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A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) and P1 contig of the proximal part of chromosome 9p centromeric of markers D9S165 and D9S304 is described. This 1.1- to 1.7-Mb portion of chromosome 9p13 was previously not physically mapped. It contains 24 genes or expressed sequence tags, five polymorphic AC repeats, and three new polymorphic single-strand conformation polymorphism variants. Several of the genes thus mapped are excellent candidates for disease-causing genes whose loci have previously been assigned to proximal 9p. Our primary interest is in the cartilage-hair hypoplasia gene (CHH) that resides within the contig between markers D9S163 and D9S1791 based on linkage evidence.  相似文献   

Despite rapid progress in the physical characterization of murine and human genomes, little molecular information is available on certain regions, e.g., proximal mouse chromosome 11 (Chr 11) and human chromosome 2p (Chr 2p). We have localized thewobblerspinal atrophy genewrto proximal mouse Chr 11, tightly linked toRab1,a gene coding for a small GTP-binding protein, andGlns-ps1,an intronless pseudogene of the glutamine synthetase gene. We have now used these markers to construct a 1.3-Mb yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) contig of theRab1region on mouse Chr 11. Four YAC clones isolated from two independent YAC libraries were characterized by rare-cutting analysis, fluorescencein situhybridization (FISH), and sequence-tagged site (STS) isolation and mapping.Rab1andGlns-ps1were found to be only 200 kb apart. A potential CpG island near a methylatedNarI site and a trapped exon,ETG1.1,were found between these loci, and a new STS,AHY1.1,was found over 250 kb fromRab1.Two overlapping YACs were identified that contained a 150-kb region of human Chr 2p, comprising theRAB1locus,AHY1.1,and the human homologue ofETG1.1,indicating a high degree of conservation of this region in the two species. We mappedAHY1.1and thus humanRAB1on Chr 2p13.4–p14 using somatic cell hybrids and a radiation hybrid panel, thus extending a known region of conserved synteny between mouse Chr 11 and human Chr 2p. Recently, the geneLMGMD2Bfor a human recessive neuromuscular disease, limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2B, has been mapped to 2p13–p16. The conservation between the mouseRab1and humanRAB1regions will be helpful in identifying candidate genes for thewobblerspinal muscular atrophy and in clarifying a possible relationship betweenwrandLMGMD2B.  相似文献   

Despite abundant library resources for many organisms, physical mapping of these organisms has been seriously limited due to lack of efficient library screening techniques. We have developed a highly efficient strategy for large-scale screening of genomic libraries based on multiplex oligonucleotide hybridization on high-density genomic filters. We have applied this strategy to generate a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) anchored map of mouse chromosome 11. Using the MIT mouse SSLP data, 320 pairs of oligonucleotide probes were designed with an “overgo” computer program that selects new primer sequences that avoid the microsatellite repeat. BACs identified by these probes are automatically anchored to the chromosome. Ninety-two percent of the probes identified positive clones from a 5.9-fold coverage mouse BAC library with an average of 7 positive clones per marker. An average of 4.2 clones was confirmed for 204 markers by PCR. Our data show that a large number of clones can be efficiently isolated from a large genomic library using this strategy with minimal effort. This strategy will have wide application for large-scale mapping and sequencing of human and other large genomes.  相似文献   

Natural resistance of inbred mouse strains to infection withLegionella pneumophilais controlled by the expression of a single dominant gene on chromosome 13, designatedLgn1.The genetic difference atLgn1is phenotypically expressed as the presence or absence of intracellular replication ofL. pneumophilain host macrophages. In our effort to identify theLgn1gene by positional cloning, we have generated a high-resolution linkage map of theLgn1chromosomal region. For this, we have carried out extensive segregation analysis in a total of 1270 (A/J × C57BL/6J) × A/J informative backcross mice segregating the resistance allele of C57BL/6J and the susceptibility allele of A/J. Additional segregation analyses were carried out in three preexisting panels of C57BL/6J ×Mus spretusinterspecific backcross mice. A total of 39 DNA markers were mapped within an interval of approximately 30 cM overlapping theLgn1region. Combined pedigree analyses for the 5.4-cM segment overlappingLgn1indicated the locus order and the interlocus distances (in cM):D13Mit128–(1.4)–D13Mit194–(0.1)–D13Mit147–(0.9)–D13Mit36–(0.9)–D13Mit146–(0.2)–Lgn1/D13Mit37–(1.0)–D13Mit70.Additional genetic linkage studies of markers not informative in the A/J × C57BL/6J cross positionedD13Mit30, -72, -195,and-203, D13Gor4, D13Hun35,andMtap5in the immediate vicinity of theLgn1locus. The marker density and resolution of this genetic linkage map should allow the construction of a physical map of the region and the isolation of YAC clones overlapping the gene.  相似文献   

A mouse radiation hybrid (RH) panel was used to make a framework map for the entire length of mouse chromosome (Chr) 13. Forty-one loci were typed, and while most used primers flanking simple sequence repeats, some genes were included. The most proximal and distal loci are D13Mit132 and D13Mit35. The estimate of map length for Chr 13 is 1328 cR. The map is compared with the same set of loci from the consensus map for Chr 13, which is 70 cM in length, and also with a recombinational map derived from an intraspecies cross typed for many of the same loci. The mouse RH panel gave good resolution for Chr 13 and at the distal end allowed separation of previously nonrecombinant markers that are present on a single 620-kb YAC clone. Data analysis was performed using the RH option for Map Manager QT. This framework RH map of Chr 13 is the second of a series of RH maps for mouse chromosomes.  相似文献   

We have constructed a physical map of Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome3 by ordering the clones from CIC YAC, P1, TAC and BAC librariesusing the sequences of a variety of genetic and EST markersand terminal sequences of clones. The markers used were 112DNA markers, 145 YAC end sequences, and 156 end sequences ofP1, TAC and BAC clones. The entire genome of chromosome 3, exceptfor the centromeric and telomeric regions, was covered by twolarge contigs, 13.6 Mb and 9.2 Mb long. This physical map willfacilitate map-based cloning experiments as well as genome sequencingof chromosome 3. The map and end sequence information are availableon the KAOS (Kazusa Arabidopsis data Opening Site) web siteat http://www.kazusa.or.jp/arabi/.  相似文献   

The mouse doublefoot (Dbf) mutant exhibits preaxial polydactyly in association with craniofacial defects. This mutation has previously been mapped to mouse chromosome 1. We have used a positional cloning strategy, coupled with a comparative sequencing approach using available human draft sequence, to identify putative candidates for the Dbf gene in the mouse and in homologous human region. We have constructed a high-resolution genetic map of the region, localizing the mutation to a 0. 4-cM (±0.0061) interval on mouse chromosome 1. Furthermore, we have constructed contiguous BAC/PAC clone maps across the mouse and human Dbf region. Using existing markers and additional sequence tagged sites, which we have generated, we have anchored the physical map to the genetic map. Through the comparative sequencing of these clones we have identified 35 genes within this interval, indicating that the region is gene-rich. From this we have identified several genes that are known to be differentially expressed in the developing mid-gestation mouse embryo, some in the developing embryonic limb buds. These genes include those encoding known developmental signaling molecules such as WNT proteins and IHH, and we provide evidence that these genes are candidates for the Dbf mutation.  相似文献   

The strain distribution pattern of susceptibility to thymocyte apoptosis induced by ionizing radiation in 20 CcS/Dem recombinant congenic (RC) strains derived from the strains BALB/cHeA (susceptible) and STS/A (resistant) indicates that this trait is controlled by several genes. Recently, we mapped a novel apoptosis susceptibility gene Rapop1 (radiation-induced apoptosis 1) to chromosome 16 (N. Mori et al., 1995, Genomics 25: 604-614). In the present study, the analysis of F2 crosses between the resistant RC strain CcS-8 and the susceptible strain BALB/cHeA or the highly susceptible RC strain CcS-10 demonstrated two additional apoptosis susceptibility genes, Rapop2 and Rapop3, located in the proximal region of chromosome 9 and the telomeric region of chromosome 3, respectively. The possible candidate genes for these loci are discussed.  相似文献   

A gene designated BRCA1, implicated in the susceptibility to early-onset familial breast cancer, has recently been localized to chromosome 17q12-q21. To date, the order of DNA markers mapped within this region has been based on genetic linkage analysis. We report the use of multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization to establish a physically based map of five polymorphic DNA markers and 10 cloned genes spanning this region. Three cosmid clones and Alu-PCR-generated products derived from 12 yeast artificial chromosome clones representing each of these markers were used in two-color mapping experiments to determine an initial proximity of markers relative to each other on metaphase chromosomes. Interphase mapping was then employed to determine the order and orientation of closely spaced loci by direct visualization of fluorescent signals following hybridization of three probes, each detected in a different color. Statistical analysis of the combined data suggests that the order of markers in the BRCA1 region is cen-THRA1-TOP2-GAS-OF2-17HSI)-248yg9-RNU2-OF3-PPY/p131-EPB3-Mfd188-WNT3-HOX2-GP3A-tel. This map is consistent with that determined by radiation-reduced hybrid mapping and will facilitate positional cloning strategies in efforts to isolate and characterize the BRCA1 gene.  相似文献   

Using interspecific crosses between BALB/c and Mus spretus (SEG) mice, the murine reeler (rl) gene was mapped to the proximal region of chromosome 5 between the hepatocyte growth factor gene (Hgf) and the D5Mit66 microsatellite. The following order was defined: (centromere)-Cchl2a/Hgf-D5Mit1-D5Nam1/D5Nam2 - rl/D5Mit61 - D5Mit72 - Xmv45 - Htr5a - Peplb - D5Nam3-D5Mit66. Estimated distances between reeler and the nearest flanking markers D5Nam1 and D5Mit72 are 1.5 and 1.0 cM, respectively (95% confidence level), suggesting that the region could be physically mapped using a manageable number of YAC clones.  相似文献   

We have cloned a cDNA from a mouse gene,Pso(peroxisomal sarcosine oxidase).Psoappears to encode a homolog of the single-subunit (40 kDa) bacterial sarcosine oxidases. The mousePsogene product would contain a peroxisomal localization sequence, like that of the recently reported rabbit enzyme. MousePsolies between 20 and 50 kb upstream of the promoter of theSez6gene, close toCryba1on chromosome 11.Psois expressed very strongly and specifically in liver and kidney. The gene appears to be present widely in eutherian mammals.  相似文献   

A Radiation Hybrid Map of the BRCA1 Region   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A locus on chromosome 17q, designated “BRCA1,” has been identified as a predisposition gene for breast cancer. A panel of chromosome 17–specific radiation-reduced somatic cell hybrid clones has been assembled for high-resolution mapping of chromosome 17. A series of 35 markers, known to span the BRCA1 locus, were tested against this hybrid panel by PCR assays. Statistical analysis of these data yields a BRCA1 radiation hybrid map at a density sufficient to initiate YAC cloning and pulsed-field gel electrophoretic mapping of the candidate region. In addition, many of the markers reveal genetic polymorphisms and may be tested in breast cancer families and in loss-of-heterozygosity studies of sporadic breast cancers to better define the BRCA1 gene candidate region.  相似文献   

A chlorambucil (CHL)-induced mutation of thejcpk(juvenile congenital polycystic kidney disease) gene causes a severe early onset polycystic kidney disease. In an intercross involvingMus musculus castaneus, jcpkwas precisely mapped 0.2 cM distal toD10Mit115and 0.8 cM proximal toD10Mit173.In addition, five genes,Cdc2a, Col6a1, Col6a2, Bcr,andAnk3were mapped in both thisjcpkintercross and a (BALB/c × CAST/Ei)F1× BALB/c backcross. All five genes were eliminated as possible candidates forjcpkbased on the mapping data. Thejcpkintercross allowed the orientation of theAnk3gene relative to the centromere to be determined.D10Mit115, D10Mit173, D10Mit199,andD10Mit200were separated genetically in this cross. The order and genetic distances of all markers and gene loci mapped in thejcpkintercross were consistent with those derived from the BALB/c backcross, indicating that the CHL-induced lesion has not generated any gross chromosomal abnormalities detectable in these studies.  相似文献   

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