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Summary A 6.7 kb HindIII fragment from the Sym-plasmid of strain NGR234 was found to code a nodD-like gene flanked by two loci which were required for siratro host range. Transfer of the 6.7 kb fragment from NGR234 to R. trifolii strain ANU843 conferred extended host range ability to this strain on siratro plants but not to other plants normally nodulated by strain NGR234. Tn5 mutagenesis of the 6.7 kb fragment showed that insertions located into loci flanking the nodD-like gene abolished the extended host range phenotype. A hybridization probe spanning one of the host specificity loci was shown to hybridize to three specific bands in the NGR234 genome. Complementation and DNA hybridization data showed that the nodD-like gene of strain NGR234 was functionally similar to that in R. trifolii. The introduction to R. trifolii of the 6.7 kb HindIII fragment containing Tn5 insertions located in the nodD-like gene did not abolish the ability to extend the host range of R. trifolii to siratro plants. However, transfer of the 6.7 kb HindIII to R. trifolii derivatives containing Tn5 insertions into either nodA, B or C or other R. trifolii nod genes failed to confer siratro nodulation to these recipients. Reconstruction experiments showed that the 6.7 kb fragment from strain NGR234 and the 14 kb nodulation region of R. trifolii could induce the nodulation of siratro plants when introduced together into Sym-plasmid-cured Rhizobium strains.  相似文献   

Summary The hemA gene which encodes -aminolaevulinic acid synthase (ALAS), was cloned and characterized from the broad host-range Rhizobium strain NGR234. A cosmid, identified by hybridization with the cloned gene of R. meliloti and complementation of an R. meliloti hemA mutant, was subcloned to yield a 5.5 kb fragment containing the entire NGR234 gene. A physical-genetic map was made and the interposon was introduced into a single EcoRI site which bisects the gene. The mutated gene was homogenotized into NGR234 to generate a hemA mutant, with a view to evaluating the role of rhizobial bacteroid ALAS activity for a wide variety of legume symbioses. The mutant strain formed an ineffective (Fix) symbiosis with all tested host plants. These included tropical legumes that produce either indeterminate (Leucaena) or determinate (Desmodium, Macroptilium, Lablab, Vigna) root nodules.Abbreviations ALA -aminolaevulinic acid - ALAS aminolaevulinic acid synthase - Lb leghaemoglobin - Lb-haem haem moiety of leghaemoglobin  相似文献   

Summary Transposon Tn7 was inserted into wide host range plasmid pSUP202 and used as a suicide plasmid vehicle for transposon mutagenesis in Rhizobium leguminosarum. Tn7 is transposed with high frequency into the self-transmissible plasmid pJB5JI without affecting the transfer, nodulation and nitrogen fixation functions. Tn7 transposition provides a useful tool for marking symbiotic plasmids.  相似文献   

Summary Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium bacteria gain intercellular entry into roots of the non-legume Parasponia andersonii by stimulating localized sites of cell division which disrupt the epidermis. Infection threads are then initiated from intercellular colonies within the cortex. Infection via the information of infection threads within curled root hairs, which commonly occurs in legumes, was not observed in Parasponia. The conserved nodulation genes nodABC, necded for the curling of legume root hairs, were not essential for the initiation of infection, however, these genes were required for Parasponia prenodule development. In contrast, the nodD gene of Rhizobium strain NGR234 was essential for the initiation of infection. In addition, successful infection required not only nodD but a region of the NGR234 symbiotic plasmid which is not needed for the nodulation of legumes. Agrobacterium tumefaciens carrying this Parasponia specific region, as well as legume nod genes, was able to form nodules on Parasponia which reached an advanced stage of development.  相似文献   

Summary The infection of white clover seedlings byRhizobium strains with different host range properties was assessed using various microscopic techniques. Several wild-type andRhizobium leguminosarum biovarvicias hybrid strains containing definedR. l. bv.trifolii host range genes were used. The morphological changes in the root tissue of uninoculated and rhizobia inoculated white clovers were identified and compared. In particular, changes were observed in the induction of inner cortical cell division, alterations to nodule development and lateral root formation. The responses of the infected roots and the types of structures formed support the hypothesis that lateral roots and nodules may be physiologically homologous structures. To establish a normal pattern of nodulation on white clover roots, both sets of known host specific nodulation genes (operonsnod FERL andnod MNX) ofR. l. bv.trifolii were required. However, some nodule development occurred when only thenod FERL genes were present in the hybrid strain.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of combined nitrogen in the soil suppresses the formation of nitrogen-fixing root nodules by Rhizobium. We demonstrate that bacterial genes determining early nodulation functions (nodABC) as well as the regulatory gene nodD3 are under nitrogen (NH 4 + ) control. Our results suggest that the gene product of nodD3 has a role in mediating the ammonia regulation of early nod genes. The general nitrogen regulatory (ntr) system as well as a chromosomal locus mutated in Rhizobium meliloti were also found to be involved in the regulation of nod gene expression. A R. meliloti mutant with altered sensitivity to ammonia regulation was isolated, capable of more efficient nodulation of alfalfa than the wild-type strain in the presence of 2 mM ammonium sulfate.  相似文献   

Summary R. meliloti primarily nodulates Medicago sativa but cannot nodulate Macroptilium atropurpureum. By introducing an 11.4 kb region into R. meliloti from the Symplasmid of Rhizobium strain MPIK3030, the host range of the R. meliloti transconjugants were shown to be extended to M. atropurpureum, one of the hosts of MPIK3030 but not normally nodulated by R. meliloti. The region responsible for host range extension was isolated by mass conjugating a clone bank from MPIK3030 into the R. meliloti wild type, and subsequent screening for nodulation on M. atropurpureum. Using deleted derivatives of a plasmid reisolated from endosymbiotic bacteria, the host range region was further narrowed down to three EcoRI fragments. Tn5 mutagenesis allowed the isolation of three discrete regions on an 11.4 kb section, which are involved in the extension of host range to M. atropurpureum. Finally, complementation experiments performed with R. meliloti common nod and hsn mutants indicated that none of the genes involved in the early steps of nodulation, including host-range functions, can be complemented by genes carried on the 11.4 kb fragment derived from MPIK3030.  相似文献   

Summary R-prime plasmids were constructed from a derivative of Rhizobium strain NGR234 (ANU280) and were shown to contain overlapping genomic DNA segments involved in biosynthesis of exopolysaccharides (EPS). The R-primes originally constructed carried the mutant allele from Tn5-induced EPS-deficient (Exo) mutant ANU2811. This plasmid-located mutant allele was dominant to the corresponding wild-type allele as merodiploid strains were Exo. Exo+ revertants occurred at a low rate (1×10-7) and these were shown to result from double reciprocal recombination events, which led to the isolation of R-prime plasmids carrying functional wild-type exo alleles. R-prime plasmids that carry overlapping segments of DNA from parental strain ANU280 complemented 28 of the 30 group 2 Exo mutants of strain ANU280. Complementation of these Exo mutants also restored their symbiotic abilities of effective nodulation. Subsequent in vivo recombination between the wild-type alleles located on the R-prime and the corresponding mutated allele on the genome, was used to generate a new family of R-primes, which carried mutations in the exo genes. The 30 group 2 Exo mutants were classified into 7 distinct genetic groups based upon complementation and physical mapping data. Five of the seven exo loci were gentically linked and located on a 15-kb region of DNA. Mutations at two loci were dominant only when the mutations were R-prime plasmid-located while a mutation at a second locus was cis-dominant to two other exo loci. At least five genes involved in the synthesis of acidic exopolysaccharide synthesis have been identified.  相似文献   

In the biosynthesis of lipochitin oligosaccharides (LCOs) theRhizobium nodulation protein NodA plays an essential role in the transfer of an acyl chain to the chitin oligosaccharide acceptor molecule. The presence ofnodA in thenodABCIJ operon makes genetic studies difficult to interpret. In order to be able to investigate the biological and biochemical functions of NodA, we have constructed a test system in which thenodA, nodB andnodC genes are separately present on different plasmids. Efficient nodulation was only obtained ifnodC was present on a low-copy-number vector. Our results confirm the notion thatnodA ofRhizobium leguminosarum biovarviciae is essential for nodulation onVicia. Surprisingly, replacement ofR. l. bv.viciae nodA by that ofBradyrhizobium sp. ANU289 results in a nodulation-minus phenotype onVicia. Further analysis revealed that theBradyrhizobium sp. ANU289 NodA is active in the biosynthesis of LCOs, but is unable to direct the transfer of theR. l. bv.viciae nodF E-dependent multi-unsaturated fatty acid to the chitin oligosaccharide acceptor. These results lead to the conclusion that the original notion thatnodA is a commonnod gene should be revised.  相似文献   

Summary Rhizobium sp. NGR234 in a fast-growing Rhizobium strain with a broad host range. The location and role of chromosomal genes involved in cellular metabolism or in the legume symbioses is unknown. We isolated a series of auxotrophic and antibiotic resistant mutants of NGR234 and utilized a chromosome mobilization system based on Tn5-Mob and pJB3JI; Tn5-Mob donor strains behaved like Hfr strains, transferring the chromosome polarly at high frequency from a fixed point of insertion. The use of four different strains with Tn5-Mob located at different nutritional loci in crosses with double auxotrophic recipients, allowed us to build up a circular linkage map of NGR234 based on relative recombination frequencies. Also, symbiotically important genes identified by site-directed mutagenesis, such as hemA and ntrA, could be located and mapped on the chromosome.Abbreviations Tc tetracycline - Sp spectinomycin - Rif rifampicin - Km kanamycin  相似文献   

Rhizobium fredii is a nitrogen-fixing symbiont from China that combines broad host range for nodulation of legume species with cultivar specificity for nodulation of soybean. We have compared 10R. fredii strains withRhizobium sp. NGR234, a well known broad host range strain from Papua New Guinea. NGR234 nodulated 16 of 18 tested lugume species, and nodules on 14 of the 16 fixed nitrogen. TheR. fredii strains were not distinguishable from one another. They nodulated 13 of the legumes, and in only nine cases were nodules effective. All legumes nodulated byR. fredii were included within the host range of NGR234. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were detected with four DNA hybridization probes: the regulatory and commonnod genes,nodDABC; the soybean cultivar specificity gene,nolC; the nitrogenase structural genes, nifKDH; and RFRS1, a repetitive sequence fromR. fredii USDA257. A fifth locus, corresponding to a second set of soybean cultivar specificity genes,nolBTUVWX, was monomorphic. Using antisera against whole cells of threeR. fredii strains and NGR234, we separated the 11 strains into four serogroups. The anti-NGR234 sera reacted with a singleR. fredii strain, USDA191. Only one serogroup, which included USDA192, USDA201, USDA217, and USDA257, lacked cross reactivity with any of the others. Although genetic and phenotypic differences amongR. fredii strains were as great as those between NGR234 andR. fredii, our results confirm that NGR234 has a distinctly wider host range thanR. fredii.  相似文献   

Summary A 70 kbp segment of the megaplasmid from a broad host range Rhizobium strain (MPIK3030) was mapped with the aid of cosmid clones made in the vector pJB8. A 7.9 kbp EcoRI fragment from this region, 55 kbp away from the nif gene cluster, was shown to hybridize to the common nod genes from R. meliloti. Using several R. meliloti nod probes it was possible to delimit an 830 bp region as being the center of greatest homology. Sequence data from two sections of this region gave a nucleotide homology of 73.7% to the nodC gene of R. meliloti. Using Tn5 mutagenesis a clone was isolated carrying Tn5 in the highly homologous region. When tested on Macroptilium atropurpureum, this MPIK3030 derivative was shown to have a Nod phenotype. When the wild-type allele was reintroduced into the Tn5 mutant, nodulation was restored. Interspecies complementation also showed that both R. meliloti and Rhizobium sp. MPIK3030 nod regions were able to restore nodulation to Tn5-induced nodC mutants from either strain.Dedicated to Professor Georg Melchers to celebrate his 50-year association with the journal  相似文献   

Summary Using cloned Rhizobium phaseoli nodulation (nod) genes as hybridization probes homologous restriction fragments were detected in the genome of the slow-growing soybean symbiont, Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain 110. These fragments were isolated from a cosmid library, and were shown to lie 10 kilobasepairs (kb) upstream from the nifA and fixA genes. Specific nod probes from Rhizobium leguminosarum were used to identify nodA-, nodB-, and nodC-like sequences clustered within a 4.5 kb PstI fragment. A mutant was constructed in which the kanamycin resistance gene from Tn5 was inserted into the nodA homologous B. japonicum region. This insertion was precisely located, by DNA sequencing, to near the middle of the nodA gene. B. japonicum mutants carrying this insertion were completely nodulation deficient (Nod-).  相似文献   

Rhizobium species strain NGR234 nodulates at least 35 diverse genera of legumes as well as the nonlegume Parasponia andersonii. Most nodulation genes are located on the 500-kilobase pair symbiotic plasmid, pNGR234a. Previously, three plasmid-borne host range determinants (HsnI, HsnII, and HsnIII) were identified by their ability to extend the nodulation capacity of heterologous rhizobia to include Vigna unguiculata. In this study, we show that HsnII contains two new nod-box linked hsn genes, nodS and nodU.nodS controls nodulation of the tropical tree Leucaena leucocephala, while the nodSU genes regulate nodulation of the pasture legume Desmodium intortum and the grain legume V. unguiculata. Regulation of the nod-box upstream of nodSU by the flavonoid naringenin was shown using a fusion with a promoterless lacZ gene. Determination of the nucleotide sequence of the nodS gene did not reveal homology with any gene in the EMBL library, although Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110 contains both nodS and nodU (M. G?ttfert, S. Hitz, and H. Hennecke, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 3:308-316, 1990). We suggest that broad host range in NGR234 is controlled in part by a nodD gene which interacts with a wide range of flavonoids, and in part by host-specific nod genes such as nodS.  相似文献   

Summary A Tn5-induced mutant strain of R. phaseoli which failed to synthesize exopolysaccharide (EPS) was isolated and was shown to induce normal nitrogen-fixing nodules on Phaseolus beans, the host of this Rhizobium species. The corresponding wild-type Rhizobium DNA was cloned in a wide host-range vector and by isolating Tn5 insertions in this cloned DNA, mutations in a gene termed pss (polysaccharide synthesis) were isolated. These were introduced by marker exchange into near-isogenic strains of R. leguminosarum and R. phaseoli which differed only in the identity of their symbiotic plasmids. Whereas the EPS-deficient mutant strain of R. phaseoli induced normal nitrogen-fixing nodules on Phaseolus beans, the same mutation prevented nodulation of peas by a strain of R. leguminosarum which normally nodulates this host. Further, it was found that DNA cloned from the plant pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pathover campestris could correct the defect in EPS synthesis in R. leguminosarum and R. phaseoli and also restored the ability to nodulate peas to the pss::Tn5 mutant strain of R. leguminosarum.  相似文献   

The contributions of various nod genes from Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viceae to host-specific nodulation have been assessed by transferring specific genes and groups of genes to R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii and testing the levels of nodulation on Pisum sativum (peas) and Vicia hirsuta. Many of the nod genes are important in determination of host-specificity; the nodE gene plays a key (but not essential) role and the efficiency of transfer of host specific nodulation increased with additional genes such that nodFE < nodFEL < nodFELMN. In addition the nodD gene was shown to play an important role in host-specific nodulation of peas and Vicia whilst other genes in the nodABCIJ gene region also appeared to be important. In a reciprocal series of experiments involving nod genes cloned from R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii it was found that the nodD gene enabled bv. viciae to nodulate Trifolium pratense (red clover) but the nodFEL gene region did not. The bv. trifolii nodD or nodFEL genes did significantly increase nodulation of Trifolium subterraneum (sub-clover) by R. leguminosarum bv. viciae. It is concluded that host specificity determinants are encoded by several different nod genes.  相似文献   

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