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The past ten years have witnessed major changes in reconstructions of the history of Old World monkeys, most of them driven by new material of the Miocene monkey Victoriapithecus from Maboko Island, Kenya. Before the mid-1980s, predictions about the morphological and ecological adaptations of the earliest cercopithecoids relied heavily on evidence from extant colobine and cercopithecine monkeys. It was argued that the earliest cercopithecoids were largely or at least partly folivorous, had short colobine-like faces, and were arboreal. The only studies suggesting that some of these arguments were not true were based on limited knowledge of the anatomy of Victoriapithecus. The presence of semi-terrestrial adaptations in middle Miocene monkeys hinted to some that early monkeys may not have been arboreal. Others attempted to cope with the discrepancy between neontological predictions and the fossil evidence by proposing that limb bones with stronger terrestrial adaptations within the Maboko sample were derived cercopithecine remains, while those with more arboreal features belonged in the subfamily Colobinae and should be regarded as primitive.  相似文献   

The East African fossil record of cercopithecoids spans nearly 20 m. y. Throughout the Miocene Epoch, the diversity of monkeys was low, although at some localities the numbers of individuals is rather high. During the Plio-Pleistocene in contrast, there was a major radiation, or radiations of monkeys, involving both colobines and corcopithecines. A late Pleistocene to Recent radiation within the genusCercopithecus still seems to be under way. The history of diversity in the monkeys is in many ways a chronological inverted mirror image of the diversity history of the hominoid primates, which were highly diverse during the lower miocene, but became less diverse through time. The east african cercopithecoid record is the only one which spans much of the Neogene, and it is consequently the main one by which detailed cercopithecoid cladogenetic and anagenetic events can be dated. In this respect, it provides constraints for interpreting branching schemes derived from neontological evidence. Most of the neontological estimates for monkey origins appear to be too old, the fossil evidence suggesting that the origin of the superfamily Cercopithecoidea and the origins of the Colobinae, Papionini and Cercopithecini are younger than usually suggested on neontological evidence. The superfamily is probably no older than 25 m. y., the colobines diverged as a distinctive group about 12–14 m. y. ago, the Papionines about 8–10 m. y. ago and the Cercopithecines perhaps as late as 7 m. y. However, since the Miocene fossil record is rather spotty, these fossil-based estimates may be revised downwards with new discoveries. They are unlikely to be revised upwards. The sequence and timing of cladogenetic events deduced from the east african evidence indicates that all the modern subfamilies arose in Africa, and subsequently spread to Europe and Asia. The sequence of fossil events is in close agreement with neontological evidence such as karyology and molecular anthropology. It is only in the calibration of the sequence that there is disagreement between the fossil and neontological evidence. Strangely, the polarity of the differences in opinion are opposite to those concerning the hominoids, in which the neontological evidence has suggested much younger divergence dates than did the fossil evidence as perceived in the 1960's and 1970's.  相似文献   

Africa is home today to only a single breeding species of penguin, Spheniscus demersus (black‐footed penguin), which is endangered with extinction. Spheniscus demersus has been the only breeding species of penguin to share African coastlines with humans over the last 400 000 years. Interestingly, African penguin diversity was substantially higher before the evolution of archaic humans. The fossil record indicates that a diverse assemblage of penguin species inhabited the southern African coasts for much of the Neogene. Previous excavations have identified four distinct species in Early Pliocene coastal marine deposits. Here we extend this pattern of high diversity and report the oldest record of penguins from Africa. Seventeen penguin specimens were identified from the Saldanha Steel locality, revealing the presence of at least four distinct species in South Africa during the Miocene. The largest of these species reached the size of the extant Aptenodytes patagonicus (king penguin), whereas the smallest was approximately the size of the smallest extant penguin Eudyptula minor (little blue penguin). Recovery of Miocene penguin remains is in accordance with earlier predictions of multiple pre‐Pliocene colonizations of Africa and supports a higher level of ecological diversity amongst African penguins in the past. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The proximal half of a hominid femur was recovered from deep within a paleokarst feature at the Berg Aukas mine, northern Namibia. The femur is fully mineralized, but it is not possible to place it in geochrono logical context. It has a very large head, an exceptionally thick diaphyseal cortex, and a very low collodiaphyseal angle, which serve to differentiate it from Holocene homologues. The femur is not attributable to Australopithecus, Paranthropus, or early Homo (i.e., H. habilis sensu lato). Homo erectus femora have a relatively longer and AP flatter neck, and a shaft that exhibits less pilaster than the Berg Aukas specimen. Berg Aukas also differs from early modern femora in several features, including diaphyseal cortical thickness and the degree of subtrochanteric AP flattening. The massive diaphyseal cortex of Berg Aukas finds its closest similarity within archaic H. sapiens (e.g., Castel di Guido) and H. erectus (e.g., KNM-ER 736) samples. It has more cortical bone at midshaft than any other specimen, although relative cortical thickness and the asymmetry of its cross-sectional disposition at this level are comparable with those of other Pleistocene fem ora. The closest morphological comparisons with Berg Aukas are in archaic (i.e., Middle Pleistocene) H. sapiens and Neandertal samples. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The first known fossil ape from the early-middle Miocene of Fejej, Ethiopia, is described here. The specimen, FJ-18SB-68, is a partial ulna from a locality dated by 40Ar/39Ar and paleomagnetic methods to a minimum age of 16.18 MYA. Compared to a variety of extant and fossil ulnae, FJ-18SB-68 is most similar to Turkanapithecus, Proconsul, and Pliopithecus, and appears to have been an arboreal quadruped with substantial forearm rotational mobility. Among the extant ulnae, canonical variates analysis successfully discriminates platyrrhines from catarrhines and within the latter, cercopithecoids from hominoids. Basal catarrhines (e.g., Aegyptopithecus) are platyrrhine-like in their morphology. Two basic trends appear to evolve from this generalized template: one with less mobile and more habitually pronated forearms, as seen in living and fossil cercopithecoids (including Victoriapithecus and Paracolobus), and another with greater forearm rotational mobility in fossil and modern hominoids. Primitive Miocene apes, including Proconsul, Turkanapithecus, and FJ-18SB-68, share with extant hominoids a more laterally positioned and laterally facing radial notch and an incipient trochlear keel. This morphology, along with a large insertion area for m. brachialis, suggests a departure from the more habitually pronated hand posture of monkeys and may indicate greater climbing abilities in these arboreally quadrupedal apes. Later Miocene apes, such as Oreopithecus and Dryopithecus share additional morphological features with hominoids, indicating considerable suspensory and climbing capabilities. Am J Phys Anthropol 105:257–277, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Fossil records of endemic plants play an important role in recognizing the floristic history of East Asia and thereby facilitate the conservation of plant diversity in the region. However, the fossil record of many extant East Asian endemic genera remains poorly documented thus far. Here, we report an infructescence fossil of an East Asian endemic genus, Sladenia (Sladeniaceae), from the early Miocene of southeastern Yunnan, China. The fossil is characterized by: (i) dichasial cymes; and (ii) flask‐shaped ovary with dense subparallel ribs on the surface extending from the base to the distal end of the united style. It represents the first fossil record of Sladenia in Asia, showing that the genus was established in the region at least by the early Miocene. Given that a much older fossil record of Sladeniaceae has been reported from Africa and the sister group of Sladenia is distributed only in Africa, Sladenia is not likely of East Asian origin. The present endemic status of Sladenia was possibly achieved by regional extirpation in Africa and taking refuge in East Asia. This case thus supports the “Museum” rather than “Cradle” hypothesis for the genesis of high plant species in the flora of East Asia. A comparison of the present fossil with extant Sladenia infructescence shows morphological stasis from the early Miocene to present. Such evolutionary tardiness might have resulted in the reduced fitness of the genus, which further caused its current endangered situation.  相似文献   

A well-preserved Macaranga leaf fossil from the middle Miocene Fotan Group of Zhangpu County, Fujian, South-eastern China is examined and described as a new species, Macaranga zhangpuensis Z.X. Wang et B.N. Sun sp. nov. The present fossil species represents the highest latitudinal distribution of a reliable Macaranga fossil in the world, and we present the first Macaranga fossil described with detailed cuticular characteristics from China. Based on the global palaeogeographic distribution of Macaranga, we infer that the genus probably originated during the Oligocene in Africa and spread from Africa to India and then to South Fujian, China, further into the Mariana Islands and finally into the Philippine Islands and Malaysia, leading to its present distribution. In addition, the new leaf material described herein is the first Macaranga fossil record with three leaf tips globally. This finding demonstrates that Macaranga with three leaf tips already existed during the Miocene in Fujian, South China, and it provides new information for understanding climatic changes between the Miocene and the present -day.  相似文献   

Abstract: Limopsis is one of the most speciose and widespread bivalve genera in the Southern Ocean at the present day. However, the fossil record of the genus is poorly known from the southern high latitudes. Here, we review the fossil record in this region to help understand the evolutionary origins of the genus. Limopsis infericola sp. nov. and additional specimens of a previously described species are added to the fossil record of Antarctica. The globally distributed limopsid clade had its earliest occurrences in the Early Cretaceous of Europe and New Zealand, then radiated during the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian, 70.6–65.5 Ma). Fossil evidence shows that the genus underwent a second, Cenozoic, radiation related to the isolation of Antarctica and the onset of cooling in the southern hemisphere. The genus has persisted in Antarctica for the last 50 myr, adapting to extreme changes in the environmental conditions, including surviving the last glacial maximum in marine refugia.  相似文献   

An upper incisor and upper and lower cheek teeth of Rhinocerotidae from the Upper Miocene of Nakali in central Kenya are described. Those specimens are identified as Diceros sp. The present study confirms the presence of Diceros in sub-Saharan East Africa during Vallesian as noted by several studies. The present result and the fossil records of Diceros in Africa and Eurasia suggest that Diceros might have migrated to Eurasia from Africa by Vallesian, although more fossil records and detailed phylogenetic analysis of Diceros are needed to discuss this hypothesis.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the non-dental morphological configuration of Miocene hominoids with special reference to the hypothesis of linear relationships between certain fossil species and living analogues. Metrical analysis of the wrist shows thatDryopithecus africanus andPliopithecus vindobonensis are unequivocally affiliated with the morphological pattern of quadrupedal monkeys. Similar analyses of the fossil hominoid elbow shows that they are more cercopithecoid-like than hominoid-like. Multivariate analysis of theP. vindobonensis shoulder in the matrix of extant Anthropoidea indicate that this putative hylobatine fossil shows no indication of even the initial development of hominoid features. The total morphological pattern of theD. africanus forelimb as assessed by principal coordinates analysis of allometrically adjusted shape variables has little resemblance toPan. Likewise, the feet and proximal femora of the Miocene fossils are unlike any living hominoid species. Even theD. africanus skull is similar to extant cercopithecoids in several features. Although ancestors cannot be expected to resemble descendants in every way, the striking dissimilarity between Miocene and extant hominoids seems to eliminate the consideration of a direct ancestor-descendant relationship between specific Miocene and modern forms.  相似文献   

This paper describes cercopithecid craniodental and postcranial fossils recovered by L. S. B. Leakey at Kanam East, Kenya during the early 1930s. These fossil monkeys have been generally assumed to have been derived from early Pliocene horizons, but their exact geographical and stratigraphical provenience is unknown. Although the question of the evolutionary significance of these specimens must await the recovery of more securely dated material from Kanam East, some general conclusions can be drawn concerning their taxonomic affinities and paleobiology. Based on comparative studies of the craniodental material, at least three extant genera are represented—Colobus,Lophocebus, andCercopithecus. The postcranial fossils include a number of hindlimb specimens, as well as the manubrium of a sternum and a caudal vertebra. Identification of the postcranial remains to particular genera is not possible, but they are similar in morphology to modern arboreal and semiterrestrial cercopithecid monkeys of small to medium size. It is evident that Kanam East had a diverse cercopithecid community, similar to those found today in forested and woodland habitats, and this may be of some significance in reconstructing the paleoecology of the site. Because the fossil record of most extant cercopithecid genera is rather sparse at Plio-Pleistocene sites in Africa, Kanam East represents one of only a few sites that has yielded material that can be assigned toColobus,Lophocebus, orCercopithecus. The fossil monkeys from the site, therefore, provide additional evidence to help reconstruct the paleobiology, as well as the patterns of species diversity and community structure that characterized the cercopithecid radiation during the Plio-Pleistocene.  相似文献   


A new fossil species of the genus Scutus (Scutus mirus n. sp.) is described from five Late Oligocene to Early Miocene (Waitakian to Altonian; 25.2–15.9?Ma) localities in the South Island, New Zealand. It is one of the oldest fossil species of Scutus known and probably inhabited very shallow, sub-tropical waters surrounding Zealandia during this time. The holotype of Scutus petrafixus Finlay, 1930 is re-examined; it is possibly from All Day Bay, Kakanui (Waitakian 25.2–21.7?Ma). The New Zealand species documented herein significantly expand our understanding of the fossil record of this shallow-marine molluscan lineage, and by proxy, also indicate the presence of very shallow coastal marine environments around the late Oligocene and early Miocene in southern Zealandia.  相似文献   

Fossil pollen grains with morphological features unique in the subtribe Nassauviinae (tribe Mutisieae, Asteraceae) occur in Miocene marine deposits of eastern Patagonia, southern South America. A new morphogenus and two morphospecies are proposed to assemble fossil pollen grains characterized by having a complex bilayered exine structure with delicate columellae, separated by an internal tectum. Subprolate specimens with Trixis exine type (ectosexine thinner than endosexine, straight internal tectum) are referred to Huanilipollis cabrerae. This species is similar to pollen of recent Holocheilus, Jungia, and Proustia. Suboblate specimens with Oxyphyllum exine type (ectosexine and endosexine equally thick, zigzag internal tectum) are referred to Huanilipollis criscii. This species is similar to pollen of recent Triptilion. The spore/pollen sequences in which Nassauviinae pollen types occur suggest a wide range of vegetation types varying from forest dominated during the Early Miocene (Chenque Formation) to virtually xerophytic ones during the Late Miocene (Puerto Madryn Formation). The subtribe Nassauviinae comprises 25 genera and ca. 320 species of vines, shrubs and low trees endemic to America with a wide range of ecological preferences; the nearest living relatives of the fossil types being mostly confined to humid landscapes. The unusual occurrence of these groups during the arid characterized Late Miocene time could be attributed to the complex interplay of the mountain uplift and global circulation patterns. These forcing factors would have created a mosaic of different habitats with both patches of forest and dry-adapted species developing in relatively small regions. This is the first fossil record of Nassauviinae and confirms that this subtribe of Asteraceae was already differentiated in the Miocene.  相似文献   

The earliest record of fossil apes outside Africa is in the latest early Miocene of Turkey and eastern Europe. There were at least 2, and perhaps 4, species of ape, which were found associated with subtropical mixed environments of forest and more open woodland. Postcranial morphology is similar to that of early Miocene primates and indicates mainly generalized arboreal quadrupedal behaviours similar to those of less specialized New World monkeys such as Cebus. Robust jaws and thick enamelled teeth indicate a hard fruit diet. The 2 best known species of fossil ape are known from the site of Pa?alar in Turkey. They have almost identical molar and jaw morphology. Molar morphology is also similar to that of specimens from Germany and Slovakia, but there are significant differences in the anterior teeth of the 2 Pa?alar species. The more common species, Griphopithecus alpani, shares mainly primitive characters with early and middle Miocene apes in Africa, and it is most similar phenetically to Equatorius africanus from Maboko Island and Kipsaramon. The second species is assigned to a new species of Kenyapithecus, an African genus from Fort Ternan in Kenya, on the basis of a number of shared derived characters of the anterior dentition, and it is considered likely that there is a phylogenetic link between them. The African sites all date from the middle Miocene, similar in age to the Turkish and European ones, and the earliest emigration of apes from Africa coincides with the closure of the Tethys Sea preceding the Langhian transgression. Environments indicated for the African sites are mixtures of seasonal woodlands with some forest vegetation. The postcrania of both African taxa again indicate generalized arboreal adaptation but lacking specialized arboreal function. This middle Miocene radiation of both African and non-African apes was preceded by a radiation of arboreal catarrhine primates in the early Miocene, among which were the earliest apes. The earliest Miocene apes in the genus Proconsul and Rangwapithecus were arboreal, and because of their association with the fruits of evergreen rain forest plants at Mfwangano Island, it would appear that they were forest adapted, i.e. were living in multi-storied evergreen forest. The same or similar species of the same genera from Rusinga Island, together with other genera such as Nyanzapithecus and the small ape Limnopithecus, were associated with plants and animals indicating seasonal woodland environments, probably with gallery forest forming corridors alongside rivers. While the stem ancestors of the Hominoidea were almost certainly forest adapted, the evidence of environments associated with apes in the later part of the early Miocene and the middle Miocene of East Africa indicates more seasonal woodlands, similar to those reconstructed for the middle Miocene of Pa?alar in Turkey. This environmental shift was probably a requisite for the successful emigration of apes out of Africa and made possible later movement between the continents for much of the middle Miocene, including possible re-entry of at least one ape lineage back into Africa.  相似文献   

K. C. Johnson 《Ostrich》2013,84(2):95-97
Rich, P. V. &; Walker, C. A. 1983. A new genus of Miocene flamingo from East Africa. Ostrich 54:95-104.

Study of fossil flamingo (Phoenicopteridae) remains from the Miocene of East Africa suggests that a new genus, Leakeyornis, should be recognized to include Phoenicopterus aethiopicus Harrison &; Walker 1976. Osteologically this new genus is a mosaic between the three genera of living flamingoes, clearly distinct from all fossil forms, and possibly most closely related to Phoeniconaias, the Lesser Flamingo of East Africa.  相似文献   

Abstract: A new species of penicillid watering pot shell, Kendrickiana coquinacola sp. nov., is described from the middle Miocene (Balcombian) Bryant Creek Formation of the Murray Basin, South Australia. The new species differs from the extant K. veitchi in its smaller size, much shorter posterior tube, fewer tubules in the anterior watering pot structure, absence of the pedal slit, discontinuous dorsolateral bands of pitted muscle scars on the internal surface of the anterior bulb and habit of cementing itself to the shells in its surrounding environment. The fossil record of Kendrickiana is reviewed. The record from the Dry Creek Sands is discounted, while a record for the extant K. veitchi from the earliest Pleistocene of York Peninsula is added. K. coquinacola indicates the highly derived anatomy of the genus evolved over a 10‐Ma period from the late Oligocene through the early Miocene.  相似文献   

Lactoridaceae are a monotypic family confined to Masatierra Island, Juan Fernández Archipelago, in the Pacific Ocean. It grows in the understorey of a subtropical montane rain forest. Lactoridaceae most probably originated in southern South Africa in the Cretaceous, with the oldest records in the Turonian–Campanian, and reached its widest palaeogeographical distribution by the Maastrichtian, extending into Australia, India, Antarctica, and North and South America. In this paper, we report a new fossil find of lactoridaceous tetrads from the early Miocene of eastern Patagonia, southern South America. This record is the youngest and geographically one of the closest to the extant Lactoris distribution area. Patagonian fossil material shows greater similarities to extant L. fernandeziana Phil. than to any other described morphotaxon. The family may have migrated into South America, either via Africa (through the Atlantic Ocean) or Antarctica, by the Maastrichtian, growing in eastern Patagonia up to the early Miocene. Arid conditions established in this region by the middle–late Miocene onwards would have determined the restriction of forests to the western lands. Lactoridaceae may have followed a similar migration pattern towards the Pacific coast of South America. The shifting of Lactoridaceae towards Masatierra Island would have occurred in the last 4 Myr by long‐distance dispersal events (perhaps by birds). © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 41–50.  相似文献   

Andrej ?erňansky 《Biologia》2010,65(4):737-741
The earliest world record of the green lizards, Lacerta viridis group, is described from the lower Miocene of Central Europe. The fossils come from greenish, calcareous marls and limnic clayey silts of the Ottnangian zone MN 4 of the Dolnice locality near Cheb in the Czech Republic. Sediments are interpreted as marginal, riparian facies. The material consists of isolated frontal bones of two different ontogenetic stages and one isolated fragment of parietal. Their morphology is identical to that of the extant members of the L. viridis group. However, the fossil material is much older than the previously described specimens of green lizards. Therefore, this finding extends our knowledge about the evolution and stratigraphic range of the group and about composition of the early Miocene herpetofauna in central Europe.  相似文献   

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