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Crowd behaviors can have large fitness consequences for social organisms. Here we ask if there are similarities in the crowd dynamics of organisms that differ in body size, manner of locomotion, cognitive abilities, and state of alarm. Existing models of human crowd behavior have not been tested for their generality across species and body size nor across routine and emergency movements. We explore this issue by comparing the traffic dynamics of humans and of Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) to the predictions of our own model which was designed to simulate pedestrian movement. Some parameter values in the model were directly measured on ants but others were allometrically scaled from the human values to ant values based on the body mass difference. The model, with appropriately scaled parameters, correctly predicted two important properties of crowd behaviour for both organisms in a variety of circumstances: the flow rates and the distribution of time headways between successive ants in the escape sequence. The ability of a model of human pedestrian dynamics to predict behaviours of ant aggregations through allometric scaling of some parameter values suggests that there are fundamental features of crowd behavior that transcend the biological idiosyncrasies of the organisms involved.  相似文献   

Mutualisms and facilitations can fundamentally change the relationship between an organism's realized and fundamental niche. Invasive species may prove particularly suitable models for investigating this relationship as many are dependent on finding new partners for successful establishment. We conducted field-based experiments testing whether a native tree facilitates the successful survival of the invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr), through unfavorable winter conditions in the southeastern United States. We found Argentine ant nests aggregated around the native loblolly pine, Pinus taeda L., during the winter months. The bark of this tree absorbed enough radiant solar energy to reach temperatures suitable for Argentine ant foraging even when ambient temperatures should have curtailed all foraging. Conversely, foraging ceased when the trunk was shaded. The sun-warmed bark of this tree gave the Argentine ant access to a stable honeydew resource. Argentine ants were not found on or near deciduous trees even though bark temperatures were warm enough to permit Argentine ant foraging on cold winter days. Augmenting deciduous trees with sucrose water through the winter months lead to Argentine ant nests remaining at their base and Argentine ants foraging on the tree. The Argentine ant requires both foraging opportunity and a reliable winter food source to survive through unfavorable winter conditions in the southeastern United States. The loblolly pine provided both of these requirements extending the realized niche of Argentine ants beyond its fundamental niche.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. This correlational study examines the relationship between the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) and native ants in a longleaf pine savanna. Fire ants are frequently associated with a decline in native ants throughout the invaded range, but fire ant invasion is often coupled with habitat disturbance. Invasion of fire ants into the longleaf pine savanna provides an opportunity to examine the structure of the ant community in the absence of habitat disturbance. 2. Pitfall trapping was conducted within the longleaf pine savanna as well as across a naturally occurring soil moisture gradient, in plots that had been artificially watered. 3. Species richness did not vary as a function of fire ant density. There was an inverse relationship between native ant density and fire ant density, but this abundance pattern does not necessarily imply a causal link between fire ant invasion and native ant decline. For individual species, fire ant densities were negatively correlated with the densities of only two native ant species, including Solenopsis carolinensis, a native species that potentially limits the invasion of fire ants. Additionally, fire ants and native ants respond differently to soil moisture, with native ants favouring drier conditions than fire ants. 4. The possible exclusion of fire ants by some native ants, as well as differences in habitat preferences, provide alternative explanations for the frequently observed negative correlation between fire ants and native ants.  相似文献   

Non‐pollinating consumers of floral resources, especially ants, can disrupt pollination and plant reproductive processes. As an alternative food resource to flowers, extrafloral nectar (EFN) may distract and satiate ants from flowers, thereby reducing their antagonistic effects on plants. Yet, EFN may actually attract and increase ant density on plants, thus increasing the disruption of pollination and/or their defense of plants. In this study, we tested the effects of ants and EFN on pollinating seed‐consuming interactions between senita cacti and senita moths in the Sonoran Desert. Prior study of senita showed that EFN can distract ants from flowers, but consequences for plant–pollinator interactions remain unstudied. In our current study, ant exclusion had no effect on pollination or oviposition when moths were abundant (>85% flower visitation). Yet, in an ant by EFN factorial experiment under lower moth abundance (<40% visitation), there was a significant effect of ant exclusion (but not EFN or an ant × EFN) on pollination and oviposition. In contrast with our predictions, ant presence increased rather than decreased pollination (and oviposition) by moths, indicating a beneficial effect of ants on plant reproduction. While ant density on plants showed a saturating response to continuous experimental variation in EFN, in support of ant satiation and distraction, the probability of pollination and oviposition increased and saturated with ant density, again showing a beneficial effect of ants on plant reproduction. Ants showed no significant effect on fruit set, fruit survival, or fruit production of oviposited flowers in the ant exclusion experiment. Ants did not affect the survival of moth larvae, but there was a marginally significant effect of ants in reducing wasp parasitism of moths. We suggest that EFN may not only distract ants from disrupting plant–pollinator interactions, but they may also enhance plant–pollinator interactions by increasing pollination and reducing wasp parasitism. Though often considered dichotomous hypotheses, ant distraction and plant defense may be synergistic, though the mechanism(s) for such positive ant effects on plant–pollinator interactions needs further study.  相似文献   

We investigate the organization of traffic flow on preexisting uni- and bidirectional ant trails. Our investigations comprise a theoretical as well as an empirical part. We propose minimal models of uni- and bi-directional traffic flow implemented as cellular automata. Using these models, the spatio-temporal organization of ants on the trail is studied. Based on this, some unusual flow characteristics which differ from those known from other traffic systems, like vehicular traffic or pedestrians dynamics, are found. The theoretical investigations are supplemented by an empirical study of bidirectional traffic on a trail of Leptogenys processionalis. Finally, we discuss some plausible implications of our observations from the perspective of flow optimization.  相似文献   

Colonies of Atta cephalotes (Myrmicinae: Formicidae) construct cleared paths between their nest and the vegetation sources at which they harvest leaf tissue. Here, we employ ideas from traffic engineering to study streams of laden and unladen ants on these paths. The relationship between average traffic speed and the concentration of workers on the road surface follows a relationship similar to what is expected by analogy to fluid dynamics. Although the traffic is composed of eusocial organisms with a common interest in group success, the coarse-grained behavior of Atta traffic displays little more coordination than a moving fluid. The relationship between speed and concentration implies that maximum flow rates (which are likely to be closely tied to colony-level rates of resource acquisition) occur at a relatively high concentration that keeps individual speeds well below their "free flow" maximum. We predict that this optimal concentration will characterize peak traffic throughout a trail network, and we propose a simple behavioral mechanism that would allow trails to be cleared to the correct width to provide the optimal concentration. Collisions (including encounters for antennation) are common in leaf-cutting ant traffic because traffic is not segregated into unidirectional streams. Nonetheless, we find a counterintuitive suggestion that flow rates (with concentration differences statistically removed) are higher when traffic is near a 50:50 mix of outbound and returning ants than when it contains majority flows in a single direction. Mixed-direction traffic may help disperse laden ants with reduced agility, thereby preventing inhomogeneities in the traffic stream that could clog the trail.  相似文献   

The foraging behaviour of social insects is highly flexible because it depends on the interplay between individual and collective decisions. In ants that use foraging trails, high ant flow may entail traffic problems if different workers vary widely in their walking speed. Slow ants carrying extra‐large loads in the leaf‐cutting ant Atta cephalotes L. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) are characterized as ‘highly‐laden’ ants, and their effect on delaying other laden ants is analyzed. Highly‐laden ants carry loads that are 100% larger and show a 50% greater load‐carrying capacity (i.e. load size/body size) than ‘ordinary‐laden’ ants. Field manipulations reveal that these slow ants carrying extra‐large loads can reduce the walking speed of the laden ants behind them by up to 50%. Moreover, the percentage of highly‐laden ants decreases at high ant flow. Because the delaying effect of highly‐laden ants on nest‐mates is enhanced at high traffic levels, these results suggest that load size might be adjusted to reduce the negative effect on the rate of foraging input to the colony. Several causes have been proposed to explain why leaf‐cutting ants cut and carry leaf fragments of sizes below their individual capacities. The avoidance of delay in laden nest‐mates is suggested as another novel factor related to traffic flow that also might affect load size selection The results of the presennt study illustrate how leaf‐cutting ants are able to reduce their individual carrying performance to maximize the overall colony performance.  相似文献   

Haemig 《Ecology letters》1999,2(3):178-184
Although interactions between species are often assumed to be fixed, theory and empirical evidence suggest that they may be quite variable, changing in the presence of other species or environmental conditions. The interaction between ants and nesting birds exhibits such variability, ants sometimes being predators of bird nests and other times protectors of them. Hypothesizing that predation risk might be a critical factor in altering the interaction of ants with birds, I investigated the interaction of wood ants Formica aquilonia with nesting birds under different levels of predation risk. In a controlled field experiment, I allowed tits ( Parus major, P. caeruleus, P. ater ) and pied flycatchers ( Ficedula hypoleuca ) to select nest boxes in trees with ants (ant trees) or trees without ants. I found that birds usually nested in trees without ants, apparently to avoid the danger of injury from encounters with ants. Nesting in ant trees occurred mainly in the habitat where risk of predation was highest (along the forest edge), and with the bird taxa that lost nests most frequently in trees without ants (tits). Tits nesting on the forest edge achieved significantly greater nesting success, and fledged significantly more young, in ant trees compared with trees without ants. As the season progressed, ant traffic increased in trees without nesting birds, but decreased in trees with nesting birds, indicating that the outcome of interference competition between ants and nesting birds was reversed under increased predation risk. These results support the idea that predation risk can shift species interactions from predominately competitive processes to predominately facilitative processes.  相似文献   

The symmetry breaking observed in nature is fascinating. This symmetry breaking is observed in both human crowds and ant colonies. In such cases, when escaping from a closed space with two symmetrically located exits, one exit is used more often than the other. Group size and density have been reported as having no significant impact on symmetry breaking, and the alignment rule has been used to model symmetry breaking. Density usually plays important roles in collective behavior. However, density is not well-studied in symmetry breaking, which forms the major basis of this paper. The experiment described in this paper on an ant colony displays an increase then decrease of symmetry breaking versus ant density. This result suggests that a Vicsek-like model with an alignment rule may not be the correct model for escaping ants. Based on biological facts that ants use pheromones to communicate, rather than seeing how other individuals move, we propose a simple yet effective alarm pheromone model. The model results agree well with the experimental outcomes. As a measure, this paper redefines symmetry breaking as the collective asymmetry by deducing the random fluctuations. This research indicates that ants deposit and respond to the alarm pheromone, and the accumulation of this biased information sharing leads to symmetry breaking, which suggests true fundamental rules of collective escape behavior in ants.  相似文献   

1. Fire ants naturally invade some undisturbed ecosystems of high conservation value and may negatively impact co‐occurring ants. 2. Over 3 years, fire ants were added and removed from a longleaf pine savanna ecosystem that naturally supports a low density of fire ants. Impacts on co‐occurring ants were monitored using pitfall traps. 3. Treatments resulted in significant differences in average fire ant abundance across all plots only in the first year of the experiment. Fire ants had little discernible impact. The abundance and species richness of co‐occurring ants in removal plots never differed from unmanipulated control plots. The abundance of co‐occurring ants was very slightly lower and ant species richness was slightly higher where Solenopsis invicta Buren colonies were added, but neither contrast was significant. 4. The poor conditions in this habitat for many native ants may explain this outcome. More broadly, the impact of fire ants on ant assemblages still appears to be secondary and largely a consequence of human impacts on the environment.  相似文献   

Survivorship of an ant-tended membracid as a function of ant recruitment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Manuel A. Morales 《Oikos》2000,90(3):469-476
I used a host-visitor modeling framework to examine the interaction between the treehopper Publilia concava and ants in the genus Formica. In particular, I tested the functional relationship between ant tending, the spatial distribution of treehoppers, and treehopper density. The per-capita density of ants at each host plant was a decreasing function of treehopper density, distance from the ant nest and the neighborhood density of treehoppers. Treehopper survivorship was proportional to the per-capita density of ants and the duration of ant tending. Consequently, treehoppers in low-density aggregations on isolated host plants near the nest received maximum benefit from ant tending. Treehoppers tended by the ant Formica integra were abandoned as the summer progressed, although many of these treehoppers were re-colonized by other species of ants. While F. integra ultimately abandoned all treehoppers, treehoppers on host plants with fewer initial ants were abandoned first. Results from the present study are consistent with previous findings suggesting that patterns of density-dependent benefit for homopterans are a function of the recruitment response of ants. Additionally, results suggest a tradeoff between maximizing the persistence or probability of ant-tending and minimizing competition for ants when tended. In general, host-visitor models of mutualism may provide a theoretical framework for understanding conditional outcomes in ant-homopteran, and other host-visitor mutualisms.  相似文献   

Motivated by recent experimental work of Burd et al., we propose a model of bi-directional ant traffic on pre-existing ant trails. It captures in a simple way some of the generic collective features of movements of real ants on a trail. Analysing this model, we demonstrate that there are crucial qualitative differences between vehicular- and ant-traffics. In particular, we predict some unusual features of the flow rate that can be tested experimentally. As in the uni-directional model a non-monotonic density-dependence of the average velocity can be observed in certain parameter regimes. As a consequence of the interaction between oppositely moving ants the flow rate can become approximately constant over some density interval.  相似文献   

Ants build a trail that leads to a new location when they move their colony. The trail’s traffic flows smoothly, regardless of the density on the trail. To the best of our knowledge, such a phenomenon has been reported only for ant species. The trail’s capacity is known as trail traffic flow. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic model of trail traffic flow, which overcomes some inadequacies of the kinetic model previously proposed in the literature. Our model answers a question unsolved by the previous model, namely, how many worker ants form such a density-independent trail. We focus on ants’ responses to mutual contacts that involve individuals in trail formation. We propose a model in which contact frequency predicts the number of worker ants that form a trail. We verify that our model’s estimates match the empirical data that ant experts reported in the literature. In modeling and evaluation, we discuss an intelligent ant species, the house-hunting ant Temnothorax albipennis, which is popular among the ant experts.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Analyses of ecological trade-offs help to explain how organisms balance competing demands. Harvester ants ( Pogonomyrmex occidentalis ), are conspicuous residents of shortgrass prairie in western North America; worker P. occidentalis actively clear all vegetation from the immediate vicinity of their large gravel mounds. This study is based on the prediction that vegetation clearing yields a thermal trade-off by increasing soil temperatures; during cool periods the resulting increase in soil temperature opens new time windows for activity, while during hot periods the soil temperature is more likely to exceed the maximum thermal tolerance for this species. To test the hypothesis that daily and seasonal trade-offs in ant activity result from vegetation removal, the effects of experimentally applied shade on activity patterns were measured.
2. Harvester ant activity correlated highly with ground temperature; experimental shading of ant mounds shifted daily activity patterns by lowering ground temperature. Shading in the morning significantly delayed the onset of ant activity by preventing solar warming of the mound. In contrast, mid-day experimental shading prevented elevation of ground temperatures to above 50 °C and allowed ants to remain active when lethally high temperatures would normally force them inside the mound.
3. A model derived from field data predicted surface ground temperature (and therefore ant activity) based on air temperature and solar radiation, under conditions of sun and shade. For each of six seasons modelled, shade removal yielded a net gain of activity time. These results indicate that vegetation removal by harvester ants produces an advantageous thermoregulatory effect by helping to maximise activity time.  相似文献   

The defensive effects of ants against aphid predators have been well documented in the mutualistic relationship of aphids and their attending ants. However, it is not clear whether ant attendance has any direct effect on the aphids' growth and reproduction. Through field experiments, this study evaluates the benefits and, in particular, the costs of ant attendance to aphid colonies, focusing on the drepanosiphid aphid Tuberculatus quercicola which is associated with the Daimyo oak, Quercus dentata , and which is always attended by the red wood ant Formica yessensis . Ant attendance was clearly beneficial to the aphid; the exclusion of ants led to a significant increase in the extinction rate of aphid colonies. However, MANOVA and randomized block ANOVA indicated that in colonies continuously attended by ants, aphids had significantly smaller body size and produced a smaller number of embryos than in colonies isolated from ants when they were reared under homogeneous host conditions free from natural enemies. Thus, ant attendance had a negative influence on the growth and reproduction of the aphids, even though it contributed to the greater longevity of the aphid colonies. We hypothesize that ant-attended aphids are under intense selective pressures that act against aphid clones which fail to attract many ants, so that aphids have developed an adaptive mechanism to allocate a larger fraction of resources to the honeydew when they are requested to do so by the ants in order to ensure the ants' consistent visitation.  相似文献   

Galen C 《Oecologia》2005,144(1):80-87
According to the distraction hypothesis, extrafloral nectaries (EFN) evolved under selection to entice ants away from floral nectaries, reducing ant-mediated damage to flowers and/or interference with pollinators. Predator-satiation, through production of nectar in either surplus flowers or EFN, provides an alternative mechanism for reducing the impact of ants as flower visitors. I tested these two hypotheses by experimentally adding EFN to flowering plants of the alpine wildflower, Polemonium viscosum, and by surveying the relationship between ant visitation and nectary number in nature. Plants of P. viscosum lack EFN and experience flower damage by ants of Formica neorufibarbus gelida. Ant behavior was compared on plants with five flowers and three experimental EFN and on controls with equal floral display, but no EFN. Addition of EFN increased flower visitation by ants. The effect of EFN on flower visitation did not depend on proximity of EFN to flowers or attractiveness of EFN to ants. Findings suggest that ants perceived patch quality on a whole plant basis, rather than responding to EFN and flowers as distinct nectar patches. Ant visitation did not keep pace with nectary number in nature. The relationship between ant visitation and nectary number per plant was weak and shallow as predicted under satiation. Ant foraging choices on experimental inflorescences showed that ants bypass flowers avoided by earlier ants, enhancing probability of escape via satiation. Results do not support the idea that EFN evolve to reduce flower visitation by ants, but show instead that nectar in surplus flowers can satiate ants and reduce their negative impacts on flower function and integrity.  相似文献   

We used a simple engineering principle, which suggests that the width of a road needed for a smooth traffic flow is proportional to the peak traffic volume (“engineering hypothesis”), to analyze the adaptive significance of trail width at branching points in the leaf-cutting ant Atta cephalotes. Since the flow of outgoing ants splits at trail bifurcations and merges when ants return to the nest through the same paths, the sum of branch widths should equal the width of the trail section upstream of the bifurcation. We measured the width of branches and their preceding trail section and also performed field measurements and manipulations to analyze ant flow, number of collisions, and ant speed in different trail sectors. Contrary to the prediction of the “engineering hypothesis”, the sum of branch widths was larger than the width of the trail immediately before the bifurcation. Our data contradict the “trail addition hypothesis” and support the “border effect hypothesis” to explain this pattern. First, the width of the widest branch was smaller than the width of the trail upstream of the bifurcation, an unexpected result if one branch is merely the continuation of the basal trail. Second, ants collided with obstacles more often in the margin than in the central portion of the trail, relocated ants from central to margin trail sectors reduced their speed, and ant flow was higher in the central sections of the trail. Since the delaying effect of trail margins increases as the trail width decreases, ants may build branches wider than expected to reduce the border effect. The delaying effect of trail margins should be included in the analysis of costs and benefits to fully understand the adaptive value of the design of ant trail networks.  相似文献   

Most studies aiming to determine the beneficial effect of ants on plants simply consider the effects of the presence or exclusion of ants on plant yield. This approach is often inadequate, however, as ants interact with both non-tended herbivores and tended Homoptera. Moreover, the interaction with these groups of organisms is dependent on ant density, and these functional relationships are likely to be non-linear. A model is presented here that segregates plant herbivores into two categories depending on the sign of their numerical response to ants (myrmecophiles increase with ants, non-tended herbivores decline). The changes in these two components of herbivores with increasing ant density and the resulting implications for ant-plant mutualisms are considered. It emerges that a wide range of ant densities needs to be considered as the interaction sign (mutualism or parasitism) and strength is likely to change with ant density. The model is used to interpret the results of an experimental study that varied levels of Aphis fabae infestation and Lasius niger ant attendance on Vicia faba bean plants. Increasing ant density consistently reduced plant fitness and thus, in this location, the interaction between the ants and the plant can be considered parasitic. In the Vicia faba system, these costs of ants are unlikely to be offset by other beneficial agents (e.g., parasitoids), which also visit extrafloral nectaries.  相似文献   

1. Ants using trails to forage have to select between two alternative routes at bifurcations, using two, potentially conflicting, sources of information to make their decision: individual experience to return to a previous successful foraging site (i.e. fidelity) and ant traffic. In the field, we investigated which of these two types of information individuals of the leaf‐cutting ant Acromyrmex lobicornis Emery use to decide which foraging route to take. 2. We measured the proportion of foraging ants returning to each trail of bifurcations the following day, and for 4–7 consecutive days. We then experimentally increased ant traffic on one trail of the bifurcation by adding additional food sources to examine the effect of increased ant traffic on the decision that ants make. 3. Binomial tests showed that for 62% of the trails, ant fidelity was relatively more important than ant traffic in deciding which bifurcation to follow, suggesting the importance of previous experience. 4. When information conflict was generated by experimentally increasing ant traffic along the trail with less foraging activity, most ants relied on ant traffic to decide. However, in 33% of these bifurcations, ants were still faithful to their trail. Thus, there is some degree of flexibility in the decisions that A. lobicornis make to access food resources. 5. This flexible fidelity results in individual variation in the response of workers to different levels of ant traffic, and allows the colony to simultaneously exploit both established and recently discovered food patches, aiding efficient food gathering.  相似文献   

Previous short-term experiments showed that trail following behavior of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), can be disrupted by a high concentration of synthetic trail pheromone component (Z)-9-hexadecenal. In this study, a long-term field trial was conducted in 100-m2 plots of house gardens in an urban area of Japan to see whether the control effect on Argentine ants can be obtained by permeating synthetic trail pheromone from dispensers. The dispensers were placed in the experimental plots during the ant's active season (April-November) for 2 yr with monthly renewal. To estimate Argentine ant population density, foraging activity of Argentine ants in the study plots was monitored by monthly bait surveys. Throughout the study period, Argentine ant foraging activity was suppressed in the presence of the dispensers, presumably via trail forming inhibition. In contrast, the level of foraging activity was not different between treatment and no-treatment plots when the dispensers were temporarily removed, suggesting that treatment with pheromone dispensers did not suppress Argentine ant density in the treatment plots. Population decline may be expected with larger-scale treatment that covers a significant portion of the ant colony or with improvement in the potency of the disruptant.  相似文献   

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