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Females of the swallowtail butterfly Papilio xuthus L. (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) mate multiply during their life span and use the spermatophores transferred to increase their longevity as well as fecundity. Sperm from different males may be stored in the sperm storage organs (bursa copulatrix and spermatheca). To clarify the pattern of sperm storage and migration in the reproductive tract, mated females are dissected after various intervals subsequent to the first mating, and the type and activity of sperm in the spermatheca are observed. When virgin females are mated with virgin males, the females store sperm in the spermatheca for more than 10 days. Sperm displacement is found in females that are remated 7 days after the first mating. Immediately after remating, these females flush out the sperm of the first male from the spermatheca before sperm migration of the second male has started. However, females receiving a small spermatophore at the second mating show little sperm displacement, and the sperm derived from the small spermatophore might not be able to enter the spermatheca. Females appear to use spermatophore size to monitor male quality.  相似文献   

Multiple mating by females is widespread and generates sperm competition among the ejaculates of rival males over fertilization. One way in which males can avoid or reduce sperm competition is by displacing or removing previous males’ sperm from female sperm stores. An apparent example of this occurs in the bushcricket Metaplastes ornatus. Males perform a specialised sperm removal behaviour (SRB), using their highly-derived subgenital plate, with which they remove sperm from the female’s spermatheca during the early phases of mating before transferring a spermatophore of their own. Here we investigated whether males strategically invest in SRB according to the amount of previously stored sperm present in females. Each male was tested twice, once with a female containing sperm (‘filled’ condition) and once with a female from whom most previously deposited sperm had recently been removed by another male (‘emptied’ condition). For comparison, a separate group of males was paired with virgin females. Males did not discriminate between non-virgin females in the ‘emptied’ or ‘filled’ conditions in terms of their investment in SRB, suggesting they may not able to perceive the amount of sperm present in the female’s spermatheca. By contrast, male investment in SRB was significantly reduced in pairings with virgin females, indicating that males are sensitive to some aspect of a female’s mating status. Our results thus suggest that males modulate SRB in response to female-mediated cues, possibly chemical cues left by previous males, which would not be present on virgin but would be on non-virgin females.  相似文献   

Abstract By contrast to females that can maximize reproductive success with only one or a few copulations, males generally increase their fitness with frequency of mating. Sperm storage and allocation is therefore crucial for both male and female fitness. Sperm storage in Aleochara bilineata (Coleoptera; Staphylinidae) is investigated by measuring the number of spermatozoa stored in the female spermatheca after single, double or triple successive copulations with different males. The potential advantages of polyandry are studied in terms of the number of sperm stored by females mated twice with the same male (i.e. repeated copulation), compared with females mated twice with two different virgin males (i.e. polyandry). Level of polygyny is also estimated by measuring sperm allocation when ten successive mates are offered to a virgin male. Aleochara bilineata females store the sperm of the same or different males additively, suggesting no advantage for polyandry in terms of the number of sperm stored. A virgin male is able to inseminate ten different females but the number of sperm transferred decreases linearly. Finally, the latencies and durations of copulations are measured in all experiments to estimate changes according to the male or female status (i.e. virgin or mated). The latency before mating is higher when females are virgin than when females have already mated.  相似文献   

A large body size is considered to be advantageous to the reproductive success of females as a result of several factors, such as the allocation of more resources to reproduction and the efficient management of sperm transferred by males. In the present study, the effects of female body size, female mating status and additional food availability on fecundity and the offspring sex ratio are investigated in the parasitoid wasp Anisopteromalus calandrae Howard (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). Because of haplodiploid sex determination, females must fertilize eggs to produce female offspring but not to produce male offspring. As predicted, female fecundity and the number of female offspring are positively correlated with body size. However, although the volume of the spermatheca increases with female body size, the amount of sperm stored in the spermatheca is relatively constant, irrespective of body size. Consequently, larger females produce a greater proportion of male offspring, especially at the end of the oviposition sequence, suggesting that larger females that possess more resources for reproduction and produce a larger number of offspring are more likely to suffer sperm depletion. The results of the present study also show that mated females have an increased fecundity compared with virgin females, although the opportunity to feed on honey along with host feeding has no impact upon fecundity or the sex ratio.  相似文献   

In the fly Dryomyza anilis females have two kinds of sperm storage organs: one bursa copulatrix and three spermathecae (two spermathecae with a common duct form the doublet, and the third is a singlet spermathecal unit). At the beginning of a mating the male deposits his sperm in the bursa copulatrix. After sperm transfer the male taps the female''s abdomen with his claspers. This behaviour has been shown to increase the male''s fertilization success. After mating, the female discharges large quantities of sperm before oviposition. To find out where the sperm remaining in the female are stored, I counted the number of sperm in the droplet and in the female''s sperm storage organs after different types of mating. I carried out three mating experiments. In experiment 1, virgin females were mated with one male and the matings were interrupted either immediately after sperm transfer or after several tapping sequences. The results show that during male tapping more sperm moved into the singlet spermatheca. In addition, the total number of sperm correlated with sperm numbers in all sperm storage organs, and male size was positively related to the number of sperm remaining in the bursa. In experiment 2, females mated with several males. The number of sperm increased with increasing number of matings only in the doublet spermatheca. No increase in the number of sperm in the singlet spermatheca during consecutive matings suggests that sperm were replaced or did not reach this sperm storage organ. In experiment 3, virgin females were mated with a single male and half of them were allowed to lay eggs. The experiment showed that during egglaying, females primarily used sperm from their singlet spermatheca. The results from the three experiments suggest that sperm stored in the singlet spermatheca is central for male fertilization success and male tapping is related to sperm storage in the singlet spermatheca. The different female''s sperm storage organs in D. anilis may have separate functions during sperm storage as well as during sperm usage.  相似文献   

A consequence of multiple mating by females can be that the sperm of two or more males directly compete for the fertilisation of ova inside the female reproductive tract. Selection through sperm-competition favours males that protect their sperm against that of rivals and strategically allocate their sperm, e.g., according to the mating status of the female and the morphology of the spermatheca. In the majority of spiders, we encounter the otherwise unusual situation that females possess two independent insemination ducts, both ending in their own sperm storage organ, the spermatheca. Males have paired mating organs, but generally can only fill one spermatheca at a time. We investigated whether males of the African golden orb-web spider Nephila madagascariensis can prevent rival males from mating into the same spermatheca and whether the mating status of the female and/or the spermatheca causes differences in male mating behaviour. There was no significant difference in the duration of copulations into unused spermathecae of virgin and mated females. We found that copulations into previously inseminated spermathecae were generally possible, but shorter than copulations into the unused side of mated females or with virgins. Thus, male N. madagascariensis may have an advantage when they mate with virgins, but cannot prevent future males from mating. However, in rare instances, parts of the male genitals can completely obstruct a female genital opening.  相似文献   

In the oblique-banded leafroller, Choristoneura rosaceana, and the spruce budworm, C. fumiferana, male reproductive performance decreases with consecutive matings. While the onset time of mating did not vary, the time spent mating was longer in mated than in virgin males. Furthermore, a decline observed in the spermatophore mass with successive matings was associated with a concomitant decline in its apyrene and eupyrene spermatozoa content. In the hours following mating, spermatozoa migrate from the spermatophore, located in the bursa copulatrix, to the spermatheca. Regardless of the male's previous mating history, the number of apyrene sperm dropped rapidly in the days following mating whereas the number of eupyrene spermatozoa declined gradually. As the temporal pattern of sperm movement was similar in all treatments, females mated with previously-mated males would suffer from sperm shortage sooner than those mated with virgins. Large C. rosaceana females stored more apyrene spermatozoa in their spermatheca than small ones, irrespective of the time after mating or male mating history, while only large females mated with once-mated males received more apyrene sperm and accessory gland secretions than small ones mated with virgin or twice-mated males. The results obtained in this study are discussed in relation with their potential impact on the reproductive success of both sexes.  相似文献   

Because multiple mating by females encourages sperm competition, the assessment of female mating status before insemination is important for males in order to avoid the risk of sperm competition or to intensify sperm competition. When interacting with females before sperm transfer, males can alter their mating tactics according to the risk or intensity of sperm competition. Information on how mating systems are associated with sperm competition is essential for sterile insect technique eradication programs, which depend on successful mating of released sterile males with wild females. We tested whether males of the West Indian sweetpotato weevil, Euscepes postfasciatus (Fairmaire) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), adjusted their mating behavior in response to female mating experience and/or age. As virgin/young female weevils accepted males more easily than non-virgin/old females, assessing females before insemination can be adaptive for male weevils. We found that E. postfasciatus males were unable to adjust their mating tactics in response to female mating status. Although this mating strategy would be costly for individual male weevils, the ability in males to discriminate female mating status can prevent the chance of mating with already-mated females containing the sperm of wild male(s). Therefore, the mating tactics of male E. postfasciatus are advantageous for sterile insect technique eradication programs.  相似文献   

When swallowtail butterflies, Papilio xuthus, are mated by the hand-pairing method, both types of sperm, eupyrene and apyrene sperm, are transferred from the male to the spermatheca via the spermatophore in the bursa copulatrix. This mechanism is demonstrated by two different kinds of experiments. The first set of experiments employed interrupted copulation, and the second set was examination of the sperm in the spermatophore and spermatheca after the termination of copulation. The sperm was transferred 30 min after the start of copulation. The eupyrene sperm was still in the bundle; the number of the bundles ranged from 9 to 108 (mean, 42.7; n = 27). The bundles were gradually released after the completion of copulation, and the free eupyrene spermatozoa then remained in the spermatophore at least 2 h before migrating to the spermatheca. On the other hand, about 160 000 apyrene spermatozoa were transferred to the spermatophore and remained there for more than 1 h. We observed 11 000 apyrene spermatozoa in the spermatheca 12 h after the completion of copulation, but most of this type of sperm disappeared shortly thereafter. In contrast, the eupyrene sperm arrived in the spermatheca more than 1 day after the completion of copulation and remained there at least 1 week. Therefore, these findings suggest that apyrene sperm migrate from the spermatophore to the spermatheca earlier than eupyrene sperm. Accordingly, if females mated multiply, the time difference might avoid the mixing of sperm. In addition, the predominance of sperm from the last mating session may occur not in the bursa copulatrix but in the spermatheca. Received: January 7, 2000 / Accepted: May 24, 2000  相似文献   

In species where females mate promiscuously, competition between ejaculates from different males to fertilize the ova is an important selective force shaping many aspects of male reproductive traits, such as sperm number, sperm length and sperm–sperm interactions. In eusocial Hymenoptera (bees, wasps and ants), males die shortly after mating and their reproductive success is ultimately limited by the amount of sperm stored in the queen''s spermatheca. Multiple mating by queens is expected to impose intense selective pressure on males to optimize the transfer of sperm to the storage organ. Here, we report a remarkable case of cooperation between spermatozoa in the desert ant Cataglyphis savignyi. Males ejaculate bundles of 50–100 spermatozoa. Sperm bundles swim on average 51% faster than solitary sperm cells. Team swimming is expected to increase the amount of sperm stored in the queen spermatheca and, ultimately, enhance male posthumous fitness.  相似文献   

The pattern of sperm predominance in doubly mated female crickets, Gryllodes supplicans, was investigated using a radiation-sterility technique. Female G. supplicans made significant use of sperm from both males in fertilizing eggs; overall, first males to mate enjoyed a small advantage, fertilizing about 60% of the offspring produced subsequent to the second mating. The combined use of the sperm of both males in fertilizing eggs occurred soon after the second mating; evidently, mixing of ejaculates within a female's spermatheca does occur. Male G. supplicans provide females with a nuptial gift, the spermatophylax, which influences the time at which a female removes the externally attached sperm-ampulla; this in turn determines the quantity of sperm that is transferred. Moreover, the degree of sperm precedence achieved by a male may be positively related to the time at which the female removes his sperm ampulla. Thus males, by feeding females, ensure not only that a sufficient number of sperm are transferred to fertilize all of a female's eggs, but also may increase the certainty of their paternity. In mating systems in which females control sperm transfer and paternity is influenced by numbers of sperm (i.e., numerical sperm competition), an increase in prezygotic investment in females may be an adaptive male response.  相似文献   

Sperm stocks in both males and females of the parthenogenetic wasp Eupelmus orientalis were investigated at various points during reproduction and compared to the progeny of females in controlled conditions. One day-old virgin males had approximately 5500 sperm, and from a total of about 1697 sperm transferred per copulation, 21% are stored in the spermathecae by females 24 hours after mating. At the end of the egg-laying period (at least 42 days), 2/5 of the initial amount of sperm remained in this storage organ. This decrease (from approximately 350 to 150) occurred essentially during the first 21 days of egg-laying activity, indicating that the majority of sperm stored were used during this period. Between 21 days and the end of fertile life, the number of sperm remained constant. The mean offspring production throughout reproductive life after one mating was 153, with 56.5% of the daughters laid at the beginning of the laying activity. Sex ratio was entirely female biased during the first 15 days (mean=0.65), then it decreased and became nearly equal after 20 days. Present results propose that females maximize the production of daughters i.e. of inseminated eggs until the 20th day and after this time lay as many daughters and sons despite their still having stored sperm. Physiological constraints due to ageing are proposed to explain this phenomenon.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of female mating history on copulation behavior and sperm release in the haplogyne spider Tetragnatha versicolor. Despite significant behavioral differences during mating, males released equivalent amounts of sperm to virgin and non-virgin females. When mating with non-virgin females, males showed twice as many pedipalp insertions and half the copulation duration as compared to virgin females; however, males were as likely to mate with non-virgin as virgin females. Even with these overt behavioral differences, males released half of the sperm contained within their pedipalps during mating, regardless of female mating history. With respect to male mating order, first or second, we suggest the numbers of sperm released would lead to an expectation of unbiased paternity. In this species, sperm release is not directly proportional to total copulationduration.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that when sperm compete numerically, selection will favor males who vary the number of sperm they transfer with the immediate level of sperm competition. In this study, I measured male mating investment in response to both female mating status (virgin vs. mated) and the number of foreign sperm stored by females in a previous mating in the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata. Female sperm storage was manipulated by interrupting copulations at different time points. Female mating status did not significantly influence male mating investment, but resource-limited males invested strategically in relation to the amount of sperm stored by females in a previous mating. I found continuously decreasing male investment in response to increasing amounts of competing sperm. These results demonstrate an unprecedented male ability to assess the number of sperm stored by females. As a result, males are capable of an extraordinarily fine-tuned reaction to the intensity of sperm competition.  相似文献   

Male reproductive success in the lesser wax moth Achroia grisella is strongly determined by pre‐copulatory mate choice, during which females choose among males aggregated in small leks based on the attractiveness of ultrasonic songs. Nothing is known about the potential of post‐copulatory mechanisms to affect male reproductive success. However, there is evidence that females at least occasionally remate with a second male and that males are unable to produce ejaculates quickly after a previous copulation. Here we investigated the effects of mating history on ejaculate size and demonstrate that the number of transferred sperm significantly decreased from first (i.e., virgin) to second (i.e., nonvirgin) copulation within individual males. For males of identical age, the number of sperm transferred was higher in virgin than in nonvirgin copulations, too, demonstrating that mating history, is responsible for the decrease in sperm numbers transferred and not the concomitant age difference. Furthermore, the number of transferred sperm was significantly repeatable within males. The demonstrated variation in ejaculate size both between subsequent copulations as well as among individuals suggests that there is allocation of a possibly limited amount of sperm. Because female fecundity is not limited by sperm availability in this system, post‐copulatory mechanisms, in particular sperm competition, may play a previously underappreciated role in the lesser wax moth mating system.  相似文献   

In earwigs of the family Anisolabididae, male intromittent organs (virgae) sometimes break off inside female sperm-storage organs (spermathecae) during mating. I examined the effects of this genital breakage on the sperm storage capacity of females using Euborellia plebeja as a representative species. When genital breakage was artificially induced in virgin females, subsequent males successfully inseminated these females. However the sperm-storage capacity of these females was limited by the presence of broken virgae in their spermathecae. In another experiment, genital breakage was experimentally induced in the spermathecae of inseminated females, and their reproductive performance was then monitored for 60 days. In all of four cases where the entire piece of the broken virga remained inside the spermatheca, females deposited fertile eggs (more than 60% hatchability). The average number of clutches, that of eggs laid, and that of hatchlings were similar to those of controls. On the other hand, females laid no eggs in the other two cases where the broken virgae protruded from the spermathecal opening. I discuss the relevance of the results to the mating system and possible removal of rival sperm, which has been reported for E. plebeja. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Mating systems are frequently shaped by conflicts over reproductive interests between males and females. Sexual cannibalism canbe an especially dramatic manifestation of such conflicts.However, the resolutions of this conflict differ among sexuallycannibalistic spider species. Cannibalism may be in the interestof both sexes when females consume males as a foraging decisionto improve fecundity and/or males sacrifice their bodies toincrease fertilization success. In other species, females exertsequential choice of partner by selectively terminating copulationthrough cannibalism while males fail to obtain a paternityadvantage. Here, we investigate the adaptive value of cannibalismin the orb-web spider Nephila plumipes where 60% of males donot survive copulation. Virgin females in poor condition aremore frequently cannibalistic and more likely to kill largemales, but the frequency of cannibalism among mated femalesis not influenced by these factors. Instead, males that matewith mated females increase their fertilization success bybeing cannibalized. Cannibalized males generally mate for longer,but longer copulations correspond with increased paternity onlyin mated females. The amount of sperm from particular malesthat a female stored was not influenced by any of the measuredvariables. The number of sperm stored was not related to paternity,nor was there any detectable reduction in sperm number afterfemales had reproduced. Our data suggest that the conflict between the sexes differs between virgin and mated females.Females should always cannibalize a male, but males only gainfrom cannibalism when mating with mated females, not when matingwith virgin females. Interestingly, the frequencies of cannibalismare not different in matings with virgin or mated females.  相似文献   

We suggest an explanation for the bimodal distribution in the number of sperm transferred into the female during mating by males of the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata). While in most matings females receive 20,000 sperm, in others they receive less than 1000. A variety of potential proximate causes for this bimodal distribution including experimental procedures and several physiological and behavioral causes were examined: male body size, female body size, male mating history, socio-sexual environments, duration and number of mounts, and duration and number of copulations. Surprisingly, none of these explained the observed distribution. However, we did find that the total time spent in copulation was significantly less variable among males that transferred more than 20,000 sperm than among males that passed less than 1000 sperm. In addition, males transferring large amounts of sperm resulted in proportionally more sperm inside the female’s spermatheca within a short period of time than males passing less than 1000 sperm. The lack of pattern in male sperm ejaculate suggests definite differences in sperm delivery tactics and may be related to the female condition rather than the male.  相似文献   

Male and female Tenebrio molitor act as intermediate hosts for metacestodes of the rat tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta. It is known that the bean-shaped accessory glands of infected males exhibit an extended growth period and are significantly larger than those from noninfected males by day 10 after emergence. We wished to determine whether more material is transferred from these glands into the spermatophores. Here we report that the protein content and trehalase activity of spermatophores produced by bean-shaped accessory glands from infected males is elevated. However, protein transferred to the female spermatheca during mating was not affected by the infection status of the male. No evidence of transfer of trehalase to the spermatheca was detected but spermatheca from virgin, infected females contained significantly greater trehalase activity than those from noninfected females.  相似文献   

Irradiation has been widely used in suppression or eradication programs that use the sterile insect technique (SIT) or in studying sperm competition. Although it is well known that irradiation has negative impacts on reproductive (sperm) cells, previous studies have assumed that sperm from irradiated males behave identically to normal sperm in the female reproductive tract after mating. In this study, we used the West Indian sweetpotato weevil Euscepes postfasciatus to investigate the effect of irradiation on the abundance and viability of sperm in female spermatheca for 14 days after copulation. The abundance of sperm in females did not change throughout the experimental period, and sperm viability gradually decreased regardless of irradiation. In this weevil, irradiated sperm appear to behave identically to normal sperm in females for 14 days following irradiation/copulation. Therefore, the effect of irradiation on sperm viability within the female spermatheca is considered to be insignificant.  相似文献   

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