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《Molecular membrane biology》2013,30(3-4):187-202
Human red blood cells were separated according to density by centrifugation through mixtures of phthalate esters. The densest 20% of the erythrocyte population (old cells) had reduced volume and water content compared to the lightest 20% of the cells (young cells). Corpuscular hemoglobin content was unchanged. Young cells had 50% more potassium (K+) than old cells, but their total intracellular concentration was only slightly higher; old cells had a small increase in sodium (Na+) concentration. Active K+ transport of young cells was 37% higher than that of old cells. [3H] + Ouabain binding revealed that this difference was the result of more K+ pump sites on young cells, which bound 530 ouabain molecules per cell at 100% K+ pump inhibition, as compared to 400 for old cells; unseparated cells bound 450-500 molecules. The relative rates of ouabain binding were identical for the two cell types. Old cells exhibited a greater passive permeability to K+, haying a rate coefficient for ouabain-insensitive K+ influx 1.8 times that of young cells. There is evidence to suggest that in the face of reduced pump activity this augmented K+ “leak” might enhance the osmotic stability of the old cells and function to lengthen their life span.  相似文献   

Potassium fluxes across the blood-brain barrier of the cockroach Periplaneta americana were measured using the scanning ion-selective microelectrode technique. In salines containing 15 mM or 25 mM K+, an efflux of K+ from the ganglia of isolated nerve cords was counterbalanced by an influx across the connectives. Metabolic inhibition with CN resulted in an increase in K+ efflux across both the ganglia and the connectives. Depletion of K+ by chilling the nerve cords in K+-free saline was associated with subsequent K+ influx across the connectives in K+-replete saline at room temperature. There were dramatic increases in K+ efflux across both ganglia and connectives when the nerve cords were exposed to the pore-forming antibiotic amphotericin B. K+ fluxes across the ventral nerve cord were also altered when paracellular leakage was augmented by transient exposure to 3 M urea. K+ efflux was reduced by the K+ channel blockers Ba2+ and tetraethylammonium or by exposure to Ca2+-free saline and K+ efflux from the ganglia was increased by addition of ouabain to the bathing saline. The results provide direct support for a model proposing that K+ is cycled through a current loop between the ganglia and the connectives and that both the Na+/K+-ATPase and K+ channels are implicated in extracellular K+ homeostasis within the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Cardiotonic steroids (CTS) like ouabain are not only specific inhibitors of the sodium pump (Na+,K+-ATPase), they also can influence various cytosolic signaling events in a hormone-like manner. In the neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y ouabain triggers multiple signaling pathways. Within 30 min of incubation with 1 or 10 μM ouabain, SH-SY5Y cells generate reactive oxygen species to a level approximately 50% above control and show a modest but significant elevation in cytosolic [Ca2+] of about 25%. After 6 h of exposure, ouabain stimulates a series of anti-apoptotic actions in SH-SY5Y cells, including concentration-dependent phosphorylation of Erk1/2, Akt, and Bad. Nevertheless, at the same time this CTS also induces a series of events that inhibit retinoic acid-induced neuritogenesis and promote cell death. Both of these latter phenomena are possibly associated with the observed ouabain-induced reduction in the abundance of the anti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-XL and Bcl-2. In addition, ouabain treatment results in cytochrome c release into the cytosol and induces activation of caspase 3, events that point towards the stimulation of apoptotic pathways that are probably enhanced by the stimulation of p53 phosphorylation at Ser15 also observed in this study. These pathways may eventually lead to cell death: treatment with 10 nM ouabain results in a 20% decrease in cell number after 4 days of incubation and treatment with 1 μM ouabain decreases cells number by about 75%. The results obtained here emphasize the importance of further research in order to elucidate the various signalling cascades triggered by ouabain and possibly other CTS that are used in the treatment of heart failure and to identify their primary receptor(s).  相似文献   

Na+, K+-pumps of most eukaryotic animal cells bind ouabain with high affinity, stop pumping, and consequently loose K+, detach from each other and from the substrate, and die. Lack of affinity for the drug results in ouabain resistance. In this work, we report that Ma104 cells (epithelial from Rhesus monkey kidney) have a novel form of ouabain-resistance: they bind the drug with high affinity (Km about 4×10–8 m), they loose their K+ and stop proliferating but, in spite of these, up to 100% of the cells remain attached in 1.0 m ouabain, and 53% in 1.0 mm. When 4 days later ouabain is removed from the culture medium, cells regain K+ and resume proliferation. Strophanthidin, a drug that attaches less firmly than ouabain, produces a similar phenomenon, but allows a considerably faster recovery. This reversal may be associated to the fact that, while in ouabain-sensitive MDCK cells Na+, K+-ATPases blocked by the drug are retrieved from the plasma membrane, those in Ma104 cells remain at the cell-cell border, as if they were cell-cell attaching molecules. Cycloheximide (10 g/ml) and chloroquine (10 m) impair this recovery, suggesting that it also depends on the synthesis and insertion of a crucial protein component, that may be different from the pump itself. Therefore ouabain resistance of Ma104 cells is not due to a lack of affinity for the drug, but to a failure of its Na+, K+-ATPases to detach from the plasma membrane in spite of being blocked by ouabain.We wish to thank Dr. E. Rodríguez-Boulán for the generous supply of Ma104 cells, as well as acknowledge the generous economic support of the National Research Council (CONACYT) of Mexico. Confocal experiments were performed in the Confocal Microscopy Unit of the Physiology Department, CINVESTAV.  相似文献   

Ouabain exerts neurotoxic action and activates the population of NMDA receptors. Herein the effect of ouabain on the expression of NMDA subunits was evaluated. Adult Wistar rats were administered intracerebroventricularly with 0.1, 10 and 100 nmol ouabain or saline solution (control). Two days later, membranes of cerebral cortex and hippocampus were isolated. Western blots with antibodies for the NMDA receptor subunits: NR1; NR2A; NR2B; NR2C and NR2D were carried out. In cerebral cortex, NR2D subunit increased 30% with 10 nmol ouabain dose. With 100 nmol ouabain, NR1 and NR2D subunits enhanced 40 and 20%, respectively. In hippocampus, with the dose of 0.1 nmol ouabain, NR1 subunit enhanced roughly 50% whereas NR2B subunit decreased 30%. After administration of 10 nmol ouabain dose, NR2A, NR2B and NR2C subunits decreased 40, 50 and 30%, respectively. With the dose of 100 nmol of ouabain, NR1, NR2A and NR2B subunits diminished 10–20%. It is concluded that ouabain administration led to a differential regulation in the expression of NMDA subunits. These results may be correlated with the modulatory action of ouabain on NMDA receptor.  相似文献   

Ouabain inhibited in a concentration-dependent and completely reversible way, the synthesis of DNA, RNA and protein in phytohemagglutinin and concanavalin A-stimulated human lymphocytes without affecting the uptake of nucleosides and amino acids into the cells. On the other hand, ouabain even at very high concentrations was unable to interfere with the binding of [3H]concanavalin A. No correlation was found between the inhibition by ouabain of macromolecular synthesis and that of K+ transport. The inhibitor effect of ouabain on the stimulation of macromolecular synthesis could be partially reversed by higher concentrations of K+, due to the direct inhibition of ouabain binding. Ouabain added to the cultures at different stages of cell growth suppressed the incorporation of thymidine to various extents. Both ouabain sensitive stages fell in a period preceding the onset of mitosis and were characterized by very active thymidine incorporation. Lymphocytes were most sensitive to ouabain within the S phase. The results suggest that ouabain interferes with mitogen-triggered membrane-associated events, other than K+ transport, controlling mitosis at distinct phases of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to examine the fate of transferrin receptors in reticulocytes as these cells mature in vivo to erythrocytes. Reticulocytosis, synchronized by administration of actinomycin D, was induced in adult rabbits. Simultaneous measurements were made of haematological parameters and the interaction between transferrin and reticulocytes while the cells matured in vivo to erythrocytes. As the reticulocytes matured there was a parallel decline in their ability to take up transferrin and transferrin iron. At the same time, there was a proportionate decrease in the density of receptors for transferrin on the reticulocyte surface. The affinity of the receptors for transferrin remained unaltered during the maturation process. It was concluded that the inability of erythrocytes to take up transferrin or its iron is due primarily to the loss of transferrin receptors from the maturing reticulocyte surface.  相似文献   

The (Na+,K+)-ATPase activity from the kidney cortex of the Milan hypertensive rat strain (MHS) and the corresponding normotensive control (MNS) was measured both in active solubilized enzyme preparations and in isolated basolateral membrane vesicles. Kinetic analysis of the purified enzyme showed that the Vmax value was significantly higher in MHS rats. The difference between MHS and MNS was not linked to a different number of sodium pumps, but was related to the molecular activity of the enzyme. Using basolateral membrane vesicles, an increased ATP-dependent ouabain-sensitive sodium transport was also demonstrated in MHS rats. These results support the hypothesis that a higher tubular sodium reabsorption may be involved in the pathogenesis of hypertension in this rat strain.  相似文献   

Steady-state fluxes of 86Rb+ (as a tracer for K+) were measured in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO-K1) and a mutant (CR1) defective in the regulation of cholesterol biosynthesis; the membrane cholesterol content of this mutant was varied by growing it on a range of cholesterol supplements to lipid-free medium (Sinensky, M. (1978) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 75, 1247–1249).Analogous to previous findings in ascites tumor cells, 86Rb+ influx in the parent strain was differentiated into a ouabain-inhibitable ‘pump’ flux, furosemide-sensitive, chloride-dependent exchange diffusion, and a residual ‘leak’ flux.On the basis of this flux characterization, 86Rb+ pump and leak fluxes were measured in the mutant as a function of membrane cholesterol content. Pump and leak fluxes, when expressed per ml cell water, were independent of the cholesterol content of the mutant. Moreover, 86Rb+ fluxes in the mutant were equal to those in the parent strain. Our data imply that the flux behavior of K+ in the steady state is independent of the ordering of membrane lipid acyl chains.  相似文献   

By means of a Sephadex G-50 column and anionic exchange HPLC a cerebral cortex soluble fraction (II-E) which highly inhibits neuronal Na+-K+-ATPase activity has been previously obtained. Herein, II-E properties are compared with those of the cardenolide ouabain, the selective and specific Na+, K+-ATPase inhibitor. It was observed that alkali treatment destroyed II-E but not ouabain inhibitory activity. II-E presented a maximal absorbance at 265 nm both at pH 7 and pH 2 which diminished at pH 10. Ouabain showed a maximum at 220 nm which was not altered by alkalinization. II-E was not retained in a C-18 column, indicating its hydrophilic nature, whereas ouabain presented a 26-min retention time in reverse phase HPLC. Therefore, it is concluded that the inhibitory factor present in II-E is structurally different to ouabain.  相似文献   

In carp erythrocytes, noradrenaline (10-6 mol·l-1) induces a 30- to 40-fold activation of Na+/H+ exchange (the ethylisopropylamiloride-inhibited component of the 22Na influx) and a fourfold stimulation of the Na+, K+ pump (ouabain-inhibited component of 86Rb influx). In both cases the effect of noradrenaline is blocked by propranolol but not phentolamine and is imitated by forskolin. An activator of protein kinase C (-phorbol 12-myristate, 13-acetate) increases Na+/H+ exchange by 10 times and decreases the Na+, K+ pump activity by 20–30 percent. In the presence of ethylisopropylamiloride the increment of the Na+, K+ pump activity induced by noradrenaline is reduced by 35–45 percent, indicating the existence of a Na+/H+ exchange-independent mechanism of the Na+, K+ pump regulation by -adrenergic catecholamines. Hypertonic shrinkage of carp erythrocytes results in a 40- to 80-fold activation of Na+/H+ exchange, whereas hypotonic swelling induces an increase in the rate of 86Rb+ efflux which is inhibited by furosemide by about 30–40 percent. The rate of pH0 recovery in response to acidification or alkalinization in rat erythrocytes is approximately 15 times as fast as in carp erythrocytes. Unlike in rat erythrocytes, valinomycin does not cause an alkalinization of incubation medium in carp erythrocytes indicating the absence of conductive pathway in the operation of anion transporter protein. A scheme is suggested which describes the interrelation of Na+/H+ exchange, Na+, K+ pump and a non-identified system providing for K+ efflux in cell swelling, regulation of cell volume and cytoplasmic pH in fish erythrocytes under conditions of deep hypoxia and high activity.Abbreviations cAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate - CCCP carbonylcyamide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - DMSO dimethylsulphoxide - EIPA ethylisopropylamiloride - NA noradrenaline - PMA -phorbol 12-myristate, 13-acetate - RVD regulatory volume decrease - RVI regulatory volume increase  相似文献   

Summary To study the physiological role of the bidirectionally operating, furosemide-sensitive Na+/K+ transport system of human erythrocytes, the effect of furosemide on red cell cation and hemoglobin content was determined in cells incubated for 24 hr with ouabain in 145mm NaCl media containing 0 to 10mm K+ or Rb+. In pure Na+ media, furosemide accelerated cell Na+ gain and retarded cellular K+ loss. External K+ (5mm) had an effect similar to furosemide and markedly reduced the action of the drug on cellular cation content. External Rb+ accelerated the Na+ gain like K+, but did not affect the K+ retention induced by furosemide. The data are interpreted to indicate that the furosemide-sensitive Na+/K+ transport system of human erythrocytes mediates an equimolar extrusion of Na+ and K+ in Na+ media (Na+/K+ cotransport), a 1:1 K+/K+ (K+/Rb+) and Na+/Na+ exchange progressively appearing upon increasing external K+ (Rb+) concentrations to 5mm. The effect of furosemide (or external K+/Rb+) on cation contents was associated with a prevention of the cell shrinkage seen in pure Na+ media, or with a cell swelling, indicating that the furosemide-sensitive Na+/K+ transport system is involved in the control of cell volume of human erythrocytes. The action of furosemide on cellular volume and cation content tended to disappear at 5mm external K+ or Rb+. Thein vivo red cell K+ content was negatively correlated to the rate of furosemide-sensitive K+ (Rb+) uptake, and a positive correlation was seen between mean cellular hemoglobin content and furosemide-sensitive transport activity. The transport system possibly functions as a K+ and waterextruding mechanism under physiological conditiosin vivo. The red cell Na+ content showed no correlation to the activity of the furosemide-sensitive transport system.  相似文献   

Summary Cultured HeLa cells behave as ideal osmometers when subjected to hyperosmolar media, and show no volume regulatory behavior. In hypoosmolar solutions, cell swelling is not as great as predicted, and this is due largely to a loss of intracellular KCl. In hyperosmolar solutions there is a stimulation of the ouabain-insensitive but loop diuretic-sensitive86Rb+ (K+) pathway. Analysis of the K+, Na+ and Cl dependency of this K+ flux pathway demonstrates that the increase is principally due to an increase in its maximal velocity (V max). The sensitivity of this pathway to diuretic inhibition is unchanged in hyperosmolar media. Diuretic-sensitive86Rb+ (K+) efflux stimulated by hypertonicity shows no marked dependence on external K+. The K+ loss observed in hypoosmolar media is distinct from the K+ transport pathway stimulated by hyperosmolar media on the basis of its sensitivity to furosemide and anion dependence.  相似文献   

L. D. Polley  D. D. Doctor 《Planta》1985,163(2):208-213
Putative potassium-transport-deficient mutant strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dang. were induced by ultra-violet mutagenesis and were identified by their dependence on abnormally high concentrations of potassium for growth. Potassium transport studies employing 86Rb as a tracer were carried out with wild-type cells and with three independently isolated KDP (potassium-dependent phenotype) clones. Wildtype cells exhibit two transport activities. Transport activity A was expressed when cells were grown in medium supplemented with 10 mM KCl. The transporter with type-A activity does not discriminate between either Rb+ or K+ as a substrate and has a Km for Rb+ equal to 1 mM and a Vmax equal to 31 nmol Rb+ h-1 10-6 cells. Transport activity B was expressed when cells were starved of potassium for 24 h. The transporter with type-B activity prefers K+ to Rb+ as a substrate; it has a Km for Rb+ equal to 2.5 mM and a Vmax equal to 210 nmol Rb+ h-1 10-6 cells. All three mutant clones exhibit transport activity comparable to type-A when grown in 10 mM KCl. When starved of potassium for 24 h, two KDP clones demonstrate no transport activity and the third clone continues to exhibit only type-A activity.Abbreviations CCCP carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - DES diethylstilbesterol - KDP potassium-dependent phenotype  相似文献   

Phospholemman (PLM) is a small sarcolemmal protein that modulates the activities of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase and the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX), thus contributing to the maintenance of intracellular Na(+) and Ca(2+) homeostasis. We characterized the expression and subcellular localization of PLM, NCX, and the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase alpha1-subunit during perinatal development. Western blotting demonstrates that PLM (15kDa), NCX (120kDa), and Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase alpha-1 (approximately 100kDa) proteins are all more than 2-fold higher in ventricular membrane fractions from newborn rabbit hearts (1-4-day old) compared to adult hearts. Our immunocytochemistry data demonstrate that PLM, NCX, and Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase are all expressed at the sarcolemma of newborn ventricular myocytes. Taken together, our data indicate that PLM, NCX, and Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase alpha-1 proteins have similar developmental expression patterns in rabbit ventricular myocardium. Thus, PLM may have an important regulatory role in maintaining cardiac Na(+) and Ca(2+) homeostasis during perinatal maturation.  相似文献   

This study is designed to examine the participation of the major red cell membrane protein, band 3 protein, in the chain which transmits information from the cardiac glycoside site on the external face of the cell (Na+ + K+)-ATPase to the megadalton glycolytic enzyme complex within the cell. The experiments show that the anion transport inhibitor, 4,4′-diisothiocyano-2,2′-stilbenedisulfonic acid, affects the resonance of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, as does the cardiac glycoside cation transport inhibitor, ouabain. Resonance shifts induced by the cardiac glycoside alone are modulated by addition of the anion transport inhibitor which indicates that there is coupling in the red cell between the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and band 3 protein. Band 3 protein was separated from the membrane and partially purified following the technique of Yu and Steck ((1975) J. Biol. Chem. 250, 9170–9175). When glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was added to the separated band 3 protein preparation, addition of cardiac glycosides caused shifts in the 31P resonance of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. These experiments indicate that there is coupling between the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and band 3 protein in the separated preparation and suggest that the anion and cation transport systems may be closely related spatially and functionally in the intact red cell.  相似文献   

The release of H+ during the oxalate-supported Ca2+ uptake in sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles is kinetically coincident with the initial phase of Ca2+ accumulation. The Ca2+ uptake is increased and the H+ release is decreased in the presence of KCl and other monovalent chloride salts as expected for a H+-monovalent cation exchange. The functioning of the Ca2+-pump is disturbed by the presence of potassium gluconate and, to a lesser extent, of choline chloride. These salts do not inhibit the ATPase activity of Ca2+-permeable vesicles, suggesting a charge imbalance inhibition which is specially relevant in the case of gluconate. Therefore, K+, and also Cl, appear to be involved in secondary fluxes during the active accumulation of Ca2+. The microsomal preparation seems homogeneous with respect to the K+-channel, showing an apparent rate constant for K+ release of approximately 25 s–1 measured with the aid of86Rb+ tracer under equilibrium conditions. A Rb+ efflux, sensitive to Ca2+-ionophore, can be also detected during the active accumulation of Ca2+. The experimental data suggest that both monovalent cations and anions are involved in a charge compensation during the Ca2+ uptake and H+ release. Fluxes of these highly permeable ions would contribute to cancel the formation of a resting membrane potential through the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane.  相似文献   

The Na+, K+-ATPase activity and its response to vanadate inhibition was investigated in cerebral cortex homogenates of 7-, 12- and 18-day-old rats. The enzyme was inhibited by vanadate in a dose-dependent manner in all these age groups. Furthermore, there was a different sensitivity towards vanadate during postnatal development; the concentration of V+5 needed for 50% inhibiton of Na+, K+-ATPase was 1.1×10–6M, 2×10–7M and 4.4×10–7M for 7-, 12- and 18-day-old rats, respectively. It is suggested that the different sensitivity of Na+, K+-ATPase towards vanadate inhibition during postnatal development might be due to age-dependent changes in the ratio of various cell types.Special Issue dedicated to Dr. O. H. Lowry.  相似文献   

Previous results showed that Na+/K+-ATPase may have a functional relationship with the neurotransmitter serotonin which activates the glial sodium pump in the rat brain. Both the reaction rate (V) of Na+/K+-ATPase activity and [3H]ouabain binding were significantly increased in the presence of serotonin. It is not known, however, which isoform is involved in the Na+/K+-ATPase response to serotonin and its regional distribution. Quantitative autoradiography of [3H]ouabain binding to rat brain slices was employed at different [3H]ouabain concentrations in order to gain information on both the distribution and the possible isoform involved. The results showed that 1500 nM [3H]ouabain binding was sensitive to serotonin 10–3 M and significantly increased in the following brain regions: frontal cortex, areas CA1, CA2, and CA3 of the hippocampus, presubiculum, zona incerta, caudate putamen and the amygdaloid area, confirming and extending previous results. An effect of serotonin on brain but not kidney tissue at high, 1500 nM, and the lack of effect at low, 50 nM [3H]ouabain concentrations, strongly suggests the participation of the 2 isoform in the response of the pump to the neurotransmitter. Glial cells showed stimulation of ouabain binding by serotonin at ouabain concentrations above 350 nM. The present results open interesting questions related to the brain regions involved and the K+ handling by the glial 2 isoform of the pump.  相似文献   

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