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Legionella pneumophila, the causative agent of Legionnaires' disease, is a ubiquitous freshwater bacterium whose virulence phenotypes require a type IV secretion system (T4SS). L. pneumophila strain JR32 contains two virulence-associated T4SSs, the Dot/Icm and Lvh T4SSs. Defective entry and phagosome acidification phenotypes of dot/icm mutants are conditional and reversed by incubating broth-grown stationary-phase cultures in water (WS treatment) prior to infection, as a mimic of the aquatic environment of Legionella. Reversal of dot/icm virulence defects requires the Lvh T4SS and is associated with a >10-fold induction of LpnE, a tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-containing protein. In the current study, we demonstrated that defective entry and phagosome acidification phenotypes of mutants with changes in LpnE and EnhC, another TPR-containing protein, were similarly reversed by WS treatment. In contrast to dot/icm mutants for which the Lvh T4SS was required, reversal for the ΔlpnE or the ΔenhC mutant required that the other TPR-containing protein be present. The single and double ΔlpnE and ΔenhC mutants showed a hypersensitivity to sodium ion, a phenotype associated with dysfunction of the Dot/Icm T4SS. The ΔlpnE single and the ΔlpnE ΔenhC double mutant showed 3- to 9-fold increases in translocation of Dot/Icm T4SS substrates, LegS2/SplY and LepB. Taken together, these data identify TPR-containing proteins in a second mechanism by which the WS mimic of a Legionella environmental niche can reverse virulence defects of broth-grown cultures and implicate LpnE and EnhC directly or indirectly in translocation of Dot/Icm T4SS protein substrates.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila is an adaptive pathogen that replicates in the intracellular environment of fundamentally divergent hosts (freshwater protozoa and mammalian cells) and is capable of surviving long periods of starvation in water when between hosts. Physiological adaptation to these quite diverse environments seems to be accompanied by morphological changes (Gardu?o et al., p. 82-85, in Marre et al., ed., Legionella, 2001) and conceivably involves developmental differentiation. In following the fine-structural pathway of L. pneumophila through both in vitro and in vivo growth cycles, we have now discovered that this bacterium displays an unprecedented number of morphological forms, as revealed in ultrathin sections and freeze-fracture replicas for transmission electron microscopy. Many of the forms were identified by the obvious ultrastructural properties of their cell envelope, which included changes in the relative opaqueness of membrane leaflets, vesiculation, and/or profuse invagination of the inner membrane. These changes were best documented with image analysis software to obtain intensity tracings of the envelope in cross sections. Also prominent were changes in the distribution of intramembranous particles (clearly revealed in replicas of freeze-fractured specimens) and the formation of cytoplasmic inclusions. Our results confirm that L. pneumophila is a highly pleomorphic bacterium and clarify some early observations suggesting sporogenic differentiation in L. pneumophila. Since morphological changes occurred in a conserved sequence within the growth cycle, our results also provide strong evidence for the existence of a developmental cycle in L. pneumophila that is likely accompanied by profound physiological alterations and stage-specific patterns of gene expression.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila replicates within amoebae and macrophages and causes the severe pneumonia Legionnaires' disease. When broth cultures enter the post-exponential growth (PE) phase or experience amino acid limitation, L. pneumophila accumulates the stringent response signal (p)ppGpp and expresses traits likely to promote transmission to a new phagocyte. The hypothesis that a stringent response mechanism regulates L. pneumophila virulence was bolstered by our finding that the avirulent mutant Lp120 contains an internal deletion in the gene encoding the stationary phase sigma factor RpoS. To test directly whether RpoS co-ordinates virulence with stationary phase, isogenic wild-type, rpoS-120 and rpoS null mutant strains were constructed and analysed. PE phase L. pneumophila became cytotoxic by an RpoS-independent pathway, but their sodium sensitivity and maximal expression of flagellin required RpoS. Likewise, full induction of sodium sensitivity by experimentally induced (p)ppGpp synthesis required RpoS. To replicate efficiently in macrophages, L. pneumophila used both RpoS-dependent and -independent pathways. Like those containing the dotA type IV secretory apparatus mutant, phagosomes harbouring either rpoS or dotA rpoS mutants rapidly acquired the late endosomal protein LAMP-1, but not the lysosomal marker Texas red-ovalbumin. Together, the data support a model in which RpoS co-operates with other regulators to induce L. pneumophila virulence in the PE phase.  相似文献   

Shin S  Roy CR 《Cellular microbiology》2008,10(6):1209-1220
Key to the pathogenesis of intracellular pathogens is their ability to manipulate host cell processes, permitting the establishment of an intracellular replicative niche. In turn, the host cell deploys defence mechanisms that limit intracellular infection. The bacterial pathogen Legionella pneumophila, the aetiological agent of Legionnaire's Disease, has evolved virulence mechanisms that allow it to replicate within protozoa, its natural host. Many of these tactics also enable L. pneumophila's survival and replication inside macrophages within a membrane-bound compartment known as the Legionella-containing vacuole. One of the virulence factors indispensable for L. pneumophila's intracellular survival is a type IV secretion system, which translocates a large repertoire of bacterial effectors into the host cell. These effectors modulate multiple host cell processes and in particular, redirect trafficking of the L. pneumophila phagosome and mediate its conversion into an ER-derived organelle competent for intracellular bacterial replication. In this review, we discuss how L. pneumophila manipulates host cells, as well as host cell processes that either facilitate or impede its intracellular survival.  相似文献   

Multicopper oxidases have been described to have functions in copper tolerance, manganese oxidation, and iron oxidation in a range of bacteria. The putative cytoplasmic membrane multicopper oxidase from Legionella pneumophila was investigated. The mcoL gene was found to be critical for aerobic extracellular growth under either iron-limiting conditions or in the presence of ferrous Fe(II) iron, as a sole source of this essential metal. The mcoL mutants showed minor growth defects when grown in the presence of Fe(III) as the iron source. In contrast, intracellular growth and survival was not affected by the absence of the mcoL gene regardless of available iron concentration. The evidence presented here could indicate a possible role for mcoL in prevention of the toxic effects of ferrous iron during aerobic conditions. However, a function in high-affinity acquisition of iron could also be possible given the inability of the McoL mutants to grow aerobically under iron-limiting conditions.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila is an opportunistic human pathogen that replicates within environmental amoebae including Acanthamoeba castellanii and Dictyostelium discoideum. The Icm/Dot type IV secretion system promotes phagocytosis and intracellular replication of L. pneumophila in an endoplasmic reticulum-derived 'Legionella-containing vacuole' (LCV). L. pneumophila adopts a biphasic life cycle consisting of a replicative growth phase and a transmissive (stationary) phase, the latter of which is characterized by the preferential expression of genes required for motility and virulence. A bioinformatic analysis of the L. pneumophila genome revealed a gene cluster homologous to the Vibrio cholerae cqsAS genes, encoding a putative quorum sensing autoinducer synthase (lqsA) and a sensor kinase (lqsS), which flank a novel response regulator (lqsR). We report here that an L. pneumophila lqsR deletion mutant grew in broth with the same rate as wild-type bacteria, but entered the replicative growth phase earlier. Overexpression of lqsR led to an elongated morphology of the bacteria. The lqsR mutant strain was found to be more salt-resistant and impaired for intracellular growth in A. castellanii, D. discoideum and macrophages, formation of the ER-derived LCV and toxicity. Moreover, L. pneumophila lacking LqsR, as well as strains lacking the stationary sigma factor RpoS or the two-component response regulator LetA, were phagocytosed less efficiently by A. castellanii, D. discoideum or macrophages. The expression of lqsR was dependent on RpoS and, to a lesser extent, also on LetA. DNA microarray experiments revealed that lqsR regulates the expression of genes involved in virulence, motility and cell division, consistent with a role for LqsR in the transition from the replicative to the transmissive (virulent) phase. Our findings indicate that LqsR is a novel pleiotropic regulator involved in RpoS- and LetA-controlled interactions of L. pneumophila with phagocytes.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila possesses a variety of secreted and cell-associated hydrolytic activities that could be involved in pathogenesis. The activities include phospholipase A, lysophospholipase A, glycerophospholipid:cholesterol acyltransferase, lipase, protease, phosphatase, RNase, and p-nitrophenylphosphorylcholine (p-NPPC) hydrolase. Up to now, there have been no data available on the regulation of the enzymes in L. pneumophila and no data at all concerning the regulation of bacterial phospholipases A. Therefore, we used L. pneumophila mutants in the genes coding for the global regulatory proteins RpoS and LetA to investigate the dependency of hydrolytic activities on a global regulatory network proposed to control important virulence traits in L. pneumophila. Our results show that both L. pneumophila rpoS and letA mutants exhibit on the one hand a dramatic reduction of secreted phospholipase A and glycerophospholipid:cholesterol acyltransferase activities, while on the other hand secreted lysophospholipase A and lipase activities were significantly increased during late logarithmic growth phase. The cell-associated phospholipase A, lysophospholipase A, and p-NPPC hydrolase activities, as well as the secreted protease, phosphatase, and p-NPPC hydrolase activities were significantly decreased in both of the mutant strains. Only cell-associated phosphatase activity was slightly increased. In contrast, RNase activity was not affected. The expression of plaC, coding for a secreted acyltransferase, phospholipase A, and lysophospholipase A, was found to be regulated by LetA and RpoS. In conclusion, our results show that RpoS and LetA affect phospholipase A, lysophospholipase A, acyltransferase, and other hydrolytic activities of L. pneumophila in a similar way, thereby corroborating the existence of the LetA/RpoS regulation cascade.  相似文献   

To enable effective use of phoA gene fusions in Legionella pneumophila, we constructed MudphoA, a derivative of the mini-Mu phage Mu dII4041, which is capable of generating gene fusions to the Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase gene (EC Although an existing fusion-generating transposon, TnphoA, has been a useful tool for studying secreted proteins in other bacteria, this transposon and other Tn5 derivatives transpose inefficiently in Legionella pneumophila, necessitating the construction of a more effective vector for use in this pathogen. Using MudphoA we generated fusions to an E. coli gene encoding a periplasmic protein and to an L. pneumophila gene encoding an outer membrane protein; both sets of fusions resulted in alkaline phosphatase activity. We have begun to use MudphoA to mutate secreted proteins of L. pneumophila specifically, since this subset of bacterial proteins is most likely to be involved in host-bacterial interactions. This modified transposon may be useful for studies of other bacteria that support transposition of Mu, but not Tn5, derivatives.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila is an intracellular pathogen that causes a severe pneumonia called Legionnaires' disease that is often fatal when not promptly diagnosed and treated. Legionella parasitize aquatic protozoa with which it co-evolved over an evolutionary long time. The close relationship between hosts and pathogens, their co-evolution, led to molecular interactions such as the exchange of genetic material through horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Genome sequencing of L. pneumophila and of the entire genus Legionella that comprises over 60 species revealed that Legionellae have co-opted genes and thus cellular functions from their eukaryotic hosts to a surprisingly high extent. Acquisition and loss of these eukaryotic-like genes and domains is an on-going process underlining the highly dynamic nature of the Legionella genomes. Although the large amount and diversity of HGT in Legionella seems to be unique in the prokaryotic world the analyses of more and more genomes from environmental organisms and symbionts of amoeba revealed that such genetic exchanges occur among all amoeba associated bacteria and also among the different microorganisms that infect amoeba. This dynamic reshuffling and gene-acquisition has led to the emergence of Legionella as human pathogen and may lead to the emergence of new human pathogens from the environment.  相似文献   

A structural database search has revealed that the same fold found in the allosteric substrate binding (ASB) domain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (PGDH) is found in l-serine dehydratase from Legionella pneumophila. The M. tuberculosis PGDH ASB domain functions in the control of catalytic activity. Bacterial l-serine dehydratases are 4Fe-4S proteins that convert l-serine to pyruvate and ammonia. Sequence homology reveals two types depending on whether their α and β domains are on the same (Type 2) or separate (Type 1) polypeptides. The α domains contain the catalytic iron-sulfur center while the β domains do not yet have a described function, but the structural homology with PGDH suggests a regulatory role. Type 1 β domains also contain additional sequence homologous to PGDH ACT domains. A continuous assay for l-serine dehydratase is used to demonstrate homotropic cooperativity, a broad pH range, and essential irreversibility. Product inhibition analysis reveals a Uni-Bi ordered mechanism with ammonia dissociating before pyruvate. l-Threonine is a poor substrate and l-cysteine and d-serine are competitive inhibitors with K(i) values that differ by almost 10-fold from those reported for Escherichia colil-serine dehydratase. Mutagenesis identifies the three cysteine residues at the active site that anchor the iron-sulfur complex.  相似文献   

Interspecific complementation of an Escherichia coli recA mutant with a Legionella pneumophila genomic library was used to identify a recombinant plasmid encoding the L. pneumophila recA gene. Recombinant E. coli strains harbouring the L. pneumophila recA gene were isolated by replica-plating bacterial colonies on medium containing methyl methanesulphonate (MMS). MMS-resistant clones were identified as encoding the L. pneumophila recA analogue by their ability to protect E. coli HB101 from UV exposure and promote homologous recombination. Subcloning of selected restriction fragments and Tn5 mutagenesis localized the recA gene to a 1.7 kb Bg/II-EcoRI fragment. Analysis of minicell preparations harbouring a 1.9 kb EcoRI fragment containing the recA coding segment revealed a single 37.5 kDa protein. Insertional inactivation of the cloned recA gene by Tn5 resulted in the disappearance of the 37.5 kDa protein, concomitant with the loss of RecA function. The L. pneumophila recA gene product did not promote induction of a lambda lysogen; instead, the presence of the heterologous recA gene caused a significant reduction in spontaneous and mitomycin-C-induced prophage induction in recA+ and recA E. coli backgrounds. Despite the lack of significant genetic homology between the L. pneumophila recA gene and the E. coli counterpart, the L. pneumophila RecA protein was nearly identical to that of E. coli in molecular mass, and the two proteins showed antigenic cross-reactivity. Western blot analysis of UV-treated L. pneumophila revealed a significant increase in RecA antigen in irradiated versus control cells, suggesting that the L. pneumophila recA gene is regulated in a manner similar to that of E. coli recA.  相似文献   

Prepilin peptidases cleave, among other substrates, the leader sequences from prepilin-like proteins that are required for type II protein secretion in Gram-negative bacteria. To begin to assess the importance of type II secretion for the virulence of an intracellular pathogen, we examined the effect of inactivating the prepilin peptidase (pilD) gene of Legionella pneumophila. Although the pilD mutant and its parent grew similarly in bacteriological media, they did differ in colony attributes and recoverability from late stationary phase. Moreover, at least three proteins were absent from the mutant's supernatant, indicating that PilD is necessary for the secretion of Legionella proteins. The absence of both the major secreted protein and a haemolytic activity from the mutant signalled that the L. pneumophila zinc metalloprotease is excreted via type II secretion. Most interestingly, the pilD mutant was greatly impaired in its ability to grow within Hartmannella vermiformis amoebae and the human macrophage-like U937 cells. As reintroduction of pilD into the mutant restored inefectivity and as a mutant lacking type IV pilin replicated like wild type, these data suggested that the intracellular growth of L. pneumophila is promoted by proteins secreted via a type II pathway. Intratracheal inoculation of guinea pigs revealed that the LD50 for the pilD mutant is at least 100-fold greater than that for its parent, and the culturing of bacteria from infected animals showed a rapid clearance of the mutant from the lungs. This is the first study to indicate a role for PilD and type II secretion in intracellular parasitism.  相似文献   

To date, 24 Legionella pneumophila genes (icm and dot genes) have been shown to be required for intercellular growth and host cell killing. A previous report indicated that the regulation of these genes is complicated and probably involves several regulatory proteins. In this study, a genetic screen performed in Escherichia coli identified the CpxR response regulator as an activator of the L. pneumophila icmR gene. Construction of an L. pneumophila cpxR insertion mutant showed that the expression of icmR is regulated by CpxR. In addition, a conserved CpxR binding site (GTAAA) was identified in the icmR regulatory region and L. pneumophila His-tagged CpxR protein was shown to bind to the icmR regulatory region using a mobility shift assay. Besides its dramatic effect on the icmR level of expression, the CpxR regulator was also found to affect the expression of the icmV-dotA and icmW-icmX operons, but to a lesser extent. The role of CpxA, the cognate sensor kinase of CpxR, was also examined and its effect on the icmR level of expression was found to be less pronounced than the effect of CpxR. The RpoE sigma factor, which was shown to coregulate genes together with CpxR, was examined as well, but it did not influence icm and dot gene expression. In addition, when the cpxR mutant strain, in which the expression of the icmR gene was dramatically reduced, and the cpxA and rpoE mutant strains were examined for their ability to grow inside Acanthamoeba castellanii and HL-60-derived human macrophages, no intracellular growth defect was observed. This study presents the first evidence for a direct regulator (CpxR) of an icm-dot virulence gene (icmR). The CpxR regulator together with other regulatory factors probably concerts with the expression of icm and dot genes to result in successful infection.  相似文献   

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