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Abstract— Rapid efflux of [35S]taurine from rat brain slices was observed on electrical stimulation. Slower release resulted when the Ca2+ content of the perfusion medium was replaced with Mg2+. Uptake of [35S]taurine into rat cortical slices was unaffected by GABA, glutamic acid, glycine and leucine but was inhibited by alanine, ouabain, KCN and 2,4-dinitrophenol. Of a number of analogues of taurine, 2-aminoethylsulphinic acid was the most potent in inhibiting the uptake of [35S]taurine. The rate of uptake was found to be decreased by lowering the incubation temperature. The possibility that taurine may be a neurotransmitter is discussed.  相似文献   

—Nipecotic acid, a potent inhibitor of GABA uptake, is taken up by slices of rat cerebral cortex by a sodium-dependent, ‘high affinity’ system (Km 11 μM), and can be released from these slices by an increased potassium ion concentration in a calcium-dependent manner. Nipecotic acid and GABA appear to be taken up by the same osmotically-sensitive structures. GABA and substances which inhibit GABA uptake also inhibit the uptake of nipecotic acid. GABA can release preloaded nipecotic acid from brain slices, and nipecotic acid can release preloaded GABA. This indicates that GABA and nipecotic acid can be counter-transported using the same mobile carrier. Nipecotic acid appears to have a higher affinity than GABA for this carrier.  相似文献   

D-Aspartate is accumulated by slices of adult rat cortex by a high affinity uptake which is abolished if the sodium ions in the incubation medium are replaced by choline. A small uptake of D-aspartate takes place if the sodium ions are replaced by lithium ions. It appears likely that D-aspartate shares the same transport system with L-aspartate, and that the uptake of D-aspartate is into the same osmotically-sensitive particles as those which accumulate L-aspartate. D-Aspartate is released from cerebral cortex slices by raised potassium concentrations, provided calcium is present in the perfusing buffer. Both D- and L-aspartate produce gross hyperactivity when injected intraperitoneally into immature rats. Radioactive D-aspartate may be very useful in examining the neurotransmitter role of the naturally- occurring L-aspartate e.g. in studies of the autoradiographic localization of high affinity L-aspartate accumulation, its main advantage being that, unlike L-aspartate, D-aspartate does not undergo rapid metabolism.  相似文献   

The uptake and release of glutamate and of GABA, as well as the effect of high potassium concentrations (35 or 80 mM) hereupon, were studied by aid of 14C-labelled amino acids in brain cortex slices from rats of different ages between birth and adulthood. Both the extent of the uptake (i.e. the tissue/medium ratio of 14C at, or close to, equilibrium) and the rate of uptake (i.e. the tissue/ medium ratio of 14C after short (5 min) incubation periods) increased with age. Differences were, however, found between glutamate and GABA, and the extent of the GABA uptake had a distinct maximum during the second postnatal week. At all ages, high concentrations of potassium caused a decrease in the rate of GABA uptake but were without effect on the rate with which glutamate was taken up. The release of the two amino acids occurred with approximately the same half-time (50 min) in slices from animals of at least 14 days of age. Before that time the release of glutamate was somewhat faster, whereas that of GABA was much slower, especially during the first postnatal week (half-time 90 min). The ontogenetic alterations in the effect of excess potassium were complex and varied both between the two potassium concentrations used and between the two amino acids. The results are thus compatible with the existence of different transport systems for the two amino acids, They also suggest that glutamate may exert other functions in addition to its role as a putative transmitter.  相似文献   

—l -Glutamine is taken up into rat brain slices by a specific‘high affinity’uptake system (Km 52 μm ) which is not influenced by high concentrations of l -glutamate and l -asparagine. The uptake system appears to be associated with cellular structures that do not survive homogenization under conditions which yield synaptosomes. The‘high affinity’uptake of glutamine is dependent on the external sodium ion concentration and can be inhibited by p-chloromercuriphenylsulphonate, amino-oxyacetic acid, ouabain, dibenamine and allylglycine. The effects of several inhibitors indicate that l -asparagine uptake is mediated by a system different from the‘high affinity’system mediating l -glutamine uptake.  相似文献   

DNA-dependent DNA polymerases were partially purified from nuclei of cells from the occipital lobe of human brain. The purification procedure included successive DEAE-cellulose and phosphocellulose column chromatography, gel filtration and sucrose density gradient centrifugation steps. Four enzymes corresponding to DNA polymerases-α, β, γ, and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase were found. Brain DNA polymerases could be differentiated from one another by size, template preferences and sensitivity to sulfhydryl blocking agents.  相似文献   

Abstract— 2-Hydroxy-, 2-chloro-, 2- and Cmethyl-GABA are linear competitive inhibitors of GABA uptake in rat brain slices. These analogues are thus potential substrates for the GABA transport system and possible'false transmitters'. 2-Hydroxy-GABA is the most potent inhibitor of GABA uptake yet described. No specific inhibitor of GABA uptake was revealed amongst the drugs tested.  相似文献   

—A variety of isoxazoles structurally related to muscimol (3-hydroxy-5-aminomethylisoxazole) were tested as inhibitors of the uptake of GABA and some other amino acids in rat brain slices, and of the activity of the GABA-metabolizing enzymes l -glutamate 1-carboxylyase and GABA:2-oxo-glutarate aminotransferase. A bicyclic derivative, 4,5,6,7-tetrahydroisoxazolo[4,5-c]pyridin-3-ol, proved to be a more potent inhibitor of GABA uptake than muscimol. Structure-activity studies on this derivative, which appeared to be a competitive inhibitor of GABA uptake, led to the findings that nipecotic acid (piperidine-3-carboxylic acid) is a powerful non-competitive inhibitor of GABA uptake, and that perhydro-1,2-oxazine-6-carboxylic acid is a relatively weak competitive inhibitor of GABA uptake.  相似文献   

Abstract— The effects of hyperosmolal superfusion upon the release of preloaded, radio-labeled GABA has been studied, using both first cortical and first pontine brain slices. GABA release was stimulated with either hyperosmolal Na+ or sucrose superfusion in cortical slices. This stimulated release of radio-labeled GABA was partially Ca2+-dependent in cortical slices. When barium ions replaced Ca2+ in hyperosmolal medium, a similar effect was seen. High concentration of magnesium in Ca2+ -free hyperosmolal medium did not induce stimulation. The increased release of α-aminoisobutyric acid (AIBA), a non-metabolized amino acid induced by hyperosmolality, was not Ca2+-dependent.
GABA release was also stimulated with hyperosmolal sucrose superfusion in pontine slices. The effect of pre-treatment of cortical and pontine slices with β-alanine or L-2,4-diaminobutyric acid (DABA) was used to study the source of exogenous GABA release induced by hyperosmolality. In cortical slices, β-alanine blocked the hyperosmolal release of GABA and also slightly inhibited GABA uptake. DABA did not change hyperosmolal GABA release, although it inhibited GABA uptake. In pontine slices, both DABA and β-alanine inhibited GABA uptake, but were unable to inhibit the hyperosmolal release of GABA.
The data suggest that hyperosmolality causes increased release of GABA from neurons, analogous to that seen with K+-depolarization. AIBA, unlike GABA, is released from brain cells as a non-Ca2+ -dependent response to osmotic equilibration. The observation that pre-treatment with β-alanine inhibits the hyperosmolal release of GABA suggests that hyperosmolality alters glial cell function.  相似文献   

Abstract— A series of compounds structurally related to muscimol (5-aminomethyl-3-isoxazolol) was tested as inhibitors of the sodium-independent binding of GABA to membranes from rat brain. Muscimol, 5-(l-aminoethyl)-3-isoxazolol, 5-(2-aminoethyl)-3-isoxazolol (homomuscimol), and the bicyclic derivative 4,5,6,7-tetrahydroisoxazolo[5,4-c]pyridin-3-ol (THIP) were relatively potent inhibitors of GABA binding. THIP is an analogue of muscimol locked in a folded conformation. The structurally related compound 1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-4-carboxylic acid (isoguvacine), a semirigid analogue of trans-4-aminocrotonic acid, was also a potent inhibitor of GABA binding. Apart from muscimol, these inhibitors of GABA binding did not influence the sodium-dependent,'high-affinity' uptake of GABA in rat brain slices, whereas the potent GABA uptake inhibitors guvacine and nipecotic acid did not influence GABA binding. The present results support previous findings that different conformational modes of GABA interact with GABA postsynaptic receptors and the neuronal GABA transport system in rat brain, and indicate that the 'active conformation' of GABA with respect to the receptors is partially folded and almost planar. Based on a comparison of the present results with previous in vivo studies the structural requirements for GABA-like activity in rat cerebral cortex and cat spinal cord seem to be somewhat different.  相似文献   

Abstract– The fluorescent divalent metal chelate-probe, chlorotetracycline (CTC), was used as a dynamic monitor of calcium association with rat brain snynaptosomes. The determined fluorescence excitation and emission maxima, 412 nm and 522 nm respectively, were used to monitor membrane-calcium interactions as a function of various parameters. Positive correlations were observed between increased or decreased fluorescence quantum yield and the uptake of both CTC and 45Ca by synpatosomes. The divalent metal ionophore A23187 enhanced fluorescence as well as probe and 45Ca uptake. Whereas, the polar chelator, EGTA, markedly reduced fluorescence, and the synaptosomal bound CTC and 45Ca. The CTC fluorescence changes also demonstrated the saturable manner in which 45Ca bound synaptosomes. At concentrations greater than 100μg/ml, CTC bound to the synaptosomes in a manner which quenched fluorescence at 522 nm. Also, CTC, at concentrations above 15 μg/ml, enhanced the uptake of 45Ca. At CTC concentrations between 10 and 15 μg/ml the quenching and iono-phoretic properties of the probe were minimized without affecting the capability of using the probe to visualize calcium interactions with synaptosomal membranes. Also, at a low CTC concentration (12.5 μg/ml) the inhibition of calcium uptake by increasing monovalent ion concentrations was clearly demonstrated.  相似文献   

—A superfusion system has been used to examine the effects of choline and the utilization of [3H]choline during resting and potassium-stimulated release of ACh from rat cerebrum slices. The rate of ACh release from unstimulated tissue, 0·25 nmol/g per min, increased 8-fold when the concentration of KCl in the superfusing medium was increased from 5 to 50 mm . This rate was not maintained, however, but gradually declined to one-half the peak rate after approx. 30 min. After an initial washout period, choline was released at a rate of 2·5-5 nmol/g per min, which was equal to 1-2 × 10?6m in the superfusate. The addition of 1 × 10?5m -choline to the superfusing medium was required to maintain the stimulated ACh release at near peak rates for 90 min. When hemicholinium-3 was added to the 50 mm -KCl medium, the release of ACh reached a peak as usual but then declined to prestimulation rates. After introducing a pulse of radioactive choline in the superfusing medium, the specific radioactivity of choline and ACh in the superfusate was determined before and during stimulation with 50 mm -KCl. The specific radioactivity of released ACh was always greater than that of released choline; it decreased rapidly at the onset of stimulation, and then more gradually as stimulation proceeded. The specific radioactivity of ACh released in the initial minutes of stimulation was higher than that of ACh in the tissue before stimulation. In the last 10-20 min of stimulation the specific radioactivity of the released ACh was lower than that of the tissue ACh at the end of stimulation. The relative contributions of old and newly synthesized ACh to the releasable transmitter pool are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— GABA, taurine and β-alanine are taken up by guinea-pig cerebellar slices by both the high-and low-affinity uptake processes, whereas glycine is taken up only by the low-affinity process. A considerable amount of labelled GABA loaded in the slice is released by unlabelled external GABA and a minute amount is released by external β-alanine, glycine and taurine. External glycine and β-alanine releases labelled glycine loaded in the slice. Labelled taurine loaded is effectively released by external taurine and β-alanine, while labelled β-alanine loaded is released only by external β-alanine.
It is suggested that hetero-exchanges which are one-directional in some cases also take place between the amino acids in addition to homo-exchanges. Therefore, high-affinity uptake processes observed with GABA and taurine could be the result of the homo-exchange diffusions, while that of β-alanine could be due to either the homo-exchange or the hetero-exchange diffusions or both.
K+'-evoked releases of GABA and to a lesser extent, taurine are partially dependent upon the presence of Ca+ in the superfusion media, whereas that of glycine and probably that of β-alanine, are not, K+ -evoked releases of labelled GABA and taurine are larger when loaded by their high-affinity uptake systems than by their low-affinity uptake processes. The reverse is the case with labelled glycine and β-alanine. These results do not rule out the possibility that taurine might act as a neurotransmitter in the cerebellum.  相似文献   

Abstract— Radioactive acetylcholine ([14C]ACh) that is taken up by rat cerebral cortex slices, incubated aerobically in a physiological saline-glucose paraoxon-[14C]ACh medium, apparently by a passive diffusion process at concentrations > 1 mm consists essentially of two forms, a readily exchangeable and releaseable or mobile form, and a bound or retained form, poorly (or not) exchangeable. The quantity of retained ACh consists of a considerable fraction of that taken up amounting to 54% with external 0.1 mm -[14C]ACh and about constant, 27%, for the range 5-50mm -[14C]ACh. All its ACh is released on homogenization with 0.1 n -perchloric acid or on tissue disintegration in distilled water. The cerebral uptake of ACh differs basically from that of urea as there is no retention of the latter following its uptake. Cerebral cortex slices are superior to those of cerebellar cortex, subcortical white matter, kidney cortex, liver and spleen in taking up and retaining [14C]ACh. Deprivation in the incubation media of glucose or Na+ or Ca2+. or the presence of dinitrophenol, whilst causing little change in ACh uptake, induces considerable changes in swelling and ACh retention; the greater the amount of swelling the smaller is that of retention. It seems that the latter is segregated in compartments characterized by a low permeability to exogenous ACh. About half of it is independent of changes in incubation conditions whilst the other half enters the compartment by an Na+, Ca2+ and energy-dependent process. At least part of the retention is neuronal as it is diminished by protovera-trine, the diminution being blocked by tetrodotoxin. Mobile ACh (i.e. total uptake minus retained ACh) is largely unaffected by protoveratrine, ouabain, etc. It seems that the retained ACh is directly proportional to the amount of mobile ACh minus the amount that enters with swelling. If the latter is largely glial in location, then the retained ACh is simply proportional to the mobile neuronal ACh. Suggestions are made as to the location of the retained ACh in the brain cells and to the processes involved in its segregation there. Release of retained ACh occurs on change of the Na+ gradient. Atropine and d-tubocurarine also diminish the amount of retained ACh but the percentage diminution falls with increase of the concentration of exogenous ACh.  相似文献   

Abstract— Pre-treatment of rat brain slices with organic mercurials prevents the increased acetylcholine release induced by tityustoxin. This inhibition is reversed by dithiothreitol. N-Ethylmaleimide blocks the tityustoxin effect irreversibly. Simultaneous incubation with mercurials and toxin reveals a competition of both ligands for a membrane sulfhydryl group apparently required for tityustoxin activity.  相似文献   

Abstract— Effects of an increased concentration of K+ (55 m m ) in the medium on fluxes of glutamate and other amino acids in the presence and absence of 10 m m -glutamate were studied. The following observations were made:
(1) The efflux of glutamate is slightly increased by excess K+. The glutamate efflux is smaller than the potassium fluxes.
(2) The K+-induced increase of glutamate efflux is enhanced under anoxia or in glutamate-containing media.
(3) The influx of glutamate is unaffected or slightly increased by excess K+.
(4) The efflux of GABA is increased by excess K+, both in the absence and in the presence of glutamate.
(5) Efflux of glutamine, leucine and lysine is increased by excess K+, but only provided that glutamate is also present in the medium.
(6) Efflux of glutamate and of GABA is increased by addition of 10 m m -glutamate.  相似文献   

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