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We studied the characteristics of rainbow trout serum (RTS) inhibitory activity against infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV). Serum inhibition was related to the serum source and host cell in which the virus had been propagated. IPNV was more efficiently inhibited by RTS in salmonid cell lines than in non-salmonid cell lines, with inhibition highest in rainbow trout gonad (RTG)-2 cells. The RTS sensitivity of the virus was modified by the cell line through which the virus passed, with multiple passages through Chinook salmon embryo (CHSE)-214 cells producing a virus that was less sensitive to RTS. The RTS inhibition level was dependent on cell density: at a cell density of < or = 2 x 10(5) cells ml(-1), inhibition was insignificant (tissue culture infective dose 50% = 10(-1.1) TCID50 ml(-1) reduction); however, above a density of 3 x 10(5) cells ml(-1), the inhibition level was very high (> or = 10(-6.3) TCID50 ml(-1) reduction). The salmonid sera tested showed high inhibition, except for brook trout serum (BTS), while non-salmonid sera did not inhibit IPNV, replication on RTG-2 cells. Pretreatment of cultured cells with RTS prior to exposure did not affect inhibition of IPNV and thus did not mask a viral receptor. The RTS inhibition level was dependent on the time of serum addition, with inhibition being maintained for at least 16 h postinfection. Pretreatment of IPNV revealed that the virus is directly inhibited by RTS, and more strongly so when RTS is present during viral replication.  相似文献   

The resistance of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to an infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) challenge following a preceding non-lethal infection with infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) was investigated through experimental dual infections. Trout initially infected with IPNV were inoculated 14 days later with IHNV. Single infections of trout with 1 of the 2 viruses or with cell culture supernatant were also carried out and constituted control groups. No mortality was noted in fish after a single infection with IPNV. This virus had no influence on the head kidney leucocyte phagocytic activity and plasma haemolytic complement activity. IHNV induced a high mortality (72%) and reduced the macrophage phagocytic activity and complement haemolytic activity. It also induced a late production of anti-IHNV antibodies which occurred after clearance of the virus in the fish. In trout co-infected with both viruses, a mortality rate of 2% occurred and the immune parameters were similar to those observed in the fish infected with IPNV only, demonstrating that in co-infected trout IPNV inhibits the effects of IHNV. The studied parameters did not allow us to define the mechanism of interference occurring between these 2 viruses, but some hypothesis are put forward to explain the interference between the 2 viruses.  相似文献   

Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) infects salmonid fish with high mortality and causes serious economic losses to salmonid aquaculture. Lactobacillus strains have a number of properties that make them attractive candidates as delivery vehicles for the presentation to the mucosa of compounds with pharmaceutical interest, in particular vaccines. Here, Lactobacilli/Escherichia coli shuttle vector pPG1 (surface-displayed) or pPG2 (secretory) with the capsid VP2 gene inserted was transformed into Lactobacillus casei to yield two recombinant strains: Lc:PG1-VP2 and Lc:PG2-VP2, respectively. Rainbow trout immunized respectively with Lc:PG1-VP2, Lc:PG2-VP2, Lc:PG1-VP3 and Lc:PG2-VP3 elicited anti-IPNV immune responses (serum IgM) via oral route. Statistical results of serum IgM titer with neutralizing activity showed that immunogenicity of Lc:PG2-VP2 was more powerful than that of Lc:PG1-VP2 (P < 0.001), Lc:PG1-VP3 (P < 0.001) and Lc:PG2-VP3 (P < 0.001), which was confirmed by viral loads reduction analyzed by real-time RT-PCR in orally immunized rainbow trout after virus challenge. Comparing with negative control, rainbow trout orally dosed with Lc:PG2-VP2 resulted in ∼46-fold reduction in virus load on days 10 post viral challenge as well as Lc:PG1-VP2(∼20-fold), Lc:PG2-VP3(∼6-fold) and Lc:PG1-VP3(∼3-fold). Taken together, Lc:PG2-VP2 exhibited a more appropriate candidate as live bacteria vaccine against IPNV infection in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

Infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) is a well-known acute viral disease of salmonid species. We have identified quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with resistance to this disease in rainbow trout. We searched for linkage among 51 microsatellite markers used to construct a framework linkage map in backcross families of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), produced by crossing IPN-resistant (YN-RT201) and -susceptible (YK-RT101) strains. Two putative QTLs affecting disease resistance were detected on chromosomes A (IPN R S-1) and C (IPN R/S-2), respectively, suggesting that this is a polygenic trait in rainbow trout. These markers have great potential for use in marker-assisted selection (MAS) for IPN resistance and provide the basis for cloning of IPN resistance genes. Clarification of the genetic bases of complex traits has broad implications for fundamental research, but will also be of practical benefit to fish breeding.  相似文献   

Through the regular clinical control of a Croatian rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farm, aberrant fry behaviour was revealed whereby diagnostic protocols of sampled fish evidenced the presence of the infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV). Identification of an IPNV type isolated from the source farm was necessary to develop an adequate epizootiological survey at the country level. A previous IPNV outbreak and virus molecular characterization had been reported on only one previous occasion. Amplification of a 359‐bp fragment (GenBank HM036118 ) of the capsid protein VP2 variable region supported the hypothesis of the European origin of the isolate that clusters within genogroup III, belonging to A2 serotype, although showing a distinction from the previously reported strain.  相似文献   

<正>Dear Editor,Aquatic birnaviruses are a group within the family Birnaviridae that comprise isolates from fish and shellfish from both fresh-and seawater(Woo and Bruno,1999).Members of the family Birnaviridae are icosahedral viruses approximately 60 nm in diameter composed of five polypeptides and two segments of double-stranded RNA(Dixon et al.,2008).In this report,an aquatic birnavirus was isolated from rainbow trout fry,Onhorhynchus myki-  相似文献   

Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV), a member of the genus Aquabirnavirus and family Birnaviridae, is an unenveloped icosahedral virus with two segments of double-stranded RNA. IPNV causes acute infection in salmonid fry and fingerlings with high mortality. However, this mortality is low as the age increases and survivors become IPNV-carrier fish. In this study, IPNV persistent infection was established in rainbow trout with no clinical signs or mortality. TUNEL staining and immunohistochemistry showed that IPNV antigen-positive cells did not have an apoptotic nucleus in almost all tissue sections and leucocyte smears, indicating that apoptosis was not induced in IPNV antigen-positive cells. The IPNV genome detected by in situ RT-PCR was more frequent than detection of the IPNV antigen by immunohistochemistry in the kidney, spleen, and liver. This result implies that the successive replication would not occur in many IPNV-infected cells. Further, apoptotic cells were predominant in the tissue sections where the signal-positive cells were frequently detected. Therefore, the presence of apoptosis in this study might be associated with host defense mechanisms, which eliminates IPNV-infected cells by the recognition of IPNV genome at the early stage of infection.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of breeding values (EBVs) predicted using the traditional pedigree based Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (PBLUP) and the single-step genomic Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (ssGBLUP) for resistance against infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) in rainbow trout. A total of 2278 animals were challenged against IPNV and 768 individuals were genotyped using a 57?K single nucleotide polymorphism array for rainbow trout. Accuracies for both methods were assessed using five-fold cross-validation. The heritabilities were higher for PBLUP compared to ssGBLUP. The ssGBLUP accuracies outperformed PBLUP in 7 and 11% for days to death and binary survival, respectively. The ssGBLUP could be an alternative approach to improve the accuracy of breeding values for resistance against infectious pancreatic necrosis virus in rainbow trout, using information from genotyped and non-genotyped animals.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) pre-smolts vaccinated with Norvax®Protect (NP) or injected with saline, were demonstrated to have a significantly (P≤0·0001) higher probability of being IPNV-infected when sampled during 12 weeks post challenge (PC) with IPNV (11·7 times and 32·5 times higher, respectively), than fish vaccinated with Norvax®Protect-IPN (NP-IPN), a vaccine identical to NP except for the presence of recombinant VP2. Furthermore, following experimental challenge with IPNV, an IPNV-specific secondary humoral immune response was detected in the group vaccinated with NP-IPN. Statistical analysis revealed that NP-IPN-vaccinated fish had a significantly (P≤0·0001) higher probability of producing IPNV-specific antibodies during 12 weeks PC with IPNV, compared to NP-vaccinated or saline-injected fish (5·3 times and 7·6 times higher, respectively). The results support efficacy data from field trials in Norway, where NP-IPN has proven successful in the prevention of IPN in Atlantic salmon post-smolts. However, the immunological mechanisms behind the increased IPNV clearance remain unknown.  相似文献   

Two significant fish kills occurred in the Pamlico River estuary (North Carolina, USA), one in December 1981 and January 1982, and the other in June 1982. The first involved only the southern flounder(Paralichthys lethostigma). Histopathologic examination of morbid and moribund flounder revealed extensive sloughing and necrosis of the mucosa of the pyloric caeca and intestine, and inflammation of the submucosa of the pyloric caeca. Brain and internal organ homogenates from morbid and moribund flounder were assayed on CHSE-214 cells, and a virus was isolated. Virus titers ranged from8.4 · 102 to 6.3 · 107 TCID50 per gram of tissue. Cross-plaque neutralization assays indicated that the southern flounder virus was infectious pancreatic necrosis virus serotype Ab. Immersion challenge showed the isolate is only slightly virulent for fry of brook trout(Salvelinus fontinalis). The second fish kill involved the southern flounder and six other species: hogchoker(Trinectes maculatus), Atlantic silverside(Menidia menidia), spot(Leiostomus xanthurus), Atlantic croaker(Micropogon undulatus), silver perch(Bairdiella chrysura), and striped mullet(Mugil cephalus). Virus was isolated from southern founder, hogchoker, Atlantic silverside, and spot. Neutralization assays indicated that the four isolates were nearly identical; however, the diversity of species affected suggests that the virus might not have been the specific cause of mortality.  相似文献   

Salmon B-cells and neutrophils were studied by flow cytometry in IPNV infected salmon. A highly virulent strain of IPNV was used for challenge of parr and post-smolts. The parr were challenged by intraperitoneal (ip) injection while salmon post-smolts were challenged by ip injection or cohabitation. No mortality occurred in the parr groups, but a cumulative mortality of about 50% was obtained in cohabitant infected post-smolt groups and less than 10% in ip challenged post-smolts. The virus levels were low in head kidney (HK) samples from survivors compared to dead fish. The percentages of neutrophilic granulocytes and Ig+ cells (B-cells) were analysed using HK and blood samples from survivors. The cell populations were identified by monoclonal antibodies (MAb) E3D9, recognising neutrophils, and G2H3 recognising Ig+ cells (B-cells). Parr sampling for leucocyte analyses took place about 1.5 weeks prior to and about 4 weeks post challenge. This corresponded to about 8 and 2.5 weeks before the fish were adapted to seawater transfer. In parr head kidney leucocytes (HKL) we observed significantly lower (p < 0.05) levels of neutrophils in ip infected fish compared to non-infected control fish. The post-smolt sampling from infected fish took place 2 weeks prior to and in the fifth and sixth week post challenge. HKL samples from both surviving cohabitants and ip injected fish had significantly (p < 0.05) lower levels of neutrophils than non-infected control fish. The cohabitant fish also had significantly (p < 0.05) higher levels of B-cells in HKL compared to ip injected fish. No significant changes in B-cells in HKL or peripheral blood leucocytes (PBL) was observed in infected parr or ip infected post-smolts compared to control fish. The relative leucocyte levels of the fish prior to challenge and in non-infected control fish are in accordance with earlier findings. The results indicate that non-specific immune cells like neutrophils are highly influenced by IPNV infection of parr and post-smolts several weeks post challenge.  相似文献   

The virulence of 5 European and 1 North American isolate of infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) was compared by infecting female sibling rainbow trout ('Isle of Man' strain) of different weights and ages (2, 20 and 50 g). The fish were exposed to 10(4) TCID50 IHNV per ml of water by immersion, and the mortality was recorded for 28 d. Two new IHNV isolates from Germany were included in the investigation. One was isolated from European eels kept at 23 degrees C (+/- 2 degrees C) and the other was not detectable by immunofluorescence with commercially available monoclonal antibodies recognising the viral G protein. The results showed that IHNV isolates of high or low virulence persisted in rainbow trout of all ages/weights for 28 d, with the exception of fish over 15 g in the eel IHNV (DF [diagnostic fish] 13/98)-infected groups from which the virus could not be reisolated on Day 28. The smallest fish were most susceptible to an infection with any of the IHNV isolates. The lowest cumulative mortality (18%) was observed in fingerlings infected with the North American isolate HAG (obtained from Hagerman Valley), and the highest mortality (100%) in DF 04/99 infected fish. The DF 04/99 and O-13/95 viruses caused mortality in fish independent of their weight or age. The isolates FR-32/87 and I-4008 were virulent in fish up to a weight of 20 g and caused no mortality in larger fish. In the IHNV HAG- and DF 13/98 (eel)-infected rainbow trout, no signs of disease were observed in fish weighing between 15 and 50 g. An age/weight related susceptibility of rainbow trout was demonstrated under the defined conditions for all IHNV isolates tested.  相似文献   

A total of three hundred and fifty-seven 2-year-old rainbow trout from a hatchery were examined for IPN virus over a period of 5 months. The overall virus isolation rate was 23.2%. The kidneys yielded virus most frequently while the spleen and pancreas-caeca yielded virus less frequently, and the gonads and feces yielded virus infrequently. During this period there was a decline in carrier rate as well as a decline in the numbers of infectious virions in the organs. These decreases were accompanied by elevated levels of neutralizing antibody in the sera. Fish with higher antibody levels were found to lose their IPN carrier status more frequently than those with lower antibody levels.  相似文献   

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