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To understand trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) attenuation of the denaturating effects of urea or guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl), we have determined the apparent transfer free energies (DeltaG(tr)(')) of cyclic dipeptides (CDs) from water to TMAO, urea or GdnHCl, and also the blends of TMAO and denaturants (urea or GdnHCl) at a 1:2 ratio as well as various denaturant concentrations in the presence of 1M TMAO, through the solubility measurements, at 25 degrees C. The CDs investigated in the present study included cyclo(Gly-Gly), cyclo(Ala-Ala) and cyclo(Val-Val). The observed DeltaG(tr)(') values indicate that TMAO can stabilize the CDs while urea or GdnHCl can destabilize the CDs. Furthermore, the DeltaG(tr)(') values of the blends of TMAO with urea or GdnHCl revealed that TMAO strongly counteracted the denaturating effects of urea on CDs in all instances, however, TMAO partially counteracted the perturbing effects of GdnHCl on CDs. TMAO counteraction ability of the deleterious effects of denaturants depended on the denaturant-CDs pair. The experimental results were further used to estimate the transfer free energies (Deltag(tr)(')) of the various functional group contributions from water to TMAO, urea or GdnHCl individually and to the combinations of TMAO and the denaturants in various ratios.  相似文献   

C-reactive protein (CRP) is a serum protein that shows rapid increases of as much as 1000-fold in concentration in response to infection, traumatic injury, or inflammation. CRP reacts with the phosphocholine moiety of pneumococcal cell wall C-polysaccharide, and this reaction can lead to complement activation in vitro and protection against pneumococcal infection in vivo. We have previously studied the chemiluminescence response of human neutrophils to Streptococcus pneumoniae as a measure of in vitro opsonophagocytosis by CRP and complement. CRP in the presence of complement was an effective opsonin for S. pneumoniae serotype 27 (Pn27), but not for serotypes 3 or 6. Because Pn27 differs from most serotypes of S. pneumoniae in containing phosphocholine in its capsular polysaccharide, we have determined the sites of CRP and C3 fixation to Pn27 and S. pneumoniae serotype 4 (Pn4), and related these to the ability of CRP and complement to opsonize these serotypes in vitro. By using a chemiluminescence (CL) assay to measure opsonophagocytosis, CRP was shown to enhance the response of human neutrophils and monocytes to Pn27 in the presence of normal human serum. The CL response of neutrophils and monocytes to Pn4 was not affected by the addition of CRP to serum. The addition of anti-capsular antibody to Pn4 and Pn27 enhanced the CL responses of both neutrophils and monocytes to both bacteria. The localization of bound CRP and C3 on Pn4 and Pn27 was determined by immunoelectron microscopy. CRP bound to Pn4 only in the cell wall region and C3 was located in this area whether or not CRP was present. Anti-capsular antibody deposited C3 in the capsule of Pn4. In contrast, Pn27 bound CRP throughout the capsule and cell wall areas. C3 was deposited in the cell wall region of Pn27 by serum alone and in the cell wall region and capsule when CRP or anti-capsular antibody was present. Because C3 fixation to the capsule was consistently associated with enhanced responses by phagocytic cells, it appears that the site of CRP binding and subsequent complement activation may be critical in the opsonophagocytosis of S. pneumoniae. These findings extend the correlation between capsular C3 and opsonization to a nonimmune system. By using CRP and different pneumococcal serotypes we have shown that the same molecules that are effective in the stimulation of phagocytic cells when bound to the capsule are not effective when bound to the cell wall.  相似文献   

Experiments on animals showed that native proteins may diffuse into the blood flow after oral administration of diluted protein solutions. An in vitro study led us to hypothesize that treatment with diluted solutions is accompanied by a decrease in the rate of protein proteolysis and accelerated protein diffusion through the intestinal mucosa.  相似文献   

The interactions of myoglobin with urea, methyl-, N,N'-dimethyl- and ethylurea in aqueous solutions were studied by density measurements. From the densities at constant chemical potential and constant molality, the partial specific volumes of myoglobin in these solutions as well as the extent of preferential binding of urea and alkylurea to myoglobin were determined. It has been found that water and not the denaturant is preferentially bound in urea solutions and alkylurea solutions up to 4 M so that the Gibbs free energy of myoglobin, i.e., its chemical potential in a denaturant solution, is larger than in water. This behavior of myoglobin is different from that of other globular proteins for which preferential binding of urea has been found. It appears that preferential hydration of myoglobin is due to its high content of ionic groups.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. After a Ringer-adapted frog tongue was stimulated with quinine-HCl (Q-HCl), rinsing the tongue with the Ringer produced a large off-response in the glossopharyngeal nerve.
  • 2.2. The off-response was caused by the enhancing action of Q-HCl stimulation upon the stimulating effectiveness of an NaCl component of Ringer solution.
  • 3.3. Analysis of gustatory neural unit responses showed that following Q-HCl stimulation the enhancement of responses to Ringer of those units which responded to both Q-HCl and Ringer or Ringer alone is related to the generation of the off-response.
  • 4.4. A phasic off-depolarization of taste cells elicited by a Ringer rinse following Q-HCl stimulation is thought to be associated with the off-response in the gustatory nerve.

Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases prepared from crude cytosols of chick kidney, rat kidney and rat liver were found on dilution to exhibit complex kinetics. Dilution of the cytosols appears to increase the state of activation of the enzymes. This effect was due to the presence of inhibitory agents in the cytosol which had a greater inhibitory effect on the cyclic AMP-dependent than on the cyclic AMP-independent enzyme.Two types of inhibitory activity were found by column chromatography, one resistant to trichloroacetic acid precipitation and boiling but affected by trypsin digestion and the other resistant to boiling and trypsin digestion but precipitated by trichloroacetic acid. Inhibitory activity corresponding to the former characteristics has been described previously but the presence of additional soluble inhibitory agents in the cytosol has not been documented. The complete characterisation of this previously undescribed inhibitory activity requires further investigation.The relevance of such cytosolic inhibitory activity to the interpretation of states of activation of protein kinase enzymes is discussed.  相似文献   

Five healthy young men exercised on an ergocycle for six 25-min periods separated by 5-min rest intervals in a warm dry environment (36 degrees C). After 1 h of exercise without fluid intake, the subjects continued to be dehydrated or were rehydrated either with water (W) or with isosmotic electrolyte carbohydrate solutions, either acidic (AISO) or close to neutrality (NISO). The average amount of the fluid ingested progressively every 10 min (120 ml) at 20 degrees C was calculated so as to compensate for 80% of the whole body water loss due to exercise in the heat. Dehydration associated with hyperosmotic hypovolaemia elicited large increases in heart rate (HR), and in rectal temperature (Tre), while no decrease was found in either whole body or local sweat rates. Rehydration with water significantly reduced the observed disturbances, except for plasma osmolality and Na+ concentration which were significantly lower than normal. With both AISO and NISO there was no plasma volume reduction and osmolality increase. Although a plasma volume expansion was induced by NISO ingestion, the cardiac cost was not improved, as reflected by the absence of a decrease in HR. With NISO, sweating was not enhanced and Tre tended to remain higher. It is concluded that efficient rehydration requires the avoidance of plasma volume expansion at the expense of interstitial and intracellular rehydration. During rehydration by oral ingestion of fluid, the pH of the drink may be an important factor; its effect remains unclear, however.  相似文献   

In the present work we studied, in female chronic diabetic rats the effect of either the parenteral administration of tamoxifen (TAM) (500 micrograms.kg-1.day-1) for 15 days or the ovariectomy upon the respiration and oscillatory behaviour of intact mitochondria and the activities of 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (HBD) and cytochrome c oxidase (Cox) of disrupted liver mitochondria. The treatment with TAM as well as the ovariectomy of diabetic animals significantly increased the respiratory control (RC) and the state 3 (S3) of respiration of intact liver mitochondria with the three substrates assayed (3-hydroxybutyrate, malate-glutamate and succinate). Both treatments also lowered significantly the damped factors of the oscillatory variation of liver intact mitochondria of diabetic rats. Moreover, the two above-mentioned treatments restored the activities of HBD and Cox of liver disrupted mitochondria to normal values. The effect of estrogens at level of its receptors in the modulation of liver mitochondrial function and liver HBD and Cox activities in chronic diabetes is discussed.  相似文献   

Approximate rates of some in vivo ornithine metabolisms in rats were calculated by pulse-labeling data, on the assumption that hepatic metabolite levels are constant during a given 3-min period. The rate of ornithine catabolism was 70–110 nmol/min/g liver; that of urea output was 3–6 μmol/min/g liver; the rotary rate of the “ornithine flux” was 10–12 rpm. A change from a 25 to a 70% casein diet resulted in a 1.5-fold augmentation in the rate of ornithine catabolism and a 1.6-fold increase in the rate of urea output; however, the rate of the “ornithine flux” remained nearly constant These findings suggest that stimulation of the urea cycle is accompanied not by acceleration of the cycle rotation, but rather by increased mass of the metabolite flux.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine viability of equine embryos in vivo after vitrification. In a preliminary study (Experiment 1), embryos were exposed in three steps to vitrification solutions containing increasing concentrations of ethylene glycol and glycerol (EG/G); the final vitrification solution was 3.4 M glycerol + 4.6 M ethylene glycol in a base medium of phosphate-buffered saline. Embryos were warmed in a two-step dilution and transferred into uteri of recipients. No pregnancies were observed after transfer of blastocysts >300 microm (n = 3). Transfer of morulae or blastocysts < or = 300 microm resulted in four embryonic vesicles (4/6, 67%). In a second experiment, embryo recovery per ovulation was similar for collections on Day 6(28/36, 78%) versus Days 7 and 8(30/48, 62%). Embryos < or = 300 and >300 microm were vitrified, thawed and transferred as in Experiment 1. Some embryos < or = 300 microm were also transferred using a direct-transfer procedure (DT). Embryo development rates to Day 16 were not different for embryos < or = 300 microm that were treated as in Experiment 1(10/22, 46%) or transferred by DT (16/26, 62%). Embryos > 300 microm (n = 19) did not produce embryonic vesicles.  相似文献   

Adenosine (Ado), deoxyadenosine (dAdo), and adenine arabinoside (AraA) inhibit the phagocytosis of IgG-coated erythrocytes and zymosan by resident and thioglycollate-elicited macrophages (thio-macrophages) in a dose-dependent and reversible manner. 3-Deazaadenosine (3cAdo) and adenine (Ade) also inhibit the phagocytosis by resident macrophages. Homocysteine thiolactonate (Hcy) potentiates the inhibition by Ado and 3cAdo while erythro-9-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl)adenine (EHNA) potentiates the inhibition by Ado, dAdo and AraA. This inhibition has a very rapid onset and the drugs do not interfere with the binding of IgG-coated erythrocytes to macrophages. The combination of Ado, Hcy and EHNA does not appreciably affect the intracellular level of ATP and S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) in thio-macrophages but causes accumulations of Ado and S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (AdoHcy) up to 135 and 145 nmol/mg of protein, respectively. During phagocytosis reversal, Ado is metabolized within 15 min while AdoHcy decreases log-arithmically with a half-life of 50 min. Carboxymethylation and phospholipid methylation, however, resume about 60-90 min after phagocytosis has recovered, and thus cannot function as transmembrane signals for phagocytosis. Other evidence showing the lack of correlation between phagocytosis and carboxymethylation inhibition include 1) Ado + Hcy inhibit carboxymethylation much better than Ado + EHNA (91 versus 75%) in thio-macrophage, but the two combinations show comparable phagocytosis inhibition potency; 2) Ado + Hcy inhibit carboxymethylation almost as well as Ado + Hcy + EHNA, but the latter is a much more effective drug combination for phagocytosis inhibition; 3) Ade and 3cAdo, although inhibiting resident macrophage phagocytosis as well as Ado + EHNA + Hcy, are much weaker carboxymethylation inhibitors; 4) dAdo and AraA potently inhibit phagocytosis but not carboxymethylation. The difference in the apparent methylation levels is not due to changes in the specific activities of AdoMet, which decrease with a half-life of 88 min. Interestingly, after the initial lag phase of about 90 min after the initiation of inhibition reversal, carboxymethylation and phagocytosis increase in parallel. In a log-log plot of carboxymethylation, phospholipid methylation, or phagocytosis versus the intracellular AdoHcy accumulation, a linear relationship is obtained. It is possible that AdoHcy accumulation is responsible for phagocytosis inhibition but inhibits by a mechanism other than interfering with protein and lipid methylations.  相似文献   

The intrachromosomal distribution patterns of chromatid aberrations induced by agents with delayed effects (as exemplified by ethanol and maleic hydrazide) were compared with those produced by agents with non-delayed effects (as exemplified by fast neutrons, X-rays and bleomycin). Despite nonrandomness of aberration distribution in all cases, the mutagens with nondelayed effects generally showed up with much less pronounced aberration hot spots than the mutagens with delayed effects. From the results obtained it is concluded that hot-spot expressivity is a characteristic "group-specific" feature of the two classes of mutagen and that aberration production during DNA replication (S-phase) by agents with delayed effects strongly favours a very pronounced aberration clustering, which is partly mutagen-specific. Possible causes of these differences with respect to hot-spot expressivity after treatment with mutagens showing non-delayed and delayed effects, respectively, are discussed.  相似文献   

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