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In this article, an adjunct to a platform presentation at the Winternational 2000 Symposium, we summarize the recent findings of this group concerning the regulation and functions of FGF8 expressed at the isthmus of the developing brain. We show that several different FGF8 isoforms, ectopically expressed in midbrain or posterior forebrain, are able to mimic the proliferative and patterning functions previously attributed to the isthmus in tissue grafting studies. Moreover, we also show that FGF8 protein is sufficient to induce an ectopic isthmic organiser (Fgf-8+, Gbx2+) in anterior midbrain. We also provide evidence that isthmic FGF8 patterns anterior hindbrain, repressing Hox-a2 expression and setting aside a territory of the brain that includes the cerebellar anlage. We show that these effects of FGF8 are likely to be mediated via FGFR1 and be modulated by the putative FGF antagonist, Sprouty2, identified using a differential display screen. Finally, we provide evidence that the onset of Fgf8 expression is regulated by En1 and that its expression at the isthmus is subsequently maintained by a specific and direct interaction between rhombomere 1 and midbrain.  相似文献   

The sequence of a mouse Hox 2.9 cDNA clone is presented. The predicted homeodomain is similar to that of the Drosophila gene labial showing 80% identity. The equivalent gene in the Hox 1 cluster is Hox 1.6 which shows extensive similarity to Hox 2.9 both within and outside the homeodomain. Hox 2.9 and Hox 1.6 are the only two mouse members of the labial-like family of homeobox-containing genes as yet identified. Hox 2.9 has previously been shown to be expressed in a single segmental unit of the developing hindbrain (rhombomere) and has been predicted to be involved in conferring rhombomere identity. To analyse further the function of Hox 2.9 during development and to determine if the other mouse labial-like gene Hox 1.6, displays similar properties, we have investigated the expression patterns of these two genes and an additional rhombomere-specific gene, Krox 20, on consecutive embryonic sections at closely staged intervals. This detailed analysis has enabled us to draw the following conclusions: (1) There are extensive similarities in the temporal and spatial expression of Hox 2.9 and Hox 1.6, throughout the period that both genes are expressed in the embryo (7 1/2 to 10 days). At 8 days the genes occupy identical domains in the neuroectoderm and mesoderm with the same sharp anterior boundary in the presumptive hindbrain. These similarities indicate a functional relationship between the genes and further suggest that the labial-like genes are responding to similar signals in the embryo. (2) By 9 days the neuroectoderm expression of both genes retreats posteriorly along the anteroposterior (AP) axis. The difference at this stage between the expression patterns is the persistence of Hox 2.9 in a specific region of the hindbrain, illustrating the capacity of Hox 2.9 to respond to additional positional regulatory signals and indicating a unique function for this gene in the hindbrain. (3) The restriction of Hox 2.9 expression in the hindbrain occurs at 8 1/2 days, approximately the same time as Krox 20 is first detected in the posterior adjoining domain. The mutually exclusive expression of Hox 2.9 and Krox 20 demarcated by sharp expression boundaries suggest that compartmentalisation of cells within the hindbrain has occurred up to 6 h before rhombomeres (morphological segments) are clearly visible. (4) Hox 2.9 expression is confined to the region of rhombomere 4 that shows cell lineage restriction and, unlike Krox 20, is expressed throughout the period that rhombomeres are visible (to 11 1/2 days).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The midbrain-hindbrain boundary, or isthmus, is the source of signals that are responsible for regional specification of both the midbrain and anterior hindbrain. Fibroblast growth factor 8 (Fgf8) is expressed specifically at the isthmus and there is now good evidence that it forms at least part of the patterning signal. In this study, we use Fgf8 as a marker for isthmic cells to examine how interactions between midbrain and hindbrain can regenerate isthmic tissue and, thereby, gain insight into the normal formation and/or maintenance of the isthmus. We show that Fgf8-expressing tissue with properties of the isthmic organiser is generated when midbrain and rhombomere 1 tissue are juxtaposed but not when midbrain contacts any other rhombomere. The use of chick/quail chimeras shows that the isthmic tissue is largely derived from rhombomere 1. In a few cases a small proportion of the Fgf8-positive cells were of midbrain origin but this appears to be the result of a local respecification to a hindbrain phenotype, a process mimicked by ectopic FGF8. Studies in vitro show that the induction of Fgf8 is the result of a direct planar interaction between the two tissues and involves a diffusible signal.  相似文献   

Here we describe the isolation of the zebrafish fgfr3 gene, its structure and chromosomal location. Expression in wild type embryos occurs in the axial mesoderm, the diencephalon, the anterior hindbrain and the anterior spinal cord. In the hindbrain, a differential expression of fgfr3 was detected at several levels of intensity, with the highest expression in the posterior rhombomere 1 that is morphologically distinct from the anterior part, which develops into the cerebellum. Further, analysis of fgfr3 expression in mutants deficient in the formation of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB), noi(-/-) and ace(-/-), demonstrated that in the absence of Pax2.1 and FGF8 activity, the expression domains of FGFR3 expand into the MHB, tegmentum, cerebellum and optic tectum, which are the affected structures in these mutants.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are signaling molecules of the isthmic organizer, which regulates development of the midbrain and cerebellum. Tissue-specific inactivation of one of the FGF receptor (FGFR) genes, Fgfr1, in the midbrain and rhombomere 1 of the hindbrain of mouse embryos results in deletion of the inferior colliculi in the posterior midbrain and vermis of the cerebellum. Analyses of both midbrain-hindbrain and midbrain-specific Fgfr1 mutants suggest that after establishment of the isthmic organizer, FGFR1 is needed for continued response to the isthmic signals, and that it has direct functions on both sides of the organizer. In addition, FGFR1 appears to modify cell adhesion properties critical for maintaining a coherent organizing center. This may be achieved by regulating expression of specific cell-adhesion molecules at the midbrain-hindbrain border.  相似文献   

Hox genes have been implicated in specifying positional values along the anteroposterior axis of the caudal central nervous system, but their nested and overlapping expression has complicated the understanding of how they confer specific neural identity. We have employed a direct gain-of-function approach using retroviral vectors to misexpress Hoxa2 and Hoxb1 outside of the normal Hox expression domains, thereby avoiding complications resulting from possible interactions with endogenous Hox genes. Misexpression of either Hoxa2 or Hoxb1 in the anteriormost hindbrain (rhombomere1, r1) leads to the generation of motor neurons in this territory, even though it is normally devoid of this cell type. These ectopic neurons have the specific identity of branchiomotor neurons and, in the case of Hoxb1-induced cells, their axons leave the hindbrain either by fasciculating with the resident cranial motor axons at isthmic (trochlear) or r2 (trigeminal) levels of the axis or via novel ectopic exit points in r1. Next, we have attempted to identify the precise branchiomotor subtypes that are generated after misexpression and our results suggest that the ectopic motor neurons generated following Hoxa2 misexpression are trigeminal-like, while those generated following Hoxb1 misexpression are facial-like. Our data demonstrate, therefore, that at least to a certain extent and for certain cell types, the singular activities of individual Hox genes (compared to a combinatorial mode of action, for example) are sufficient to impose on neuronal precursor cells the competence to generate distinctly specified cell types. Moreover, as these particular motor neuron subtypes are normally generated in the most anterior domains of Hoxa2 and Hoxb1 expression, respectively, our data support the idea that the main site of individual Hox gene action is in the anteriormost subdomain of their expression, consistent with the phenomenon of posterior dominance.  相似文献   

Prospective midbrain and cerebellum formation are coordinated by FGF ligands produced by the isthmic organizer. Previous studies have suggested that midbrain and cerebellum development require different levels of FGF signaling. However, little is known about the extent to which specific regions within these two parts of the brain differ in their requirement for FGF signaling during embryogenesis. Here, we have explored the effects of inhibiting FGF signaling within the embryonic mouse midbrain (mesencephalon) and cerebellum (rhombomere 1) by misexpressing sprouty2 (Spry2) from an early stage. We show that such Spry2 misexpression moderately reduces FGF signaling, and that this reduction causes cell death in the anterior mesencephalon, the region furthest from the source of FGF ligands. Interestingly, the remaining mesencephalon cells develop into anterior midbrain, indicating that a low level of FGF signaling is sufficient to promote only anterior midbrain development. Spry2 misexpression also affects development of the vermis, the part of the cerebellum that spans the midline. We found that, whereas misexpression of Spry2 alone caused loss of the anterior vermis, reducing FGF signaling further, by decreasing Fgf8 gene dose, resulted in loss of the entire vermis. Our data suggest that cell death is not responsible for vermis loss, but rather that it fails to develop because reducing FGF signaling perturbs the balance between vermis and roof plate development in rhombomere 1. We suggest a molecular explanation for this phenomenon by providing evidence that FGF signaling functions to inhibit the BMP signaling that promotes roof plate development.  相似文献   

Formation of the trochlear nerve within the anterior hindbrain provides a model system to study a simple axonal projection within the vertebrate central nervous system. We show that trochlear motor neurons are born within the isthmic organiser and also immediately posterior to it in anterior rhombomere 1. Axons of the most anterior cells follow a dorsal projection, which circumnavigates the isthmus, while those of more posterior trochlear neurons project anterodorsally to enter the isthmus. Once within the isthmus, axons form large fascicles that extend to a dorsal exit point. We investigated the possibility that the projection of trochlear axons towards the isthmus and their subsequent growth within that tissue might depend upon chemoattraction. We demonstrate that both isthmic tissue and Fgf8 protein are attractants for trochlear axons in vitro, while ectopic Fgf8 causes turning of these axons away from their normal routes in vivo. Both inhibition of FGF receptor activation and inhibition of Fgf8 function in vitro affect formation of the trochlear projection within explants in a manner consistent with a guidance function of Fgf8 during trochlear axon navigation.  相似文献   

Development of the central nervous system is coordinated by intercellular signalling centres established within the neural tube. The isthmic organizer (IsO), located between the midbrain and anterior hindbrain, is one such centre. Important signal molecules secreted by the IsO include members of the fibroblast growth factor and Wnt families. These signals are integrated with dorsally and ventrally derived signals to regulate development of the midbrain and rhombomere 1 of the hindbrain. The IsO is operational for a remarkably long period of time. Depending on the developmental stage, it controls a variety of processes such as cell survival, cell identity, neural precursor proliferation, neuronal differentiation and axon guidance. This review focuses on the fibroblast growth factor signalling, its novel molecular regulatory mechanisms and how this pathway regulates multiple aspects of cell behaviour in the developing midbrain and anterior hindbrain.  相似文献   

Studies on expression and function of key developmental control genes suggest that the embryonic vertebrate brain has a tripartite ground plan that consists of a forebrain/midbrain, a hindbrain and an intervening midbrain/hindbrain boundary region, which are characterized by the specific expression of the Otx, Hox and Pax2/5/8 genes, respectively. We show that the embryonic brain of the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster expresses all three sets of homologous genes in a similar tripartite pattern. Thus, a Pax2/5/8 expression domain is located at the interface of brain-specific otd/Otx2 and unpg/Gbx2 expression domains anterior to Hox expression regions. We identify this territory as the deutocerebral/tritocerebral boundary region in the embryonic Drosophila brain. Mutational inactivation of otd/Otx2 and unpg/Gbx2 result in the loss or misplacement of the brain-specific expression domains of Pax2/5/8 and Hox genes. In addition, otd/Otx2 and unpg/Gbx2 appear to negatively regulate each other at the interface of their brain-specific expression domains. Our studies demonstrate that the deutocerebral/tritocerebral boundary region in the embryonic Drosophila brain displays developmental genetic features similar to those observed for the midbrain/hindbrain boundary region in vertebrate brain development. This suggests that a tripartite organization of the embryonic brain was already established in the last common urbilaterian ancestor of protostomes and deuterostomes.  相似文献   

Initiation of Hox genes requires interactions between numerous factors and signaling pathways in order to establish their precise domain boundaries in the developing nervous system. There are distinct differences in the expression and regulation of members of Hox genes within a complex suggesting that multiple competing mechanisms are used to initiate their expression domains in early embryogenesis. In this study, by analyzing the response of HoxB genes to both RA and FGF signaling in neural tissue during early chick embryogenesis (HH stages 7-15), we have defined two distinct groups of Hox genes based on their reciprocal sensitivity to RA or FGF during this developmental period. We found that the expression domain of 5' members from the HoxB complex (Hoxb6-Hoxb9) can be expanded anteriorly in the chick neural tube up to the level of the otic vesicle following FGF treatment and that these same genes are refractory to RA treatment at these stages. Furthermore, we showed that the chick caudal-related genes, cdxA and cdxB, are also responsive to FGF signaling in neural tissue and that their anterior expansion is also limited to the level of the otic vesicle. Using a dominant negative form of a Xenopus Cdx gene (XcadEnR) we found that the effect of FGF treatment on 5' HoxB genes is mediated in part through the activation and function of CDX activity. Conversely, the 3' HoxB genes (Hoxb1 and Hoxb3-Hoxb5) are sensitive to RA but not FGF treatments at these stages. We demonstrated by in ovo electroporation of a dominant negative retinoid receptor construct (dnRAR) that retinoid signaling is required to initiate expression. Elevating CDX activity by ectopic expression of an activated form of a Xenopus Cdx gene (XcadVP16) in the hindbrain ectopically activates and anteriorly expands Hoxb4 expression. In a similar manner, when ectopic expression of XcadVP16 is combined with FGF treatment, we found that Hoxb9 expression expands anteriorly into the hindbrain region. Our findings suggest a model whereby, over the window of early development we examined, all HoxB genes are actually competent to interpret an FGF signal via a CDX-dependent pathway. However, mechanisms that axially restrict the Cdx domains of expression, serve to prevent 3' genes from responding to FGF signaling in the hindbrain. FGF may have a dual role in both modulating the accessibility of the HoxB complex along the axis and in activating the expression of Cdx genes. The position of the shift in RA or FGF responsiveness of Hox genes may be time dependent. Hence, the specific Hox genes in each of these complementary groups may vary in later stages of development or other tissues. These results highlight the key role of Cdx genes in integrating the input of multiple signaling pathways, such as FGFs and RA, in controlling initiation of Hox expression during development and the importance of understanding regulatory events/mechanisms that modulate Cdx expression.  相似文献   

The perception of environmental stimuli is mediated through a diverse group of first-order sensory relay interneurons located in stereotypic positions along the dorsoventral (DV) axis of the neural tube. These interneurons form contiguous columns along the anteroposterior (AP) axis. Like neural crest cells and motoneurons, first-order sensory relay interneurons also require specification along the AP axis. Hox genes are prime candidates for providing this information. In support of this hypothesis, we show that distinct combinations of Hox genes in rhombomeres (r) 4 and 5 of the hindbrain are required for the generation of precursors for visceral sensory interneurons. As Hoxa2 is the only Hox gene expressed in the anterior hindbrain (r2), disruption of this gene allowed us to also demonstrate that the precursors for somatic sensory interneurons are under the control of Hox genes. Surprisingly, the Hox genes examined are not required for the generation of proprioceptive sensory interneurons. Furthermore, the persistence of some normal rhombomere characteristics in Hox mutant embryos suggests that the loss of visceral and somatic sensory interneurons cannot be explained solely by changes in rhombomere identity. Hox genes may thus directly regulate the specification of distinct first-order sensory relay interneurons within individual rhombomeres. More generally, these findings contribute to our understanding of how Hox genes specifically control cellular diversity in the developing organism  相似文献   

In flies, the zinc-finger protein Teashirt promotes trunk segmental identities, in part, by repressing the expression and function of anterior hox paralog group (PG) 1-4 genes that specify head fates. Anterior-posterior patterning of the vertebrate hindbrain also requires Hox PG 1-4 function, but the role of vertebrate teashirt-related genes in this process has not been investigated. In this work, we use overexpression and structure-function analyses to show that zebrafish tshz3b antagonizes Hox-dependent hindbrain segmentation. Ectopic Tshz3b perturbs the specification of rhombomere identities and leads to the caudal expansion of r1, the only rhombomere whose identity is specified independently of Hox function. This overexpression phenotype does not require the homeodomain and C-terminal zinc fingers that are unique to vertebrate Teashirt-related proteins, but does require that Tshz3b function as a repressor. Together, these results argue that the negative regulation of Hox PG 1-4 function is a conserved characteristic of Teashirt-related proteins.  相似文献   

We have investigated the mechanisms involved in generating hindbrain motoneurone subtypes, focusing on somatic motoneurones, which are confined to the caudal hindbrain within rhombomeres 5-8. Following heterotopic transplantation of rhombomeres along the rostrocaudal axis at various developmental stages, we have found that the capacity of rhombomeres to generate somatic motoneurones is labile at the neural plate stage but becomes fixed just after neural tube closure, at stage 10-11. Grafting of somites or retinoic acid-loaded beads beneath the rostral hindbrain induced the formation of somatic motoneurones in rhombomere 4 only, and Hox genes normally expressed more caudally (Hoxa3, Hoxd4) were induced in this region. Targeted overexpression of Hoxa3 in the rostral hindbrain led to the generation of ectopic somatic motoneurones in ventral rhombomeres 1-4, and was accompanied by the repression of the dorsoventral patterning gene Irx3. Taken together, these observations suggest that the somites, retinoic acid and Hox genes play a role in patterning somatic motoneurones in vivo.  相似文献   

Beads containing recombinant FGF8 (FGF8-beads) were implanted in the prospective caudal diencephalon or midbrain of chick embryos at stages 9-12. This induced the neuroepithelium rostral and caudal to the FGF8-bead to form two ectopic, mirror-image midbrains. Furthermore, cells in direct contact with the bead formed an outgrowth that protruded laterally from the neural tube. Tissue within such lateral outgrowths developed proximally into isthmic nuclei and distally into a cerebellum-like structure. These morphogenetic effects were apparently due to FGF8-mediated changes in gene expression in the vicinity of the bead, including a repressive effect on Otx2 and an inductive effect on En1, Fgf8 and Wnt1 expression. The ectopic Fgf8 and Wnt1 expression domains formed nearly complete concentric rings around the FGF8-bead, with the Wnt1 ring outermost. These observations suggest that FGF8 induces the formation of a ring-like ectopic signaling center (organizer) in the lateral wall of the brain, similar to the one that normally encircles the neural tube at the isthmic constriction, which is located at the boundary between the prospective midbrain and hindbrain. This ectopic isthmic organizer apparently sends long-range patterning signals both rostrally and caudally, resulting in the development of the two ectopic midbrains. Interestingly, our data suggest that these inductive signals spread readily in a caudal direction, but are inhibited from spreading rostrally across diencephalic neuromere boundaries. These results provide insights into the mechanism by which FGF8 induces an ectopic organizer and suggest that a negative feedback loop between Fgf8 and Otx2 plays a key role in patterning the midbrain and anterior hindbrain.  相似文献   



Cerebellar granule cell precursors are specifically generated within the hindbrain segment, rhombomere 1, which is bounded rostrally by the midbrain/hindbrain isthmus and caudally by the boundary of the Hoxa2 expression domain. While graded signals from the isthmus have a demonstrable patterning role within this region, the significance of segmental identity for neuronal specification within rhombomere 1 is unexplored. We examined the response of granule cell precursors to the overexpression of Hoxa2, which normally determines patterns of development specific to the hindbrain. How much does the development of the cerebellum, a midbrain/hindbrain structure, reflect its neuromeric origin as a hindbrain segment?  相似文献   

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