production system. We present a preliminary biosafety profile based on detection of adenoviral particles in different body fluids and the antibody response after adenoviral transduction of the goat mammary gland. In addition, two methods of adenoviral inactivation in milk were tested. Although adenoviral particles were detected in the milk until day 4 after transduction, they were absent in serum, saliva, urine and feces. Anti-adenovirus antibodies were detected in serum and milk. The virus inactivation methods neutralized adenoviral particles and preserved the immunological identity of the recombinant protein. These results support the idea of a safe production of recombinant proteins using adenoviral vectors.  相似文献   

Human cells: new platform for recombinant therapeutic protein production   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The demand for recombinant therapeutic proteins is significantly increasing. There is a constant need to improve the existing expression systems, and also developing novel approaches to face the therapeutic proteins demands. Human cell lines have emerged as a new and powerful alternative for the production of human therapeutic proteins because this expression system is expected to produce recombinant proteins with post translation modifications more similar to their natural counterpart and reduce the potential immunogenic reactions against nonhuman epitopes. Currently, little information about the cultivation of human cells for the production of biopharmaceuticals is available. These cells have shown efficient production in laboratory scale and represent an important tool for the pharmaceutical industry. This review presents the cell lines available for large-scale recombinant proteins production and evaluates critically the advantages of this expression system in comparison with other expression systems for recombinant therapeutic protein production.  相似文献   

Several Aspergillus species, in particular Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oryzae, are widely used as protein production hosts in various biotechnological applications. In order to improve the expression and secretion of recombinant proteins in these filamentous fungi, several novel genetic engineering strategies have been developed in recent years. This review describes state-of-the-art genetic manipulation technologies used for strain improvement, as well as recent advances in designing the most appropriate engineering strategy for a particular protein production process. Furthermore, current developments in identifying bottlenecks in the protein production and secretion pathways are described and novel approaches to overcome these limitations are introduced. An appropriate combination of expression vectors and optimized host strains will provide cell factories customized for each production process and expand the great potential of Aspergilli as biotechnology workhorses to more complex multi-step industrial applications.  相似文献   

Li Y 《Biotechnology letters》2011,33(5):869-881
Fusion expression is a common practice for recombinant protein production. Some fusion tags confer solubility on the target protein whereas others provide affinity handles that facilitate purification. However, the tag usually needs to be removed from the final product, which involves using expensive proteases or hazardous chemicals and requires additional chromatography steps. Self-cleaving tags are a special group of fusion tags that possess inducible proteolytic activity. Combined with appropriate affinity tags, they enable fusion purification, cleavage and target separation to be achieved in a single step, which saves time, labor and cost. This paper reviews currently available self-cleaving fusion tags for recombinant protein production. For each system, an introduction of its key characteristics and a brief discussion of its advantages and disadvantages is given.  相似文献   

An new cascade control system is presented that reproducibly keeps the cultivation part of recombinant protein production processes on its predetermined track. While the system directly controls carbon dioxide production mass and carbon dioxide production rates along their setpoint profiles in fed-batch cultivation, it simultaneously keeps the specific biomass growth rates and the biomass profiles on their desired paths. The control scheme was designed and tuned using a virtual plant environment based on the industrial process control system SIMATIC PCS 7 (Siemens AG). It is shown by means of validation experiments that the simulations in this straightforward approach directly reflect the experimentally observed controller behaviour. Within the virtual plant environment, it was shown that the cascade control is considerably better than previously used control approaches. The controller significantly improved the batch-to-batch reproducibility of the fermentations. Experimental tests confirmed that it is particularly suited for cultivation processes suffering from long response times and delays. The performance of the new controller is demonstrated during its application in Escherichia coli fed-batch cultivations as well as in animal cell cultures with CHO cells. The technique is a simple and reliable alternative to more sophisticate model-supported controllers.  相似文献   

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