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Spironucleus barkhanus isolated from the blood of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus from a marine fish farm were genetically compared with S. barkhanus isolated from the gall bladder of wild Arctic charr. The wild Arctic charr were caught in the lake used as the water source for the hatchery from which the farmed fish originated. Sequencing of the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rDNA) from these 2 populations showed that the isolates obtained from farmed and wild Arctic charr were only 92.7 % similar. Based on the sequence differences between these isolates, it is concluded that the parasites isolated from the farmed fish have not been transmitted from wild Arctic charr in the hatchery's fresh water source. It is therefore most likely that the farmed fish were infected by S. barkhanus after they were transferred to seawater. S. barkhanus isolated from diseased farmed Arctic charr were 99.7% similar to the isolates obtained from diseased farmed Chinook (Canada) and Atlantic salmon (Norway). The high degree of sequence similarity between S. barkhanus from farmed Arctic charr, Chinook and Atlantic salmon indicates that systemic spironucleosis may be caused by specific strains/variants of this parasite. The genetic differences between the isolates of farmed and wild fish are of such magnitude that their conspecificity should be questioned.  相似文献   

Spironucleus salmonicida is a diplomonad flagellate known to cause systemic infections in farmed salmonids. In northern Norway, outbreaks of spironucleosis in farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar have been a recurring problem. Common to all these outbreaks was the origin of smolts: all came from the same farm. In the present study, wild Arctic char Salvelinus alpinus and brown trout Salmo trutta were sampled from the lakes used as a water source for the smolt supplier. In addition, smolt and three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus were sampled from the smolt farm. Bile and intestinal contents from the sampled fish were examined by light microscopy and PCR. Spironucleus salmonicida was identified in both wild Arctic char and brown trout from the lakes used as water sources by the smolt farm, suggesting that the farmed fish were exposed to this pathogen before transfer to the sea. Spironucleus barkhanus and Spironucleus salmonis were also identified in the sampled fish. The present study also demonstrated that infections with multiple Spironucleus species are present in wild salmonids. No indications of disease related to diplomonad infections were observed in the wild fish, suggesting that wild salmonids are reservoir hosts of Spironucleus salmonicida.  相似文献   

Intestinal microbial communities from 362 anadromous Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) from the high Arctic Kitikmeot region, Nunavut, Canada, were characterized using high-throughput 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The resulting bacterial communities were compared across four seasonal habitats that correspond to different stages of annual migration. Arctic char intestinal communities differed by sampling site, salinity and stages of freshwater residence. Although microbiota from fish sampled in brackish water were broadly consistent with taxa seen in other anadromous salmonids, they were enriched with putative psychrophiles, including the nonluminous gut symbiont Photobacterium iliopiscarium that was detected in >90% of intestinal samples from these waters. Microbiota from freshwater-associated fish were less consistent with results reported for other salmonids, and highly variable, possibly reflecting winter fasting behaviour of these char. We identified microbiota links to age for those fish sampled during the autumn upriver migration, but little impact of the intestinal content and water microbiota on the intestinal community. The strongest driver of intestinal community composition was seasonal habitat, and this finding combined with identification of psychrophiles suggested that water temperature and migratory behaviour are key to understanding the relationship between Arctic char and their symbionts.  相似文献   

Resource polymorphism has been suggested to be a platform for speciation. In some cases resource polymorphism depends on phenotypic plasticity but in other cases on genetic differences between morphotypes, which in turn has been suggested to be the ongoing development of a species pair. Here we study environmentally induced morphological differences in two age classes of Arctic char ( Salvelinus alpinus ) influencing char performance and diet in relation to resource availability. We found that structurally complex habitats with relatively lower zooplankton densities gave rise to individuals with a deeper body, and a downward positioned tip of the snout compared with individuals from structurally simple habitats with relatively higher zooplankton densities for both age classes. Environment also had an effect on foraging efficiency on zooplankton, with fish from structurally simple habitats had a higher foraging rate than fish from structurally complex habitats. Diet analyses showed that resource use in char mainly depends on the relative abundance of different resources. Therefore, to gain further understanding of resource polymorphism we suggest that future studies must include population dynamic feedbacks by the resources on the consumers.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 85 , 341–351.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A hexamitid flagellate Spironucleus barkhanus n. sp., from the lumen of the gut and gall bladder of wild grayling Thymallus thymallus , and from muscle abscesses of farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar from Norway, is described by light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The flagellate was axenically cultured in trypticase, yeast extract, iron serum medium. Live trophozoites from axenic cultures incubated at 5° C, measure 11–20 x 6–14 μm. The flagellates show a typical bi-radial symmetry. Each recurrent flagellum is almost completely surrounded by a striated lamina. In the posterior end the lamina widens, appearing heart shaped in transverse section. Accompanying each recurrent flagellum are three narrow bands of microtubules, following the longitudinal groove created by the incomplete closure of the striated lamina. The recurrent flagella emerge posterio-medially through cytostome openings halfway surrounded by crescent-shaped ridges, oriented in opposite directions in the two openings. The position and adornment of the cytostome openings, and the arrangement and number of the microtubules accompanying the recurrent flagella, distinguish Spironucleus barkhanus n. sp. from previously described species of Spironucleus .  相似文献   

Understanding the extent of interspecific hybridization and how ecological segregation may influence hybridization requires comprehensively sampling different habitats over a range of life history stages. Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and Dolly Varden (S. malma) are recently diverged salmonid fishes that come into contact in several areas of the North Pacific where they occasionally hybridize. To better quantify the degree of hybridization and ecological segregation between these taxa, we sampled over 700 fish from multiple lake (littoral and profundal) and stream sites in two large, interconnected southwestern Alaskan lakes. Individuals were genotyped at 12 microsatellite markers, and genetic admixture (Q) values generated through Bayesian‐based clustering revealed hybridization levels generally lower than reported in a previous study (<0.6% to 5% of samples classified as late‐generation hybrids). Dolly Varden and Arctic char tended to make different use of stream habitats with the latter apparently abandoning streams for lake habitats after 2–3 years of age. Our results support the distinct biological species status of Dolly Varden and Arctic char and suggest that ecological segregation may be an important factor limiting opportunities for hybridization and/or the ecological performance of hybrid char.  相似文献   

The successful acclimation of eurhyhaline fishes from seawater to freshwater requires the gills to stop actively secreting ions and start actively absorbing ions. Gill Na(+),K(+)-ATPase is known to be an integral part of the active ion secretion model of marine fishes, but its importance in the active ion uptake model of freshwater fishes is less clear. This study, conducted in the high Arctic, examines gill Na(+),K(+)-ATPase regulation in wild anadromous arctic char returning to freshwater from the ocean. Gill Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity, protein expression, and mRNA expression of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase isoforms alpha 1a and alpha 1b were monitored in arctic char at three points along their migration route to and from Somerset Island, Nunavut, Canada: out at sea (Whaler's Point), in seawater near the river mouth (Nat's Camp), and after entering the Union River. Arctic char collected from the Union River had more than twofold greater gill Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity. This was associated with a significant increase (threefold) in Na(+),K(+)-ATPase isoform alpha 1a mRNA expression and a significant increase in plasma sodium and osmolality levels compared with seawater char. Compared with char sampled from Whaler's Point, Na(+),K(+)-ATPase isoform alpha 1b mRNA expression was decreased by approximately 50% in char sampled at Nat's Camp and the Union River. These results suggest that the upregulation of gill Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity is involved in freshwater acclimation of arctic char and implicate a role for Na(+),K(+)-ATPase isoform alpha 1a in this process. In addition, we discuss evidence that arctic char go through a preparatory phase, or "reverse smoltification," before entering freshwater.  相似文献   

The North Pacific Ocean has been of great significance to understanding biogeography and speciation in temperate faunas, including for two species of char (Salmonidae: Salvelinus) whose evolutionary relationship has been controversial. We examined the morphology and genetics (microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA) of Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and Dolly Varden char (Salvelinus malma) in lake systems in western Alaska, the eastern and western Arctic, and south of the Alaskan Peninsula. Morphologically, each lake system contained two forms: one (Arctic char) largely confined to lake habitats and characterized by greater numbers of pyloric caeca, gill rakers, and shallower bodies, and another (Dolly Varden) predominated in adjacent stream habitats and was characterized by fewer pyloric caeca, gill rakers, and deeper bodies. MtDNA partial (550 bp) d-loop sequences of both taxa were interspersed with each other within a single 'Bering' clade and demographic inferences suggested historical gene flow from Dolly Varden to Arctic char had occurred. By contrast, the taxa were strongly differentiated in sympatry across nine microsatellite loci in both lakes. Our data show that the two taxa are highly genetically distinct in sympatry, supporting their status as valid biological species, despite occasional hybridization. The interaction between these species highlights the importance of the North Pacific, and Beringia in particular, as an evolutionary wellspring of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Johan Hammar 《Oikos》2000,88(1):33-47
Unexploited populations of Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) sampled in autonomous lake ecosystems in northern Svalbard demonstrate extraordinary catch curves with age and size frequency distributions characterized by discrete bimodality. Analyses of size‐age relationship, summer diet and food‐related intestinal parasite intensities of modal char groups revealed a pattern of discrete ontogenetic niche shifts. Life‐history changes at age 10–15 and size 200–300 mm/50–300 g involved shifting from an initial mode of small‐sized, slow‐growing and sexually mature individuals feeding on micro‐crustaceans and aquatic insects (Chironomidae, Trichoptera), to a terminal mode of large‐sized and fast‐growing cannibals. Cannibalism, however, was found to result in accumulation of cestodan parasites, of which Diphyllobothrium ditremum increases age‐related mortality rates and may be lethal at 1500–2000 plerocercoids. Genetically allopatric populations with cannibalism demonstrated a female‐biased sex ratio, primarily in the initial mode, suggesting sexual asynchrony in their ontogeny. By contrast, a small population of large‐sized, non‐cannibalistic Arctic char feeding exclusively on the large amphipod Gammaracanthus lacustris, demonstrated unimodal size and age frequency distribution, faster growth, an excess of males and lower parasite burden. Seasonal prey shortage and slow juvenile growth in association with fitness components favoring large body size is a suggested mechanism for inducing cannibalism. Although not the basic cause of bimodality as such, it is concluded that ontogenetic niche shift by cannibalism reinforces discrete age modal divergence resulting in the numerical preponderance of large‐sized individuals in these marginal char populations. Cannibalism is thus considered an important strategy for survival of landlocked Arctic char in the High Arctic. As a conflicting cost to the more efficient use of available energy by larger individuals, the accumulation of cestodan parasites in cannibals, however, will reduce the survival rate of old individuals and accelerate their termination within this modal group.  相似文献   

Growing interest of Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) aquaculture in Europe, and the fact that it can easily hybridize with brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) resulting in fertile progeny, led us to investigate fish from the farmed stocks. Chromosomes of sampled Arctic char were examined using conventional and molecular cytogenetic (FISH) techniques in order to determine possible contamination of genomic elements of brook trout. Investigated fish possessed karyotypes composed of 80–82 chromosomes and up to three chromosome fragments. Using staining methods and FISH approach enabled identification of the brook trout chromosomes in the eight out of twenty‐two examined Arctic char. Specific location of AT‐, GC‐ positive and NOR sites observed on chromosomes as well as chromosome fragments in the karyotypes of several individuals points on past chromosomal rearrangements in fish from examined broodstock. Based on our results, it may be assumed that individuals with the brook trout genomic elements, although phenotypically identified as Arctic chars, were hybrids. Our results highlights that special care should be taken to protect gene pools of brook trout and Arctic char in farms where both species are cultured.  相似文献   

The geographical extent of Arctic char ( Salvelinus alpinus ) mitochondrial DNA introgression into brook char ( Salvelinus fontinalis ) populations found in eastern Québec was determined by analysing a total of 598 fish from 29 lakes. The nuclear genome was analysed by protein electrophoresis, whereas the ND-5,6 portion of the mitochondrial genome was analysed by restriction fragment length polymorphism. This survey revealed that introgressed S. fontinalis populations are restricted to only one river subdrainage of the Portneuf basin, where Arctic char is completely absent. Elsewhere, nonintrogressed pure S. fontinalis populations populate the lakes. These findings suggest that the initial hybridization event between the species is ancient and probably occurred shortly after recolonization of the area. At that time, the species would have been in contact and the chances of reproductive isolation mechanisms breaking down would have been high. We discuss the possibility that a combination of biogeographical conditions coupled with positive selection for mtDNA introgression led to the present-day distribution of introgressed S. fontinalis in northeastern North America.  相似文献   

Summary Groups of Arctic charr,Salvelinus alpinus, which had been acclimated to water with a salinity of 7 g·l–1 and natural temperature and photoperiod, were exposed to water with different salinities and temperatures in June, September and February. At a salinity of 15 g·l–1, plasma osmolality, plasma Na+, Cl, Mg2+ concentrations and the activity of gill Na-K-ATPase were stable, irrespective of temperature and season. In June, the charr were able to regulate blood plasma ionic levels within narrow limits when exposed to a salinity of 34 g·l–1 (sea water) and a temperature of 8°C. The hypo-osmoregulatory capacity was less, but sufficient if the temperature was only 1°C during the seawater exposure. At the start of the experiment, the gill Na-K-ATPase activity was significantly higher in June than corresponding enzyme activities in September and February. Furthermore, an increase in gill Na-K-ATPase activity during the seawater exposure (8°C) was seen in June. Irrespective of ambient temperature and salinity, no fish died during the June experiments. In September and February, exposure to sea water produced marked increases in plasma osmolality and plasma ion concentrations. There were no changes in gill Na-K-ATPase activity. Consequently, the fish became dehydrated and were moribund after a short period of seawater exposure. Highest mortality was recorded when charr were exposed to winter sea conditions (34 g·l–1 and 1°C) in February. The results indicate that an increase in daylength induce a hypo-osmoregulatory capacity in the Arctic charr during summer. In fall and winter, however, reduced daylength are accompanied by poor hypo-osmoregulatory capacity. This leads to high mortality as a result of increased electrolyte levels and dehydration.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine the oxidative stability of Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) semen following dietary supplementation with lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) product, alpha-tocopherol, alpha-tocopherol+blueberry product, or alpha-tocopherol+astaxanthin. Sperm lipid peroxidation was initiated by challenging with ferrous sulphate/ascorbic acid (Fe(++)/Asc) at level of 0.04/0.2 mmol/L. Addition of blueberry, alpha-tocopherol, or both to char diets inhibited semen lipid peroxidation by: (a) decreasing the rate of sperm lipid peroxidation, an effect which was more pronounced with alpha-tocopherol treatments; and (b) increasing the antioxidant potential of seminal plasma, based on the lipid peroxidation process of sperm and an in vitro chicken brain tissue model. Dietary supplementation with astaxanthin and alpha-tocopherol had the same effect as the supplementation with alpha-tocopherol alone on inhibiting the lipid peroxidation process of sperm and chicken brain. Catalase-like activity increased significantly in sperm of fish fed alpha-tocopherol, blueberry, or both. There was a negative correlation (r= -0.397, P < 0.05) between catalase-like activity in sperm cells and the rate of sperm lipid peroxidation. Seminal plasma alpha-tocopherol levels increased significantly in fish supplemented with alpha-tocopherol alone or in combination with blueberry or astaxanthin. There were negative correlations between seminal plasma alpha-tocopherol levels and lipid peroxidation rates of sperm cells (r= -0.625, P < 0.01) and brain tissue (r= -0.606, P < 0.01). In conclusion, dietary supplementation of blueberry product or alpha-tocopherol inhibited lipid peroxidation in Arctic char semen. Further experiments are needed to test the effect of dietary blueberry and antioxidants on Arctic char semen quality during liquid and cryopreserved storage.  相似文献   

Quantitative protein requirements of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus , require diets with protein energy (PE): total energy (TE) ratios of at least 0.35 in order to maintain good rates of growth. The protein requirement is, therefore, similar to that of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri . Protein retention efficiency (PPV) declined as the protein content of the diet was increased, the relationship being described by the equation: It is suggested that charr will maintain good rates of growth if fed on diets used for commercial culture of rainbow trout and special formulations for charr should not be necessary.  相似文献   

Anadromous juvenile Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) were caught in the Sila River (66°21'N, 13°10'E, Nordland County, Norway) by use of a fish trap during their migration towards the sea in May/June. The absence of tags (not captured before) and examination of otoliths from sacrificed fish revealed that none of the experimental charr had previously encountered seawater. During 4 days of exposure to seawater, only minor changes in blood plasma osmolality, and blood plasma concentrations of Na+, Cl- and Mg2+ were detected. An increase in Na+-K+-ATPase activity was measured during the exposure period. These results verified that first-time migrants exhibit hypoosmoregulatory capacity similar to that of smoltified Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Accordingly, the Arctic charr first-time migratory behaviour, including late descent and a possible stay within an estuary, cannot be taken as evidence of a poorly developed seawater tolerance.  相似文献   

From video recordings of spawning events, we quantified protective and cannibalistic behavior of Arctic charr occurring immediately after spawning. The number of fish cannibalizing on stray eggs was examined regarding (a) whether more than one male shed milt during the spawning event, that is, whether sperm competition occurred, (b) whether the sperm competition included few or many males, that is, the intensity of sperm competition, and (c) the density of fish at the spawning site. Response behavior toward egg cannibalism was also examined among females and dominant males in order to determine any parental investment toward protecting the eggs after spawning. Cannibalistic behavior was seen in almost 50% of the spawnings, and the multiple spawning events showed the highest numbers of fish cannibalizing on eggs. Both the number of males releasing milt and the number of fish approaching the spawning site were positively correlated with egg cannibalism. Sperm competition was, however, not a prerequisite for egg cannibalism. Although we also observed partial filial cannibalism, protective behavior of eggs was seen both among dominant males and females, suggesting that charr actually conduct parental care.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a practical protocol for the production of female populations of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). Achieving this required knowledge of the timing of gonadal differentiation. Undifferentiated gonads were observed microscopically to be present by 194 degrees C-days post-hatch and definitive germ cells by 346 degrees C-days post-hatch, where " degrees C-days" denote acquired thermal units calculated as the product of temperature and days. Some of the gonads had developed a lumen by 510 degrees C-days post-hatch, and by 681 degrees C-days post-hatch anatomical divergence into two types of gonads was clear. Two protocols (immersion and feeding) were tested for hormonal sex reversal of genotypic females using the synthetic androgen 17alpha-methyldihydrotestosterone (MDHT). Six-hour MDHT immersions (0.5, 1, 3, 5 and 10 mg/L) were carried out weekly from hatch to first feeding (140 degrees C-days post-hatch), whereas daily feeding treatments (0.5 mg/kg) went from 140 to 600 degrees C-days post-hatch. The sex ratios of all immersion experimental groups were significantly different from the control, with the proportion of presumptive males increasing as MDHT concentration increased. The highest immersion treatment, 10 mg/L, yielded a population of 90% presumptive males and 10% with atypical gonads. However, the most effective treatment, yielding a population of 90% presumptive males and no fish with atypical gonads, was the feeding treatment. Given that female salmonid fishes are homogametic, sex-reversed (masculinized) genotypic females produced in this way can serve as broodstock for the creation of all-female charr populations for aquaculture.  相似文献   

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