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Summary Four consecutively produced batches of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) especially intended to be used for cancer immunotherapy were investigated for consistency of the vaccine. Each batch was investigated directly after production of the vaccine, so that the four batches were not tested simultaneously. The activity of the four batches was investigated in general safety assays, immunostimulation assays, and two different tumor models.General safety assays showed dose-dependent growth retardation and increased serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase activity in mice, and a long-lasting temperature rise in rabbits after IV administration of the BCG preparations. In a skin reactivity assay, reactions were found acceptable for all preparations when compared with a reference batch.The results of the immunostimulation and antitumor studies can be summarized as follows. All four batches induced a specific delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction to PPD, indicating the induction of cell-mediated immunity. A stimulating effect on lymphoreticular organs was concluded from increased spleen weight and enhanced cell proliferation in draining lymph nodes. Enhanced macrophage function (phagocytosis and killing of bacteria) was demonstrated by an increased resistance to Listeria monocytogenes. YAC lymphoma target cells were killed nonspecifically by BCG-activated peritoneal exudate cells (PEC), indicating the induction of natural killing activity by BCG.Intralesional injection of BCG induced tumor regression in the guinea pig line 10 hepatocellular carcinoma, followed by immunity to the line 10 tumor. In the murine 5D04 squamous cell carcinoma, BCG had no effect on the primary tumor. However, IV-injected BCG resulted in a decreased number of lung metastases.In general, the four consecutively produced batches showed similar safety and activity in the immunostimulation assays and antitumor activity. Since only minor differences between the batches were found, which can also be attributed to the variation in experimental conditions common to biological assays, it is concluded that the vaccine batches produced show an acceptable consistency.Abbreviations used BCG, Bacillus Calmette-Guérin; C. parvum, Corynebacterium parvum; c. p., culturable particles; IU, international unit; PPD, purified protein derivative; PEC, peritoneal exudate cells  相似文献   

Summary Two BCG vaccine preparations were prepared following different production methods. Immuno-BCG Pasteur F was produced by surface culture on Sauton medium; BCG-RIV was a homogenous stirred deep culture.The antitumor effects of the two BCG vaccines were investigated on the Lewis lung carcinoma (3LL) in C57Bl/6 mice. A direct relationship exists in this tumor model between the log10 dose of single-cell suspension inoculated subcutaneously in the hind footpad of mice and the onset and the degree of local tumor growth and the time of death, which is directly related to the lung metastases. No significant difference from control mice was observed in the two groups of BCG-immunized mice when 3LL tumor cells were injected 2 weeks after BCG immunization. When varying numbers of viable units of the two BCG vaccines were injected together with 105 tumor cells in separate groups of normal mice, a dose-dependent local reaction was observed with Immuno-BCG Pasteur F, which was associated with a delay in the onset and development of tumor growth and an increase in the mean survival time. The local inflammatory reaction produced with BCG-RIV was of lower magnitude, and only the highest concentration (1.8×106 viable units) led to some delay in tumor occurrence and mortality. The antitumor effect of a specific local delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) elicited by varying amounts of the two BCG preparations injected together with 105 tumor cells in separate groups of normal or BCG-immunized mice showed that the challenge injection of Immuno-BCG Pasteur F was in all cases more effective than the BCG-RIV, but these two vaccines were more effective in BCG-RIV-immunized mice than in Immuno-BCG F Pasteur-immunized mice.When the same number of viable units within each BCG vaccine was used as a criterion of comparison, Immuno-BCG Pasteur F produced a higher specific and nonspecific local inflammatory reaction (which was associated with a local antitumor effect) than BCG-RIV. But within 2 weeks, the latter was much better able to sensitize the mice to mycobacterial antigens. This was confirmed by the evaluation of local granuloma formation and tuberculin hypersensitivity. BCG vaccines prepared as surface-grown pellets and mechanically dispersed always sensitized mice to a lesser degree and after a much longer period of time than did the well-dispersed deep-cultured vaccine.  相似文献   

Sakai  Yoichi 《Behavioral ecology》1997,8(4):372-377
Social conditions for sex change and reproductive success werestudied in the haremic marine angelfish, Centropyge ferrugatus,in the coral reefs of southern Japan. In this species the largestfemale in a harem changed sex not only after disappearance ofthe dominant male but also occasionally in his presence. Inisolated harems containing two to three females, strict socialcontrol by the dominant male resulted in females changing sexonly after the male disappeared (takeover sex change). In haremsadjacent to each other, however, takeover sex change did notoccur even when one of the males disappeared. Instead, largeharems including more than four females were formed by fusionof two adjacent harems. In such large harems, the dominant malewas unable to socially prevent the largest female from changingsex later to acquire a portion of the harem (harem-fission sexchange). Females in adjacent harems spawned less frequentlyand tended to grow faster than those in isolated harems, probablyto gain an advantage in dominance status over neighbors of similarsize. Thus, females changed spawning frequencies according tothe two different contexts of sex change. The takeover tacticresults in higher fitness than the harem-fission tactic, whichshould be the best in the bad situation of adjacent harems.  相似文献   

The characteristics of levan formation by different preparations of levansucrase (free and immobilized enzyme and toluene-permeabilized whole cells), derived from recombinant levansucrase from Zymomonas mobilis expressed in Escherichia coli, were investigated. The maximal yield of levan by the three preparations were similar and were about 70–80% on a fructose-released basis with sucrose as nutrient at 100 g l–1. Immobilized enzyme and toluene-permeabilized whole cells produced low molecular weight levan (2–3 × 106), as determined by HPLC while high molecular weight levan (>6 × 106) was the major product with the free levansucrase. The size of levan can thus be controlled by immobilized levansucrase and toluene-permeabilized whole cells in high yield.  相似文献   

As revealed in this study, S. sonnei population is represented by two clusters with respect to the sensitivity to different antibiotics. A higher degree of diversity was observed with respect to the action of streptomycin, kefzol, ampicillin, chloramphenicol and kanamycin in comparison with the action of gentamicin, nevigramon, rafampicin, tetracycline and polymyxin. The level of diversity of S. sonnei with respect to the sensitivity to antibiotics under study underwent essential changes during the calendar year. The distributions obtained study quite closely corresponded to changes in Sonne dysentery morbidity observed within the year period: the first cluster corresponded to the period of morbidity between the seasons and the second one, to the seasonal period of morbidity. The minimal coefficient of diversity fell on May while the maximum--on September. The minimal level of S. sonnei diversity, as a rule, corresponds to the minimum biosystems stability.  相似文献   

Lignin, the second most abundant biopolymer on earth and with a predominantly aromatic structure, has the potential to be a raw material for valuable chemicals and other bio-based chemicals. In industry, lignin is underutilized by being used mostly as a fuel for producing thermal energy. Valorization of lignin requires knowledge of the structure and different linkages in the isolated lignin, making the study of structure of lignin important. In this article, lignin samples isolated from two types of reactors (autoclave reactor and displacement reactor) were analyzed by FT-IR, size exclusion chromatography, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and Py-GC-MS. The average molecular mass of the organosolv lignins isolated from the autoclave reactor decreased at higher severities, and FT-IR showed an increase in free phenolic content with increasing severity. Except for molecular mass and molecular mass dispersity, there were only minor differences between lignins isolated from the autoclave reactor and lignins isolated from the displacement reactor. Carbohydrate analysis, Py-GC–MS and TGA showed that the lignin isolated using either of the reactor systems is of high purity, suggesting that organosolv lignin is a good candidate for valorization.  相似文献   

To investigate the expression patterns of chitinase isozymes on native-PAGE and SDS-PAGE gels Paenibacillus chitinolyticus MP-306 was cultured on culture media with and without chitin substrate. P. chitinolyticus MP-306 had a strong chitinolytic activity on colloidal chitin medium. Chitinase isozymes of MP-306 were expressed as six bands (CN1-CN6) on native-PAGE gels and thirteen bands (CS1-CS13) on SDS-PAGE gels after incubation in chitin medium. Three bands (CN1, CN2, and CN3) of chitinase isozymes of MP-306 on native-PAGE gels were expressed as nine bands (CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CS8, CS10, and CS13) of chitinase isozymes on SDS-PAGE gels. Three bands (CN4, CN5, and CN6) of chitinase isozymes of MP-306 were strongly inhibited by metal ions on native-PAGE and SDS-PAGE gels.  相似文献   

Experimental manipulations of the densities of two larval anurans, Pelodytes punctatus and Bufo bufo , showed that these species compete asymmetrically in semi-natural conditions. Growth, mass at metamorphosis, date of metamorphosis, and survival were used as measures of response to interspecific competition. A mechanistic approach was used to collect information on the behaviour of the two species in different conditions. The competitive superiority of Pelodytes at individual level was correlated with a larger body, faster growth rate, increased per capita competitive impact on conspecifics, and greater reduction in the availability of trophic and spatial resources. In the presence of Pelodytes, Bufo showed slower growth, smaller size at metamorphosis and reduced survival. In the interspecific treatments Bufo individuals modified their behaviour by increasing activity and use of the water column while Pelodytes did not change their foraging activity or space use in the aquaria. However, the presence of Bufo resulted in a reduced larval period and smaller size at metamorphosis. We hypothesise that the presence of Bufo act as a signal of environmental degradation and shorten the larval period of Pelodytes, a typical temporal pond breeder . The smaller Bufo tadpoles are potentially stronger competitors at population level because they use relatively large amounts of energy (greater densities and higher metabolic rates). Consequently, they use larger proportions of the shared resources than their larger competitor. A possible evolutionary response for larger tadpoles is the development of interference mechanisms or "escaping" from ephemeral ponds where mortality by drying represent a high risk.  相似文献   

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