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A mutant of Rhizobium meliloti, 4R3, which is unable to grow on aspartate has been isolated. The defect is specific to aspartate utilization, since 4R3 is not an auxotroph and grows as well as its parent strain on other carbon and nitrogen sources. The defect was correlated with an inability to fix nitrogen within nodules formed on alfalfa. Transport of aspartate into the mutant cells was found to be normal. Analysis of enzymes involved in aspartate catabolism showed a significantly lower level of aspartate aminotransferase activity in cell extracts of 4R3 than in the wild type. Two unrelated regions identified from a genomic cosmid bank each complemented the aspartate catabolism and symbiotic defects in 4R3. One of the cosmids was found to encode an aspartate aminotransferase enzyme and resulted in restoration of aspartate aminotransferase activity in the mutant. Analysis of the region cloned in this cosmid by transposon mutagenesis showed that mutations within this region generate the original mutant phenotypes. The second type of cosmid was found to encode an aromatic aminotransferase enzyme and resulted in highly elevated levels of aromatic aminotransferase activity. This enzyme apparently compensated for the mutation by its ability to partially utilize aspartate as a substrate. These findings demonstrate that R. meliloti contains an aspartate aminotransferase activity required for symbiotic nitrogen fixation and implicate aspartate as an essential substrate for bacteria in the nodule.  相似文献   

A mutant of Rhizobium meliloti unable to transport C4 dicarboxylates (dct) was isolated after Tn5 mutagenesis. The mutant, 4F6, could not grow on aspartate or the tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates succinate, fumarate, or malate. It produced symbiotically ineffective nodules on Medicago sativa in which bacteroids appeared normal, but the symbiotic zone was reduced and the plant cells contained numerous starch granules at their peripheries. Cosmids containing the dct region were obtained by selecting those which restored the ability of 4F6 to grow on succinate. The Tn5 insertion in 4F6 was found to be within a 5.9-kilobase (kb) EcoRI fragment common to the complementing cosmids. Site-specific Tn5-mutagenesis revealed dct genes in a segment of DNA about 4 kb in size extending from within the 5.9-kb EcoRI fragment into an adjacent 2.9-kb EcoRI fragment. The 4F6 mutation was found to be in a complementation group in which mutations yielded a Fix- phenotype, whereas other dct mutations in the region resulted in mutants which produced effective nodules in most, although not all, plant tests (partially Fix-). The dct region was found to be located on a megaplasmid known to carry genes required for exopolysaccharide production.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the ability of single site insertion mutants of Rhizobium meliloti 1021 defective in various components of a high-affinity iron transport system to produce nodules, fix nitogen and promote plant growth. Our results indicate that a high-affinity iron transport system may significantly increase the ability of the differentiated form of the bacterium to fix nitrogen and induce an increase in plant growth.Abbreviations EDDA ethylenediamine-N,N-bis(2-hydroxyphenylacetic acid) - CAS chrome azurol S  相似文献   

Studies on 3H-dihydrostreptomycin accumulation and binding to ribosomes showed that ineffective strain CMts17 carries strB type mutation changing its membrane permeability to the drug. Introduction of high level streptomycin resistance of strA type into strain CMts17 was correlated with acquisition of effectiveness and membrane permeability to the drug. This suggests that changes in membrane permeability, responsible for ineffectiveness of strain CMts17, can be reversed by strA mutation.  相似文献   

DEAE-cellulose chromatography of extracts of free-living Rhizobium meliloti cells revealed separate NAD+-dependent and NADP+-dependent malic enzyme activities. The NAD+ malic enzyme exhibited more activity with NAD+ as cofactor, but also showed some activity with NADP+. The NADP+ malic enzyme only showed activity when NADP+ was supplied as cofactor. Three independent transposon-induced mutants of R. meliloti which lacked NADP+ malic enzyme activity (dme) but retained NADP+ malic enzyme activity were isolated. In an otherwise wild-type background, the dme mutations did not alter the carbon utilization phenotype; however, nodules induced by these mutants failed to fix N2. Structurally, these nodules appeared to develop like wild-type nodules up to the stage where N2-fixation would normally begin. These results support the proposal that NAD+ malic enzyme, together with pyruvate dehydrogenase, functions in the generation of acetyl-CoA required for TCA cycle function in N2-fixing bacteroids which metabolize C4-dicarboxylic acids supplied by the plant.  相似文献   

A miniTn5-induced mutant of a melanin-producing strain of Sinorhizobium meliloti (CE52G) that does not produce melanin was mapped to a gene identified as a probable thioredoxin gene. It was proved that the thiol-reducing activity of the mutant was affected. Addition to the growth medium of substrates that induce the production of melanin (L-tyrosine, guaiacol, orcinol) increased the thioredoxin-like (trxL) mRNA level in the wild-type strain. The mutant strain was affected in the response to paraquat-induced oxidative stress, symbiotic nitrogen fixation, and both laccase and tyrosinase activities. The importance of thioredoxin in melanin production in bacteria, through the regulation of laccase or tyrosinase activities, or both, by the redox state of structural or catalytic SH groups, is discussed.  相似文献   

Auxotrophic Rhizobium meliloti strain RM 246 carries two independent mutations: in the biosynthesis of cysteine (cys) and symbiotic nitrogen fixation process (fix). These two mutations were mapped by transduction between his-240 and ade-4 markers. Cotransduction frequencies show the following order of genes: his-240 fix-1 cys-246 ade-4.  相似文献   

We present genetic and structural analyses of a fix operon conserved among rhizobia, fixGHI from Rhizobium meliloti. The nucleotide sequence of the operon suggests it may contain a fourth gene, fixS. Adjacent open reading frames of this operon showed an overlap between TGA stop codons and ATG start codons in the form of an ATGA motif suggestive of translational coupling. All four predicted gene products contained probable transmembrane sequences. FixG contained two cysteine clusters typical of iron-sulfur centers and is predicted to be involved in a redox process. FixI was found to be homologous with P-type ATPases, particularly with K+ pumps from Escherichia coli and Streptococcus faecalis but also with eucaryotic Ca2+, Na+/K+, H+/K+, and H+ pumps, which implies that FixI is a pump of a specific cation involved in symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Since prototrophic growth of fixI mutants appeared to be unimpaired, the predicted FixI cation pump probably has a specifically symbiotic function. We suggest that the four proteins FixG, FixH, FixI, and FixS may participate in a membrane-bound complex coupling the FixI cation pump with a redox process catalyzed by FixG.  相似文献   

Symbiotic nitrogen fixation may be limited by the transport of C4 dicarboxylates into bacteroids in the nodule for use as a carbon and energy source. In an attempt to increase dicarboxylate transport, a plasmid was constructed in which the Rhizobium meliloti structural transport gene dctA was fused to a tryptophan operon promoter from Salmonella typhimurium, trpPO. This resulted in a functional dctA gene that was no longer under the control of the dctBD regulatory genes, but the recombinant plasmid was found to be unstable in R. meliloti. To stably integrate the trpPO-dctA fusion, it was recloned into pBR325 and recombined into the R. meliloti exo megaplasmid in the dctABD region. The resultant strain showed constitutive dctA-specific mRNA synthesis which was about 5-fold higher than that found in fully induced wild-type cells. Uptake assays showed that [14C]succinate transport by the trpPO-dctA fusion strain was constitutive, and the transport rate was the same as that of induced control cells. Acetylene reduction assays indicated a significantly higher rate of nitrogen fixation in plants inoculated with the trpPO-dctA fusion strain compared with the control. Despite this apparent increase, the plants had the same top dry weights as those inoculated with control cells.  相似文献   

Rhizobium japonicum mutants defective in symbiotic nitrogen fixation.   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Rhizobium japonicum strains 3I1b110 and 61A76 were mutagenized to obtain 25 independently derived mutants that produced soybean nodules defective in nitrogen fixation, as assayed by acetylene reduction. The proteins of both the bacterial and the plant portions of the nodules were analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. All of the mutants had lower-than-normal levels of the nitrogenase components, and all but four contained a prominent bacteroid protein not observed in wild-type bacteroids. Experiments with bacteria grown ex planta suggested that this protein was derepressed by the absence of ammonia. Nitrogenase component II of one mutant was altered in isoelectric point. The soluble plant fraction of the nodules of seven mutants had very low levels of heme, yet the nodules of five of these seven mutants contained the polypeptide of leghemoglobin. Thus, the synthesis of the globin may not be coupled to the content of available heme in soybean nodules. The nodules of the other two of these seven mutants lacked not only leghemoglobin but most of the other normal plant and bacteroid proteins. Ultrastructural examination of nodules formed by these two mutants indicated normal ramification of infection threads but suggested a problem in subsequent survival of the bacteria and their release from the infection threads.  相似文献   

An investigation of the roles of calcium and magnesium ions in symbiotic nitrogen fixation by legumes has shown that alfalfa plants ( Medicago sativa L. cv. Saranac and Apollo) deficient in either cation were poorly nodulated and retarded in growth on nitrogen-free media. This effect was reversed by supplementation with normal levels of these cations. After recovery, the calcium deficient seedlings showed continuing effects of early mineral deficiencies but recovered to 75% of the nitrogenase activity and had nearly the same yield as control plants. Magnesium deficient plants recovered nitrogenase activity to the same degree but grew to only about 50% of the weight of controls. Supplementation of non-deficient seedlings grown on N-free media with varying amounts of Ca2+ and Mg2+ resulted in the identification of an optimal ratio of calcium and magnesium near 2 when neither cation was growth limiting. A highly significant positive correlation was obtained between yield of dry matter and the fraction of total expressed nitrogenase activity that was actually available for dinitrogen reduction (nitrogen reducing equivalent). Bacteroids isolated from root nodules and freed of plant cytoplasmic components required high magnesium levels for maximal utilization of externally supplied ATP and dithionite. Ca+ was antagonistic to this activity but complemented Mg2+ in stimulating the respiration-supported nitrogenase activity of intact bacteroids which had been treated with a chelating agent. The effects of calcium and magnesium on the nitrogenase system of intact bacteroids may be due to binding of the Ca2+ ions to the bacteroid membrane.  相似文献   

We have cloned and characterized three distinct Rhizobium meliloti loci involved in glutamine biosynthesis (glnA, glnII, and glnT). The glnA locus shares DNA homology with the glnA gene of Klebsiella pneumoniae, encodes a 55,000-dalton monomer subunit of the heat-stable glutamine synthetase (GS) protein (GSI), and complemented an Escherichia coli glnA mutation. The glnII locus shares DNA homology with the glnII gene of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and encodes a 36,000-dalton monomer subunit of the heat-labile GS protein (GSII). The glnT locus shares no DNA homology with either the glnA or glnII gene and complemented a glnA E. coli strain. The glnT locus codes for an operon encoding polypeptides of 57,000, 48,000, 35,000, 29,000, and 28,000 daltons. glnA and glnII insertion mutants were glutamine prototrophs, lacked the respective GS form (GSI or GSII), grew normally on different nitrogen sources (Asm+), and induced normal, nitrogen-fixing nodules on Medicago sativa plants (Nod+ Fix+). A glnA glnII double mutant was a glutamine auxotroph (Gln-), lacked both GSI and GSII forms, but nevertheless induced normal Fix+ nodules. glnT insertion mutants were prototrophs, contained both GSI and GSII forms, grew normally on different N sources, and induced normal Fix+ nodules. glnII and glnT, but not glnA, expression in R. meliloti was regulated by the nitrogen-regulatory genes ntrA and ntrC and was repressed by rich N sources such as ammonium and glutamine.  相似文献   

Molecular genetics of Rhizobium Meliloti symbiotic nitrogen fixation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The application of recombinant DNA techniques to the study of symbiotic nitrogen fixation has yielded a growing list of Rhizobium meliloti genes involved in the processes of nodulation, infection thread formation and nitrogenase activity in nodules on the roots of the host plant, Medicago sativa (alfalfa). Interaction with the plant is initiated by genes encoding sensing and motility systems by which the bacteria recognizes and approaches the root. Signal molecules, such as flavonoids, mediate a complex interplay of bacterial and plant nodulation genes leading to entry of the bacteria through a root hair. As the nodule develops, the bacteria proceed inward towards the cortex within infection threads, the formation of which depends on bacterial genes involved in polysaccharide synthesis. Within the cortex, the bacteria enter host cells and differentiate into forms known as bacteroids. Genes which encode and regulate nitrogenase enzyme are expressed in the mature nodule, together with other genes required for import and metabolism of carbon and energy sources offered by the plant.  相似文献   

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