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The interface between protein receptor-ligand complexes has been studied with respect to their binary interatomic interactions. Crystal structure data have been used to catalogue surfaces buried by atoms from each member of a bound complex and determine a statistical preference for pairs of amino-acid atoms. A simple free energy model of the receptor-ligand system is constructed from these atom-atom preferences and used to assess the energetic importance of interfacial interactions. The free energy approximation of binding strength in this model has a reliability of about +/- 1.5 kcal/mol, despite limited knowledge of the unbound states. The main utility of such a scheme lies in the identification of important stabilizing atomic interactions across the receptor-ligand interface. Thus, apart from an overall hydrophobic attraction (Young L, Jernigan RL, Covell DG, 1994, Protein Sci 3:717-729), a rich variety of specific interactions is observed. An analysis of 10 HIV-1 protease inhibitor complexes is presented that reveals a common binding motif comprised of energetically important contacts with a rather limited set of atoms. Design improvements to existing HIV-1 protease inhibitors are explored based on a detailed analysis of this binding motif.  相似文献   

We have developed a simple approach for the evaluation of the free energies of inhibitor binding to the protease of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1 PR). Our algorithm is based on the observation that most groups that line the binding pockets of this enzyme are hydrophobic in nature. Based on this fact, we have likened the binding of an inhibitor to this enzyme to its transfer from water to a medium of lower polarity. The resulting expression produced values for the free energy of binding of inhibitors to the HIV-1 PR that are in good agreement with experimental values. The additive nature of this approach has enabled us to partition the free energy of binding into the contributions of single fragments. The resulting analysis clearly indicates the existence of a ranking in the participation of the enzyme's subsites in binding. Although all the enzyme's pockets contribute to binding, the ones that bind the P2-P'2 span of the inhibitor are in general the most critical for high inhibitor potency. Moreover, our method has allowed us to determine the nature of the functional groups that fit into given enzyme binding pockets. Perusal of the energy contributions of single side chains has shown that a large number of hydrophobic and aromatic groups located in the central portion of the HIV-1 PR inhibitors present optimal binding. All of these observations are in agreement with experimental evidence, providing a validation for the physical relevancy of our model.  相似文献   

A reliable reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed for the determination of LB71350 in the plasma of dogs. The analyte was deproteinized with 1.5 volumes of methanol and 0.5 volumes of 10% zinc sulfate, and the supernatant was injected into a 5-μm Capcell Pak C18 column (150×4.6 mm I.D.). The mobile phase was a stepwise gradient mixture of acetonitrile and 0.2% triethylamine–HCl with a flow-rate of 1 ml/min and detection at UV 245 nm. The proportion of acetonitrile was kept at 52% for the first 6 min, increased to 100% for the next 0.5 min, kept at 100% for the next 2 min, decreased to 52% for the next 0.5 min, and finally kept at 52% for the next 7 min. The retention time of LB71350 was 6.9 min. The calibration was linear over the concentration range of 0.1–100 mg/l for dog plasma (r>0.997) and the limit of quantitation was 0.1 mg/l using 0.1 ml plasma. The quality control samples were reproducible with acceptable accuracy and precision at 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 mg/l concentrations. The within-day recovery (n=5) was 90.2–93.9%, the between-day recovery (n=5) was 89.5–93.5%, and the absolute between-day recovery (n=5) was 77–81%. The within-day precision (n=5) and between-day precision (n=5) were 2.59–5.82% and 3.17–4.55%, respectively. No interferences from endogenous substances were observed. Taken together, the above HPLC assay method by deproteinization and UV detection was suitable for the determination of LB71350 in the preclinical pharmacokinetics.  相似文献   

The aspartyl dyad of free HIV-1 protease has apparent pK(a)s of approximately 3 and approximately 6, but recent NMR studies indicate that the aspartyl dyad is fixed in the doubly protonated form over a wide pH range when cyclic urea inhibitors are bound, and in the monoprotonated form when the inhibitor KNI-272 is bound. We present computations and measurements related to these changes in protonation and to the thermodynamic linkage between protonation and inhibition. The Poisson-Boltzmann model of electrostatics is used to compute the apparent pK(a)s of the aspartyl dyad in the free enzyme and in complexes with four different inhibitors. The calculations are done with two parameter sets. One assigns epsilon = 4 to the solute interior and uses a detailed model of ionization; the other uses epsilon = 20 for the solute interior and a simplified representation of ionization. For the free enzyme, both parameter sets agree well with previously measured apparent pK(a)s of approximately 3 and approximately 6. However, the calculations with an internal dielectric constant of 4 reproduce the large pKa shifts upon binding of inhibitors, but the calculations with an internal dielectric constant of 20 do not. This observation has implications for the accurate calculation of pK(a)s in complex protein environments. Because binding of a cyclic urea inhibitor shifts the pK(a)s of the aspartyl dyad, changing the pH is expected to change its apparent binding affinity. However, we find experimentally that the affinity is independent of pH from 5.5 to 7.0. Possible explanations for this discrepancy are discussed.  相似文献   

艾滋病病毒在世界范围内的传播,严重地威胁到人们的身心健康.HIV-1蛋白酶的残基变异严重地削弱了药物的治疗效果.为了研究残基变异D30N、I54M和V82A对蛋白酶结合抑制剂GRL-0519的影响,本研究进行了4个30 ns的分子动力学(MD)模拟,并采用溶解相互自由能(SIE)方法计算了蛋白酶和抑制剂的结合能.计算结果表明,极性相互作用不利于变异的蛋白酶结合抑制剂,而对于野生型的蛋白酶(WT),极性相互作用有微弱的贡献,极性相互作用是残基变异抗药性的主要原因,计算得到的总结合能与实验的数据一致.为了说明每个残基在抗药性中的贡献,采用分子力场的方法计算了每一个残基与小分子作用的范德华作用能,并分析了抑制剂与蛋白酶形成的氢键.范德华作用分析表明,V82A残基变异对结合模式的影响较小,相对于WT,D30N有5个残基的范德华贡献差异大于0.4 kcal/mol,I54M残基变异的蛋白酶有6个残基.氢键的分析说明,D30N和I54M变异丢失了几个氢键;范德华作用和氢键的分析结果与SIE的计算结果一致.研究结果为设计新的更有效的抗HIV-1蛋白酶变异的抑制剂提供了理论指导.  相似文献   

The structure of a complex between a hexapeptide-based inhibitor, MVT-101, and the chemically synthesized (Aba 67,95,167,195; Aba: l-α-amino-n-butyric acid) protease from the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1), reported previously at 2.3 Å has now been refined to a crystallographic R factor of 15.4% at 2.0 Å resolution. Root mean square deviations from ideality are 0.18 Å for bond lengths and 2.4° for the angles. The inhibitor can be fitted to the difference electron density map in two alternative orientations. Drastic differences are observed for positions and interactions at P3/S3 and P3′/S3′ subsites of the two orientations due to different crystallographic environments. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


The neutral theory of evolution is extended to the origin of protein molecules. Arguments are presented which suggest that the amino acid sequences of many globular proteins mainly represent “memorized” random sequences while biological evolution reduces to the “editing” these random sequences. Physical requirements for a functional globular protein are formulated and it is shown that many of these requirements do not involve strategical selection of amino acid sequences during biological evolution but are inherent also for typical random sequences. In particular, it is shown that random sequences of polar and unpolar amino acid residues can form α-helices and β-strands with lengths and arrangement along the chain similar to those in real globular proteins. These α- and β-regions in random sequences can form three-dimensional folding patterns also similar to those in real proteins. The arguments are presented suggesting that even the tight packing of side groups inside protein core do not require very strong biological selection of amino acid sequences either. Thus many structural features of real proteins can exist also in random sequences and the biological selection is needed mainly for the creation of active sites of proteins and for their stability under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Mesotrypsin displays unusual resistance to inhibition by polypeptide trypsin inhibitors and cleaves some such inhibitors as substrates, despite a high degree of conservation with other mammalian trypsins. Substitution of Arg for the generally conserved Gly-193 has been implicated as a critical determinant of the unusual behavior of mesotrypsin toward protein protease inhibitors. Another relatively conserved residue near the trypsin active site, Tyr-39, is substituted by Ser-39 in mesotrypsin. Tyr-39, but not Ser-39, forms a hydrogen bond with the main chain amide nitrogen of the P4′ residue of a bound protease inhibitor. To investigate the role of the Tyr-39 H-bond in trypsin-inhibitor interactions, we reciprocally mutated position 39 in mesotrypsin and human cationic trypsin to Tyr-39 and Ser-39, respectively. We assessed inhibition constants and cleavage rates of canonical protease inhibitors bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) and the amyloid precursor protein Kunitz protease inhibitor domain by mesotrypsin and cationic trypsin variants, finding that the presence of Ser-39 relative to Tyr-39 results in a 4- to 13-fold poorer binding affinity and a 2- to 18-fold increase in cleavage rate. We also report the crystal structure of the mesotrypsin-S39Y•BPTI complex, in which we observe an H-bond between Tyr-39 OH and BPTI Ile-19 N. Our results indicate that the presence of Ser-39 in mesotrypsin, and corresponding absence of a single H-bond to the inhibitor backbone, makes a small but significant functional contribution to the resistance of mesotrypsin to inhibition and the ability of mesotrypsin to proteolyze inhibitors.  相似文献   

结合分子相似性、药效团和分子对接建立兼顾计算效率和预测准确度的HIV-1蛋白酶抑制剂筛选方法。首先通过对现有HIV-1蛋白酶抑制剂分子进行相似性分析,选取代表性的HIV-1蛋白酶抑制剂作为模板分子,构建和优化药效团模型,并从1万个化合物中优先筛选出500个化合物。而后采用分子对接方法进一步考察化合物与HIV-1蛋白酶结合情况,得到4个新的活性候选化合物,并进行其结合自由能计算和抗突变性分析。结果表明新候选化合物ST025723和HIV-1蛋白酶表现出较好的相互作用和抗突变性,具有深入研究的价值,同时也证明分子相似性、药效团和分子对接相结合能够快速有效地发现新颖活性候选化合物。  相似文献   

No drug has been targeted specifically for HIV-2 (human immunodeficiency virus type 2) infection despite its increasing prevalence worldwide. The antiviral HIV-1 (human immunodeficiency virus type 1) protease (PR) inhibitor darunavir and the chemically related GRL98065 and GRL06579A were designed with the same chemical scaffold and different substituents at P2 and P2′ to optimize polar interactions for HIV-1 PR (PR1). These inhibitors are also effective antiviral agents for HIV-2-infected cells. Therefore, crystal structures of HIV-2 PR (PR2) complexes with the three inhibitors have been solved at 1.2-Å resolution to analyze the molecular basis for their antiviral potency. Unusually, the crystals were grown in imidazole and zinc acetate buffer, which formed interactions with the PR2 and the inhibitors. Overall, the structures were very similar to the corresponding inhibitor complexes of PR1 with an RMSD of 1.1 Å on main-chain atoms. Most hydrogen-bond and weaker C-H…O interactions with inhibitors were conserved in the PR2 and PR1 complexes, except for small changes in interactions with water or disordered side chains. Small differences were observed in the hydrophobic contacts for the darunavir complexes, in agreement with relative inhibition of the two PRs. These near-atomic-resolution crystal structures verify the inhibitor potency for PR1 and PR2 and will provide the basis for the development of antiviral inhibitors targeting PR2.  相似文献   

As part of our efforts to identify potent HIV-1 protease inhibitors that are active against resistant viral strains, structural modification of the azacyclic urea (I) was undertaken by incorporating acyl groups as P1′ ligands. The extensive SAR study has yielded a series of N-acyl azacyclic ureas (II), which are highly potent against both wild-type and multiple PI-resistant viral strains.  相似文献   

HIV-1 protease (PR) has been a significant target for design of potent inhibitors curing acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Molecular dynamics simulations coupled with molecular mechanics Poisson–Boltzmann surface area method were performed to study interaction modes of four inhibitors MKP56, MKP73, MKP86, and MKP97 with PR. The results suggest that the main force controlling interactions of inhibitors with PR should be contributed by van der Waals interactions between inhibitors and PR. The cross-correlation analyses based on MD trajectories show that inhibitor binding produces significant effect on the flap dynamics of PR. Hydrogen bond analyses indicate that inhibitors can form stable hydrogen bonding interactions with the residues from the catalytic strands of PR. The contributions of separate residues to inhibitor bindings are evaluated by using residue-based free energy decomposition method and the results demonstrate that the CH–π and CH–CH interactions between the hydrophobic groups of inhibitors with residues drive the associations of inhibitors with PR. We expect that this study can provide a significant theoretical aid for design of potent inhibitors targeting PR.  相似文献   

It is known that Aspergillus fumigatus secretes a serine protease ALP1 of the subtilisin family in the presence of extracellular protein substrates. We found conditions of A. fumigatus culturing that provide a high ALP1 activity inside cells without induction by extracellular proteins. The identity of the properties of the secreted and intracellular enzymes was shown. A thermostable protein inhibitor of the ALP1 protease was isolated from the plasmodium of myxomycete Physarum polycephalum. Its molecular mass is 32–33 kDa. It inhibits the ALP1 protease activity with IC50 of 0.14 μM and was also shown to be a less efficient inhibitor of the activity of HIV-1 protease (IC50 2.5 μM).__________Translated from Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2005, pp. 259–268.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Davies, Kalinina, Samokhvalova, Malakhova, Scott, Venning, Volynskaya, Nesmeyanov.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated by linear regression model the SAR data of the 15 HIV-1 protease inhibitors possessing structurally diverse scaffolds. First, a regression model was developed only using the enzyme-inhibitor interaction energy as a term of the model, but did not provide a good correlation with the inhibitory activity (R2 = 0.580 and Q2 = 0.500). Then, we focused on the conformational flexibility of the inhibitors which may represent the diversity of the inhibitors, and added two conformational parameters into the model, respectively: the number of rotatable bonds of ligands (ΔSrot) and the distortion energy of ligands (ΔElig). The regression model by adding ΔElig successfully improved the quality of the model (R2 = 0.771 and Q2 = 0.713) while the model with ΔSrot was unsuccessful. The prediction for a training inhibitor by the ΔElig model also showed good agreement with experimental activity. These results suggest that the conformational flexibility of HIV-1 protease inhibitors directly contributes to the enzyme inhibition.  相似文献   

TMC114 (darunavir) is a promising clinical inhibitor of HIV-1 protease (PR) for treatment of drug resistant HIV/AIDS. We report the ultra-high 0.84 A resolution crystal structure of the TMC114 complex with PR containing the drug-resistant mutation V32I (PR(V32I)), and the 1.22 A resolution structure of a complex with PR(M46L). These structures show TMC114 bound at two distinct sites, one in the active-site cavity and the second on the surface of one of the flexible flaps in the PR dimer. Remarkably, TMC114 binds at these two sites simultaneously in two diastereomers related by inversion of the sulfonamide nitrogen. Moreover, the flap site is shaped to accommodate the diastereomer with the S-enantiomeric nitrogen rather than the one with the R-enantiomeric nitrogen. The existence of the second binding site and two diastereomers suggest a mechanism for the high effectiveness of TMC114 on drug-resistant HIV and the potential design of new inhibitors.  相似文献   

Rev has been shown to promote the export of HIV-1 RNAs fromXenopus oocyte nuclei, but a system to examine the direct effect of Rev on HIV-1 RNA export in mammalian somatic cells does not exist. In this report, the development of a cell-free RNA export system using COS cells is described. This system is capable of examining the movement of RNA from nuclei of COS cells transfected with an HIV-1 proviral construct into reconstituted cytosol from nontransfected cells. A reproducible preparation of nuclei free of residual cytoplasmic RNA is demonstrated. Export of RNA from these nuclei into reconstituted cell-free extracts was saturable and dependent on temperature and energy. Further validation of the system was obtained by confirming that the nuclear export of HIV-1-unspliced and partially spliced RNAs was dependent upon the expression of HIV-1 Rev and that the presence of Rev appeared to decrease the export of an HIV-1-spliced RNA. The system was also able to demonstrate that Rev did not appear to significantly enhance the export of an HIV-1 protease-containing RNA that has been shown to be dependent upon Rev for maximal expression. Consequently, the system appears useful for the examination of parameters of nuclear export of HIV-1 and cellular RNAs.  相似文献   


The HIV-2 protease (PR2) is an important target for designing new drugs against the HIV-2 infection. In this study, we explored the structural backbone variability of all available PR2 structures complexed with various inhibitors using a structural alphabet approach. 77% of PR2 positions are structurally variable, meaning they exhibit different local conformations in PR2 structures. This variability was observed all along the structure, particularly in the elbow and flap regions. A part of these backbone changes observed between the 18 PR2 is induced by intrinsic flexibility, and ligand binding putatively induces others occurring in the binding pocket. These latter changes could be important for PR2 adaptation to diverse ligands and are accompanied by changes outside the binding pocket. In addition, the study of the link between structural variability of the pocket and PR2–ligand interactions allowed us to localize pocket regions important for ligand binding and catalytic function, regions important for ligand recognition that adjust their backbone in response to ligand binding and regions important for the pocket opening and closing that have large intrinsic flexibility. Finally, we suggested that differences in ligand effectiveness for PR2 could be partially explained by different backbone deformations induced by these ligands. To conclude, this study is the first characterization of the PR2 structural variability considering ligand diversity. It provides information about the recognition of PR2 to various ligands and its mechanisms to adapt its local conformation to bound ligands that could help understand the resistance of PR2 to its inhibitors, a major antiretroviral class.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

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