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Phosphoglycerate kinase (EC; PGK) exists in two forms in marsupials. PGK1 is an X-linked house-keeping enzyme, and PGK2 is a mainly testis-specific enzyme under autosomal control. We have used PGK1 probes derived from two closely related species of macropodid marsupials (kangaroos and wallabies) to demonstrate the existence of a large family of pseudogenes in the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii). Over 30 fragments are detectable after Taq digestion. We estimate that there are 25–30 copies per genome. Most are autosomally inherited and are apparently not closely linked. Only two restriction fragments that appeared to be sex linked could be detected. Varying degrees of hybridization of fragments to the probes suggest different levels of homology, and hence different ages of origin. The existence of two PGK1 homologous restriction fragments from the X and a large number from the autosomes was also demonstrated by somatic cell hybridization for two other macropodid species, the wallaroo (M. robustus) and the red kangaroo (M. rufus). These results are compared with those from human and mouse, and it is suggested that the propensity of PGK1 to form pseudogenes is an ancient (130 MYR BP) characteristic of mammals. The high level of polymorphism detected in the tammar makes these PGK1 probes potentially useful for measuring genetic variability in this species and other macropodids.  相似文献   

Six new species of Klossiella are described in the kidneys of Australian marsupials: Klossiella rufogrisei in Bennett's Wallaby, Macropus rufogriseus; Klossiella rufi in the Red Kangaroo, Macropus rufus; Klossiella thylogale in the Red-Bellied or Tasmanian Pademelon, Thylogale billardierii; Klossiella beveridgei in the Spectacled Hare-Wallaby, Lagorchestes conspicillatus; Klossiella bettongiae in the Tasmanian Bettong, Bettongia gaimardi; and Klossiella schoinobatis in the petaurid Greater Glider, Petauroides volans. It is concluded that the genus Klossiella has radiated widely among Australian marsupials, and that since it is present in American marsupials, it may have an ancient association with the subclass.  相似文献   

Of all the environmental pressures that all organisms across all kingdoms must face, one of the greatest is the risk of predation. The unpredictability of predation events from the perspective of a single individual is one of the major components of a changing, unstable environment (Gliwicz and Pijanowska, 1989; Lampert, 1987). The panoply of antipredator defenses among terrestrial and aquatic organisms involves a variety of morphological, behavioral, and life-history adaptations that even if they are not life-saving, may enable organisms to complete reproduction before predation occurs. Most of these phenotypic changes are directly induced by cues associated with the biotic agent, in the case of aquatic organisms, the chemical compounds (kairomones) released by a predator into the water. Herein we show that exposure of Daphnia to invertebrate and vertebrate kairomones results in changes in motion, behavior, and life history and at the molecular level involves changes in heat-shock proteins (HSPs) level and the actin and tubulin cytoskeleton. In addition, some of these effects are transgenerational, i.e., they are passed on from the mother to her offspring.  相似文献   

Wind tunnel flight behavior of inexperienced female Campoletis sonorensis (Cameron) (Hymenoptera; Ichneumonidae) in response to its larval host Heliothis virescens (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) feeding on the host plant cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is described. The flight behavioral sequence was determined by quantification of frequencies of observed behaviors and probabilities of first-order behavioral transitions. Comparison of inexperienced C. sonorensis flights to undamaged and damaged cotton indicated that stimuli from undamaged plants alone are adequate to elicit the complete flight behavioral sequence observed in response to H. virescens feeding on cotton.Parasitoid foraging behavior was also analyzed after landing on the stimulus. This behavior appeared to be random in its initial stages, but became sequential after location of evidence of a host. Analysis of foraging on undamaged and 3 treatments of damaged cotton resulted in the determination that parasitoids tend to remain on damaged plants longer than undamaged plants although no significant difference was detected. C. sonorensis spent a greater percentage of their time foraging on host damaged plants than on undamaged plants.
Résumé Les comportements d'évaluation de l'effectif d'hôtes potentiels et de la position des hôtes par C. sonorensis (Hyméno.: Iccheumonidae) ont été quantifiés pour déterminer les séquences significatives des événements comportementaux. La localisation de la colonie potentielle d'hôtes est apparue comme une séquence régulière des événements comportementaux. Une fois que le parasitoïde a localisé une colonie potentielle, on a constaté que la recherche au hasard des hôtes se poursuit jusqu'à ce qu'il ait la démonstration qu'il s'agit d'une plante attaquée. La localisation par le parasitoïde d'un hôte certain a consitué une autre séquence régulière des événements comportementaux terminant la localisation de l'hôte.L'influence de pieds de coton intacts, de pieds abîmés mécaniquement et de pieds occupés par des chenilles du 3ème stade de l'hôte et de plantes dont les chenilles ont été retirées juste avant l'expérience a été déterminée en modifiant la composition du complexe hôte/plante. Des femelles naïves de C. sonorensis ont montré en présence de pieds de coton intacts apparemment toutes les séquences comportementales de vol impliquées dans la localisation d'une colonie potentielle d'hôtes. Une fois que le parasitoïde a atteint la colonie potentielle d'hôtes, la présence de dégâts de l'hôte n'a pas modifié le temps passé sur la plante, mais a modifié le temps consacré à la prospection.

A new monitoring programme on the Lough Neagh catchment has documented a high incidence of river lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis L., predation on Atlantic salmon smolts, Salmo salar L. In total 470 smolts were examined during the 2020 emigration period with 168 fish (36%) exhibiting lamprey scars of which 57 were lightly scarred and 111 were classed as heavily scarred. Lamprey predation was not size selective on Lough Neagh S. salar smolts.  相似文献   

Summary Responses of the predaceous mites Phytoseiulus persimilis, Typhlodromus (=Metaseiulus) occidentalis, and Amblyseius andersoni to spatial variation in egg density of the phytophagous mite, Tetranychus urticae, were studied in the laboratory.The oligophagous predator P. persimilis showed initially a direct density dependent foraging time allocation and variation in foraging time increased with prey density. With changes in prey density due to predation, predator foraging rates (per hour) decreased with time and density dependent foraging gradually became density independence, because P. persimilis continued to respond to initial prey density, instead of the changing prey density and distribution. The consequent spatial pattern of predation by P. persimilis was density independent, although slopes of predation rate-prey density regressions increased with time.Compared with P. persimilis, the narrowly polyphagous predator T. occidentalis responded relatively slowly to the the presence or absence of prey eggs but not to prey density: the mean and variation of foraging time spent in patches with prey did not differ with prey density, but was significantly greater in patches with prey eggs than in patches without eggs. Prey density and distribution changed only slightly due to predation and overall foraging rates remained more or less constant. The consequent spatial pattern of predation by T. occidentalis was inversely density dependent. As with P. persimilis, slopes of predation rate-prey density regressions increased with time (i.e. the inverse density dependence in T. occidentalis became weaker through time).The broadly polyphagous predator A. andersoni showed density independent foraging time allocation with variation independent of prey density. With changes in prey density over time due to prey depletion, overall foraging rates decreased. The consequent spatial pattern of predation by A. andersoni also changed through time; it initially was inversely density dependent, but soon became density independent.Overall, P. persimilis and T. occidentalis spent more time in prey patches than A. andersoni, suggesting that A. andersoni tended to spend more time moving outside patches. The overall predation rates and searching efficiency were higher in P. persimilis than in A. andersoni and T. occidentalis. Predator reproduction was highest in P. persimilis, lower in T. occidentalis and the lowest A. andersoni.The differences in response to prey distribution among the three predaceous species probably reflect the evolution of these species in environments with different patterns of prey distribution. The degree of polyphagy is a major determinant of the aggregative response, but other attributes such as handling time are also important in other aspects of phytoseiid foraging behavior (e.g. searching efficiency or predation rate).  相似文献   

The effects of water restriction on digestive function in the euro (Macropus robustus erubescens) found in the arid zone of inland Australia, the eastern wallaroo (M.r.robustus) from more mesic regions of eastern Australia, and the feral goat (Capra hircus) found throughout the range of M. robustus, were compared in order to examine some physiological adaptations required by herbivores for the exploitation of arid environments. Eight animals of each species were held in individual metabolism cages in temperature-moderated rooms and given a chopped hay diet ad libitum. Half the animals were restricted to 40 ml water·kg-0.80·day-1. This was 40%, 32% and 57% of voluntary drinking water intake in the euro, wallaroo and goat, respectively. All species responded to water restriction by reducing faecal, urinary and evaporative water losses in association with reductions in feed intake. All animals increased urine osmolality and electrolyte concentrations but not to maximal levels, while packed-cell volume and plasma osmolality and electrolyte concentrations were unaffected by water restriction. The euro displayed a suite of characteristics that separated it from the wallaroo in terms of physiological adaptation, including lower voluntary water intake, an increase in fibre digestibility and maintenance of nitrogen balance during water restriction, and lower faecal water efflux associated with a consistently lower faecal water content (54% versus 59% water in the wallaroo during water restriction, P<0.05). The euro's colon was 37% longer (P<0.01) than that of the wallaroo. The goat had the lowest faecal water efflux (P<0.05) and the longest colon (P<0.001). Water restriction did not affect water content in digesta, nor short-chain fatty acid concentrations or production rates in vitro. Total body water, as a proportion of body mass, was depressed (P<0.05) in the macropodids, but not in the goat. The reduction in dietary nitrogen intake, which accompanied water restriction, was partially compensated by an increase in urea degradation in the gut from 68% to 76% of urea synthesis water-restricted macropodids. These responses to water restriction are discussed in relation to those reported in other macropodid and ruminant species.Abbreviations BM body mass - SCFA short-chain fatty acids - DM dry matter - PCV packed-cell volume  相似文献   

新疆棉区主要捕食性天敌对棉铃虫捕食功能反应的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Field insect population survey indicated that the principal natural predation enemies of cotton bollworm (Helicover-pa armigera Hubner ) were EHngonidium graminicola Sundevall, Adonia variegata Goeze, Nabis sinoferus Hsiao. The results from experiments showed that the amount of prey consumed of these principal natural enemies in-creased when the density of prey rised, and decreased when the density of natural enemies increased. The predation function response fitted Holling's predation response equation 11 , and could be fit with the Disk Equation.  相似文献   

Synopsis Many species of shoaling fish are preyed upon by aerial predators. However, to date there has been no analysis of the evasive response of a group of shoaling fish to an aerial threat or attack. The response of a shoal of fish encompasses a suite of behaviors starting with a startle response. Shoals of golden shiner, Notemigonus crysoleucas, responded to the threat of aerial predation from a kingfisher model with a startle response, an increase in shoal depth, an increase in polarity, swimming in the opposite direction under the model predator, shoal compression along the depth axis, and shoal expansion on the plane perpendicular to the depth axis. It was hypothesized that shoal compression along the depth axis serves to increase predator confusion by placing more fish in the predator's visual field. This compression was termed the ‘plane of confusion’.  相似文献   

Predator-induced changes in the glucocorticoid responses of prey have been proposed to mediate indirect predator effects on prey demography. Ambiguities exist, however, as to whether differences in predation threat in the environment at large affect the mean glucocorticoid response in wild birds and mammals, and whether this is likely to affect reproduction. Most studies to date that have examined glucocorticoid responses to environmental variation in predation threat have evaluated just one of the several potential measures of the glucocorticoid response, and this may be the source of many ambiguities. We evaluated multiple measures of the glucocorticoid response [plasma total CORTicosterone, corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG) and free CORT] in male and female song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) sampled at locations differing in predation threat in the environment at large, where we have previously reported reproductive differences suggestive of indirect predator effects. Total CORT varied markedly with predation threat in males but not females whereas the opposite was true for CBG, and both sexes demonstrated the same moderately significant free CORT response. Considering all three indices, a glucocorticoid response to environmental variation in predation threat was evident in both sexes, whereas there were ambiguities considering each index singly. We conclude that collecting multiple physiological measures and conducting multivariate analyses may provide a preferable means of assessing glucocorticoid responses to environmental variation in predation threat, and so help clarify whether such glucocorticoid changes affect reproduction in wild birds and mammals.  相似文献   

Both constitutive and inducible antipredator strategies are ubiquitous in nature and serve to maximize fitness under a predation threat. Inducible strategies may be favored over constitutive defenses depending on their relative cost and benefit and temporal variability in predator presence. In African temporary ponds, annual killifish of the genus Nothobranchius are variably exposed to predators, depending on whether larger fish invade their habitat from nearby rivers during floods. Nonetheless, potential plastic responses to predation risk are poorly known. Here, we studied whether Nothobranchius furzeri individuals adjust their life history in response to a predation threat. For this, we monitored key life history traits in response to cues that signal the presence of predatory pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus). While growth rate, adult body size, age at maturation, and initial fecundity were not affected, peak and total fecundity were higher in the predation risk treatment. This contrasts with known life history strategies of killifish from permanent waters, which tend to reduce reproduction in the presence of predators. Although our results show that N. furzeri individuals are able to detect predators and respond to their presence by modulating their reproductive output, these responses only become evident after a few clutches have been deposited. Overall our findings suggest that, in the presence of a predation risk, it can be beneficial to increase the production of life stages that can persist until the predation risk has faded.  相似文献   

1. In a laboratory batch culture experiment, a diapause response of Daphnia magna to a simulated threat of fish predation was tested at various light intensities, which under natural conditions determine potential vulnerability of Daphnia to visual planktivorous fish. 2. Under moderate light intensity (1.4 μmol m?2 s?1) that allows effective predation by fish, the proportion of females producing dormant eggs was significantly higher than under dim light conditions (0.001 μmol m?2 s?1) that are not favourable for visual detection of prey. Production of dormant eggs was not observed in complete darkness or in treatments missing fish kairomones, irrespective of tested light conditions. 3. The observed phenomenon is interpreted as a flexible response of prey to the conditional risk of predation assessed by Daphnia according to the presence of fish‐derived cues on the one hand and the presence of dark refugia on the other. Irrespective of the presence of fish kairomones, Daphnia may not produce resting eggs as long as a safe, dark, bottom zone is accessible.  相似文献   

Predation directly triggers behavioural decisions designed to increase immediate survival. However, these behavioural modifications can have long term costs. There is therefore a trade-off between antipredator behaviours and other activities. This trade-off is generally considered between vigilance and only one other behaviour, thus neglecting potential compensations. In this study, we considered the effect of an increase in predation risk on the diurnal time-budget of three captive duck species during the wintering period. We artificially increased predation risk by disturbing two groups of 14 mallard and teals at different frequencies, and one group of 14 tufted ducks with a radio-controlled stressor. We recorded foraging, vigilance, preening and sleeping durations the week before, during and after disturbance sessions. Disturbed groups were compared to an undisturbed control group. We showed that in all three species, the increase in predation risk resulted in a decrease in foraging and preening and led to an increase in sleeping. It is worth noting that contrary to common observations, vigilance did not increase. However, ducks are known to be vigilant while sleeping. This complex behavioural adjustment therefore seems to be optimal as it may allow ducks to reduce their predation risk. Our results highlight the fact that it is necessary to encompass the whole individual time-budget when studying behavioural modifications under predation risk. Finally, we propose that studies of behavioural time-budget changes under predation risk should be included in the more general framework of the starvation-predation risk trade-off.  相似文献   

Adaptive color change in flatfish has long been of interest to scientists, yet rarely studied from an ecological perspective. Because color change can take a day or so in some species, movement between sediments with differing color or texture may render fish more conspicuous to predators. We conducted laboratory experiments to test the following hypotheses related to adaptive color change in flatfish: 1) fish which do not cryptically match sediment will be more vulnerable to predation, 2) fish will reduce activity and bury to minimize conspicuousness when on a sediment they mismatch, and 3) fish will choose a sediment they match when given a choice. Experiments were conducted using three co-occurring north Pacific juvenile flatfishes: English sole Parophrys vetulus, northern rock sole Lepidopsetta polyxystra and Pacific halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis. As per expectations, juvenile flatfish were more vulnerable to visual predators when they mismatched sediment. Mismatched fish tended to behave differently than fish which matched the sediment. Rather than burying and becoming inactive, they became more active and less likely to bury, perhaps contributing to their predation vulnerability. This increased activity may have represented search for better matching sediment, a stress response, or conspicuousness-related density dependent behavior. Fish which had acclimated to light colored sediment preferred light over dark sediment in choice trials. In contrast, fish acclimated to dark sediment demonstrated no preference. These experiments demonstrate that adaptive coloration is an integral part of the flatfish detection minimization strategy and that movement between habitats can increase risk of predation.  相似文献   

Summary Seasonal variation in the pattern of torpor and temperature regulation was investigated in the closely related arid zone dasyurid marsupialsSminthopsis crassicaudata (17 g),S. macroura (24 g), andDasyuroides byrnei (120 g). The tendency to enter torpor was greater, torpor commenced earlier, torpor duration was longer, and body temperatures (T b) were lower inSminthopsis spp. than inD. byrnei. The minimum mass-specific rate of oxygen consumption ( ) of torpid animals was similar among the three species despite the differences in minimumT b. The mass-specific oxygen consumption of normothermic animals was reduced during winter when compared with the summer values in all species, but there was no seasonal variation in normothermicT b in any species. The tendency to enter torpor was incrased during winter. TorpidSminthopsis spp. had lower values ofT b and during winter than during summer;D. byrnei did not show seasonal changes in these variables. These results suggest that seasonal changes in the pattern of thermoregulation and torpor in small dasyurids may be more distinct than in larger species.Abbreviations RMR resting metabolic rate - BMR basal metabolic rate  相似文献   

In a large behavioral experiment we reconstructed the evolution of behavioral responses to predators to explore how interactions with predators have shaped the evolution of their prey's behavior. All Enallagma damselfly species reduced both movement and feeding in the presence of coexisting predators. Some Enallagma species inhabit water bodies with both fish and dragonflies, and these species responded to the presence of both predators, whereas other Enallagma species inhabit water bodies that have only large dragonflies as predators, and these species only responded to the presence of dragonflies. Lineages that shifted to live with large dragonflies showed no evolution in behaviors expressed in the presence of dragonflies, but they evolved greater movement in the absence of predators and greater movement and feeding in the presence of fish. These results suggest that Enallagma species have evolutionarily lost the ability to recognize fish as a predator. Because species coexisting with only dragonfly predators have also evolved the ability to escape attacking dragonfly predators by swimming, the decreased predation risk associated with foraging appears to have shifted the balance of the foraging/predation risk trade-off to allow increased activity in the absence of mortality threats to evolve in these lineages. Our results suggest that evolution in response to changes in predation regime may have greater consequences for characters expressed in the absence of mortality threats because of how the balance between the conflicting demands of growth and predation risk are altered.  相似文献   

Intergroup conflict poses a different kind of threat for men and women — a difference that can be expected to have implications for cognitive as well as behavioral processes. Participants were primed with a threat from a rival coalition vs. a control condition. Reaction times were measured on a lexical-decision task in response to ideation consistent with coalitions or with friendship/protective care. When primed for coalitional threat, men showed fast access to positive coalitional ideation (suggesting facilitation). In contrast, women showed exceptionally fast access to positive friendship/protective care ideation. Findings were interpreted as reflecting sexually dimorphic responses to coalitional threat that are consistent with differential advertising of their assets to others.  相似文献   

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