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Summary   Teucrium scabrum (Lamiaceae), a new species from the western part of Thailand, related to T. quadrifarium Buch.-Ham. and T. viscidum Blume is described and illustrated, and a distribution map is provided.  相似文献   

Salvia tuxtlensis, sp. n., is immediately recognized by its semipersistent bracts and yellow flowers. Its affinities are not clear. It is endemic to the Soteapan area in the Sierra de Los Tuxtlas, in Veracruz, Mexico.  相似文献   

Genista valsecchiae from SW Sardinia is described and illustrated as a species new to science. It is very similar toG. ephedroides and can be distinguished by morphological differences of habit and inflorescence. It typically occurs in the garigue or maquis and is widespread in SW Sardinia.  相似文献   

Daniel Sabatier 《Brittonia》2002,54(4):233-235
Vantanea ovicarpa, a new species from French Guiana, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Amorphophallus nicolsonianus species nova, with cylindrical or napiform corms, is the only representative of the sect.Rapyogkos in India. All the other hitherto known species of this region have globose or depressed globose corms. The new species is related to some Indochinese species and toA. hildebrandtii ( Engl.)Engl. & Gehrm. from Madagascar.  相似文献   

A comparison of the West AfricanNeoschumannia Schltr. and the East AfricanSwynnertonia S. Moore reveals that the two monotypic genera must be united.Swynnertonia is sunk into synonymy ofNeoschumannia and the new combinationNeoschumannia cardinea (S. Moore)Meve is made for the East African species.Neoschumannia is shown to belong to the tribeStapelieae. The taxon exhibits a very unusual character combination: the growth form of a woody liana is combined with a tripartite corona unique within theAsclepiadaceae. The morphology of the corona suggests a position ofNeoschumannia close to the base of theStapelieaeCeropegiinae alliance.  相似文献   

James L. Reveal 《Brittonia》2004,56(4):299-306
A new genus ofPolygonaceae subfam.Eriogonoideae is established for what has long been known asEriogonum puberulum. NamedJohanneshowellia in honor of the late John Thomas Howell (1903–1994), a new combination,J. puberula, and a new species,J. crateriorum, are established. The common name Howell's-buckwheat is proposed for the group. The new genus differs from other members of the subfamily in having its involucral structure reduced to a spiral of four to seven bracts each of which is associated with a flower-bearing pedicel and a basal bractlet. In bud and early anthesis the outer two (rarely outer three) bracts may be partially connate, but typically become separate at full anthesis. The connate, ternate, foliar bracts at the base of the node act as a traditionalEriogonum-like involucre surrounding the branches of the inflorescence, the involucral bracts, and the flowers. Members of the new genus are found in the arid Intermountain West of the United States from Inyo Co., California, across Nevada to western Utah.  相似文献   

In a primary forest on the Central Plateau of MadagascarPlectranthus vestitus (Lamiaceae) was principally pollinated by the beePachymelus limbatus (Hymenoptera, Anthophoridae). A species ofStylogaster (Diptera, Conopidae) acted as a co-pollinator. Flower — pollinator interactions are described. The bee performed pollination while hovering, a flower-visit lasting onlyc. 0.3 seconds. Floral features such as shape and size of the corolla tube, and the lack of a landing place suggest specialization to hovering anthophorid beepollinators. Floral biology and pollination in the genusPlectranthus are discussed.  相似文献   

The two generaPlectranthus andIsodon are compared and found to be very dissimilar.Isodon ist considered to be misplaced inOcimeae subtribePlectranthinae and apparently is more closely related to subtribeHyptidinae. The disjunct genusRabdosiella is compared to these two genera and regarded to be polyphyletic. The AfricanR. calycina (Benth.)Codd is returned toPlectranthus and calledP. calycinus Benth., while the AsianR. ternifolia (D. Don)Codd is placed inIsodon sect.Pyramidium and calledI. ternifolius (D. Don)Kudo.  相似文献   

The new monotypic genusTriuridopsis from Peru is described. A key to the genera ofTriuridaceae worldwide is given.  相似文献   

Pelargonium caroli-henrici spec. nova (sect.Hoarea) is described. The new species is apparently endemic to quartzite areas of Vanrhynsdorp Division in the western Cape Province (South Africa). The chromosome number 2n = 22 was counted on specimens in cultivation.Dedicated to Prof.K. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

Phagnalon rechingeri spec. nova from S Baluchestan (Iran) is described as a species new to science and illustrated; its relationships to other species of the genus, in particular to thePh. woodii group from S Arabia, are discussed.Dedicated to Hofrat Univ.-Prof. DrK. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

Strict sterility barriers where found between theScutellaria populations on Sicily and the Greek populations. The material from Samos is separated by a strict sterility barrier from the other Greek populations. In contrast, the populations on mainland Greece and adjacent islands are all ± interfertile. Three species are recognized,S. rubicunda Hornem., endemic to Sicily, andS. brevibracteata subsp.icarica, endemic to Samos and Ikaria. All other populations are referred toS. rupestris with eight subspecies, most of which are endemic to one island or to one mountain. Three new subspecies are described, viz. subsp.rechingeri and subsp.olympica, endemic to mt Vourinos and mt Olympus in North Greece, respectively, and subsp.caroli-henrici, native to the Malea peninsula of Peloponnisos. The phytogeographical connections and genetic differentiation within and between populations are discussed.Dedicated to Prof. DrK. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

Sclerorhachis rechingeri Iranshahr, sp. n., from N. Khorasan is closely related to the Afghanistan speciesS. caulescens (Aitch. & Hemsl.)Rech. f. andS. polysphaera Rech. f. It differs from both in the thicker and woolly collar and the much larger capitulum.Vorarbeiten zuK. H. Rechinger, Flora Iranica, Nr. 21.  相似文献   

The genusRiodocea is here described from material collected in the várzea forest of the Rio Doce Valley, northern Espírito Santo.Riodocea is a monotypic genus probably related to the Amazonian endemicKutchubaea. A line drawing shows general morphology and photomicrographs show pollen morphology ofRiodocea pulcherrima. Distribution maps ofRiodocea andKutchubaea are included. The valley of the Rio Doce is here included in the Bahian Hylaea, defined as a subregion of the Brazilian Atlantic forest. The connections between the Amazonian Hylaea and the Bahian Hylaea are discussed.  相似文献   

张贵良  蔡磊  王逸之  张贵生 《广西植物》2020,40(10):1423-1428
中越边境的石灰岩地区不仅具有较丰富的植物多样性,而且特有现象十分突出。该文描述了中越边境石灰岩地区位于云南东南部河口境内的苦苣苔科一个植物新种——南溪蛛毛苣苔(Paraboea nanxiensis Lei Cai & Gui L. Zhang)。该新种在叶片的形状和毛被、花的颜色、花序短于叶片以及雌蕊无毛等性状上与产自广西那坡的垂花蛛毛苣苔(P. nutans D. Fang & D. H. Qin)最为相似。两者的主要区别在于:该新种的花萼裂片先端最宽且光滑无毛,花冠浅宽钟形、花冠筒不明显、花冠管内面基部白色,花丝无毛以及蒴果稍微扭曲; 该新种生于云南海拔530~610 m的河口及马关一带,而垂花蛛毛苣苔产于广西那坡的海拔900~1 150 m段的石灰山。此外还讨论了该新种与蛛毛苣苔属其他几种基生叶类型的近缘种[如三萼蛛毛苣苔(P. trisepala W. H. Chen & Y. M. Shui)、蔓耗蛛毛苣苔(P. manhaoensis Y. M. Shui & W. H. Chen)及河口蛛毛苣苔(P. hekouensis Y. M. Shui & W. H. Chen)]的区别,并提供了相关物种的彩色图片及区分说明,主模式标本存放于中国科学院昆明植物研究所标本馆(KUN)中。近年来,由于中越边境的石灰岩地区不断有新分类群或新记录物种的发现,所以很有必要加强对该区域的植物多样性考察。  相似文献   

The pollination syndromes ofLeonotis (Pers.)R. Br. are discussed. Ornithophily accounts for most of the nutlets set in perennialLeonotis species but in the annual species [L. nepetifolia (L.)R. Br.] autogamy prevails.Leonotis species are predominantly pollinated by a variety of sunbirds, although bees are also involved. Nectar is sucrose-dominant in perennial species but hexose-dominant in the annual.  相似文献   

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