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Oxidative biotransformations using oxygenases   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Considerable progress has been made in manipulating oxidative biotransformations using oxygenases. Substrate acceptance, catalytic activity, regioselectivity and stereoselectivity have been improved significantly by substrate engineering, enzyme engineering or biocatalyst screening. Preparative biotransformations have been carried out to synthesize useful pharmaceutical intermediates or chiral synthons on the gram to several-hundred-gram scale, by use of whole cells of wild type or recombinant strains. The synthetic application of oxygenases in vitro has been shown to be possible by enzymatic or electrochemical regeneration of NADH or NADPH.  相似文献   

The use of enzymes and whole cells in enantioselective biotransformation reactions is briefly reviewed. A Rhodococcus strain is shown to possess nitrile hydratase and amidase activity. The organism can be used for the enantioselective biotransformation of racemic -amino amides to (S) -amino acids with an enantiomeric excess (ee) of > 98%. Enantioselectivity is effectively time independent allowing easy quantitative conversion of racemic mixtures into enantiomerically pure -amino amides and -amino acids. The reaction is effective for a wide range of - substituents. The pH-dependence of the reaction indicates that the -amino amide is bound to the amidase enzyme in its neutral unprotonated form.  相似文献   

Oligoribonucleotide conjugates carrying apolar carbohydrates at the 5′-end and the corresponding siRNA duplexes have been prepared using phosphoramidite chemistry. All the carbohydrate-siRNA derivatives were compatible with RNA interference machinery if transfected with oligofectamine. In the absence of a transfection agent, some of them exerted certain reduction of gene expression. Double-tailed permethylated glucose conjugated to siRNA through a long spacer inhibited gene expression up to 26% compared to the scrambled duplex. Such modifications contribute positively to the stability of oligoribonucleotides against 5′-exonuclease degradation.  相似文献   

A thermophilic Bacillus spp. capable of transforming aliphatic nitriles, cyclic nitriles and dinitriles was used as a free cell suspension and immobilized in alginate beads to study the utilization of acetonitrile and acrylonitrile in a buffered biotransformation medium. The cells grew optimally at 65 degrees C and contained a nitrile hydratase-amidase enzyme system that transformed nitrile compounds stoichiometrically to the corresponding carboxylic acids. In the presence of urea or chloroacetone, amidase activity was inhibited and the amide intermediate was accumulated. Mass transfer limitation of nitrile utilization rates was observed with immobilized cells, but the alginate afforded the cells some degree of additional thermal stability and potential advantage in re-use. In vitro inhibition of the partially purified amidase was confirmed and the use of whole cells of this organism in a continuous bioreactor to generate amide products from nitrile substrates was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Herein we describe the synthesis of 1,2,4-triazolyl-3-thione;1,3,4-oxadiazole, and imidazo[2,1-b]thiazole derivatives from carbohydrates. The antiviral activity of these compounds was tested against Dengue and Junin virus (the etiological agent of Argentine hemorrhagic fever). The 3-(p-bromobenzoyl)-5-(1,2-O-isopropylidene-3-O-methyl-alpha-d-xylofuranos-5-ulos-5-yl)imidazo[2,1-b]thiazole was able to inhibit the replication of both viruses in Vero cells at concentration significantly lower than the CC(50).  相似文献   

Chemically induced carcinogenesis models in the rat are widely used for studying the biology of cancer and for developing and evaluating cancer prevention strategies. The azoxymethane(AOM)-induced rat colon tumor is a valuable tool for studying the interaction between tumor development and exogenous factors. Malignant conditions are characterized by enhanced levels of lipid peroxidative products, protein bound carbohydrates indicative of membrane damage and an ineffective antioxidant scavenging system. In the present study, AOM-induced rat showed lipid peroxidative damage, alterations in the membrane glycoprotein component and antioxidant defense system, along with ultrastructural changes like disruption in goblet cell and its membrane, swollen mitochondria with cristae dispersed, elongated endoplasmic reticulum and other features of neoplastic invasion. Berberine significantly attenuated the increases in lipid peroxidation, protein bound carbohydrates and enhanced the antioxidative status. The present study suggests that berberine prevents the appearance of malignant morphology and ultrastructural changes of AOM induced cancer by producing apoptosis like changes. Thus berberine inhibits neoplastic transformation by the induction of antioxidant defence system and ability to induce apoptotic like changes—thus elucidating its anti cancer role.  相似文献   

The current status of synthetic carbohydrate chemistry for the provision of biologically active oligosaccharides is summarized. Examples are given to demonstrate that synthetic strategy and methodology are now sufficiently developed that carbohydrate chains containing 2-6 sugar residues can be synthesized with reasonable predictability. Such syntheses, however, remain extremely laborious, taking on average 7 weeks per monosaccharide residue for a trained individual to complete. The use of glycosyltransferases can dramatically speed up this process for the provision of small (mg) quantities of test compounds. It is proposed, and supported by examples, that the most rapid and efficient manner of preparing such quantities may be to chemically synthesize small di- or trisaccharide primers and elaborate these to the required complex oligosaccharides enzymatically.  相似文献   

Eight papers were presented in this year's symposium "Advances in Biocatalysis" at the 232nd ACS National Meeting, accentuating the most recent development in biocatalysis. Researchers from both industry and academia are addressing several fundamental problems in biocatalysis, including the limited number of commercially available enzymes that can be provided in bulk quantities, the limited enzyme stability and activity in nonaqueous environments, and the permeability issue and cell localization problems in whole-cell systems. A trend that can be discerned from these eight talks is the infusion of new tools and technologies in addressing various challenges facing biocatalysis. Nanotechnology, bioinformatics, cellular membrane engineering and metabolic engineering (for engineering whole-cell catalysts), and protein engineering (to improve enzymes and create novel enzymes) are becoming more routinely used in research laboratories and are providing satisfactory solutions to the problems in biocatalysis. Significant progress in various aspects of biocatalysis from discovery to industrial applications was highlighted in this symposium.  相似文献   

Extractive work-up of whole-cell biotransformations generally suffers from the formation of stable gels and slimes upon addition of the organic solvent to the cell suspension and the cell-free solution, respectively. This problem has been overcome by enzymatic lysis of emulsifying agents present in the medium through addition of hydrolases. Of these agents, proteases have exhibited the most powerful de-emulsifying activity. Enzyme treatment of cell-free culture media of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with pronase E drastically reduced phase separation time (t(p)) from 1 week to 30 min without significantly affecting product integrity. Yeast cell suspensions were de-emulsified best with protease N-01, where phase separation was complete after 1 h. As was exemplified with cell-free culture media of Lactobacillus kefir, wherein addition of pronase E or protease N-01 reduced t(p) from 1 week to 2 h each, this practical, ready-to-use method is appropriate for both fungal and bacterial biocatalysts.  相似文献   

Posttranslational modifications modulate the activities of most eukaryotic proteins and play a critical role in all aspects of cellular life. Understanding functional roles of these modifications requires homogeneously modified proteins that are usually difficult to purify from their natural sources. An emerging powerful tool for synthesis of proteins with defined posttranslational modifications is to genetically encode modified amino acids in living cells and incorporate them directly into proteins during the protein translation process. Using this approach, homogenous proteins with tyrosine sulfation, tyrosine phosphorylation mimics, tyrosine nitration, lysine acetylation, lysine methylation, and ubiquitination have been synthesized in large quantities. In this review, we provide a brief introduction to protein posttranslational modifications and the genetic noncanonical amino acid (NAA) incorporation technique, then discuss successful applications of the genetic NAA incorporation approach to produce proteins with defined modifications, and end with challenges and ongoing methodology developments for synthesis of proteins with other modifications.  相似文献   

5-Benzyloxymethyl(Bom)-2'-deoxyuridine and its alpha-anomer were used as the key compounds for syntheses of thymidine analogues or 3'-derivatives. Anomeric 5-Bom-2'-deoxyuridines were synthesized from 5-Bom-uracil and 2-deoxy-3,5-di-O-p-toluyl-alpha-D-ribo-furanosyl chloride by means of the silyl method. 5-Bom-2'-deoxyuridine was transformed successively to 3',5'-di-O-mesyl derivative, 2,3'-anhydro-1-(2-deoxy-5-O-p-toluyl-beta-D-xylofuranosyl)-5-Bom-uracil and 3'-azido-2',3'-dideoxy-5-Bom-uridine. Treatment of the last with SnCl4 in methylene dichloride--methanol led to 3'-azido-2',3'-dideoxy-5-methoxymethyluridine. Under the same conditions the 5-methoxymethyl derivative was obtained from 3',5'-di-O-p-toluyl-5-Bom-2'-deoxyuridine. Interaction of 1-(2-deoxy-alpha-D-ribofuranosyl)-4-Bom-uracil with SnCl4 in methylene dichloride as well as the hydrogen transfer hydrogenolysis in the presence of cyclohexene and Pd(OH)2/C in ethanol led to 1-(2-deoxy-alpha-D-ribofuranosyl)-5-hydroxymethyluracil. Only 3'-azido-2',3'-dideoxy-5-Bom-uridine showed a cytotoxic activity against CaOv cells in vitro: in 10(-5)-10(-4) M concentrations it inhibits the thymidine incorporation into DNA by 78.8-95.1%. Elucidation of antitumor activity in vivo showed that this nucleoside inhibits growth of solid tumours, Ca755 and LLC, by 79 and 79-83%, respectively, but has no therapeutic effect against lympholeukemia P388.  相似文献   

Using a microarray that tiles all known yeast non-coding RNAs, we compared RNA from wild-type cells with RNA from mutants encoding known and putative RNA modifying enzymes. We show that at least five types of RNA modification (dihydrouridine, m1G, m2(2)G, m1A and m6(2)A) catalyzed by 10 different enzymes (Trm1p, Trm5, Trm10p, Dus1p-Dus4p, Dim1p, Gcd10p and Gcd14p) can be detected by virtue of differential hybridization to oligonucleotides on the array that are complementary to the modified sites. Using this approach, we identified a previously undetected m1A modification in GlnCTG tRNA, the formation of which is catalyzed by the Gcd10/Gcd14 complex. complex.  相似文献   


Biotransformations have gained extensive importance in practical use as a support for chemical synthesis or in the conversion of natural products. Biotransformations may present an enlargement, a sequential degradation or a specific modification of synthetic or natural compounds. The tools for biotransformations are principally mammalian, plant or microbial cells and their cell-free enzymes. In technical practice the biocatalysts are so far limited to the use of microorganisms and some cell-free enzymes of low cost. Although numerous microbial or enzymatical reactions were already developed for industrial processes, the capacities of biotransformations offer a broad field of inexhaustible possibilities for the future.


Polyomavirus major capsid protein VP1 synthesis was studied in infected primary baby mouse kidney cells. A standard curve of VP1 protein was used to quantitate VP1 in the cytoplasm and nucleus of infected cells during the time course of infection. Polyomavirus VP1 continued to be accumulated in the cytoplasm of the cells until 27 h postinfection, at which time the synthesis of VP1 leveled off. VP1 continued to accumulate in the nucleus of the infected cells throughout the course of infection. The presence of the six isospecies, A to F, of polyomavirus VP1 was also studied to determine the relative quantity of each species during the time course of infection. All six species were found in the cytoplasm and nucleus of infected cells at various times postinfection. However, the relative quantity of each species was different at early as compared with later times of infection. In addition, phosphorylated VP1 was found in isolated polyribosomes of infected cells, suggesting that phosphorylation of VP1 is a cotranslational modification. Examination of the effect of macromolecular synthesis on the transport of VP1 into the nucleus of infected baby mouse kidney cells as well as the rate of its nuclear accumulation during and after protein synthesis inhibition revealed that the continual transport and accumulation of VP1 in the nucleus required protein synthesis.  相似文献   

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